Israel-Palestine War: Hamas Breaks Out of Gaza, Israel Responds With Genocide

(Two different news sources and two different days, but it seems legit)

"JERUSALEM (AP) — Two American-flagged ships carrying cargo for the U.S. Defense and State departments came under attack by Yemen’s Houthi rebels on Wednesday, officials said, with the U.S. Navy intercepting some of the incoming fire.

"The attacks on the container ships Maersk Detroit and Maersk Chesapeake..."

"the U.S. Navy was accompanying its ships at the time."

"The U.S. Navy has turned both ships around and is escorting them back to the Gulf of Aden.”

And this from another article:

"The Yemeni Armed Forces clashed fiercely with multiple American destroyers and warships in the Gulf of Aden and the Strait of Bab al-Mandeb, according to Brigadier General Yahya Saree, the spokesperson for the Yemeni Armed Forces."

"During a press conference held earlier today, Saree confirmed that the confrontation lasted over two hours and yielded remarkable results. He revealed, “We successfully hit an American warship directly, forcing two American merchant ships to retreat and head back.” The Yemeni military deployed a series of ballistic missiles, marking their determination to defend their homeland."

"Saree further disclosed that amidst the exchange, the Yemeni ballistic missiles managed to find their targets, defeating the attempts of the US warships to intercept them. This highlights the advanced capabilities of the Yemeni Armed Forces, urging nations to take note of their unwavering resilience."

ICJ hearings are finished and the ruling is a partial victory for South Africa - as predicted by Craig Murray who was present at the hearings. The good news is that the case was not thrown out entirely, but there is no demand for a ceasefire. Israel may well continue to get away with its crimes but it will be increasingly difficult for the US/UK to provide diplomatic cover. It's an 'official' big blow to their international standing, which reflects the public perception which has already suffered. Not exactly a total nothing burger but it remains to be seen what results will actually manifest.

Relying on Israel to stop behaving like a nation of psychopaths, and to preserve evidence of the genocide which they are committing, is obviously a farce, but what were we expecting? International intervention? The houthis won't be fooled, anyway.


Netanyahu instructs cabinet members to refrain from responding to ICJ ruling

Israeli prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu instructed cabinet members not to make any public comments on the ICJ ruling on Friday, according to Israeli media.

According to national broadcaster Kan, Netanyahu, via National Security Adviser Tzachi Hanegbi, instructed government ministers to hold off on any public statements before the release of an official government position on the matter.
However, both far-right ministers National Resilience Minister Yitzhak Wasserlauf and National Security Minister Itamar Ben Gvir made comments, condemning the court.

He says in the video that Israel is fighting a “just war like no other” and that Israel will continue to “defend itself.”

Netanyahu has now made a video statement officially rejecting the ICJ's provisional ruling, calling it "discrimination" against the Jewish

— Séamus Malekafzali (@Seamus_Malek) January 26, 2024
The ICJ ruling has concluded. Here is a brief overview over what happened.

+The court said it has jurisdiction to rule in the case
+The court orders Israel to prevent, punish genocide incitement
+The court orders Israel take all measures to prevent genocide
+The court order Israel to allow more humanitarian aid into the besieged Strip
+The court impresses on Israel to take more measures to protect but Palestinians but stops short of ordering a ceasefire
+World court orders Israel to report to the court within one month

This is the justice we can expect - some light in this hopefully growing darkness - with a suspicion of genocide but a clear sign of the influence of agents who want the war to continue under certain "rules" in order to control the distribution of the spoils: an Arab and an Israeli state.
Netanyahu instructs cabinet members to refrain from responding to ICJ ruling

:rolleyes::umm: I mean no disrespect when i "reacted" with a laughing icon - but boy... this is just so typical for the entire (psychopathic) oriented construct behind. A prime minister telling other caninet members not to respond to the ICJ ruling.

Business as usual, i would say.

I also believe that Israel's tentacles (the hidden active powers behind) reach so far into so many ways across the globe, that every time a country (or other entity) goes too far 'against' Israel - it will have consequences ! Isn't that what keeps the world countries in line; like ducks in a row ?

- - - -

I also noticed in Swedish Alternative Media (SwebbTV) a delicate change
Sweden's likely most influential "alternative" media is called SwebbTV. One of their analysts Magnus Stenlund was kicked out just recently - to the surprize of many. A brilliant minded analyst with a sharp tongue, I may add.

I find it interesting that he so suddenly got kicked out, because he had really critical arguments coming fourth, revolving Israel and its politics as well the influence of its past, and their weird phropecies that too play into their politics. He made a brilliant (cynical) chronicle called "Warmongering, from Sälen [A swedish place] all the way to Jerusalem" - which in my opinion was unusual, yet refreshingly sharp and straight to he point.


(A chronicle in which Magnus Stenlund touches many themes, e.g. such as Supreme Commander of the Swedish Army Forces, Bydén [his name, my god.... can't make that s**t up] and his outside marriage lover, inviting her to Karlberg's palace, also making Sweden vulnerable for espionage in a phase where we just throw out 200 years of peace and alliance freedom, and sign a deal with the US, which literally allows the US military to use Sweden as a war carpet - without the need to justify themselves what so ever they do within our country. Just to name one. And then war mongering the Swedish people... surprise). Then later, the chronicle turns to the theme of Israel's war against Palestine... showing video clips which certainly are not in favor for Israel... or the people who just want to slaughter any Palestinian.

So: it didn't take long time after that chronicle....

I believe it was the key moment, which - let's name the child by its real name - kicked him (Magnus Stenlund) out because of that. SwebbTV didn't spit it out, swooped the reason under the rug without much or any explanation, other than "they had to cut costs" (in general so to speak).

They kicked out other staff too, albeit Magnus Stenlund was the one that lifted SwebbTV to new heights ! To fire a sharp-minded guy like him... wasn't just casual or innocent. There was a lot more to it.

Swedish Alternative Media SwebbTV in general appears to be very Israel friendly (in my view too friendly, given the country's official actions, worst war crimes as well committing genocide) - while Hamas and the Palestinian people are more or less considered to be the bad guys. SwebbTV appears to syphon negative energy from the (more critical) part of Swedish people, who are very tired of immigration issues, and crimes committed up here - mixing it with the Israeli war against Palestine. I see this energy being misused, and thrown into the same kettle making all Islam/immigration/Hamas/Palestine into the sole boogey man.

I feel that is wrong. I get a flavor on my tongue, spelling (that SwebbTV) leans towards controlled opposition.

Magnus Stenlund was the only (in my eyes, more honest, more straight) factor among alternative SwebbTV channel, who didn't buy all these arguments and separated and shed light on them - in a well deserved way, giving more nuances and critic in themes like Israel vs Palestine, Cabal influences in the background (in the Israeli matter), vs Swedish Immigration problems and Islam. Without just throwing it all into the same kettle.
'A "soft form" of support for Israel's genocide in Gaza.'

26 Jan, 2024

Ceasefire is not good for business, you know.

In other words, the world has collectively frowned, and Israel will as per usual ignore it completely, except of course the opportunity to make it about antisemitism.

If the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over expecting a different result, then expecting any change whatsoever in the behavior of the Zionists is the quintessence of insanity.
Swedish Alternative Media SwebbTV in general appears to be very Israel friendly (in my view too friendly, given the country's official actions, worst war crimes as well committing genocide) - while Hamas and the Palestinian people are more or less considered to be the bad guys.

At least in Western Canada, the alt-media is the same. They can be good at reporting on all sorts of nefarious things, from DEI, AGW climate change and Ottawa politics, however their headlines are Hamas are the terrorists each and every time. They report on the genocide by vaccines, and yet give the Israeli slaughter a pass. They even at first struggled with Ukraine - Russia bad, yet they did come around by degree.

It has been interesting to see the swings of the Alt and main stream sides, and for some Alt, they could not support lefties suddenly switching and going against Israel (there may be other reasons why the main press and their followers are doing this that ultimately has nothing to do with Israel, more to do with a longer play globalist agenda), that is something they can't do. In the case of Rebel News/True North and even the Western Standard (which can well carry the anti-establishment narrative against the WEF and co. et cetera), Rebel's founder, Ezra (and his backers) is steeped in old Israeli ways from long ago, so he would keep his thumb well pressed down on his editors and journalists.

I'm sure many other countries have an equivalent.
26 Jan, 2024
In a statement shortly after Ben-Gvir’s post, Netanyahu welcomed the court’s decision not to order a ceasefire, stating that “Like every country, Israel has a basic right to defend itself.”
'No ceasefire means all this is a joke.'
The ICJ lacks the power to enforce its rulings, meaning that any judgement in the genocide case will ultimately be symbolic.

'It is not a victory for human rights, but a great defeat for international law.'

27 Jan, 2024

By Maram Humaid - 26 Jan 2024

'The genocide in Gaza will not be stopped.'

26 Jan 2024
Hi @mabar, @Ca., others

We had to launch so called SFO (Special Forum Operation), as announced here and we would really appreciate minimizing the number of tweets because they slow down the page loading significantly while not always being necessary. For example, voting results can be quoted from the source (or any other) site; with some other tweets you can just quote the text and hyperlink the tweet if needed, and so on. Not to mention that we would like to see the news vs. discussion ratio much more balanced. Thank you!
This attack is no different from the many other attacks on American bases in the Middle East. I'm sure that American servicemen died in those attacks, too. The fact that the US is making a big deal out of it shows that they have probably decided to escalate in a big way.
This attack is no different from the many other attacks on American bases in the Middle East. I'm sure that American servicemen died in those attacks, too. The fact that the US is making a big deal out of it shows that they have probably decided to escalate in a big way.
Not necessarily, the bolded part.
It could also mean that they couldn't hide it anymore, the real casualties, as "head traumas that required affected personel to be flown to base in Germany for the check-ups".

Previous incidents of this type happened in more or less remote areas of Iraq and Syria where there're only ISIS/Mossad next to the US military, so presumably no unwanted eyes to assess and report on what really happened there in the sense of potential body bags. As this incident happened in Jordan, it could mean the result of the drone strike had more visibility, in particular among domestic Arab population.

From Puma's post above, it seems Republicans are the ones calling for retaliation against Iran proper, which doesn't seem very likely to happen in an all out kind of fashion because, as Puma wrote there, there would most probably be a counter-attack of similar or even greater proportion, including possibly on Israel itself. Thus it looks more like a political game/positioning during the election year, to portray the Dems and Biden as weak and cowardly, non-patriotic, unable to defend and guard the US interest and lives of its military personel. OSIT.
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