Israel-Palestine War: Hamas Breaks Out of Gaza, Israel Responds With Genocide

Here is what prompted the Iranian to seize the ship.

Here is what prompted the Iranian to seize the ship.
The short of this story is that Iran just seized their own ship back. The Americans confiscated the ship in April 2023 as it violated their ruled based order sanctions. It was carrying Iranian crude which the US stole and took to Texas. Iran chose to now take the ship back with its new cargo of oil.

In other words, there will not be an escalation because of this. More like a tit for tat as America is shown that there are more than one who can play the game of confiscating tankers.
Jaw dropping statment in the Knesset. ("the day is now" "or we will lose our window of time")

"Knesset hearing 4th January where, Noga Arbel called for the immediate destruction of the UNRWA." (1 minute)

‘It will be impossible to win the war if we do not destroy UNRWA’, says former Israeli official"​

Judge Napolitano and Jeffery Sachs discussing a few hours ago today's trail at the Hague with clips of statements and video being shared during statements. Damning videos, statements and discussions of Biblical how-to procedures to carry out a genocide. (30 minutes)

Also opening statement by South Africa. (25 minutes)

South African lawyer's incredible speech accusing Israel of genocide at ICJ​

Unless I’m living in an echo chamber, Israel isn’t doing particularly well in the info war on social media. Here’s a tweet by their foreign ministry, they’re not getting as much sympathy in the comments as they probably hope for. Same thing with other pro-Israel accounts I watch.

I also checked if the tradcon gang, i.e., Shapiro et al., is still getting so much support for their anti-Palestinian posts, and it looks like apart from sharing other people’s posts they haven’t really been sharing their thoughts on the war in Gaza that much. They still get lots of happy clappy responses under their shared content on the subject though, so no change there, but they’re not as vocal as they were in the immediate aftermath of 7/10. I do wonder why that is.
Owen Jones covered the South African deposition earlier today. I'm extremely vexed at the moment due to some personal issues, some of which are related to family members who buy into all the "Israel is our only ally in the middle east" bullshit narrative. Their analysis is shallow and riddled with age old tropes. Really frustrating, I'm starting to realise that I have virtually nothing in common with my Father in particular. I just can't understand what is so difficult to understand about this war, it's as plain as day, and these fools in my family think they've got Israeli "allies"? 10k murdered children? Humanity never fails to disappoint me.:headbash: And it's not as if I'm some super-enlightened being, all it takes is a brain and a conscience. I feel suffocated and nauseous this week, surrounded by idiots, who always have the loudest voices.

Never, ever trust a Conservative politician, one of my key lessons from this life, and Labour are no better, in many respects they are even worse, because they should know better. At least Jeremy Corbyn was there today to offer his support. He was truly shafted by his party after the last UK election. Apparently we are facing in the UK a general election next winter. I shall not be voting, simply because there is no-one worth voting for. Humanity, what an enigma we are; superficially we look the same, but under the surface we are so different, almost different species. Okay, factor in OPs and psychopaths and other pathological types, I see that as people who can see and understand geopolitical reality we are in an incredible minority. I really hope this catastrophe in Gaza is the straw that finally breaks Israel's back. Justice is way overdue, and as a collective society we have failed terribly in this respect. How bad does it have to get before people see? I've got to admit, I'm astounded by the ignorance which surrounds me. Until they feel the pain themselves they will not see a thing.

😮 Another hell in the loose

- Cities in Yemen Hit with US and UK Airstrikes: Sana'a, Hodeidah, Saada, Dhamar, Taiz, Zabid.

- Pentagon say they bombed 10 targets in Yemen. UAV production facilities and IMD warehouses were attacked.

- A large batch of surface-to-surface ballistic missiles was launched from Yemen towards American battleships

Words of the general of the Yemeni Armed Forces Abdussalam Jahaf :
I completed my prostration in gratitude to God Almighty, as the great Yemeni people chose to confront the infidel West after their honorable stances with #Gaza, and here is Yemen being bombed because it took the greatest stand, the most honorable stance, and the dearest stand with the oppressed in Gaza. By God, there is no god but Him, who split the grain and healed the soul. We are very happy with this stage, and by God. If America were satisfied with us, we would doubt our religion. It is the Great Satan and the enemy of Islam and the Muslims. Its defeat will be a sign of God Almighty that will be immortalized in history, and through it God will exalt a people who knew God and were not foolish about anything other than His approval. We have longed to confront America for more than twenty years. This is the holy jihad and this is the stage. The historic decisive moment that God honored us with to humiliate America, Britain and Israel. It is a great blessing that God chooses you to discipline the arrogant. O God, praise be to you.
Now: The American, British and Israeli barbarism has been responded to, and now a major battle has erupted in the Red Sea, and it is certain that a number of American and British battleships have been hit. Stay tuned. By God, here is Yemen, you fools.
Whoever is involved will pay the price. We will not stop our attacks until you leave the region, and we will not stop trampling on you until we see the humiliation and humiliation in you. Yemen is disciplining Britain and America now at sea.
Al Jazeera - Urgent

Urgent | British Prime Minister: We urge the #Houthis to stop their attacks and take steps to reduce the escalation

Some are doubtful of the narrative:

Battle of the Gate of Grief

There are all sorts of swirling rumors about the missiles flying around in the vicinity of the Red Sea.My initial impression is that the US/UK launched a weak-ass half-blind limited strike against Yemeni targets.

Allegedly, the Yemenis hit back with a large salvo of their own. There are unconfirmed claims of warships getting hit, and an F-22 getting shot down over Sana'a. Time will tell.

I expect it ain't over yet.

I'm watching the gold and oil charts for an indication as to whether or not solid evidence emerges of a US/UK warship having been hit.

That would be a portentous development indeed.

Larry Johnson suggests that the Yemenis knew the attack was coming.


Yemen’s Taiz Airport in Sana’a


I recall my boss at State Counter Terrorism — retired USMC Colonel Dick Gannon — saying, “You can’t fix stupid.” The U.S. and U.K. airstrikes on Yemen are absolutely stupid and is likely to ignite a spiral of violence that will leave Americans and Brits dead. The cable news shows absolutely love this story. They get to show video footage of F-18s zooming off the deck of a carrier and pictures of boiling clouds of black smoke risking above the cities of Sana’a and Al-Hudaydah (see above).

But what does this accomplish? From a military standpoint it is unlikely that these bombings destroyed or damaged any Houthi rocket/drone/missile warehouses. Why? Because Antony Blinken briefed the leaders of Turkey, Greece, Jordan, Qatar, the United Arab Emirates and Saudi Arabia on the U.S. plan to hit Yemen. What are the odds that at least one senior person in the know passed that info along to folks in Yemen? I put it at 100%.

So what? That gave Yemen time to disperse its assets or hide them in a secure location. I wonder if Shakespeare had Joe Biden in mind when he penned this observation in Macbeth:

Life’s but a walking shadow; a poor player, that struts and frets his hour upon the stage, and then is heard no more: it is a tale told by an idiot, full of sound and fury, signifying nothing.

This bombing is unlikely to achieve any meaningful degrading of Yemeni missile and drone capabilities, but it will rally more of the global Arab and muslim street to the side of the Houthis. It also raises the risk that the Houthis, who up until now had only targeted ships linked to Israel, will expand targets to include U.S. and U.K. vessels. Important to remember that the U.S. and U.K. ships can only spend a limited time in the Red Sea before they have to set sail for a port, such as Dubai, where the destroyers can replace the empty VLS missile tubes.

I think it also is likely that U.S. and U.K. embassies, consulates will be attacked and that commercial enterprises viewed as U.S. or U.K. will be targeted. Nabil Khoury, a former deputy chief of the US mission in Yemen, appeared on Al Jazeera and observed, “the attacks on Yemen are a “failure of American diplomacy.” He also noted that as a result of these actions:

the US and UK bombing of Houthi targets in Yemen, the Biden administration effectively became “a direct participant in the war in Gaza,” Khoury told Al Jazeera.
“The situation can only get worse from here,” he said. “I think this is a serious mistake. I think more effort should have been made to contain the Houthis… If the US and Britain think this will silence the Houthis, I think they have something else in mind.”

I agree with Mr. Khoury. Punching Yemen in the nose is not a knock out blow. Moreover, the Houthis have 9 years of war experience under their belts. They ain’t afraid to fight Washington and London from the relative secure confines of Yemen.

When the U.S. and U.K. warships run out of missiles and bombs — and they will run out if Yemen is able to launch sustained drone and missile attacks for two weeks without pause — the American and British naval forces will be compelled to withdraw in order to rearm. This will be perceived in Yemen and other sympathetic nations as a retreat. The ball is now in Yemen’s court. What will be their next volley?

So I suppose the PTB are looking to expand the war. This could be how the world economy finally tanks.
I know the details are posted above, so I won't be adding much of that.

But just so that I make my point, the US, Candada, UK, Australia, Barhein, and the Netherlands, all have decided to attack Yemen, because of their dangerous acts against the International community.. all freaking 5 countries, 4 of which are as far as possible from Yemen, heck Australia is like two continents away.

But the audacity of all of them to come out and say that it is a defensive move, to attack a sovereign nation, to prevent damage to commerce. As if they were so very superior and concerned about the wellbeing of humanity but have absolutely nothing to say about the tens of thousands of human beings being slaughtered by Israel not too far away from where they're bomging.

Yemen has retaliated, and now the global conflict has opened up another front, it seems only Asia is missing its own little "local" conflict.

We shall see where this all lands.
Alejo said in reply 3499:

Would you mind telling us a bit about the video? it's in Spanish and not everyone here speaks Spanish, but also.. it's 50 min long, can you tell us what the main idea of it is?
From the beginning to min.1.10, the images are just an illustration of the topic that the video will discuss.
I transcribe the essence of the text:

Mundane astrology.
This is the name of the field of Astrology that he studies:
The birth chart of nations.
The world leaders
The political parties.
The economic markets.
Climate anomalies and catastrophes.
Current and past events including the coronation of kings and queens.
The taking of positions of presidents.
The launch of spaceships, aircraft carriers.
Disasters like the 9/11 attack.
Among many other things.

On May 14, 1948, David Ben Gurion announced the establishment of the state of Israel at 4 p.m. when he opened the session in what is now the Tel Aviv museum by reading the declaration of independence.
At that time the constellation of Libra was rising, however, when the reading concluded and declared the establishment of the state of Israel, it was approximately 4:47 in the afternoon and the ascendant reached the Libra/Scorpio cusp; Since this event of the declaration of independence occurs in a time frame of around 45 minutes, some astrologers disagree about what the true ascendant of this nation is.
Some point out that it is the 23rd degree of Libra, which is when this event begins and others bet on the 2nd degree of Scorpio, which is when the event ends.
What adds weight to the fact that some astrologers say that the ascendant is the 23rd degree of Libra is the notable fact that it is found in these same degrees in the birth charts of David Ben Gurion and Moshe Sharet, first and second ministers both born October 16, which is the day when the Sun is in the 23rd degree of Libra.
What is a fact is that the Libra/Scorpio cusp is also dominant in the birth charts of the prime ministers: Levi Eshkol, Isaac Shamir and Benjamin Netanyahu, all 3 were born between October 21 and 23 when the Sun passage from Libra to Scorpio.
Russia has requested an urgent meeting of the UN Security Council in connection with the US and UK strikes on Yemen, it will be held on January 12.

The main thing by morning about the situation in the Middle East:

- U.S. and British leaders said the strikes on Yemen were "defensive in nature."

- Lloyd Austin was actively involved in directing the attack from a hospital, CNN reported, citing a Defense Department official;

- Biden's decision to strike was unconstitutional because he did so without congressional authorization, Democrat Ro Khanna said;

- massive bombardment targeted Sanaa International Airport (video 1, as reported online), al-Hodeida, Saada and Damar provinces, according to Sky News Arabia;

- Biden said the strikes were in response to "unprecedented attacks by the Houthis" in the Red Sea, they were carried out with the support of Australia, Bahrain, Canada and the Netherlands;

- Sunak called on the Houthis to stop shelling civilian ships and take steps to reduce tensions;

- U.S.-British coalition strikes using precision munitions have destroyed multiple targets, a U.S. military spokesman said;

- London and Washington should be prepared to pay a heavy price for massive strikes on Yemen, Yemeni Deputy Foreign Minister Hussein al-Azi said;

- mass protests against the strikes on Yemen began outside the White House (video 2) and in Times Square (in video 3).

🟩 RT in Russian. Subscribe
Translated with deepl

And they are going to use that Card ad nauseaum 🙄

As Israel did in Hague again because Hamas.
The legal arguments by Israel at the ICJ in defense of allegations of genocide against the Palestinian people in a nutshell:

Allegations by South Africa are outrageous and libel, Israel is the victim, Israel acts in self-defense, there’s no intent to harm civilians, the examples of intent provided by South Africa are misleading, South Africa supports Hamas, South Africa is confused and complicit in the genocide by Hamas against Israel, Hamas destroyed civilian structures and hospitals with boobytraps, bombs and misfired missiles, Hamas tunnels cause civilian structures to collapse, Israel aims to mitigate harm and warned civilians of pending attacks via Twitter, phone calls and leaflets, Israel is facilitating humanitarian aid but Hamas is stealing the aid for its fighters, the allegations of genocide are baseless because of humanitarian efforts by Israel.

After hearing both sides my opinion is as follows: South Africa has provided ample evidence of genocidal intent by Israeli officials and the IDF, prima facie evidence shows the collective and unlawful punishment against Palestinian civilians committed by Israel and aided by the US Govt.

The good news is that the application to the ICJ by South Africa has already achieved a change of strategy by Israel and its enablers that will save thousands of lives and there’s hope that the Judges will apply additional pressure to make Israel and its enablers stop their indefensible mass-murder and persecution of Palestinian civilians.

South Africa should be applauded for standing up for the rights of Palestinian civilians and the ICJ would be well advised to show to the world that the protection of innocent lives has priority over the interests of an apartheid regime to displace or eliminate an entire group of people. Israel has already murdered 1% of the Palestinian population in just 3 months. This obvious genocide must be stopped. Israel and its enablers must be held accountable.

Watch the legal arguments made by Israel to the International Court of Justice:…
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