The point is simply war, according to the thesis of central bank and the planned globalist takeover attempt. It doesn’t matter who or where or why, it just has to be marginally believable. The reasons and supposed machinations don’t matter. What matters is that war escalates and is amplified. It’s an OLD playbook.
All you have to do is look at WW1 and say, wow, Archduke killed by lone nutty assassin (allegedly) and that triggers a brutal slaughter of epic proportions and complete European makeover while setting the stage for a depression, fascism and a future war. Seriously? How insane is that? The cooler heads always seem to get marginalized while the lunatics run the asylum.
I think we are witnessing a planned slow escalation which is intended to happen. The details don’t really matter. The rockets firing in the night sky are an artsy and impressive propaganda touch. The fact they are cross border says this thing is going to get out of hand. That’s the macro picture.
Do the micro events matter when the macro result is death and destruction? is knowing the supposed micro causes really going to stop the same macro disaster from happening in the future?! The “war to end all wars” should tell you all you need to know. That both sides in WW2 were financed by the same banks is also telling.
According to Ark's EEQT, the more accurately an Observer can see any given system, that more that this very act of observing tends to bring the system out of chaos and into order. So just by being quantum Observers with an aim for the highest degree of accuracy possible, we can have a net beneficial effect on this reality. It follows that a high degree of accuracy necessitates going into the details.
I like broad stroke narratives, as they help make complex topics accessible, but they can blur important subtle factors, actors, forces, etc. In your example above, WW3 - if it is going to happen - will be very very different than WW1 and WW2. Although there is definitely sameness in the conflicts, in terms of a global cabal, greedy bankers, war profiteers, hyperdimensional control, slaughter of innocents, etc., there is also meaningful difference, and that meaning is found in the details.
And after all, details are where the devil is rumoured to be, no? The EEQT stuff suggests we can sort of freeze him in his tracks somewhat with our frowny-face gaze. So in my mind, might as well pay attention to what the old goat is doing in the details of the unfolding story.