Israel-Palestine War: Hamas Breaks Out of Gaza, Israel Responds With Genocide

This is just an excerpt from the earlier NM report, but it shows how slippery the IDF are in how they deal with western reporters. Basically they're excavating graves now in Gaza, while excusing this ghoulish act with their usual BS about there being underground tunnel networks directly beneath them. Which is a fact they cannot actually prove, naturally. Grave diggers, even the dead aren't safe now. Honestly, it beggars belief. It's a short 10min vid, but for those interested it's worth a watch. As Mike Walker states at the end, this is not a tragedy, it's a crime. Generations of Arabs will loathe Israelis now for years to come, if they didn't already.

Another jewel, after being accused of genocide, Israel decide to make up some connection between Hamas and UNRWA, I believe that is clear. I think they're trying to delegitimize any sort of power that would threaten to call them out on their crimes.

And what a move, to get so many countries to simply stop sending money, what a time to be alive, and what a way to see behind their masks. Today Netanyahu had this to say, I thought it was worth noting in this thread.

"UNRWA is totally infiltrated by Hamas. It has been at the service of Hamas and its schools, and many other things," Netanyahu assured UN delegates. "I say this with great regret because we hoped that there would be an objective and constructive body that would offer help. Today we need such a body in Gaza. But UNRWA is not that body. It has to be replaced by some organization or organizations that do that work," he urged.

And this:

Netanyahu's comments follow the recent decision by a number of countries, including France, Germany, Canada and the United States, to suspend financial aid to UNRWA over suspected links of 12 of its members to the Palestinian movement Hamas and his possible involvement in the militant group's attack on Israel on October 7. According to Israeli intelligence reports, cited by The Wall Street Journal, around 1,200 of the entity's employees, representing 10% of all its staff in the Gaza Strip, have links to Islamist militant groups.

So, we went from 12 people to 1200, according to Israeli intelligence reports, which might as well be nothing other than fiction. Now, UNRWA operates in other countries in the region, such as Jordan and Syria, and they provide a respite from the genocidal machinations of the West and Israel, and killing that organization, is as evil as their graveyard profanation, it's ensuring there's no way that their life extinguishing efforts get ever interrupted, not just killing everything alive, but salting the earth so that nothing else ever grows there.. that is their goal.

Nebenzia had this to say about the situation:

"We share the position of the [United Nations General] Secretariat on the importance of carrying out a thorough and transparent investigation into the accusations. It is important that not only the information coming from Israel, but also that of the Palestinians, be taken into account. "However, this situation must not become an excuse to collectively punish the millions of Palestinians in need and the thousands of agency employees who have faithfully performed and fulfilled their duties for 75 years," he said.

And if there's any doubt, I ran into this one article yesterday about an event in which Israelis are discussing the future of Gaza :

"The only way to have peace is for the Arabs not to be there," the 49-year-old rabbi said during the event.

According to the newspaper, the organizers of the event in Jerusalem presented maps with plans for new Israeli settlements in Gaza. "The crowd danced to patriotic songs, while images of Israeli soldiers in Gaza were shown brandishing signs saying they had returned to the strip for good. Participants said Palestinians would be encouraged to leave the enclave," the newspaper stated.

That is, they're gleefully celebrating the genocide of a people that they want to exterminate, this doesn't even sound like paramoralisms or propaganda taking hold of someone's morals.. it sounds like conscious evil.
The latest report from Novara Media has now dropped. Apparently at least 19k children have been left orphaned so far. What is unfolding in Gaza is unconscionable. Also I suspect there is a bit of war fatigue among the world populace. personally I have felt a little of this myself, but I still tune in for daily reports from this source and others. It's the least I can do. Undoubtedly the goal for the Israeli psychopaths is total murder of the people of Gaza, and those who survive can leave for asylum overseas. The problem then is which countries will take them in?

The problem as I see it once Israel gets rid of all Palestinians and all their land becomes an Israeli possession is who they wii strike next.
No fan of the Guardian but this is a powerful series of images. The satellite tracking of the destruction of Gaza has to be seen to be believed. These are interactive maps showing three main areas of the strip, with damage highlighted in red. Those psychos weren't lying about creating a city of tents. The damage is no extensive that, despite reports of IDF withdrawal and Hamas returning to areas, there is no going back for civilians. We are in completely uncharted territory and the population of the strip faces an uncertain future, with no realistic good options. This is every bit as bad as we all feared, I can't find much hope at the moment. Have to keep thinking about the bigger picture 😞

That is, they're gleefully celebrating the genocide of a people that they want to exterminate, this doesn't even sound like paramoralisms or propaganda taking hold of someone's morals.. it sounds like conscious evil.
"They" not just Israel, countries that stopped the funding by such claims as well.

The supposedely Israel's intelligence report shown to foreign governments and so media, from 12 to 1200 to 4 involved in October 7th, does not does not provide evidence.

In the article, is mentioned.
The Israeli intelligence documents make several claims that Sky News has not seen proof of and many of the claims, even if true, do not directly implicate UNRWA.
'Accidentally' stumbled upon the following blog post; Bible studies aside, it reads so appt and timely...

God’s Warning to Israel, and to the U.S.A.​

JANUARY 21, 2024

Hosea was a prophet that warned Israel of their abandonment of God for demonic idolatry, and that God was about to abandon them. And Israel was conquered and ceased to be a nation leaving only Judah who eventually suffered the same fate. But I can’t help but see our country in these words.

Hosea 4:1–3
The LORD Accuses Israel

There is no faithfulness or steadfast love,
and no knowledge of God in the land;
[2] there is swearing, lying, murder, stealing, and committing adultery;
they break all bounds, and bloodshed follows bloodshed.
[3] Therefore the land mourns,
and all who dwell in it languish,
and also the beasts of the field
and the birds of the heavens,
and even the fish of the sea are taken away. (ESV)

And Satan’s OCGFC are conspiring to take away meat from the world to fight “climate change” which makes you see that God is ultimately behind it as a judgement on this wicked world system by His own words. And long before Romans 1 was penned, this section describes the removal of God’s grace and the turning over of those who reject Him to a debased mind to do what should not be done, who love shame. I can’t help but think of a presidential candidate exposed for adultery, still running, or a previous president who paid for a night with a porn actress, not to mention our current president implicated in corruption and not prosecuted. Consequently, the clock is running out on this nation and God’s judgement is well underway.

Hosea 4:17–19
[17] Ephraim is joined to idols;
leave him alone.
[18] When their drink is gone, they give themselves to whoring;
their rulers dearly love shame.
[19] A wind has wrapped them in its wings,
and they shall be ashamed because of their sacrifices. (ESV)

Hosea 4
No fan of the Guardian but this is a powerful series of images. The satellite tracking of the destruction of Gaza has to be seen to be believed. These are interactive maps showing three main areas of the strip, with damage highlighted in red. Those psychos weren't lying about creating a city of tents. The damage is no extensive that, despite reports of IDF withdrawal and Hamas returning to areas, there is no going back for civilians. We are in completely uncharted territory and the population of the strip faces an uncertain future, with no realistic good options. This is every bit as bad as we all feared, I can't find much hope at the moment. Have to keep thinking about the bigger picture 😞

It's revolting. It makes you dizzy. The corrupt and rotten West has decided to turn a blind eye to this crime, has decided to turn its head sideways and become an accomplice to genocide, to the murder of an entire country, Gaza, to accept that Palestinians should disappear from humanity, from the earth. It's sickening.

But the West acted in the same way with the Nazi death camps. They turned their heads sideways and even participated (multinationals) in the Nazi genocide. So why are we so surprised that they are now acting the same way? They are bandits, thieves, mafiosi, would-be Sopranos, psychopaths. For them, it's normal to act like this. And for them, we're all animals to be slaughtered. We can't forget that.

Thank you for this auto-active page.
'Accidentally' stumbled upon the following blog post; Bible studies aside, it reads so appt and timely...
Wow, this is exactly what I needed to hear today, thanks very much for sharing. It would seem that this passage is one of two things; either a reaction to the corruption of its own age, or a premonition of our contemporary world. Either way it's a wonderful observation, which is immaculately phrased. I'm not really big on religion, so it seems I may have missed out on some gems of wisdom in the Bible. It perfectly describes our times, and it warms the heart to know that there has been great perspicacious minds throughout our history, able to share their wisdom and observations.
t's revolting. It makes you dizzy. The corrupt and rotten West has decided to turn a blind eye to this crime, has decided to turn its head sideways and become an accomplice to genocide, to the murder of an entire country, Gaza, to accept that Palestinians should disappear from humanity, from the earth. It's sickening.

But the West acted in the same way with the Nazi death camps. They turned their heads sideways and even participated (multinationals) in the Nazi genocide. So why are we so surprised that they are now acting the same way? They are bandits, thieves, mafiosi, would-be Sopranos, psychopaths. For them, it's normal to act like this. And for them, we're all animals to be slaughtered. We can't forget that.

Yes, it is the Beast ruling and dominating with blind fury and no restraint. I first came upon this truthful observation while studying the writings of William Blake in 1997/8. It stunned me then to consider his words opining from his detailed research that Yahweh was in fact the Devil, (factor in the doings of 4d STS and the match is seamless), but all I have read and thought about since those years has pointed to this same, painfully obvious reality.

The Beast system in action is a dire thing to behold, and I feel so sad for those caught and killed because of this, it's disgusting and terrifying. Factor in 4d and earth/weather changes, fireballs etc., we really have to step up in the years ahead. Many times I've read from the Cs that "help is on the way", along with "the cosmos is going to clean house", but I remain with this nagging suspicion that it is ourselves who will grow and develop in order to receive help, and our amalgamated 4d multi-dimensional souls who will be clearing up the mess left by the pathocrats. At least that is where I'm at now thinking about the terror of the situation, which has never been so clear and obvious as it is now. How bad are we gonna let things get in our world? That's the burning question for me...along with the detailed response, which is how are we, as a global collective, gonna take back control of our own affairs in the objective sense? And how do we go about educating those who haven't seen the truth in their own minds?

That's one hell of a challenge we still have to face that's for sure!
The problem as I see it once Israel gets rid of all Palestinians and all their land becomes an Israeli possession is who they wii strike next.
Well, it shouldn't be difficult to determine that, if they're emboldened by this... considering all the countries that the UNRWA assists, I'd say they go after all of them, Iran is probably higher on their list. Wherever they feel they can gain power and influence, wherever Washington may need some chaos, that's where they'll go.

Much like any seria killer, once they've been successful with their first victim, they'll need to continue to find new ones.

How Israeli settler terrorism set the stage for genocide in Gaza

How Israeli settler terrorism set the stage for genocide in Gaza

This opinion article exposes how Israel's internal politics operated just prior to 7-9-23, with an example such as the village of Huwwara, which denotes a clear intention of the normal attitude of Israel, its politicians and its policies in dealing with the procedural rules for initiating criminal proceedings against individuals.

David Ben Zion, the deputy head of the settlers' Samaria Regional Council, who tweeted: "The village of Huwwara should be wiped out today…There is no room for mercy."
Finance Minister Bezalel Smotrich, who had "liked" Ben Zion's tweet...said: "I think the village of Huwwara should be wiped out." Another far-right politician and member of the Knesset, Limor Son Har-Melech, tweeted about two hours after the start of the pogrom that she had arrived in Huwwara "to support the righteous cry of the hundreds of Samaria residents who went out to protest."
The day after the pogrom, Knesset member Zvika Fogel also encouraged the violence in an interview with the radio station, Waves of Israel. "Huwwara closed and burned, that's what I want to see...I want to restore security to the residents of the State of Israel. How do you do that? Stop with the word 'proportionality'. Stop with the reluctance to collective punishment because it is not suitable for all kinds of courts. I take off my gloves," he said
This shows that in Palestine-West Bank and Israel justice as such did not exist and that the UN had no real presence in this region. So now Israel may find it most strange, absurd, to be held accountable for something for which it has never been held accountable to the extent that it now conveniently considers the UN an aid to Hamas.

And what is clear ,but nevertheless, is the insidious way its politicians directly and publicly incite to commit genocide.
Of course this is not only happening in Israel-Palestine, this kind of style of politics (short, rude, insidious and emotional messages) like Milei-Petro-Bukele, Musk-disney, Trump-biden, Sunak-Labor etc, etc, is not the fashion, it is the normalization of the ponerization that forces people to confrontation and distrust in all areas. I think we have to insist on this because the majority of the population does not understand it.
In terms of political diplomacy it only serves to evade justice and justify the unacceptable, such as genocide.
Well, it shouldn't be difficult to determine that, if they're emboldened by this... considering all the countries that the UNRWA assists, I'd say they go after all of them, Iran is probably higher on their list. Wherever they feel they can gain power and influence, wherever Washington may need some chaos, that's where they'll go.

Much like any seria killer, once they've been successful with their first victim, they'll need to continue to find new ones.
I agree. Absolutely. But I am also reminded that this torrential rush of scorched earth policies is as old as imperialism is and eugenics is their practice. Gets rid of all the goyim, all the human cattle, all the useless eaters, all the deplorables and all who have but have not earned the right to own it. In the parlance of the old scriptures these instigators are called the sons of Cain , that first murderer , their worthy example , who promised them the earth at the end of a long and bloody quest for conquest.
How Israeli settler terrorism set the stage for genocide in Gaza
There is a documentary of 2016 titled "The Settlers". It's pretty much a mainstream production but still difficult to watch, at least it was to me, but listening to their narratives, hearing them expressing their sense of righteousness, seeing their crowd behaviour on the land just grabbed... I'm not sure whether it makes my blood more freeze or boil. It's kind of both. Nothing extraordinary in the sense of deep political analysis, little known facts or declassified documents brought up, mostly interviews and allowing people to speak for themselves. "Give someone enough rope" phrase comes to mind.

From NFCT site:
Since Israel’s decisive victory in the 1967 Six-Day War, hundreds of thousands of Israeli citizens have made their homes in the Occupied Territories of the West Bank. With unprecedented access to pioneers of the settlement movement and a diverse group of modern-day settlers, religious and secular alike, The Settlers is a comprehensive exploration of the controversial communities that exert inordinate influence on the sociopolitical destinies of Israel and Palestine.

Director: Shimon Dotan
Producer: Estelle Fialon, Jonathan Aroch, Paul Cadieux
Production Company: Talisma Productions, Les Films du Poisson, Filmoption International
Supporter(s): "The New Fund for Cinema and Television, yes docu, CNC, MEDIA Program of the European Union, Regional Council of Ile-de-France, Procirep Angoa, Arte France, NDR, BR, HR, Radio Canada"

110 min, can be watched on Top Documentary Films: The Settlers
I haven't found an actual news report but apparently the Chabad HQ has collapsed!

BREAKING NEWS: A major emergency response is underway following a building collapse near the 770 Chabad Headquarters where a tunnelWas built. What makes a building collapse? Foundation. We are praying for the Jewish community of Brooklyn, It is being reported people trapped inside and reported fatalities.

Maybe it's a sign - a house divided against itself cannot stand. The foundations of Jewish psychopathy crumbling, even as they seem to be their most victorious?

And the teachers of the law who came down from Jerusalem said, “He is possessed by Beelzebul! By the prince of demons he is driving out demons.”

So Jesus called them over to him and began to speak to them in parables: “How can Satan drive out Satan? If a kingdom is divided against itself, that kingdom cannot stand. If a house is divided against itself, that house cannot stand. And if Satan opposes himself and is divided, he cannot stand; his end has come.
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