Israel is ready to implement its final solution for Palestinians?


FOTCM Member
There was a wave of three terror attacks/stabbings in Israel today. It seems like maybe Netanyahu decided not to push the Syria topic with Putin for now, but to concentrate on Palestinians instead. To use the opportunity when the eyes of the world are diverted elsewhere, and to instigate another intifada and then initiate another murderous military campaign.

And this time it will be probably even more bloody. Apparently, now Israelis are advised to carry weapons and use them whenever they feel threatened.

Also, saw this today, posted by one of my Israeli "friends":

Palestinian hate KILLS / La haine palestinienne TUE !
- TAKE 2

In the past weeks, Israelis suffer from hundreds of terror attacks: stab attacks, firebombs, rock-throwing - all as the outcome of ongoing Palestinian incitement on social media and TV. Imagine if this was you. Imagine if this was happening somewhere else. IMAGINE.


Apparently, Israel's Foreign Affairs Ministry has its own scare video too:
I guess they like to forget that they invaded and occupied the Palestinian's land.
Keit said:
And this time it will be probably even more bloody. Apparently, now Israelis are advised to carry weapons and use them whenever they feel threatened.

Crazy. So now there's a wave of trigger-happy police officers, IDF and armed Israeli civilians...
Pure insanity. Those videos are what Israel is doing to Palestinians. I notice they don't include the Israeli bombings, white phosphorous, torture, etc, to 'defend' themselves from the killer rocks. They have truly changed history for themselves.

The escalation of Israeli violence is not a good sign for the Palestinians. :shock:
If that little girl in the first video was Palestinian, she wouldn't be living any kind of life like that.

A Day in the Life of a Palestinian Girl
Oxajil said:
Keit said:
And this time it will be probably even more bloody. Apparently, now Israelis are advised to carry weapons and use them whenever they feel threatened.

Crazy. So now there's a wave of trigger-happy police officers, IDF and armed Israeli civilians...

A la classic western movies, ... the other day was seeing a documentary on TV about how US western "anglo" people "took" from the mexican americans their lands, they freedom, their liberties, and it sounded so a la israel ...

Found a book that talks about it: Crucible of History, A story of Mexican Americans from Colonial Times to the Prersent Era, by Zaragosa Vargas
_ said:
Two-thirds of the Mexican opulation of the United States resided in Texas. The
cattle drives and the arrival f the railroads in the pst-Civil War era were features
of the rapjld change un lding in the Lone Star St te. The massive transfer in
land titles from Tejanos to anglo- Texans was accomplished through fraud and
violence. Frequent acts of violence, particularly the surge in lynching, were
fairly common in Texas during the 1860s and 1870s. One cause of the disorder
was Reconstruction. To preserve their privileged sense of superiority, Texas
Democrats who regained power called for the disfrachisement of Mexicans to
deprive them of their rights and to continue their exploitation. Governor Richard
Coke proposed resolving th border issue by the wanton killing of Mexicans and
mandated state violence tha included use of the Texan Rangers to carry it out.

The ongoing strife betw en Tejanos and Anglo- Texans extended from central
Texas down to the border an arose over land, water rights, and cattle ownership.
Cattle rustling 'lVas especiall rampant in Texas; observers estimated that one hundred
thousand head of cattle were stolen each year. So great was cattle theft along
the Texas border that American officials believed it ould lead to open warfare
between the United States and Mexico. Within the context of the racialized Mexican
as inherently predispose to thievery, Tejanos bore the brunt of the vendettas
and consequently came under constant attack. Considering Tejanos as creatures
somehow less than human ane it easy for Anglo- Texans to perpetrate a slaughter
of this population.

Any similarities are not coincidences, they are just following the manual!! :(
Menrva said:
Pure insanity. Those videos are what Israel is doing to Palestinians. I notice they don't include the Israeli bombings, white phosphorous, torture, etc, to 'defend' themselves from the killer rocks. They have truly changed history for themselves.

The escalation of Israeli violence is not a good sign for the Palestinians. :shock:

They also didn't include anything about how the Israeli children are raised. Remember those cute Israeli girls writing 'love' messages on missiles aimed at Hizbollah? Or the videos about children taken to 'anti-terrorist' camps as a 'fun' day out, where they could hold machine guns and were brainwashed into killing Arabs? And what about those Israelis during the last offensive on Gaza who went out for a picnic on a hill with their families and neighbours to watch the Palestinians being bombed while they relaxed and cheered on their couches having a drink? And aren't the videos above part of exactly that mentality?

One can only imagine the sort of karma that country is creating for itself. Scary.
[quote author=Keit]Israel is ready to implement its final solution for Palestinians?[/quote]

They may feel the need to do so while their big brother (US) and influence are still able to protect them.

Reintroducing the ‘gold standard’ would be checkmate for the Empire.

And in this new world, Israel, just like the US may find itself totally isolated and find out that its psychopathic actions would no longer be tolerated. Putin’s new world order is established on a new set of economic rules based of mutual interest and respect of sovereignty. (Look at how the EuroAsia Union + Brick operates)

More importantly, Israel is a nation build on intimidation and blackmail. In the upcoming new world there would be no reason to uplift the lies of the old. I can imagine many have a score to settle and that includes certain major European countries.

I know that psychopaths can only see what they want to see and by that cannot correctly anticipate Russia’s actions. But like the C’s once said. They feel their impending doom quite well and they may act on this feeling.
After watching these 2 videos my first thought was similar to Menrva's, with these brainwashing videos, they play the victim card thus blaming the real victims( the Palestinian people) it's so distorted that it's almost unbelievable, i hope that the situation will change to the better in the Middle East thanks to the Russians influence there, but, taking in consideration the crazy lunatics who are ruling Israel, this scenario seems less probable, who knows what they can pull out next from their dirty tricks bag?
The first video, the one of the little girl, is a completely insult to Palestinians, it is a video of a so big cynicism and a so big lie that I have the sensation that some people are not living this reality at all and wanted to make other people live in their reality that is completely out of touch and a big lie. They have to push the hate to justify not only what they are doing till now but maybe what they will do in the future and as we are seeing the facts coming from Palestina, what is coming will be very hard for Palestina. Yesterday Bibi was talking to the Jewish Parliament and his words were hard, menacing.


Israel Weighs Using Greater Force Amid Wave of Violence
Prime Minister urges Palestinian leader to not incite attacks

Israeli leaders said they would move aggressively to combat a wave of violence after the country was left shaken by Palestinian attacks that killed three people Tuesday.

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu convened an emergency meeting of his security cabinet to discuss measures such as an increased military presence in Arab neighborhoods, additional police on public transport and threats of revocation of residency for Arabs in East Jerusalem.

Adjourning the meeting briefly to address the Israeli parliament, Mr. Netanyahu called on Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas to “stop lying and inciting” hatred among Palestinian youth against Israelis.

“Don’t turn murderers into heroes,” Mr. Netanyahu said. “We will not hesitate to use all means at our disposal to restore peace to the cities of Israel.”

The outcome of the security meeting wasn’t clear late Tuesday. Some local news organizations in Israel reported that more police and soldiers would be deployed to protect public transport and surround areas of East Jerusalem.

The proposed security moves came after a chilling morning in Israel as people were attacked by knife-wielding Palestinians and three Israelis were killed—one of the bloodiest days in weeks of violence.

Two Israelis died after two Palestinian men boarded a bus in the East Jerusalem neighborhood of Armon Hanatziv and began shooting and stabbing passengers, Israeli police said. One of the attackers was killed.

Another Israeli was killed when a man rammed his car into a bus stop in north-central Jerusalem and began attacking bystanders with a knife, police said. Besides the Jerusalem attacks, a 22-year-old Palestinian from Jerusalem stabbed an Israeli man at a bus stop in the city of Raanana in central Israel before being wrestled to the ground by civilians, said Israel authorities.

The Israeli was moderately wounded, and the attacker was taken into custody and hospitalized after he was beaten by residents.

Less than an hour later, a Palestinian youth stabbed and wounded four Israelis near a cafe in Raanana. A motorist stopped the assailant by hitting him with his car.

U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry condemned the killings on Tuesday. He has made separate telephone calls in recent days to Mr. Netanyahu and Palestinian Authority President Abbas, urging both leaders do all they could to stop the assaults.

The four episodes on Tuesday, the latest in a series of stabbing and shooting attacks by Palestinians against Israelis, have highlighted the security challenges confronting Mr. Netanyahu and his government.

The attacks appear uncoordinated, but some Israelis say Palestinian leaders are talking two different games to stoke the tension, encouraging young Palestinians via sermons and social media to carry out the assaults on the one hand and condemning attacks on the other.

“No one just wakes up in the morning and says let’s stab someone in the back,” said Gabriel Weimann, an expert of communications and social media at the University of Haifa and New York University’s Shanghai campus.

Seven Israelis have been killed and dozens wounded in a shooting, a stoning and stabbings since late last month.

At least 27 Palestinians been killed by Israeli gunfire, including 10 identified by Israel as attackers and the rest in clashes between stone-throwers and Israeli troops. Hundreds of Palestinians have been wounded in the confrontations.

On Sunday, Mr, Netanyahu ordered more than 1,000 border police to Jerusalem to meet the threat of unrest. Last month he gave officers greater leeway in firing at Palestinians throwing stones, who now face stiffer prison sentences.

The latest round of Palestinian-Israeli bloodshed began last month with clashes at Temple Mount, sacred to both Muslims and Jews, and quickly spread across Israel and into the West Bank and Gaza Strip, where protesters on Tuesday broke through a fence on the Israeli border.

Mr. Abbas earlier this month called for calm in the streets, but the continuing violence has underpinned the public’s disillusionment with the Palestinian Authority president and shown he has little control over some Palestinian leaders and the largely youthful attackers.

An aide to Mr. Abbas didn’t respond to requests to comment late Tuesday in response to Mr. Netanyahu’s remarks.

Some Palestinian officials have warned that demonstrations and attacks on Israelis go beyond the disputes over the Temple Mount and represent a wider disaffection among young Palestinians.

The Israeli military occupation of the Palestinian territories has fostered unemployment and limited economic opportunity, and spurred lone assailants to carry out attacks, they have said.

“I think these are indiscriminate acts by young people who have lost any shred of hope,” said Husam Zumlot, a senior aide to President Abbas.

Mohammed Dahlan, a member of the Palestine Liberation Organization, a coalition of Palestinian factions that includes the Fatah political party and represents Palestinian interests internationally, on Saturday said on his Facebook page that resistance to the Israeli occupation was a national duty.

“[The resistance] will not die,” Mr. Dahlan said, according to the Middle East Media Research Institute, a Washington D.C.-based nonprofit that monitors press activity. “And will not cease as long as there is an occupation.”

On Friday in Gaza, imam Sheikh Muhammad Sallah brandished a knife during a sermon and called on Palestinians in the West Bank to knife Israelis. Ismail Haniyeh, a senior leader of Hamas, the Palestinian Islamist movement that rules in the Gaza Strip also called for an uprising against Israel.

This is an article that also justifies the Israeli violence.
It's getting ugly.

Joseph's Tomb site set ablaze amid wave of Palestinian-Israeli violence


CNN)A group of Palestinians set fire overnight to a compound housing Joseph's Tomb -- a religious site in the West Bank venerated by Jews -- sparking condemnations from Palestinian and Israeli authorities.

The tomb appeared to be unharmed, but the fire marked another downturn in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict after weeks of renewed violence, including the stabbings of Israeli civilians and clashes between Palestinians and Israeli forces.

Jews consider the site in Nablus the final resting place of Joseph, a high Israelite patriarch and son of Jacob who, according to biblical accounts, was sold into slavery as a boy but then rose to become a powerful figure in ancient Egypt, second only to the pharaoh.

Jewish devotees at times go to the tomb under Israel Defense Forces escort at night to pray. Christians also consider Joseph's Tomb a holy site. It's been targeted before -- including in 2011 when vandals painted swastikas on its walls.

According to a Palestinian official, people went to the site early Friday to erect a barricade to thwart Israeli troops from demolishing homes, a key bone of contention in the Mideast. Israeli officials say tearing down homes of terrorists can deter future attacks, while Palestinians see the tactic as unfair collective punishment that hurts innocent women and children.

At some point, a group tried to set fire to Joseph's Tomb, said the official, who did not want to be named.

But Palestinian security forces pushed out the crowd and managed to put out the fire.


Israeli Police Begin to Seal Palestinian Areas in East Jerusalem
Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu seeks to restrict movement of potential attackers

JERUSALEM—The Palestinian neighborhood of Jabel Mukaber in East Jerusalem was surrounded by border police on Thursday, as Israel put into place some of the tightest security measures in years.

Three out of the four roads into the area were closed to cars, according to residents and police. Sniffer dogs wandered around vehicles at the busiest checkpoint and one driver said he had been waiting 30 minutes to leave.

Three Palestinians accused of separate attacks on Israelis in recent weeks had lived there.

By one of the sealed entrances, three border police stood eating pizza that had been delivered by Israelis living nearby. On a plateau above them, two police officers watched the town from behind a fence, where they had draped the Israeli flag. “It’s been quiet today,” one of the border guards said.

Despite no new reports of attacks Thursday, Israelis and the security forces remained on edge, shaken by the uncoordinated nature and frequency of assaults over the past week. Malls in West Jerusalem were quieter than normal and people were jittery on public transport.

Passengers on a train traveling north from Haifa pulled the emergency brake Thursday morning, suspicious of another passenger. Troops boarded the train before determining no one was getting ready to attack the passengers, police officials said.

Traffic at a major Tel Aviv intersection was also stopped after police arrested two Arabs on suspicion of conducting a terror attack before releasing them without charge later in the day.

Hundreds of soldiers have been deployed alongside police in cities nationwide, with special attention on Jerusalem, as Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu sought to stymie potential attackers amid the most violent period in Israel for 10 years.

Eight Israelis have been killed and 80 wounded in more than 20 stabbings and other violence since the middle of September.

Palestinians from the eastern part of the city were asked to step out of cars and searched by police while armed officers monitored public transport.

The government also began to revoke the East Jerusalem residency permits for Palestinians involved in the violence, and officials threatened to revoke those of family members as well.


Arabs in Jerusalem Fear Attacks, Are Scared To Speak Arabic

Palestinians say police are protecting Jewish extremists, Arabs can't go to work, and Jerusalem is becoming a ghost town

By Leigh Cuen on Oct 16, 2015 at 7:05 PM

Arabs who live in Jerusalem say they are afraid of police, soldiers and Jewish extremists as ethnic violence continues to flare in the Old City, particularly around the Temple Mount and al-Aqsa mosque. Across the West Bank and Gaza, Palestinians have called for a “day of rage” on Friday, usually the Muslim day of prayers.

The city and its outskirts have been roiled by a series of incidents in which Israeli Jews have been stabbed by Arabs, however there have also been attacks on Arabs living in Jerusalem. This week 29-year-old Muhammad, nephew of a local Palestinian journalist and peace activist Aziz Abu Sarah, was allegedly stabbed by a Jewish extremist in Jerusalem. [...]

Since the attack, Muhammad posted a new picture to his Facebook profile page which featured his bandaged arm. His message of non-violence was shared with the picture, by hundreds of people on Facebook. [...]

"After being attacked yesterday by Jewish extremists I want to say that I don't hate Jews. Not a single one. But I do hate the occupation. I will speak up against occupation but only in the way of peace and love ... not hatred."


Many Palestinians are publishing incidents on Facebook that are not being reported by the media. Palestinian rapper Mustafa “Muzi” Gaber lives near al-Aqsa mosque and is known for his political lyrics about Palestinian identity and the Islamic holy site. He posted on his Facebook page that his imprisoned brother had been stabbed by two “settlers” in jail. “I don’t know if they will be punished,” Gaber told Vocativ. “The Israelis don’t care if a Jew hurts a Palestinian.” Gaber says he frequently hears Israeli extremists shouting “Death to Arabs!” in the streets. “I feel like the situation in Jerusalem is moving towards apartheid. Jerusalem is almost like Hebron.” In the West Bank town of Hebron the Jewish and Arab communities are kept separated.

When asked if he feels comfortable speaking Arabic in the street since the clashes started, Gaber laughed. “I don’t want to get killed for speaking Arabic, you know,” he said. He said he was crossing a barricade to return to his home when he was stopped and questioned by Israeli soldiers. One hit him on the head, he said.

“People are very scared and angry, the main issue is that we don’t trust the police,” said another resident of east Jerusalem, 28-year-old Mohannad Nairoukh. He said Israeli soldiers harassed his female cousin, a mother of three who works in education, on her way to work earlier this week. Nairoukh said many Palestinians in east Jerusalem work in west Jerusalem, and that the military presence has stopped many of his neighbors from going to work. Around eight young people from his neighborhood were arrested this week. “Most of them are under 18,” he said. Some were throwing rocks, he said, but some weren’t and were arrested anyway. Both Gaber and Nairoukh used the same phrase to describe their hometown since the Israeli lock-down: “ghost town.”

Nairoukh agreed with Gaber that Palestinians don’t speak Arabic around Jews in Jerusalem these days. “They don’t dare,” he said. “Because if you get attacked and you dare to defend yourself you might get shot by any security or armed citizen. And if someone next to you freaks out and shouts in Arabic…you will end up surrounded by police pointing guns at you.”

Nairoukh thinks that Israeli Jews, whether police, military or religious extremists, are not held accountable for attacks against Palestinians in Jerusalem. On several occasions this month he’s seen people chant: “Death to Arabs” in the streets. “They were in Jaffa Street, like almost 200 or maybe more walking together, I was afraid,” Nairoukh told Vocativ. “There are always like 10- 30 policemen surrounding them. The police are protecting them.”
A lawyer wearing his official robes kicks a tear gas canister back toward Israeli soldiers during a demonstration by scores of Palestinian lawyers called for by the Palestinian Bar Association in solidarity with protesters at the Al-Aqsa mosque compound in Jerusalem's Old City, near Ramallah, West Bank, Monday, Oct. 12, 2015.

Epic photo that’s thrilling Palestine supporters worldwide

(Here's the visceral image that garnered 1.5 million views overnight. )

In the Internet's growing roadmap of photos, videos and hashtags tracking what's happening in Palestine and Israel, the image of a Palestinian lawyer kicking a tear gas canister back at Israeli security forces might be the most iconic yet.

The photo was taken just outside the West Bank city of Ramallah by Associated Press photographer Majdi Mohammed Shteih during a solidaity protest by the Palestinian Bar Association on Oct. 12. But it really took off when it was featured on Reddit's image sharing site, Imjur, on Wednesday, where it garnered over 1.5 million views overnight.

And a quick glance at the photo shows why—he's captured mid-punt, dress shoes and offiicial legal robes suspected in the air as blue tear gas billows below him.
Oxajil said:
Crazy. So now there's a wave of trigger-happy police officers, IDF and armed Israeli civilians...

Unfortunately, they don't really need to be armed. :(

There is this article on SOTT:

An IDF soldier was killed and 11 others injured when an Arab attacker, armed with a gun and a knife, opened fire at a bus station in the city of Beersheba in the south of the country. Local media also said that an Eritrean man was mistaken for an assailant and attacked by police...

Police responding to the attack entered the bus station from another area and saw a "foreign national," opening fire and wounding him, Halevy confirmed.

The Jerusalem Post reported that the injured man was a citizen of Eritrea, who has been residing in Israel.

An angry Israeli crowd, chanting "death to Arabs" gathered outside the bus station after the attack, Reuters reported.

The problem is, that as it turns out, "an angry Israeli crowd" didn't just stand and chant "death to Arabs".

Apparently, video captured by bystanders and posted to social media shows a mob of onlookers, including Israeli soldiers and police, kicking Zarhum in the head, pinning him under a chair and throwing a bench at him as he writhes on the floor, clearly in pain and bleeding severely.
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