Israel is ready to implement its final solution for Palestinians?

This video was published 3 days ago by the European Mediterranean Monitor, and shows videos recorded by bystanders that refute the claims of Israeli forces regarding SIX Palestinians that were shot recently. In all cases, Israeli officials and media alleged that the Palestinians were a thread to Israelis, but the videos prove that they were shot/killed in cold blood:

It's heartbreaking...
mabar said:
A la classic western movies, ... the other day was seeing a documentary on TV about how US western "anglo" people "took" from the mexican americans their lands, they freedom, their liberties, and it sounded so a la israel ... [...] Any similarities are not coincidences, they are just following the manual!! :(

Yes, no doubt. It's the way psychopaths act, they want it all for themselves.

Keit said:
Apparently, video captured by bystanders and posted to social media shows a mob of onlookers, including Israeli soldiers and police, kicking Zarhum in the head, pinning him under a chair and throwing a bench at him as he writhes on the floor, clearly in pain and bleeding severely.

Alana said:
This video was published 3 days ago by the European Mediterranean Monitor, and shows videos recorded by bystanders that refute the claims of Israeli forces regarding SIX Palestinians that were shot recently. In all cases, Israeli officials and media alleged that the Palestinians were a thread to Israelis, but the videos prove that they were shot/killed in cold blood:

Thanks for sharing those videos. I can't imagine the anger, frustration, and sadness the Palestinian people feel when their loved ones are treated this way. I cannot and still do not understand how everyday Israeli citizens/settlers can act this way (I'm not saying all of them, but the ones in the videos you shared who would not even help a child that was run over (!), bleeding and afraid, or the ones who wouldn't even help out Zarhum who was on the floor, bleeding...). These people have absolutely no humanity in them. If I was there and was an Israeli myself, I'd risk being arrested by helping them out. How do they sleep at night? Probably peacefully. Sorry to say, but I'm hoping that Karma will arrive soon for those people who enjoy seeing others suffering and bleeding or shot to death, plus those who are responsible for the death of any innocent Palestinian.
Oxajil said:
mabar said:
A la classic western movies, ... the other day was seeing a documentary on TV about how US western "anglo" people "took" from the mexican americans their lands, they freedom, their liberties, and it sounded so a la israel ... [...] Any similarities are not coincidences, they are just following the manual!! :(

Yes, no doubt. It's the way psychopaths act, they want it all for themselves.

Keit said:
Apparently, video captured by bystanders and posted to social media shows a mob of onlookers, including Israeli soldiers and police, kicking Zarhum in the head, pinning him under a chair and throwing a bench at him as he writhes on the floor, clearly in pain and bleeding severely.

Alana said:
This video was published 3 days ago by the European Mediterranean Monitor, and shows videos recorded by bystanders that refute the claims of Israeli forces regarding SIX Palestinians that were shot recently. In all cases, Israeli officials and media alleged that the Palestinians were a thread to Israelis, but the videos prove that they were shot/killed in cold blood:

Thanks for sharing those videos. I can't imagine the anger, frustration, and sadness the Palestinian people feel when their loved ones are treated this way. I cannot and still do not understand how everyday Israeli citizens/settlers can act this way (I'm not saying all of them, but the ones in the videos you shared who would not even help a child that was run over (!), bleeding and afraid, or the ones who wouldn't even help out Zarhum who was on the floor, bleeding...). These people have absolutely no humanity in them. If I was there and was an Israeli myself, I'd risk being arrested by helping them out. How do they sleep at night? Probably peacefully. Sorry to say, but I'm hoping that Karma will arrive soon for those people who enjoy seeing others suffering and bleeding or shot to death, plus those who are responsible for the death of any innocent Palestinian.
I know the feeling, makes me feel sick to the stomach to see atrocities like this being commited so often and to watch bystanders doing nothing about it, and when the odd person with a conscience actually attempts to help out they are detained!? What sort of insanity is this? Watching this makes me feel very frustrated and angry with the state of humanity. Thanks for sharing the video Alana, it needs to be shared far and wide.
The first video of the little french girl, I had to re-read Keit's comment and wait till the end of the video because I thought it was a video explaining Israel's propaganda against the Palestinians, not the other way round! It's just pure insanity, talk about projection!!!

Alana said:
It's heartbreaking...

I agree this video is heartbreaking, it's inhumane and sickening :cry: will definitely share this on social media
Alana said:
This video was published 3 days ago by the European Mediterranean Monitor, and shows videos recorded by bystanders that refute the claims of Israeli forces regarding SIX Palestinians that were shot recently. In all cases, Israeli officials and media alleged that the Palestinians were a thread to Israelis, but the videos prove that they were shot/killed in cold blood:

It's heartbreaking...

I saw the video for the first time today. How sad! A very good video, by the way, I mean very "clear".

What makes me very, very angry is to see the complicity of all of this situation of the West, and specially the hypocrits that work at the UN. Really, I have difficulty with this organisation. And when I think how long this injustice is there and how long it will be there!

A comet, please. :cry:
Oxajil said:
Alana said:
This video was published 3 days ago by the European Mediterranean Monitor, and shows videos recorded by bystanders that refute the claims of Israeli forces regarding SIX Palestinians that were shot recently. In all cases, Israeli officials and media alleged that the Palestinians were a thread to Israelis, but the videos prove that they were shot/killed in cold blood:

Thanks for sharing those videos. I can't imagine the anger, frustration, and sadness the Palestinian people feel when their loved ones are treated this way. I cannot and still do not understand how everyday Israeli citizens/settlers can act this way (I'm not saying all of them, but the ones in the videos you shared who would not even help a child that was run over (!), bleeding and afraid, or the ones who wouldn't even help out Zarhum who was on the floor, bleeding...). These people have absolutely no humanity in them. If I was there and was an Israeli myself, I'd risk being arrested by helping them out. How do they sleep at night? Probably peacefully. Sorry to say, but I'm hoping that Karma will arrive soon for those people who enjoy seeing others suffering and bleeding or shot to death, plus those who are responsible for the death of any innocent Palestinian.
All of this is frustrating. And the whole world is witnessing the utter madness of the zionists, like Netanyahu blaming to a Palestinian leader of having advised to the nazi criminals. Palestinians are the ones who inspired Hitler! The zionists are completely mad.
Probably Russia's actions in Syria are making pressure on psychopaths in Israel, who are forced to accelerate their plans of ethnic cleansing of the Palestinians Semites.
l apprenti de forgeron said:
All of this is frustrating. And the whole world is witnessing the utter madness of the zionists, like Netanyahu blaming to a Palestinian leader of having advised to the nazi criminals. Palestinians are the ones who inspired Hitler! The zionists are completely mad.
Probably Russia's actions in Syria are making pressure on psychopaths in Israel, who are forced to accelerate their plans of ethnic cleansing of the Palestinians Semites.

The thing is, or so it seems, is that the whole world does not seem to be witnessing. The MSM seem to just swap frequencies or, as usual, paint the aggressor with the victim brush. It's like ISIS, it's off the air, there is little focus since Russia brought in their stick to deal with those proxy thugs, and so people just can't seem to recall whats going on.

So agreed, it's frustrating. I did notice that CBC did a short piece on Benny equating the reason for the Holocaust to the Palestinians, and that provoked a negative response. I get the feeling for some reason, and don't know why, that Benny is about to be replaced.
Probably Russia's actions in Syria are making pressure on psychopaths in Israel, who are forced to accelerate their plans of ethnic cleansing of the Palestinians Semites.

Yeah, I think a few of us have wondered the same thing. I can picture Bibi and his zionist pals in a meeting saying that the US hegemony in the Middle East is over; now it will be a much more disputed region among several global powers which are not necessarily in Israel's pocket. Things will be more unpredictable, so it's better to grab as much land as possible to 'create the facts on the ground' before things change so much that they can no longer get away with it. So to hell with global public opinion; after all those who pay attention will be mostly looking at Syria, ISIS, the US and Russia. A bloodbath in Palestine will be second in their minds.

I hope that's not what they are thinking because then we are about to witness a real tragic horror. :/
These recent events are heartbreaking and tragic. They have been building for a very long time. If anyone is interested in some of the background I would recommend a video about the Palestinian occupation narrated by a young Jewish lady. I think the maps are very telling:
Well, as it turns out, Israelis have no limits when it comes to lies and fabrications. Netanyahu changing historical facts wasn't enough, and now, as usual, by way of deception, they try to gain sympathy of the world and maybe even Russia (they are probably drooling over this possibility)!

Basically ISIS released a new video, where you can hear a masked guy talking in fluent Hebrew, threatening Israelis and Jews in general. Here, take a look at this video that explains the content. That's the only video in English that I could find. And that is actually interesting in itself, because the two guys are apparently preachers, and they are very much looking forward to the drama of the end of times, and are very happy to hear that after this video a surge of violence is going to happen in Israel, that will bring Armageddon even closer. Creepy...
Keit said:
Well, as it turns out, Israelis have no limits when it comes to lies and fabrications. Netanyahu changing historical facts wasn't enough, and now, as usual, by way of deception, they try to gain sympathy of the world and maybe even Russia (they are probably drooling over this possibility)!

Basically ISIS released a new video, where you can hear a masked guy talking in fluent Hebrew, threatening Israelis and Jews in general. Here, take a look at this video that explains the content. That's the only video in English that I could find. And that is actually interesting in itself, because the two guys are apparently preachers, and they are very much looking forward to the drama of the end of times, and are very happy to hear that after this video a surge of violence is going to happen in Israel, that will bring Armageddon even closer. Creepy...


Honestly, I didn't find the video creepy. They both said they loved both Israelis and Palestinians and were just watching as they see what they believe to be prophesy coming to pass. And they at one point expressed that this looks "bad". I used to be very into the biblical prophesy myself believe it or not. I think about those who still believe in monotheistic religions, atheism, Hinduism or whatever faith/philosophy a person may have and realize that everyone is here as the end of this cycle is coming.

It is the painful process of realizing that answers we once accepted as true may be not quite what we previously believed that causes us to either reevaluate or hold even more firmly to the old paradigm.

It does make me sad to think about the Wave arriving for those who are asleep but that is just the way some have chosen to greet it I suppose. I have no great solution other than to keep trying to stay "awake" myself. I would almost guarantee these two preachers have never watched the previous video link I posted on the Palestinian occupation.
goyacobol said:
Honestly, I didn't find the video creepy. They both said they loved both Israelis and Palestinians and were just watching as they see what they believe to be prophesy coming to pass. And they at one point expressed that this looks "bad". I used to be very into the biblical prophesy myself believe it or not. I think about those who still believe in monotheistic religions, atheism, Hinduism or whatever faith/philosophy a person may have and realize that everyone is here as the end of this cycle is coming.

Well, yeah, this probably requires some clarification. You see, these two preachers are probably something called "Christian Zionists". And Christian Zionists, in a nutshell, believe that in order to bring forth the long waited Armageddon, they need to support Israel in its efforts to ignite an all out war in the Middle East. They LOVE Israel and Jews, but only to a point where it helps to bring closer the "final solution", or rapture, or whatever else they believe in. In the same way they LOVE Palestinians, because they also help to further the fundamentalists agenda.

Hagee stated on July 19, 2006 that "The United States must join Israel in a pre-emptive military strike against Iran to fulfill God's plan for both Israel and the West...." Which Bible verse inspired him to utter this - the one that says "Love ye your enemies" or the one saying "Vengeance is mine; I will repay, saith the Lord"?

The funny part is, the Jews also have their own version of Armageddon, it just that it is obviously different from the version of the fundamentalists. In the Jewish version, Mashiah (Messiah) will come and put Jews in charge, and the rest of Goim (non Jews) will become their slaves. Those Christians that were supportive, will be slaves with more rights, so to say. Christian Zionists, as far as I know, have a similar belief, just in their version Jesus will judge everyone, and only those who aligned themselves with Jesus will be saved. Meaning, that if Jews won't convert, they also will be destroyed.

It's like both psycho Jews and psycho Christians run this deception game, where they think that the other party doesn't really knows that they are being deceived. Or maybe they don't really care.

So, in this video we see the following. Two guys (preachers) talk in a matter of fact/news report style about this recent significant event. Why it's significant to them? Start listening at 4:00 min. The guy says that this has to do with prophecy in Scriptures, and they have been waiting for it. Yes, they say it's bad, because it means the total destruction of Jerusalem and the region, but also that it has to happen because it is written in the Scripture. Notice that they do lean toward the Israeli part much more. But also notice that they say that only those who will align themselves with Jesus will be saved. Better do it now, before it's too late kind of thing.

There is also this video, to give you another example of who these guys are. Very fascinating (again, in a creepy way ;)). actually.

So in summary, it seems like there is a concerted effort from both sides to speed up the Armageddon, even if it means great pain and destruction (or something "bad" as they call it).

Also, just remembered about a post I wrote on the similar topic in 2010, during the time of Israeli attack on Gaza:

Keit said:
Something a bit unrelated. Christian fundamentalists are following all the recent developments in the region and Israel with great interest, maybe because the destruction of Israel will start the long awaited war and then rapture. According to their "plan", the things will start rolling pretty quickly after Jews will build their Third Temple. And apparently they need a kosher red heifer for this, and The Temple Institute _ been working on it. So today I found a video _ (posted on March 17) by a fundamentalist young person who listened to an interview with Temple Institute rabbi where he declared that they already have one and even more than one red heifers in secret location ready to be sacrificed.

Maybe, since the idea of Israel's destruction ties together with the idea of fundamentalist belief of an upcoming Armageddon and return of Jesus, it would be also in their benefit to actually support Israel on its way to self-destruction, including funds or military support, attack on Iran, etc. For example, Netanyahu's recent visit in Canada and its fundamentalist prime minister, Harper:

To accept that the military actions in Lebanon and Gaza are defensive retaliations is to live in a world of denial as to the reality of Israeli military goals that are part and parcel of the whole historical Israeli/Zionist ideal of ethnically cleansing Palestine of its indigenous population. Harper’s fundamentalist religious background, although never exposed to the Canadian public, are well in line with similar views in the U.S. of the imminent return of Jesus and the coming apocalypse, views that tie in well with supporting the Israeli control of Palestine. [...]

Netanyahu in Canada,

“is looking to Canada for validation and confirmation regarding the threat posed by Iran,” said Moshe Ronen, chairman of the Canada-Israel Committee. “He wants and needs Canada to articulate a view that Iran represents the most dangerous threat to global security and that the international community cannot allow itself to be distracted from addressing the threat it represents.”
Keit said:
Hagee stated on July 19, 2006 that "The United States must join Israel in a pre-emptive military strike against Iran to fulfill God's plan for both Israel and the West...." Which Bible verse inspired him to utter this - the one that says "Love ye your enemies" or the one saying "Vengeance is mine; I will repay, saith the Lord"?

The funny part is, the Jews also have their own version of Armageddon, it just that it is obviously different from the version of the fundamentalists. In the Jewish version, Mashiah (Messiah) will come and put Jews in charge, and the rest of Goim (non Jews) will become their slaves. Those Christians that were supportive, will be slaves with more rights, so to say. Christian Zionists, as far as I know, have a similar belief, just in their version Jesus will judge everyone, and only those who aligned themselves with Jesus will be saved. Meaning, that if Jews won't convert, they also will be destroyed.

It's like both psycho Jews and psycho Christians run this deception game, where they think that the other party doesn't really knows that they are being deceived. Or maybe they don't really care.

So, in this video we see the following. Two guys (preachers) talk in a matter of fact/news report style about this recent significant event. Why it's significant to them? Start listening at 4:00 min. The guy says that this has to do with prophecy in Scriptures, and they have been waiting for it. Yes, they say it's bad, because it means the total destruction of Jerusalem and the region, but also that it has to happen because it is written in the Scripture. Notice that they do lean toward the Israeli part much more. But also notice that they say that only those who will align themselves with Jesus will be saved. Better do it now, before it's too late kind of thing.

There is also this video, to give you another example of who these guys are. Very fascinating (again, in a creepy way ;)). actually.

So in summary, it seems like there is a concerted effort from both sides to speed up the Armageddon, even if it means great pain and destruction (or something "bad" as they call it).

Also, just remembered about a post I wrote on the similar topic in 2010, during the time of Israeli attack on Gaza:

Keit said:
Something a bit unrelated. Christian fundamentalists are following all the recent developments in the region and Israel with great interest, maybe because the destruction of Israel will start the long awaited war and then rapture. According to their "plan", the things will start rolling pretty quickly after Jews will build their Third Temple. And apparently they need a kosher red heifer for this, and The Temple Institute _ been working on it. So today I found a video _ (posted on March 17) by a fundamentalist young person who listened to an interview with Temple Institute rabbi where he declared that they already have one and even more than one red heifers in secret location ready to be sacrificed.

Maybe, since the idea of Israel's destruction ties together with the idea of fundamentalist belief of an upcoming Armageddon and return of Jesus, it would be also in their benefit to actually support Israel on its way to self-destruction, including funds or military support, attack on Iran, etc. For example, Netanyahu's recent visit in Canada and its fundamentalist prime minister, Harper:

To accept that the military actions in Lebanon and Gaza are defensive retaliations is to live in a world of denial as to the reality of Israeli military goals that are part and parcel of the whole historical Israeli/Zionist ideal of ethnically cleansing Palestine of its indigenous population. Harper’s fundamentalist religious background, although never exposed to the Canadian public, are well in line with similar views in the U.S. of the imminent return of Jesus and the coming apocalypse, views that tie in well with supporting the Israeli control of Palestine. [...]

Netanyahu in Canada,

“is looking to Canada for validation and confirmation regarding the threat posed by Iran,” said Moshe Ronen, chairman of the Canada-Israel Committee. “He wants and needs Canada to articulate a view that Iran represents the most dangerous threat to global security and that the international community cannot allow itself to be distracted from addressing the threat it represents.”


I know what you mean about the psychos at the top such as John Hagee. Or at least these types are "zealots". I think the 3 main religions that are centered in the Middle East are Christianity, Islam and Judaism. All three are expecting a "savior"/messiah to come and be their champion. Years ago I could find few fellow Christians who really took an interest in reading their own Bible or investigating the prophesy aspect. I suspect that most other religions have the same dynamic of many followers (authoritarian followers?) where they are spoon-fed from the pulpit just as most are spoon-fed from the mainstream media for their daily news.

Also, there is the same "savior" dynamic represented in Buddism as the Maitreya.

If the Cs are correct when they estimate that only about 30% of the bible contains accurate useful "B" influences then I would suspect that is probably true for most others religions. Then if you realize the average "believer" in those religions are not that well versed in their own scriptures it is no wonder there is going to be much confusion and chaos as things heat up.

I would have never thought that I would be cheering for Putin and the Russian bear. And also the thought that China (the sleeping Dragon) could be a source of hope as it awakens would have never occurred to me. It is only the clues that the Cs have given that caused me to reevaluate my programming. I know we all come with different perspectives about religion and my experience might not resonate with everyone.

I think it remains to be seen how many of the "B" influences will seep through in these religions and temper or "mitigate" the events ahead of us. I can see this "exceptionalism" (that Putin is exposing) in religions as well as in the political arena. The Zionist movement colors these fundamentalist groups big time. It is certainly a form of "exceptionalism" squared. I think it is this holding on to "exceptionalism" that might be the reason that 4D STS will "fail".
Published a few hours ago

E.U. Move to Label Israeli Settlement Goods Strains Ties

In a stinging rebuke to Israel, the European Union insisted on Wednesday that some goods produced on land seized in the 1967 war must be labeled “made in settlements,” a mandate that added to Israel’s deep unease over a growing international boycott.

European officials tried to play down the decision, saying the guidelines merely clarified existing rules. But the move exacerbated already simmering tensions between Israel and Europe as Israeli politicians condemned it as an echo of the Holocaust-era branding of European Jews and their storefronts with yellow stars.


The European Commission, the EU's powerful executive arm which is responsible for the guidelines, says the labelling decision is not a new law but clarifies existing rules on the place of origin that will be sold in the 28-nation EU.

It said it was responding to demands from member states for advice on how to label the origin of goods from Israeli settlements in the West Bank, East Jerusalem and Golan Heights, the territories that Israel seized at the end of the 1967 Six Day War.

The settlements are considered illegal under international law

Three EU member states -- Britain in 2009, Denmark in 2013 and Belgium in 2014 -- have already produced their own national guidelines which apply on a voluntary basis.

And from:
"The EU decision is hypocritical and constitutes a double standard," Netanyahu said, adding that Israel had been unfairly singled out.

Speaking from Washington, he said, "The EU should be ashamed."
goyacobol said:

I know what you mean about the psychos at the top such as John Hagee. Or at least these types are "zealots". I think the 3 main religions that are centered in the Middle East are Christianity, Islam and Judaism. All three are expecting a "savior"/messiah to come and be their champion. Years ago I could find few fellow Christians who really took an interest in reading their own Bible or investigating the prophesy aspect. I suspect that most other religions have the same dynamic of many followers (authoritarian followers?) where they are spoon-fed from the pulpit just as most are spoon-fed from the mainstream media for their daily news.

Also, there is the same "savior" dynamic represented in Buddism as the Maitreya.

If the Cs are correct when they estimate that only about 30% of the bible contains accurate useful "B" influences then I would suspect that is probably true for most others religions. Then if you realize the average "believer" in those religions are not that well versed in their own scriptures it is no wonder there is going to be much confusion and chaos as things heat up.

I would have never thought that I would be cheering for Putin and the Russian bear. And also the thought that China (the sleeping Dragon) could be a source of hope as it awakens would have never occurred to me. It is only the clues that the Cs have given that caused me to reevaluate my programming. I know we all come with different perspectives about religion and my experience might not resonate with everyone.

I think it remains to be seen how many of the "B" influences will seep through in these religions and temper or "mitigate" the events ahead of us. I can see this "exceptionalism" (that Putin is exposing) in religions as well as in the political arena. The Zionist movement colors these fundamentalist groups big time. It is certainly a form of "exceptionalism" squared. I think it is this holding on to "exceptionalism" that might be the reason that 4D STS will "fail".

Not sure if you ever had a chance to read what Laura wrote in 2005 titled 'The Most Dangerous Cult in The World', which you may recognize within some of her later books in parts.

snip said:
Armageddon is seen by Christian fundamentalists as "nuclear and imminent", waiting only for proper orchestration from American political leaders. The Zionists, naturally, do NOT include Armageddon in their messianic aspirations. This conflict of interests at a higher level is exposed in Gorenberg's book.

It's a lengthy, yet it's an interesting synopsis of religious fundamentalist reality - worth a read.

I don't think the fundies have found their "red cow" yet, although they are trying. :rolleyes:
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