Israel-Palestine War: Hamas Breaks Out of Gaza, Israel Responds With Genocide

'"No one will stop us": The planned attacks in European countries by Mossad-backed terrorists aim to alter the EU's stance on Israel.'

13 Jan, 2024

14 Jan, 2024

13 January 2024

Another surprisingly firm attempt by Channel 4 to call out Israeli lies and propaganda. The host is trying to get a straight answer as to why references to the scripture about Amalek and 'there are no innocents' wouldn't show genocidal intent. Predictable lies and obfuscation from the Israeli representative, apparently Israeli society is more familiar with the material and would understand that this is purely a reference to Hamas.

But then Krishnan points out that such problematic statements seem to be supported by the soldiers themselves. Once again a group of dancing Israelis has caused a PR headache, although as Krishnan points out it's really the extraordinary number of civilians killed that South Africa is concerned about. That's a tragedy, apparently, which is also solely the responsibility of Hamas.

Via The Cradle,
The US Air Force is discreetly providing Israel with intelligence for its brutal assault on Gaza and has deployed “intelligence engagement officers on the ground,” The Intercept has reported, citing a deployment order obtained under Washington’s Freedom of Information Act.

“The information used to conduct airstrikes and fire long-range artillery weapons — has played a central role in Israel’s siege of Gaza. A document obtained through the Freedom of Information Act suggests that the U.S. Air Force sent officers specializing in this exact form of intelligence to Israel in late November,” the outlet wrote.

Illustrative: IDF/US Army
Just days after Hamas' Oct.7 attack, US President Joe Biden announced that his administration would share intelligence and deploy experts from across the US to “advise the Israeli counterparts on hostage recovery efforts.”

But on November 21, the US Air Force issued deployment guidelines for officers being sent to Israel, which The Intercept said would be used “to provide satellite intelligence to the Israelis for the purpose of offensive targeting.”

Lawrence Cline, a former US intelligence engagement officer in Iraq, told the outlet that those being sent are “targeting officers.” The document cited by The Intercept provides specific instructions to US Air Force officers – some of whom specialize in providing sensitive intelligence to the Israeli army.

Rights groups say the US is complicit in Israeli war crimes by aiding it militarily and providing it with intelligence to help it target Palestinians in Gaza.

“As a general matter, US officials who are providing support to another country during armed conflict would want to make sure they are not aiding and abetting war crimes,” said Brian Finucane of the Crisis Group NGO.

In mid-November, a New York-based rights group filed a suit against Biden’s government for “failure to prevent and complicity in the Israeli government’s unfolding genocide” in Gaza. Nonetheless, despite publicly urging Israel to protect civilians, Washington continues to fuel the Israeli war effort.

As of early December, Washington had already provided Tel Aviv with roughly 15,000 bombs and 57,000 artillery shells. This includes 100 BLU-109, 2,000-pound bunker buster bombs which have killed scores of Palestinians in the Gaza Strip.

As of early December, Washington had already provided Tel Aviv with roughly 15,000 bombs and 57,000 artillery shells. This includes 100 BLU-109, 2,000-pound bunker buster bombs which have killed scores of Palestinians in the Gaza Strip.

Screenshot 2024-01-14 at 22-41-02 Bosni on X The US base near the Iraqi border (Abu Hajar airf...png

New Jersey soldiers prepare for deployment to Syria and Iraq​

Soldiers from New Jersey are joining the fight against an Islamic militant group in the Middle East. This will be the largest deployment of New Jersey Army National Guard soldiers since 2008.

Lt. Col. Omar Minott is among 1,500 New Jersey Army National Guard soldiers deploying to Iraq and Syria. This is his fifth deployment to the Middle East, he said.

His deployment is part of Operation Inherent Resolve, a military campaign to defeat ISIS.

"We have the people we need, we have the training that we need, we have the equipment that we need to fight and win," Minott said.

Ahead of the deployment, military families watched as New Jersey Gov. Phil Murphy and other officials honored the soldiers from the 44th Infantry Brigade Combat Team at a special ceremony Sunday in Trenton.

"By doing your part to support Operation Inherent Resolve, you are protecting peace and prosperity not only for our state, not only for our country but for the entire free world," Murphy said.

Unbelievable that the military and their families still believe they are protecting "peace and prosperity" when they are illegally occupying those countries. And when the real goal is to amass large numbers of military forces for the next clash of civilizations.

New Jersey soldiers prepare for deployment to Syria and Iraq​

Soldiers from New Jersey are joining the fight against an Islamic militant group in the Middle East. This will be the largest deployment of New Jersey Army National Guard soldiers since 2008.

Lt. Col. Omar Minott is among 1,500 New Jersey Army National Guard soldiers deploying to Iraq and Syria. This is his fifth deployment to the Middle East, he said.

His deployment is part of Operation Inherent Resolve, a military campaign to defeat ISIS.

"We have the people we need, we have the training that we need, we have the equipment that we need to fight and win," Minott said.

Ahead of the deployment, military families watched as New Jersey Gov. Phil Murphy and other officials honored the soldiers from the 44th Infantry Brigade Combat Team at a special ceremony Sunday in Trenton.

"By doing your part to support Operation Inherent Resolve, you are protecting peace and prosperity not only for our state, not only for our country but for the entire free world," Murphy said.

Unbelievable that the military and their families still believe they are protecting "peace and prosperity" when they are illegally occupying those countries. And when the real goal is to amass large numbers of military forces for the next clash of civilizations.
It reminds me of something, and I always come back to the Great War and the Second World War, when mothers and fathers were so proud that their children (they were young) were going to defend the Fatherland, to become cannon fodder. To die for the Fatherland, to defend freedom, what an honor! Tragically, attitudes have not changed. We defend freedom, for peace, we go off to kill strangers, we go off to kill, to massacre. That's our civilization. In the old days, those who refused to go out and kill were considered traitors. Today, there are no morals, everyone goes out and gets killed and goes to kill.

People just don't get it. It's a curse that prevents humanity from evolving.
The cleansing...
The Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps pounded the Mossad headquarters in Erbil, Iraq Dozens of ballistic missiles are launched and drone strikes are reported
The News has been confirmed by the IRGC

IRGC claims striking ‘spy headquarters’ in Erbil with ballistic missiles​

Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) early Tuesday claimed responsibility for a massive ballistic missile attack on the Kurdistan Region’s capital of Erbil that killed at least six civilians, claiming to have hit “spy headquarters” of anti-Iran groups in the Region.

“In response to the recent terrorist crimes of the enemies of the Islamic Republic of Iran, the spy headquarters and gatherings of anti-Iran groups in parts of the Region were targeted by IRGC ballistic missiles in the middle of the night,” IRGC-affiliated Tasnim news agency cited a statement by the group as saying.

The sounds of loud bangs and explosions across Erbil city in the middle of the night frightened thousands of residents, and at least five ballistic missile struck near Erbil-Pirmam road and Erbil International Airport, according to Rudaw's reporters on the ground. The strikes come at a time when several top IRGC commanders were killed by Israel in Syria.

The moment of an Iranian ballistic missile impact, passing by the U.S. C-RAM air defense system U.S. Officials are reporting No Casualties from the Iranian Ballistic Missile and Drone Attack which just targeted the US Consulate and International Airport within the City of Erbil in Northern Iraq.

Iran’s Revolutionary Guard deployed in Yemen​

Commanders and advisors from Iran’s elite Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps are on the ground in Yemen and playing a direct role in Houthi rebel attacks on commercial traffic in the Red Sea.

The IRGC has stationed missile and drone trainers and operators in Yemen, as well as personnel providing tactical intelligence support to the Houthis, U.S. and Middle East officials told Semafor. The IRGC, through its overseas Qods Force, has also overseen the transfer to the Houthis of the attack drones, cruise missiles, and medium-range ballistic missiles used in a string of strikes on Red Sea and Israeli targets in recent weeks, these officials said.

The IRGC’s overall presence inside Yemen is overseen by Gen. Abdul Reza Shahlai, a Tehran-based commander whom the Trump administration attempted to assassinate in a 2020 drone strike inside Yemen, U.S. and Mideast officials said. American intelligence believes Shahlai is deeply involved in Tehran’s overseas terrorist operations through his role as the Qods Force’s deputy commander.

If this is not propaganda, Iran has stopped hiding and has been attacking the Mossad.

It is time to drop the masks and take sides for one or the other vision of the future world. New World Order or New Multipolar Order
If this is not propaganda, Iran has stopped hiding and has been attacking the Mossad.

It is time to drop the masks and take sides for one or the other vision of the future world. New World Order or New Multipolar Order
This is true, if it's not propaganda it's kind of a big deal what is taking place.

On the one hand, that is what the West has been crying about for years, Iran.. and Iran has been somewhat passive about the whole thing, maybe even trying to pull something similar to what they did with Russia, attempting to discourage them by announcing that they would attack Ukraine?

But if Iran has finally decided to push back, this could be a big idea, Israel could not on their own fight Iran, Lebanon and Yemen. So more of NATO will join the conflict, at which point, who knows.. maybe Russia and China might back Iran and this could escalate, but with NATO so depleted of weaponry and some of their soldiers.. it would be a silly conflict to take on, but this could be the one they may be playing their last cards on.

Interesting year ahead... specially after this discovery from tonight's news round, it sounds at first as pure propaganda, more of the same from 9 years ago, and it may be.. but considering what's going on in the ME, maybe something else is going on?

Germany 'preparing for war' as conflict between NATO and Russia 'imminent'​

The prospect of a major conflict between NATO and Russia appear more likely in the wake of a report citing a secret document by the Bundeswehr - Germany's armed forces.

The report claims the German army is preparing for a potential hybrid attack to be carried out by Russia on the eastern flank of NATO.

Referring to a secret Bundeswehr document, a source told German daily Bild that an escalation between Moscow and the Western alliance could start as early as next month.

The confidential document details how the war may erupt, with events and incidents happening month after month.

After a predicted "Russian mobilisation" in February, Moscow would order a spring offensive in Ukraine, to be followed by an attack against the Baltic countries in July, according to the report.

The Russian exclave of Kaliningrad could play a massive role in the escalation of tensions, with Vladimir Putin possibly moving there Russia's troops and missiles by October 2024.

The Suwałki Gap - the small area separating Belarus from Kaliningrad that lies along the border between Poland and Lithuania - could see border conflicts and "unrest with numerous casualties" in December, only weeks after the US presidential election.

As part of the hybrid war, the report includes cyberattacks and other means of warfare as a possibility.
Interesting details of yesterday's Iranian strikes.
Another night was marked by a large-scale Iranian missile strike on the new US military consulate under construction in Erbil. Kurdish businessman Peshraw Dzeyi, the head of Empire and Falcon Group companies, was liquidated in his house next to the American base, associated with the Mossad. His security service employs many US military personnel, and the business started after the US invasion of Iraq. An important figure - 4 ballistic missiles were not spared.
Besides him, 8 more Mossad operatives were killed. Syrian sources report that Iranian missiles also reached Idlib, hitting the command facility "Hayat Tahrir al-Sham" in northwestern Syria.
16.01.2024 Украина: ТЯЖЕЛЫЕ БОИ по всей линии фронта - ВИДЕО. Карта боевых действий на Украине сегодня: Авдеевка, Воронеж (21 видео)

Интересные подробности вчерашних Иранских ударов.
Road to WW3

Iran says it targeted bases of militant group in Pakistan​

Two bases of Baluchi militant group Jaish al Adl in Pakistan were targeted by Iranian missiles, state media reports, a day after Iran’s elite Revolutionary Guards attacked targets in Iraq and Syria with missiles.

The militant group has previously mounted attacks on Iranian security forces in the border area with Pakistan.

“These bases were hit and destroyed by missiles and drones,” Iranian state media reports, without elaborating.

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