Israel-Palestine War: Hamas Breaks Out of Gaza, Israel Responds With Genocide

It seems Israelis are hell bent on escalating the situation and spreading the war. I think they will get more than they bargained for.

Israel has been pulling the tiger's whiskers, Nasrallah's first speech last year was a warning and tomorrow's speech may turn the tide of the war... or also remain words and warnings.

Hezbollah Secretary General Hassan Nasrallah will have a speech that was planned for tomorrow.

Hezbollah's response is expected. Israel has raised the threat level on its northern border.

Now it is clear why the Israeli army began to withdraw from Gaza. They are heading to the border with Lebanon.

Phase 2 that I have announced - total war with Hezbollah - is very close to happen. Although I think it is still too early, Israel will want to gamble.


Head of Hezbollah to give planned speech despite assassination of Hamas deputy chief in Lebanon​

Hezbollah Secretary-General Hassan Nasrallah will give a speech on Wednesday as scheduled, a group spokesperson told Anadolu.

Reports emerged that Nasrallah had canceled his speech following the assassination of Hamas deputy chief Saleh al-Arouri in the Lebanese capital Beirut.

“We will not cancel Nasrallah’s speech on Wednesday,” Rana al-Saheli said.

Arouri was killed in an Israeli drone attack targeting a Hamas office in Beirut’s southern neighborhood on Tuesday, according to Lebanon’s National News Agency.

Hamas confirmed that Arouri and two commanders of its military wing, the Qassam Brigades, were killed in the attack, which left at least six people dead.

Arouri was the most senior Hamas leader to have been killed by Israel since the outbreak of the Gaza conflict on Oct. 7.

Yesterday, Israel announced the removal of five brigades - several thousand troops - from Gaza. Today they killed 3 senior Hamas officials in Beirut, in a deliberate attempt to expand the war against Hizb'allah, Lebanon and eventually Syria and Iran. All of that will require US involvement, and the US will happily get involved, because this is as much their plan as Israel's.

These are the initial stages of a long-planned 'final solution', not to any threat to Israel from Hamas, but a Russia/China threat to the US' global dominance, an element of which is Israel's dominant position in the Middle East where it acts as the US' only "land-based Aircraft Carrier' and its 'eyes and ears'.

This is the US deep state's "samson option" where, faced with being replaced as the global hegemon, it ignites a broader war in the ME that collapses financial markets and seeks to "level the playing field" rather than suffer defeat.

Oct 7th was, therefore, a false flag operation to justify this 'final solution', where Israeli troops were stood down and Israeli death squads brutally murdered Israeli civilians with the blame pinned on Hamas.

Hezbollah plans 'punishment' for al-Arouri killing

Hezbollah says its finger “is on the trigger” as the Islamic militant group in Lebanon plots its response to the death of Hamas senior leader Saleh al-Arouri in an explosion in Beirut Tuesday that it blames on Israel.

The “assassination” of Arouri and two other senior Hamas figures among six deaths in the reported drone striker is “a serious assault on Lebanon”, the group said in a post Tuesday night on Telegram:
[It is] a dangerous development in course of war between the enemy and the axis of the resistance… [that] will not go without a response or punishment. The resistance has its finger on the trigger.

+ On Tuesday, a senior Hamas official was killed in an attack in Beirut, Lebanon that Hezbollah and Hamas blamed on an Israeli drone strike.
The assassination of senior Hamas official Saleh al-Arouri and at least six other commanders of Hamas’s armed wing, the al-Qassam Brigades, marks a significant escalation in the war on Israel’s northern border.
The strike occurred in Dahiyeh, a southern Beirut suburb which is a stronghold of Hezbollah. The group maintains its headquarters in the densely populated area.

Israel did not confirm or deny the strike, but Israeli lawmaker Danny Danon said the assassination was a joint effort between the Israeli military and the country’s spy services in a social media post.
Hezbollah said that the attack "will not go without a response or punishment," adding that the group has "its finger on the trigger” as it weighs retaliation.

How will Hezbollah retaliate​

The strike is a major challenge to Hezbollah’s power of deterrence.
A Hezbollah strike beyond Israel's northern border region could widen the war into Lebanon, bringing it to the capital of Beirut.
While many Lebanese have expressed solidarity with the Palestinians, others are reluctant to see their impoverished country dragged into a full-blown war. The attack was condemned by senior officials across the region.

The head of Hamas's political bureau Ismail Haniyeh called it a“craven assassination,” while Palestinian Prime Minister Mohammad Shtayyeh said the assassination was a "crime perpetrated by known criminals"

Lebanese acting Prime Minister Najib Mikati said it was "an Israeli crime" designed to draw Lebanon into the war in Gaza.

Abbas Ibrahim, Lebanon’s former security chief and a key interlocutor between the US and Iran-backed groups in the region, denounced Arouri’s killing as an attack on Lebanese sovereignty.
So far, Hezbollah has yet to retaliate in a significant way, but the situation is tense with Israel preparing for a potential ballistic missile attack, Axios reported.

I found the following statement, from the Times of Israel, rather telling and so shameless and insulting really.

Likewise, Mark Regev, the Israeli prime minister's foreign media spokesman, insisted during an interview that it was "very clear" that the attack in Beirut was only directed against Hamas. "Whoever did it, it is not an attack against the Lebanese state. It is not an attack against the terrorist organization Hezbollah," he said. Although both Hamas and Hezbollah have blamed Israel for the attack, the Hebrew country has not yet confirmed it or made official comments on the matter.

Whoever did it? is he for real? like.. "oh, I don't know who did it... but I do know every intention and motive of... whoever... did it, but I don't know who it was."
And on another amazing display of arrogance and cold bloodedness, I also came across this little jewel.

Israel wants to build the biggest Ferris wheel on the border with Gaza​

"we are planning to establish a tourist site that will be the craziest party club in the world at the same place of the Nova festival near Re'im. I want to turn this place into a happy place, a place for performances, a place for celebrations, while we commemorate what happened there," said Elad Ernfeld From Israel Government Tourist Company. "We don't forget, but we continue to live. In my opinion, I also want a huge amusement park with the biggest Ferris Wheel in the Middle East. How much fun would it be to go on vacation with the children to the south when there are attractions such as an amusement park, a concert venue, a party complex, B&Bs, hotels, Glamping, a historical memorial site, visits to crops with the farmers and attractions as well as services operated by local residents."

That is just insane, tens of thousands of Gaza's population massacred, and all these folk can think of is "the craziest party club in the world"

Israeli drone strike kills senior Hamas official in Beirut, sources say

Two US officials told Axios Israel was indeed behind Tuesday's strike but claimed it didn't notify the White House in advance of the attack.

The big picture: Israel hasn't claimed responsibility for the attack, but one Israeli and two U.S. officials told Axios that Israel was behind the strike. The attack is a serious blow to Hamas and could push the Lebanese Hezbollah militant group to escalate its attacks against Israel.

  • The Israeli Prime Minister's Office declined to comment.
  • Hezbollah leader Hassan Nasrallah publicly warned Israel several weeks ago against trying to kill Hamas leaders in Beirut. He threatened a strong response if that happened.
Driving the news: Al-Arouri, two Hamas commanders and four other members of the group were killed in the attack on a Hamas office in Beirut, the group said on its Telegram channel. The strike took place near Hezbollah's headquarters in the Beirut suburb of Dahiyeh.

  • Hamas said al-Arouri was "one of the architects" of the Oct. 7 terrorist attack against Israel. He is the most senior Hamas leader killed since the war in Gaza began.
  • Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said several weeks ago that he ordered Israel's Mossad spy agency to go after Hamas leaders around the world.
  • A senior Israeli official told Axios Israel is preparing for a significant retaliation from Hezbollah, which could include the group launching long-range missiles toward targets in Israel.
What they're saying: Hamas leader Ismail Haniyeh called Tuesday's attack a "blatant crime that demonstrates, once again, the brutality that is carried out by the occupation against our people."
  • "All these assassinations and attacks will make us stronger and more determined than ever. this is the history of the resistance and our movement. We always become stronger and more determined," Haniyeh said in a televised address.
  • He also said the attack was a "violation of Lebanese sovereignty." The "occupation is responsible for any repercussions."

Two U.S. officials told Axios Israel was behind Tuesday's strike but stressed it didn't notify the Biden administration in advance of the attack.
  • A senior Israeli official confirmed Israel didn't give the U.S. a heads up but said it notified the Biden administration "as the operation was happening."
Lebanese acting Prime Minister Najib Mikati condemned the attack and called it "an Israeli crime" aimed at drawing Lebanon into the war in Gaza.
  • Mikati called on the international community to press Israel to stop its attacks.
Context: Al-Arouri, who is also under U.S. sanctions, was one of the most wanted people by the Israeli intelligence services.

  • Israeli officials say he was responsible for the growing number of attacks against Israeli civilians in the West Bank in the last year.

Hezbollah leader Hassan Nasrallah publicly warned Israel several weeks ago against trying to kill Hamas leaders in Beirut. He threatened a strong response if that happened.
Arouri was also the Qassam Brigades’ military commander of the occupied West Bank. He worked to strengthen the movement’s presence there by funding and planning operations against Israeli forces.
He has also recently been described as “one of the architects" of the Al-Aqsa Flood operation, in which Hamas and other Palestinian resistance factions attacked Israeli military bases and settlements in the Gaza envelope on 7 October.


Turkey arrests 33 people on suspicion of spying for the Israeli Mossad

Those arrested are suspected of having participated in intelligence, surveillance, aggression and kidnapping activities on behalf of Mossad.

Following an operation, Turkish security forces arrested more than 30 people suspected of spying for Israel, 13 others are wanted, reports DHA news agency.
"Within the framework of the investigation carried out by the Istanbul Public Prosecutor's Office, 33 people suspected of spying for the Mossad were arrested in eight provinces. Arrest warrants were issued for 46 people, while the rest are still wanted," the agency reports.


The Israeli threat
Last month, Ronen Bar, head of Israel's domestic intelligence agency Shin-Bet (Shabak), said in a recording broadcast by Israeli state television KAN that Israel was "determined to kill Hamas leaders all over the world, including Qatar, Turkey and Lebanon, even if it takes years".
In response, Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan warned Tel Aviv against such actions, amid reports of an Israeli plot to assassinate Hamas members living outside Palestine.

"If they dare to take such a step against Turkey and the Turkish people, they will be condemned to pay a price from which they will not be able to recover," Erdogan assured reporters at the time in a statement.
"Those who attempt such a thing must not forget that the consequences can be extremely serious. No one is unaware of the progress made by Turkey in the fields of intelligence and security throughout the world. Moreover, we are not a newly created state", he warned.
(DeepL Übersetzer: Der präziseste Übersetzer der Welt)

'"Immediate approval": The Biden administration is bypassing the Congress to grant the sale of projectiles to Israel for merciless killing of innocent people in Gaza.'

30 Dec 2023

10 hours ago

December 30, 2023
'Gaza will remain Palestinian land while the US sending projectiles to Israel to destroy it?'

2 Jan, 2024
Gaza is Palestinian land and will remain Palestinian land, with Hamas no longer in control of its future and no terror groups able to threaten Israel,” he continued.
Yesterday, Israel announced the removal of five brigades - several thousand troops - from Gaza. Today they killed 3 senior Hamas officials in Beirut, in a deliberate attempt to expand the war against Hizb'allah, Lebanon and eventually Syria and Iran. All of that will require US involvement, and the US will happily get involved, because this is as much their plan as Israel's.

Now this

The axis of psychos in Israel/US/UK have been disappointed that their slaughter of Palestinians did not provoke Hizb'allah and Iran into attacking Israel, so yesterday they upped the ante and assassinated 3 Hamas officials in Beirut. For good measure, today they detonated a bomb in Iran, killing 50.
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The Israeli threat
Last month, Ronen Bar, head of Israel's domestic intelligence agency Shin-Bet (Shabak), said in a recording broadcast by Israeli state television KAN that Israel was "determined to kill Hamas leaders all over the world, including Qatar, Turkey and Lebanon, even if it takes years".

Speaking of Qatar, just saw the following on this TG channel. Althrough the author of the channel lives in Russia, he is a Jew and is more sympathetic toward Israel. Still, so many different representatives in Qatar on the same day? :huh:

To understand how many chairs the Qatari authorities are trying to sit on at the same time.

There today: the head of Mossad, Iranian foreign minister, heads of Hamas, Turkish politicians, as well as the U.S. military, extending for another 10 years the stay of U.S. military bases in the country.
Although, further down in the article he discusses the “treacherous Zionist strike” he's first words are to the US.

"Iran’s Defense Minister Brigadier General Mohammad-Reza Ashtiani has denounced the assassination of a top official of the Palestinian Hamas resistance movement, warning the United States to "brace itself for its dire consequences."

“[The United States of] America has ventured into our region and disrupted its balance. Its repercussions will have an adverse effect and beset Americans themselves,” he said."



+Turkey backs South Africa 'genocide' case against Israel at ICJ

Turkey has officially backed South Africa’s case against Israel at the International Court of Justice, which accuses the state of genocide in its ongoing war on Gaza. Turkish foreign ministry spokesperson Oncu Keceli said in a statement that Ankara welcomes the South African case, which says Israel has violated its obligations under the 1948 Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide.
“Israel's murder of more than 22,000 Palestinian civilians, the majority of whom were women and children, in Gaza for nearly three months should not go unpunished in any way," Keceli said.

"Those responsible for this must be held accountable before international law,” he continued, adding: “We hope that the process will be completed as soon as possible.”

+UN Interim Force in Lebanon calls for restraint

The United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon (Unifil) is deeply concerned at any potential for escalation that could have devastating consequences for people on both sides of the Blue Line, spokesperson Kandice Ardiel said on Wednesday.
"We continue to implore all parties to cease their fire, and any interlocutors with influence to urge restraint," she added.

+ Israel in talks with Congo to accept Palestinian refugees

Israel is in talks with the Democratic Republic of the Congo and other nations to accept Palestinian refugees from Gaza, Zman Yisrael reported on Wednesday. The news website quoted an unnamed source in the security cabinet as saying:
"Congo will be willing to take in migrants, and we’re in talks with others."

On Tuesday, Israel's Intelligence Minister Gila Gamliel said the "Gaza problem is not just our problem" and that "the world should support humanitarian emigration", according to Zman Yisrael's political analyst Shalom Yerushalmi.
The report comes amid a push by Israeli officials for what they call "voluntary migration" of Palestinians out of Gaza, which experts say is a form of forced displacement.

+ General strike observed in West Bank over al-Arouri assassination

Palestinian cities are observing a commercial strike after the killing of Hamas leader Saleh al-Arouri in a Beirut strike on Tuesday.
Shops were shuttered across the occupied West Bank Wednesday morning as protests were expected in city centres.
"Here in Hebron, like elsewhere in the homeland, we are expressing our sadness for the cowardly crime of assassinating Saleh al-Arouri, who studied here and lived in the city for a long time," "His assassination is a clear sign the Israeli army is failing in Gaza and so they went to Lebanon."

A sombre feeling prevailed in the West Bank, but residents the killing will not break the will of the Palestinian people.
"The occupation assumes that by killing leaders they can kill our souls and end the resistance," Suhail Naser al-Din, a Hebron resident, said. "But as long as there's an occupation there will always be resistance."

+ Josep Borrell: Solution in Israel-Palestine must be 'imposed from outside'

The international community must "impose" a solution to the conflict in Israel and Palestine, according to EU foreign policy chief Josep Borrell.
"What we have learned over the last 30 years, and what we are learning now with the tragedy experienced in Gaza, is that the solution must be imposed from outside," Borrell told diplomats in Portugal on Wednesday.
"Peace will only be achieved in a lasting manner if the international community gets involved intensely to achieve it and imposes a solution," he said, making reference specifically to the US, Europe and Arab countries.
He warned that the conflict could escalate after the Israeli killing of Saleh al-Arouri, deputy leader of Hamas, in a drone strike in Beirut on Tuesday.
"What happened yesterday with the death of one of the leaders of Hamas is yet another factor that could push the conflict to escalate," Borrell said, adding he had planned to visit Lebanon and other countries in the Middle East to "explore ways out" of the war.
Borrell added that he would present a proposal to EU member states to create a mission to aid security in the Red Sea. It will be presented on Thursday and would require unanimity among member states to be approved, he said.
That could be the case at the end of the day even if you don't see it.
Note the emphasis on the intentions of wanting to start acting in the southern area of Gaza as well.
Israeli Defense Minister Gallant:
If we cannot achieve victory in the Gaza war, we cannot live in the Middle East.

Gallant emphasized the importance of strengthening achievements in the northern area of Gaza while also focusing military efforts on the southern area of Khan Younis.

Minister of Defense Yoav Gallant, during his remarks on entering the Gaza Strip Tuesday for an operational assessment, declared that the notion that IDF was stopping its military operations in Gaza soon was “incorrect” and added, “Without a clear victory, we will not be able to live in the Middle East.”

Accompanying Gallant were Deputy Chief of the General Staff, Maj. Gen. Amir Baram and the troops of Division 99 led by Division Commander Brig. Gen. Barak Hiram.

Gallant emphasized the importance of holding the Salah-al-Din route to strengthen achievements in the northern area of Gaza while also focusing military efforts on the southern area of Khan Younis.

Minister Gallant spoke with reserve troops in Brigade 646 and expressed his appreciation for their sacrifice and achievements during the war.

“I sincerely appreciate all that you do – your ability to operate and fight over the past three months, while your partners and children are at home.”
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The axis of psychos in Israel/US/UK have been disappointed that their slaughter of Palestinians did not provoke Hizb'allah and Iran into attacking Israel, so yesterday they upped the ante and assassinated 3 Hamas officials in Beirut. For good measure, today they detonated a bomb in Iran, killing 50.
Figure is over 100 from what I have been reading.

But also, both the US and Israel have shamelessly come out and denied any involvement whatsoever, but it carries their signature form what I can read, specially on the anniversary of Soleimani's assassination in the cemetery where he's buried. it's rather clear to me, but also it has a sense of desperation about it.
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