Israel is ready to implement its final solution for Palestinians?

I call the fundamentalists ‘the signs and lying wonders crew,’ what a god afoul self mesmerising unconscionable network of people who raise themselves above everything... and the more pathological you are the higher you rise in the ranks...

And to me the UK is the same as America, its like secret government... born again’s don’t mind lying and cheating, they say ‘they will be forgiven through the blood of.... ‘ revelling in the blood more like... They are such huge expletives.

I’m thinking a large sinkhole if it swallowed up the place, and just became a lake or inlet, it might solve some issues. And I’m not including Palestine, the Palestinians have suffered enough.
voyageur said:
goyacobol said:

I know what you mean about the psychos at the top such as John Hagee. Or at least these types are "zealots". I think the 3 main religions that are centered in the Middle East are Christianity, Islam and Judaism. All three are expecting a "savior"/messiah to come and be their champion. Years ago I could find few fellow Christians who really took an interest in reading their own Bible or investigating the prophesy aspect. I suspect that most other religions have the same dynamic of many followers (authoritarian followers?) where they are spoon-fed from the pulpit just as most are spoon-fed from the mainstream media for their daily news.

Also, there is the same "savior" dynamic represented in Buddism as the Maitreya.

If the Cs are correct when they estimate that only about 30% of the bible contains accurate useful "B" influences then I would suspect that is probably true for most others religions. Then if you realize the average "believer" in those religions are not that well versed in their own scriptures it is no wonder there is going to be much confusion and chaos as things heat up.

I would have never thought that I would be cheering for Putin and the Russian bear. And also the thought that China (the sleeping Dragon) could be a source of hope as it awakens would have never occurred to me. It is only the clues that the Cs have given that caused me to reevaluate my programming. I know we all come with different perspectives about religion and my experience might not resonate with everyone.

I think it remains to be seen how many of the "B" influences will seep through in these religions and temper or "mitigate" the events ahead of us. I can see this "exceptionalism" (that Putin is exposing) in religions as well as in the political arena. The Zionist movement colors these fundamentalist groups big time. It is certainly a form of "exceptionalism" squared. I think it is this holding on to "exceptionalism" that might be the reason that 4D STS will "fail".

Not sure if you ever had a chance to read what Laura wrote in 2005 titled 'The Most Dangerous Cult in The World', which you may recognize within some of her later books in parts.

snip said:
Armageddon is seen by Christian fundamentalists as "nuclear and imminent", waiting only for proper orchestration from American political leaders. The Zionists, naturally, do NOT include Armageddon in their messianic aspirations. This conflict of interests at a higher level is exposed in Gorenberg's book.

It's a lengthy, yet it's an interesting synopsis of religious fundamentalist reality - worth a read.

I don't think the fundies have found their "red cow" yet, although they are trying. :rolleyes:


I think I did read that article in some of Laura's newer books but I re-read it last night/morning. It refreshes my memory on a lot of the Zionist history. I think now for me, watching to see what the PTB do with a changed "timeline" is my main interest. Imagine having to put all that work and effort into creating all these different religious prophesies and tweaking them to guide people toward supporting their goal/goals (Whether the goal is to support Zionism in Israel, a new Islamic Caliphate or to await the return of a Maitreya).

There have to be some fancy adjustments going on for these PTBs. And, it is not only the religions but the ideologies, sciences, militarism and finance that will also come into play. After observing many of the "hidden in plain sight" agendas (take agenda 2030 for example), I am now hoping for the first time maybe ever in my life I can watch their plans go kaput. I think the main reason so many of their plans are not so hidden is that it is an excellent way to program us to be their "belief center"/thought center subconsciously.

I know for some, the Christian "fundie" group is a "fun" one to bash; but, there are "fundies" in most of the religions. I don't pity the hypocrites/liars in any of the above categories (religious or otherwise).

My hope is that those who don't see what the Palestinians have faced and continue to face would watch the video I mentioned here.

"Red heifer" is almost like a "Red herring" isn't it? :P
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