Israel-Palestine War: Hamas Breaks Out of Gaza, Israel Responds With Genocide

The point is simply war, according to the thesis of central bank and the planned globalist takeover attempt. It doesn’t matter who or where or why, it just has to be marginally believable. The reasons and supposed machinations don’t matter. What matters is that war escalates and is amplified. It’s an OLD playbook.

All you have to do is look at WW1 and say, wow, Archduke killed by lone nutty assassin (allegedly) and that triggers a brutal slaughter of epic proportions and complete European makeover while setting the stage for a depression, fascism and a future war. Seriously? How insane is that? The cooler heads always seem to get marginalized while the lunatics run the asylum.

I think we are witnessing a planned slow escalation which is intended to happen. The details don’t really matter. The rockets firing in the night sky are an artsy and impressive propaganda touch. The fact they are cross border says this thing is going to get out of hand. That’s the macro picture.

Do the micro events matter when the macro result is death and destruction? is knowing the supposed micro causes really going to stop the same macro disaster from happening in the future?! The “war to end all wars” should tell you all you need to know. That both sides in WW2 were financed by the same banks is also telling.

According to Ark's EEQT, the more accurately an Observer can see any given system, that more that this very act of observing tends to bring the system out of chaos and into order. So just by being quantum Observers with an aim for the highest degree of accuracy possible, we can have a net beneficial effect on this reality. It follows that a high degree of accuracy necessitates going into the details.

I like broad stroke narratives, as they help make complex topics accessible, but they can blur important subtle factors, actors, forces, etc. In your example above, WW3 - if it is going to happen - will be very very different than WW1 and WW2. Although there is definitely sameness in the conflicts, in terms of a global cabal, greedy bankers, war profiteers, hyperdimensional control, slaughter of innocents, etc., there is also meaningful difference, and that meaning is found in the details.

And after all, details are where the devil is rumoured to be, no? The EEQT stuff suggests we can sort of freeze him in his tracks somewhat with our frowny-face gaze. So in my mind, might as well pay attention to what the old goat is doing in the details of the unfolding story.
They were friends until they felt the gaze of the empire. 😂 Any resemblance to reality is purely coincidental (Text taken from Angelo Giuliano vía X )

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Iran to Pakistan : "hey bro, I have got those US funded motherfckers terrorists who want to create this independent Baluchistan state...can you help out ?

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Pakistan : "you mean those bastards, got the same ones here in Pakistan, fcking terrorists that are targeting Belt and Road initiative, traitors taking CIA money... maybe I can hit some missiles at yours and you can target my US funded terrorists... I cannot target them directly otherwise those western morons will come at us and create some BS stories about genocide."

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Iran : "alright bro, let's do it....but let's make some show, pretend we are angry at each other"

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Pakistan : "sure...they will be overexcited and think we are going to war with each other..."

-Israel/US can't harm Iran Pakistan ties.
-Pakistan has problems controlling the border. Its focus is on India. It has economic problems too.
-Mossas backed terrorists were about to strike. Iran had to decide quickly. Pakistan's anger was expected and understandable.


Erdogan's double game: Praising Palestine, aiding Israel

While the Turkish president loudly praises the Palestinian resistance, he is quietly and ferociously pursuing pro-Israel economic and energy policies.

Anyone who has paid attention to Erdogan's statements since the onset of the war could be forgiven for thinking that Turkiye is at the forefront of nations opposing Israel and championing the Palestinian cause. Few around the world are as willing to adopt as sharp a rhetoric against Tel Aviv's policies as the populist Turkish head of state is.

Initially, Erdogan cautioned for calm and emphasized the importance of preserving civilian lives on both sides, in a likely effort to mitigate Ankara’s well-established relations with Tel Aviv and the west. (,,,) Fueled by unexpected support from Turkiye’s secular opposition in favor of Palestinians, Erdogan abandoned his earlier, measured tone and embraced a more characteristic, high-ceilinged rhetoric.
Yet, true to Erdogan's style, the lofty rhetoric has not translated into tangible action. Instead, it appears designed to manage Turkish public opinion and underscore Ankara's potential role in any resolution of the conflict.
(...)Crucially, Turkiye remains a key player in Israel's oil supply chain, with approximately 4 percent coming from Azerbaijan via Turkiye. Despite calls from Iran to halt oil and food exports to Israel in solidarity with the Palestinians, Ankara persists in maintaining its strategic interests with Tel Aviv through realpolitik shrouded in diplomatic ambiguity.
(...) As the first Muslim state to recognize Israel in 1949, just a year after the founding of the occupation state, Turkiye has long positioned itself as an important ally of the west in the region.

While Erdogan's rhetoric may superficially mimic that of the region's Axis of Resistance, in practice, he is unlikely to significantly alter Turkiye’s geopolitical alignment on the Palestinian issue. His natural position continues to lie within the western axis, particularly when money is at stake.


Russia shields Iran against a 'proxy war' in the Middle East.

January 19, 2024

We said yesterday that jihadism is the secret weapon of the United States (and by extension of Israel) to change the correlation of forces that has been imposed in the Middle East. It remains to add that this weapon is aimed at Iran and that, in addition to the jihadists, there are other types of movements that the CIA is beginning to mobilize.
In this context, a series of interlinked events is taking place. At the beginning of this month, the worst terrorist attack in the history of Iran killed a hundred people. The Islamic Caliphate claimed responsibility for the massacre. On Wednesday Iran attacks three countries (Syria, Iraq and Pakistan) with missiles and drones over a 24-hour period and immediately claims responsibility for the launch.
We are not used to this kind of "in the open" actions.
The correlation of forces in the Middle East has changed due to the Iranian-Saudi rapprochement mediated by China and the integration of Iran, Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates and Egypt into the Brics bloc.

As the balance has tipped, Iran is not interested in any regional war, nor is Hezbollah, no matter how much the intoxicators allude to an escalation in the Middle East war, which always begins and ends in Iran. Behind Hamas is Iran, behind the Huthis is Iran, behind Hezbollah is Iran, behind Hashd Al Shabbi is Iran....
However, since October 7, the Tehran government has been unable to show more caution. Its support for Palestine is rhetorical. Then the problem becomes up to the United States: if Iran does not go to war on its own, how to take it to war, to what kind of war?

The United States cannot attack Iran directly in the hope of a positive outcome. It has to resort to a "proxy war" or, as they say now, to intermediaries. It would extend to neighboring countries (Iraq, Pakistan) to outflank Tehran from the east and west with "failed states" that are easy to manipulate.

Another advantage of such a war is that the imperialist propaganda is more assimilable. It would almost seem to be an "internal war" of a country, like Iran, which is sinking in its own contradictions and in insoluble conflicts with its neighbors (Iraq and Pakistan).

The United States needs to concentrate on the Pacific and that too is very difficult without controlling the Middle East, and not only for oil, as can be seen in the Red Sea. Libya-style destabilization is an essential part of that control.

In addition to the Islamic Caliphate, the United States has activated its pawns in the region, which are varied, as was seen during the destabilization in the streets of Tehran in the fall, which the intoxication media presented under the smokescreen of the Islamic veil. But in Iran there are also other types of organizations more suitable than the NGOs to take a leap forward in the destabilization of Iran, such as the independence fighters of Balochistan, the Kurds or the MEK (Mujahedin-e-Khalq).
"Iran is playing with fire in Balochistan", wrote Foreign Policy magazine a year ago, alluding to "sectarian tensions" between Shiites and Sunnis (1). A year later there was an Iranian attack on the pro-independence Beluchi organizations operating across the border.

In December the Chief of Staff of the Pakistani army, General Asim Munir, traveled to Washington, where he stayed for a week (2). Before taking over as army chief in 2022, Munir headed the intelligence services. He is the first officer in the Pakistan Army who does not come from the army itself.

Following the visit, Pakistan released an official statement highlighting that the two sides discussed ongoing conflicts in the region and agreed to "enhance interactions" for "mutually beneficial" engagements. The statement added that "counter-terrorism cooperation and defense collaboration were identified as key areas."

Obviously Wednesday's strikes were not directed against Syria, Iraq or Pakistan, as the intoxicators claim, but against the bases where the Pentagon militarily trains armed organizations that oppose the Tehran government

Russia is Iran's bodyguard

In anticipation of war, Iran has been pressing Russia to sign a strategic alliance. But if the Iranians are reluctant to commit themselves to the end in the regional hornet's nest, so is Russia.
In December, while General Munir went to Washington, Iranian President Ebrahim Raissi went to Moscow. Just this week the Russian Defense Ministry reported that Russia has finally agreed to sign the alliance with Iran.

"Both sides emphasized their commitment to the fundamental principles of Russian-Iranian relations, including unconditional respect for each other's sovereignty and territorial integrity, which will be confirmed in the important intergovernmental treaty between Russia and Iran, while this document is already being finalized."

Russia's commitment to Iran's sovereignty and territorial integrity is part of the alliance. Both sides stress the importance of regional security issues.

On Wednesday Maria Zakharova said the new treaty would consolidate the strategic partnership between Russia and Iran and cover all their ties. "Since the signing of the current treaty, the international context has changed and relations between the two countries are experiencing unprecedented growth," Zakharova said.

Separately, Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov added that they were pending determination of a date for a meeting between Putin and Raisi that would formally seal the strategic partnership.
(1) Iran’s Regime Plays with Fire in Baluchistan
(2) Pakistan’s Army Chief Comes to Washington

Wow, what outspoken revelations the wizard of European diplomacy can produce. It seems that there is only one small step left to take - to translate everything from the past to the present and logically approach Israel's responsibility for October 7, but of course, the wizard of European diplomacy is not so magical and he will never do it.
Borrel spoke about the financing of Hamas by Israel

The EU's High Representative for Foreign Policy and Security, Josep Borrel, said that Israel had previously funded the Palestinian Hamas movement in order to weaken the Palestinian Authority under the leadership of their rivals, the Movement for the National Liberation of Palestine (Fatah).

The Hamas movement was created on the basis of the Palestinian branch of the Muslim Brotherhood movement*. In the late 1970s, the Likud party that came to power in Israel supported the Palestinian Muslim Brotherhood, which positioned itself as a competitor to Fatah and, until a certain point, did not resort to violent methods of fighting for independence. Fatah leader Mahmoud Abbas currently heads the State of Palestine, the head of Likud is Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.

"Yes, Hamas was funded by the Israeli government, which tried to weaken the Palestinian Authority, led by Fatah," Borrell said in a speech after being awarded an honorary doctorate by the University of Valladolid (UVA) of Spain.

He defended the recognition of a Palestinian State and criticized the fact that, despite supporting the idea of two States, the world community "has not done much to achieve it." According to the head of EU diplomacy, Netanyahu "personally boycotted this decision for the last 30 years."

Надо же, какие откровенные откровения может производить волшебник европейской дипломатии. Вроде бы осталось сделать всего один, небольшой шаг- перевести все из прошедшего в настоящее время и логически подойти к ответственности Израиля за 7 октября, но конечно, волшебник европейской дипломатии не настолько волшебен и он этого никогда не сделает.
Don't forget also the government of Pakistan is already on thin ice with the people. Essentially they overthrew their very popular leader via a military coup, which everyone assumes was ordered from back in the United States. The last thing Pakistan's military leaders need is to be appearing to support Israel's genocide at the moment, or give Iran some incentive to send in a few revolutionary guard troops to help the people get rid of the people who organized the coup against the elected leader.

Hello @WhiteMountain, being that you have been here for a few months, if you can wonder over the the Newbie section and provide a brief introduction so that other members can get to know you, great.

Welcome to the Forum and thanks for your thoughts.
'How else the US will justify its weapons selling to Israel?'

20 Jan, 2024

One of the reasons why US is not seeing evidence of Israel's war crimes in Gaza.

By Tufan Aktas - 15.01.2024

'I have no doubt that US and Israel will "share" same destiny.'
This was posted on one Russian TG channel. The text doesn't only mention the Jews and what Israelis do now. The rest is also poignant and to the point.

Today is a sad anniversary - 82 years ago, the so-called Wannsee Conference - a meeting of high officials of the Third Reich - took place, at which plans were defined for the "final solution of the Jewish question" - a program of genocide of the Jews of Europe. Which were counted 11 million people. All of them were planned to be exterminated and, as we know, partially exterminated.

Nowadays it is common to exclaim that it is impossible to believe that this decision was made by Germans, i.e. heirs of the great German culture: Goethe, Schiller, Kant, Beethoven, Mozart, Marx... One can also exclaim that the power of the "solvers" was obtained democratically, and they were supported by "progressive" business - how so?

History, of course, teaches no one and nothing. But when we hear today about the plans allegedly being discussed in Davos, about the planned reduction of the world's population by a billion(s?) people, we should not be sarcastic and recall conspiracy theories. Better to recall the Wannsee Conference and the fact that "progressive" business may well be planning something else.

And when we see Israel's crimes in the war against Gaza, we should not make big eyes and say that Jews who suffered the holocaust cannot be wrong. It is better to remember the Wannsee Conference and the fact that no hard past is a guarantee against the rebirth of the arrogant government and the population drugged by its propaganda into the darkest and scariest force on the planet.

And when we see in our country a wave of mass hysteria against anyone, be it migrants or people who use feminitives in their speech, fueled by someone for short-term political purposes, we should not say that this cannot happen in our country, because we are not like that! It is better to remember the Wannsee Conference and the fact that no traditional values - humanism or the ability to live in peace with everyone - guarantee a clear consciousness when we are manipulated.

Only one thing can help from future "Wannsee Conferences" - raising the consciousness and activism of citizens. But so far the process around the world is going in the exact opposite direction.

3 Iranian generals killed in Israeli strike on Syria
Iran has accused Israel of killing five members of its elite Revolutionary Guard and several Syrian soldiers in an air strike on a building in Damascus, the Iranian Tasnim news agency reported. According to them, the Iranians killed were "military advisers" - three of them generals. Iranian state television reported that an apartment building used by IRGC members was damaged in the strike.

Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi said the Islamic Republic would not leave "criminal and terrorist acts" unanswered, adding that the United States was complicit. The attack is the latest escalation in regional fighting that has begun since the war between Israel and Hamas on October 7.

Israel has not commented on the strike, as it usually does not confirm or deny allegations of killings or strikes. The apartment building destroyed in Damascus is located in the heavily guarded Mazze district, where many foreign embassies are located.

Experts identified the killed military advisers as Khojatollah Omidwar, Ali Akazade, Hossein Mohammadi, Said Karimi and Mohammed Amin Samadi. Iranian forces have been operating in Syria since the Islamic Republic sent troops to the Arab state to support President Bashar al-Assad after the outbreak of the civil war in 2011.

Over the past decade, Israel and Iran have been involved in an increasingly open confrontation in the Middle East. Israeli forces have carried out numerous air strikes against forces linked to Iran. After the start of the war in the Gaza Strip, Iranian-backed groups launched attacks on Israel, American troops and commercial shipping.

On Saturday, American troops stationed at the Ain al-Assad air base in western Iraq came under rocket fire from Iranian-backed forces. The Islamic Resistance of Iraq group claimed responsibility for the attack. The US Central Command reported that some American military personnel were examined for minor injuries, and at least one Iraqi soldier was wounded.

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said that Israel is "attacking" Iran.

"Who said that we are not attacking Iran? We are attacking," he told reporters.

Iranian officials said Tehran wanted to avoid a broader regional war and did not want to be drawn into direct conflict with Israel or the United States. However, the risks of a wider conflict are growing, and according to the Jerusalem Post, important events are expected in the next 24 hours, including a possible Iranian attack.
3 иранских генерала убиты в результате израильского удара по Сирии
This was posted on one Russian TG channel. The text doesn't only mention the Jews and what Israelis do now. The rest is also poignant and to the point.

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There was a 2001 movie called Conspiracy made for television about the Wannsee Conference that apparently, according to Wiki, used an authentic transcript of the conference.

Could be a good insight into how depopulation is being addressed and discussed in back rooms of the elite. They discuss sterilisation, murder, forced emigration and how to go about it without attracting negative press, breaking the law or making martyrs of the Jews. Turns out the bottom line was always to deliver the Jews into the hands of the SS for gassing and the conference was really about winning the attendees over to that idea according to the movie that may not be authentic on the last point.

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