Israel-Palestine War: Hamas Breaks Out of Gaza, Israel Responds With Genocide

Interesting, and if is not that infection, could be another. How many shots they got? 3, 4, 5?

So according to my medical sources from behind enemy lines..
We now know it is NOT a fungal infection...and it is certainly NOT a parasite bite.. that is killing Israeli occupation soldiers at hospitals & causing many to lose their limbs...
the israeli government is accomplice to the largest coverup in the israeli occupation's history ever since operation stealing Yemeni Jewish babies.
We had spoken about this in serious spaces few weeks back, but we were still waiting for confirmation..
So, it seems that a combo of
Flesh eating bacteria(Say hello to STREPS/necrotizing fasciitis), rather the mutated one which is causing thousands of israeli soldiers to become amputees &/or die. The fact that a simple cut allows that bacteria to invade the body is something normal. however, what is NOT NORMAL
is that in usual cases a larger number of those soldiers would have still been alive today.. had it not been for one thing: PFIZER's Vaccine... which apparently was the only vaccine at one point administered to most israeli occupation's military corps.
the impact of that covid-19
vaccine on those soldiers immune system made them vulnerable to even the weakest of STREPs types.. but when faced with the mutated STREPs. fatality jumped to over 90%. even with proper treatment.
And their doctors know it. their gov know it.. yet they are hiding it. I wonder why!
Just today I came across this news item, which I think was worth sharing here. It highlights perfectly what the MO of Israel is and has been all along for decades.

Without medical supplies and with dozens of wounded on the ground, the only functioning hospital in Deir al Balah, in the Gaza Strip, was forced to stop providing service, following an order from the State of Israel. With this, doctors had to evacuate the facilities and abandon the health of hundreds of Palestinians, including women and children, the World Health Organization (WHO) warned.

This is because the few hospitals that remain in service suffer from a lack of beds, medical equipment, and now, personnel. "Three months into this conflict, it is inconceivable that this most essential need, the protection of healthcare, is not assured. No hospital is fully functioning in northern Gaza, where another WHO mission was canceled today due to the dangers and the lack of necessary permits. In the rest of Gaza, only a handful of health centers operate," said WHO Director General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus through his "X" account - formerly Twitter -.

In this regard, he added that the situation is outrageous. "WHO staff saw sickening scenes of people of all ages being treated on blood-stained floors and in chaotic hallways. An unidentified child lay dead, partially covered by a sheet, on a bed. Other injured people were left prostrate in the floor, being stepped on by healthcare personnel and family members. A man's heartbreaking moans, whether of pain or anguish, cut through the commotion of the emergency room.

If the above does not spell genocide, I am not sure what does, but also, it's beyond genocide, it's a torturous murder, where it's not just the injury, it's they do not want you to be able to attend to your pain, that is torture on a massive scale. Doctors Without Borders also had their installations bombed despite having informed the Israelis about their location, but I suppose no one is safe when AI is making the decisions.
The tyrannical ethnosupremacist regime of Israel has killed the family of Al Jazeera’s Wael Dahdouh while he was on air covering its missile strikes The targeted murder comes a day after Tony Blinken demanded Qatar suppress Al Jazeera’s coverage of Gaza
7 Jan 2024 Video report
Al Jazeera journalist Wael Dahdouh is mourning his son, Hamza Dahdouh, who has been killed in an Israeli air strike that targeted his car in southern Gaza. In October, Israeli forces killed Wael’s wife, other son, daughter and grandson.


A week after the attack on the Beirut suburbs, an Israeli drone carried out another targeted strike on Kherbet Selm in the south of the country. This rocket attack resulted in the death of one of the senior commanders of the Rezvan special forces of Hezbollah, Haj Jawad al-Tawil.

Coordinates: 33.22942155964798, 35.42385068265549

Considering the missile strike in Beirut, followed by the terrorist attack in Kerman and now this attack, it becomes evident how determined the Israeli ultra-Orthodox government is in provoking the so-called "axis of resistance" represented by Iran and Hezbollah to retaliate.

In our discussion of the tragedy in Kerman, we pointed out that the ultra-Orthodox can only maintain their power if the war continues, preferably (but not necessarily) with them in the role of the "victim." Attacks like today's against important members of Hezbollah serve precisely this purpose.

In this situation, one should not expect a strong reaction from Hezbollah, as this is exactly what the ultra-Orthodox desire. In military matters, one of the fundamental rules is to thwart the enemy's objectives.

If one is tempted to engage the enemy on their own terms, precisely what should be avoided, it is important to impose one's own conditions. Hassan Nasrallah understands this well, despite the reputational losses he suffers due to his lack of response.

Risking a lot in retaliation for one individual (although respected and significant for the Shiites) would appear to be a very questionable move. This is especially true considering the thousands of civilians who have already lost their lives in Palestine and Lebanon. Strangely, their tragic fate does not seem to concern anyone.

Gaza death toll exceeds 23,000 as 249 killed by Israel in 24 hours
Jan 8, 2024 #Palestine #Gaza #MaghaziRefugeeCamp Video
The Israeli military is continuing to pound Gaza, bombing central and southern areas of the territory. At least 249 Palestinians have been killed in the last day, according to Gaza's health ministry. The few remaining staff at Al Aqsa Hospital in the center of the strip say they can't cope with the number of casualties. The World Health Organization says Gaza’s healthcare is on its knees and calling for urgent action to protect hospitals. More than 23,000 Palestinians have been killed and more than 58,000 wounded since the war began.

3 hours ago (Updated: 3 hours ago)
Netanyahu’s political future may depend on a second Trump presidency, says one observer.
Political analyst Elijah Magnier joined Sputnik’s Political Misfits program Monday to discuss Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s declining political fortunes as the country pulls troops from northern Gaza.

“Netanyahu is in real trouble today,” said the journalist in a discussion with host John Kiriakou. “First, he is attacked by his coalition in the government… the finance minister [Bezalel] Smotrich and the security minister [Itamar] Ben-Gvir warned him if he stopped the attack on Gaza, saying that they want the [Israeli] settlers to return to Gaza after they were asked to leave in 2005 by Prime Minister Ariel Sharon.”

“This objective contradicts with the American announcement that the Palestinians will go nowhere and will remain in Gaza, and any ethnic cleansing is not permitted,” added Magnier, “which means that the coalition and Netanyahu's government is not going to hold.”
The Biden administration has largely defended Netanyahu’s military operation in Gaza, which has killed 1% of the enclave’s population over the previous months. Both Biden and US Secretary of State Antony Blinken have a long history of strong support for Israel.

But, hounded by elements of his party’s base and activists who have dubbed him “Genocide Joe,” Biden has been compelled to offer rhetorical opposition. His administration has criticized far-right members of Netanyahu’s government calling for a population transfer of Palestinians from Gaza.

Smoke rises during an Israeli military bombardment of the northern Gaza Strip on November 15, 2023, amid the ongoing battles between Israel and the Palestinian group Hamas.  - Sputnik International, 1920, 21.11.2023
Ex-CIA Analyst: US Responsible for Gaza Genocide by Empowering Netanyahu

21 November 2023, 19:19 GMT

Magnier said Netanyahu’s future may depend on Biden losing reelection later this year, with a second Donald Trump administration likely being more amenable to ethnic cleansing.

“He [Netanyahu] needs to keep going in this war, first to avoid the fall of the coalition and have the war last for as long as possible, waiting in the hope that Donald Trump will come to power,” said the analyst. “Trump will be extremely happy to put pressure on Egypt to open the gate and force an exodus of all the Palestinians and give him the whole of Gaza.”

“The only hope for Netanyahu is to disregard what the Biden administration wants,” he concluded.

Discussion then shifted towards South Africa’s recent filing of genocide charges against Israel at the International Court of Justice. The South African government delivered an 80-page complaint against Israel last week, documenting various statements from members of the Israeli government expressing support for ethnic cleansing and mass civilian casualties. The charges are set to be heard this week.

“Ministers in the Netanyahu government said, 'We want to kill all the Palestinians, we don't want anyone in Gaza to remain alive, and we want to force an exodus on them if they don't leave Gaza,’” recalled Magnier. “The heritage minister of Benjamin Netanyahu's government said we need to use nuclear bombs on Gaza. And the other minister said we are going to cut both electricity and food and supply to Gaza and ‘don't lecture us about human rights.’”

“All these represent clear evidence [of genocidal intent],” he said. “Plus all the films and videos that are posted on TikTok and social media by the Israeli army itself inside Gaza showing how they're blowing up those homes by spreading explosive everywhere. And then another officer saying, 'Well, I killed two boys of 20 because I didn't find any children to kill.' And the snipers killing civilians who were raising white flags and raising their arms in the sky. So all these represent solid proof of crimes against humanity and war crimes that Israel is committing.”

“I think many countries would like to see some of the international laws coming back to normality,” Magnier concluded.

Palestinians carrying a few salvageable items leave Gaza City to safer areas in the south on November 25, 2023, on the second day of a truce between Israel and Hamas.  - Sputnik International, 1920, 01.12.2023
‘Genocide Becomes Functional’ When Israel, US Deny Palestinian Existence - Academic
1 December 2023, 20:57 GMT
WHETHER REPORTING FROM the Middle East, the United States, or anywhere else across the globe, every CNN journalist covering Israel and Palestine must submit their work for review by the news organization’s bureau in Jerusalem prior to publication, under a long-standing CNN policy. While CNN says the policy is meant to ensure accuracy in reporting on a polarizing subject, it means that much of the network’s recent coverage of the war in Gaza — and its reverberations around the world — has been shaped by journalists who operate under the shadow of the country’s military censor.
CNN’s practice of routing coverage through the Jerusalem bureau does not mean that the military censor directly reviews every story. Still, the policy stands in contrast to other major news outlets, which in the past have run sensitive stories through desks outside of Israel to avoid the pressure of the censor. On top of the official and unspoken rules for reporting from Israel, CNN recently issued directives to its staff on specific language to use and avoid when reporting on violence in the Gaza Strip. The network also hired a former soldier from the IDF’s Military Spokesperson Unit to serve as a reporter at the onset of the war.
“The policy of running stories about Israel or the Palestinians past the Jerusalem bureau has been in place for years,” a CNN spokesperson told The Intercept in an email. “It is simply down to the fact that there are many unique and complex local nuances that warrant extra scrutiny to make sure our reporting is as precise and accurate as possible.”
I don't know if this is the right thread, but something weird is going on. It turns out that the Chabad Lubavitch religious community was raided by the police of New York for the construction of an illegal tunnel. This same collective is the one to which the current president of Argentina, Javier Milei, subscribes.

And I don't know if all this turmoil is related to the events in Israel. I have the impression that something is being revealed.

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Dr Finkelstein demolishes Sam Harris, in his (as always) gentlemanly way, showing that he is not wrong only about Darwinism and Atheism. Although I am not surprised that someone with his "values" would be an Israel supporter, or in general, have no idea of subjective and moral reality.

Anyway, the video is almost 15' long and very satisfying to watch. At least it was to me:

'Good to hear but hard to implement - No ceasefire in Blinken's agenda.'

7 Jan 2024

By Svetlana Ekimenko - 2 hours ago
'Not even "a thought" for ceasefire in Gaza.'

Blinken meets Netanyahu, stresses importance of avoiding further civilian harm in Gaza

9 JAN, 2024

9 Jan 2024
It would not be a surprise. The good part is that Houthis had noticed.


Houthis warn of strikes on the UAE if they hire mercenaries to attack non-Israeli ships

Abdulsalam Jahaf, a member of Ansarullah's defence committee, said the UAE is hiring mercenaries to attack non-Israeli ships and put the blame on us.

If the UAE does so, they will not survive our strikes.

10 January، 2024
Occupied Jerusalem, SANA- The most prominent developments in Operation (Al-Aqsa Flood) launched by the Palestinian resistance on October 7th in response to the attacks launched by the Israeli occupation.

-Palestinian media: A number of martyrs and wounded in Israeli occupation shelling of two houses in Jabalia, northern Gaza Strip.

-Israeli occupation admits that one of its soldiers killed and another injured during clashes with Palestinian resistance, southern Gaza Strip.

-Palestinian media outlets: The number of Palestinian martyrs in the Israeli aircraft bombing of a house in Rafah city has reached up to 15.

-Palestinian media: Four Palestinians martyred in Israeli aircraft shelling of a house in al-Maghazi camp, central Gaza Strip.

-Palestinian media: The number of Palestinian martyrs in Israeli aircraft bombing of a house in Rafah city has risen to nine.

An American woman says, “One day I will tell my children the story: Israel is a terrorist and its army is a group of terrorists. No, we will not forget.
Post -2 graphic

Bumped into interesting TG post. The ‘signature’ as with 9/11 insurance of wtc case etc.

In New York, police arrested about ten people who were trying to protect a secret tunnel dug into a closed synagogue. The conflict arose after police tried to detain members of the Hasidic Jewish community who dug a tunnel into a closed synagogue in Brooklyn's Crown Heights neighborhood.
It was this Schneerson (Khabad) community that raised $7 billion for Israel and Netanyahu's support in the first week after 7.10.23.
They also made shorts on the New York Stock Exchange and Nasdaq 6 hours before the Hamas attack.
As a result, more than $1.3 trillion was earned, and half was offered to Egypt plus repayment of all its state obligations for the reception and overexposure of 5 million Palestinians.
Egypt categorically refused. Then the community made the same offer to the pool of African countries, increasing the budget to $ 3.5 trillion. The offer is being considered. Apparently, the raid on the community in New York is such a form of objection from the US Democratic Party.
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