Israel-Palestine War: Hamas Breaks Out of Gaza, Israel Responds With Genocide

Saudi FM: No normal Israel ties without path to Palestinian state ■ Two Hezbollah members killed in airstrike in Lebanon ■ Israel approves outline allowing transfer of funds to PA through Norway ■ IDF releases name of Israeli soldier killed in combat in southern Gaza on Saturday ■ Report: Israel killed 20-30 percent of Hamas' fighters in Gaza, U.S. estimates

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There are diplomatic efforts by the U.S., Egypt and Qatar to push Israel and Hamas to agree to a new proposal and are likely to begin negotiations in Cairo in the next few days, according to a report in the Wall Street Journal.

Mediators proposed a 90-day plan, which would begin with a cease-fire, the release of all Israeli civilian hostages in exchange for the release of hundreds of Palestinian prisoners, and a slow withdrawal of Israeli forces from the Gaza Strip. The first phase would also see the end of drone surveillance and a significant increase in humanitarian aid.

The second phase would have Hamas free female Israeli soldiers and bodies as Israel releases more Palestinian prisoners. A third phase would see Hamas release male soldiers and Israelis of fighting age in exchange for Israel to redeploy its forces outside the borders of the Gaza Strip.

Officials briefed on the negotiations have said that both parties have showed interest in engaging in discussions.



+ Without a Palestinian state, there is no normalisation with Israel: Saudi Arabia

In an interview with CNN’s Fareed Zakaria the Saudi Foreign Minister Prince Faisal bin Farhan said that his country would not normalise relations with Israel without a concrete plan for a Palestinian state.

When asked by the host “are you saying unequivocally that if there is not a credible and irreversible path to a Palestinian state, there will not be normalisation of relations between Saudi Arabia and Israel?”
“That’s the only way we’re going to get a benefit, so yes,”
Farhan replied.

When asked if Saudi Arabia would finance reconstruction in Gaza, Prince Faisal gave a similar answer.

“As long as we’re able to find a pathway to a solution, a resolution, a pathway that means that we’re not going to be here again in a year or two, then we can talk about anything. But if we are just resetting to the status quo before October 7 – in a way that sets us up for another round of this, as we have seen in the past – we’re not interested in that conversation.

+ Scotland first minister condemns Netanyahu over denial of Palestinian statehood

Netanyahu's dangerous views, denying Palestinian Statehood,
are not just "disappointing" but must be condemned in the strongest possible terms.

For those who want to see peace in the region, we must see meaningful progress on a two state solution.
— Humza Yousaf (@HumzaYousaf) January 21, 2024

+ Israel's Netanyahu rejects Hamas conditions for hostage deal which include 'outright surrender'

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on Sunday rejected conditions presented by Hamas to end the war and release hostages that would include Israel's complete withdrawal and leaving Hamas in power in Gaza.

"In exchange for the release of our hostages, Hamas demands the end of the war, the withdrawal of our forces from Gaza, the release of all the murderers and rapists," Netanyahu said in a statement. "And leaving Hamas intact."

"I reject outright the terms of surrender of the monsters of Hamas,"
Netanyahu said, according to Reuters.

As Israeli planes resumed bombing Khan Younis in the southern Gaza Strip, senior Hamas official Sami Abu Zuhri told Reuters the Israeli leader's refusal to end the military offensive in Gaza "means there is no chance for the return of the (Israeli) captives".

+'You won't sit here while they're dying' in Gaza: Family members of captives break into parliament

"You are sitting here making reports, how is that possible?" one protestor shouted.
— Noa Shpigel (@NoaShpigel) January 22, 2024

+ Mexico, Chile referred Israel’s war in Gaza to the International Criminal Court over escalating violence against Palestinian civilians.


Ireland considers joining South Africa's ICJ case against Israel

Irish Deputy Prime Minister Michael Martin said on 21 January that Dublin could potentially join the genocide case brought by South Africa to the International Court of Justice (ICJ) against Israel.

South Africa have taken a preliminary case to the court (ICJ), Israel have responded, no-one has actually joined that case yet, nor can anyone join it right now – not even Palestine,” Martin said. "Because the court is going to make a provisional judgment on that to respond to what South Africa has sought, which is exactly what we have sought, the same thing: an immediate cessation of hostilities and war, unimpeded access of humanitarian aid into Gaza.
Martin added that Ireland would act similarly in joining this case as it did in an ICJ case where Ukraine accused Russia of violating the Genocide Convention.
We will give this very serious consideration, of course,” he said of South Africa’s case against Israel. “Because these are legal conventions, it will take years to resolve, meanwhile, we have to keep our focus on getting a ceasefire.”

It should be noted that any one of the 153 states parties to the Genocide Convention could have brought this case; countries owe their obligations to prevent and punish genocide to every other convention state party.

As Elon would say... "Concerning". :lol:

IMO people really got the wool pulled over their eyes with him. I mean honestly, who do you think printed the money and pumped up his stock and made him the "richest man in the world [on paper, with conditions]". He's been given a penthouse suite in the hotel but he doesn't own the building. Again we see this theme of big public figures being release valves for pent up frustration, such as going against the vaccines or manufactured migrant crisis, but they're never allowed to go against the Chosen Ones.
As Elon would say... "Concerning". :lol:

IMO people really got the wool pulled over their eyes with him. I mean honestly, who do you think printed the money and pumped up his stock and made him the "richest man in the world [on paper, with conditions]". He's been given a penthouse suite in the hotel but he doesn't own the building. Again we see this theme of big public figures being release valves for pent up frustration, such as going against the vaccines or manufactured migrant crisis, but they're never allowed to go against the Chosen Ones.
I think that so much acquiescence of the enlightened" is because he wants to put a chip in our heads, you know he does everything in a "garage" too; let's hope he has his own change of plans....
'Israel's proposal for completely cleansing of Gaza.'

22 Jan, 2024
Israel is prepared to stop operations for “up to two months,” the longest truce it has offered since PM Benjamin Netanyahu declared war on Hamas. However, the government is not prepared to end the war or release all 6,000 Palestinian prisoners, according to Axios. Hamas and Israel would have to agree in advance on how many Palestinian prisoners would be released for each Israeli in every category, and negotiate on their names separately.

Israel to fight until total victory, Netanyahu says after one-day IDF death toll hits 21

23 JAN, 2024

I did not know about NAM. Their stand in family is excellent.

Africa: Non Aligned Movement Leaders Adopt Kampala Declaration

Africa: Non Aligned Movement Leaders Adopt Kampala Declaration​

22 JANUARY 2024
The Herald (Harare)
Kampala — Non Aligned Movement (NAM) leaders have adopted the Kampala Declaration where Heads of State and Government agree to strengthen the unity and cohesion of the movement as a political force in the international political arena so as to push back unilateral actions made against international law.
The leaders, who included President Mnangagwa are also agreed to rededicate the movement to its principles, ideals and purposes.
The 19th NAM Summit ended on Saturday with leaders unanimously agreeing on the importance of unity of purpose.
In the declaration, the leaders said it was critical for the NAM members to thwart increasing tendencies by certain countries to resort to unilateralism, arbitrariness and the imposition of unilateral coercive measures, contrary to international law.

Members need to deepen the movement's interaction and cooperation with parliamentarians and the private sector of their countries.
South Sudan applied and joined the Movement to become the 121st member of NAM.
On food security, the leaders agreed to accelerate the fight against poverty and hunger.
"We must achieve goal number two of the 2030 agenda and "end hunger, achieve food security and improve nutrition and promote sustainable agriculture and its related targets," said the Kampala Declaration.
The leaders called for the empowering and advancement of women in all sectors.
"We as Heads of State resolve to eliminate all forms of discrimination and violence against women and the girl child, especially in situations of conflicts and foreign occupation, including the systematic use of abduction and rape as an instrument of war."

The leaders stressed that the family is the basic social unit for upbringing and protection of children and social coherence

The Heads of State and Government also tackled the climate change challenge.
"We the Heads of State and Government call for cooperation of all countries and participation for an effective response to climate change, taking into consideration that historical backgrounds of developing nations warrant that they take the lead in addressing this challenge."
"We as Heads of State resolve to eliminate all forms of discrimination and violence against women and the girl child, especially in situations of conflicts and foreign occupation, including the systematic use of abduction and rape as an instrument of war."

The leaders stressed that the family is the basic social unit for upbringing and protection of children and social coherence.

The Heads of State and Government also tackled the climate change challenge.

"We the Heads of State and Government call for cooperation of all countries and participation for an effective response to climate change, taking into consideration that historical backgrounds of developing nations warrant that they take the lead in addressing this challenge."

The leaders expressed concern over terrorism and abuse of technology by major countries.

"We as Heads of State express deep concern over the negative impact of extraterritorial surveillance and interception of communications, as well as the collection of personal data which may infringe the exercise and enjoyment of human rights," said the leaders.
The NAM is a group of states that are not formally aligned with or against any major power bloc. The movement emerged during the Cold War as a way for countries to maintain their independence and pursue their own interests without aligning with either the United States or the Soviet Union.
Among the principles of the NAM are respect for national sovereignty and territorial integrity. NAM emphasises the importance of respecting the sovereignty and territorial integrity of all nations. It opposes any form of interference in the internal affairs of other countries
NAM members advocate for mutual respect and non-intervention in the domestic affairs of sovereign nations.

The NAM also upholds the principle of equality among nations, irrespective of their size, population or economic strength. It opposes any form of hierarchy or domination in international relations.
NAM members promote peaceful coexistence among nations and advocates for the peaceful resolution of conflicts. It encourages dialogue, negotiation and diplomacy as means to resolve disputes rather than resorting to military force.
In addition, the NAM strongly opposes colonialism, imperialism and any form of foreign domination. It supports the self-determination of peoples and the decolonisation of territories that are still under colonial rule.
On ideals and purposes NAM members seek to contribute to global peace and security by advocating for disarmament, non-proliferation of nuclear weapons and the peaceful settlement of disputes. It aims to reduce tensions and promote stability in international relations.
The members emphasise the importance of economic development, social progress and poverty eradication. They strive for a more equitable international economic order and promote cooperation among developing countries.

The group of states also supports the protection of human rights, including civil, political, economic, social and cultural rights. It advocates for social justice, equality, and the eradication of poverty, discrimination, and inequality.
The members also seek to strengthen the role of the United Nations and other multilateral institutions in promoting global peace, security and development. It advocates for a more inclusive, democratic and representative global governance system.
At the NAM Summit, the Zimbabwe delegation continued to lobby for support of the UN security council seat, taking advantage of the two summits here.
Yesterday there was an alleged Israeli offer to Hamas of a truce for 2 months. I wonder if this offer is still valid?
Death Trap: 21 Israeli soldiers to kill in Gaza Sect with one blow — The Times of Israel

21 Israeli soldiers will be killed with one blow in the Gaza Sect, The Times of Israel reports.

Two buildings collapsed as a result of a strong explosion (buildings were blown up), and Hamas forces opened fire from a grenade launcher at a tank.

This was the deadliest incident during the attack on the Gaza Strip.

"The IDF has launched an investigation into the disaster. We must learn the necessary lessons and do everything to save the lives of our soldiers.

In the name of our heroes, we will not stop fighting for our lives until absolute victory," Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said.

Вчера была о, якобы, израильском предложении ХАМАСу перемирия на 2 месяца. Интересно, это предложение еще в силе?

+ Israeli quadcopters, the hi-tech weapon menacing Palestinian civilians

For decades, Palestinians have become accustomed to death from above.

Israel’s arsenal of aerial platforms include warplanes, such as the F16, Apache attack helicopters and combat drones.
These have been used to great effect on the urban environment in both the occupied West Bank and Gaza.
The ongoing war on Gaza, however, has brought about a new development - one used to target individuals and groups of people from close quarters.
For the first time in the Palestinian territories, remote-controlled quadcopters have been deployed on a large scale against suspected Palestinian fighters and civilians.
The technology is increasingly taking the place of soldiers on the ground and serves to identify targets, target individuals and secure areas where Israeli troops are stationed.

Quadcopters can also be used to scout forward positions, target people in their homes and disperse crowds in public areas.
The Palestinians of Gaza are now more than familiar with the weapon and the devastation it can cause.
In the months since the conflict began on 7 October, quadcopters have been used in attacks against hundreds of civilians in crowded areas, killing and injuring dozens at a time.
Middle East Eye’s correspondent Mohammed al-Hajjar has also witnessed quadcopters firing on civilian targets. [...]
“I saw four people get killed by quadcopters and one of them was left on the ground for five or six days because no one could retrieve his body,” Hajjar said.
Quadcopters hover all over the place and it's dangerous for us to leave our home,” he added.

The presence of the machines is so pervasive that Palestinians have even figured out the ammunition capacity of a typical quadcopter.
"A quadcopter is usually loaded with around 64 shots and all the 64 can be shot (quickly) when there is a target," Hajjar said.

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The Vic

Conference to be held in Israel over ‘returning to Gaza Strip’

Thousands of participants, including ministers, rabbis, public figures, Israeli parliament members from the current coalition government are expected to attend a conference next week on ‘returning to Gaza.’

According to Haaretz, the event, which will be held next Sunday, is titled “Conference for the Victory of Israel – Settlement Brings Security: Returning to the Gaza Strip and Northern Samaria."

During the conference, participants will be presented with details of settlements, maps, and the stages of preparation, along with calls for decision-makers to acknowledge that victory can only be achieved through the settlement of Gaza.
Israel’s tourism minister is calling on members of the public to attend the conference.
Around 20 ministers and members of parliament from Netanyahu’s coalition are planning to attend.

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Yesterday there was an alleged Israeli offer to Hamas of a truce for 2 months. I wonder if this offer is still valid?
According to Haaretz, the event, which will be held next Sunday, is titled “Conference for the Victory of Israel – Settlement Brings Security: Returning to the Gaza Strip and Northern Samaria."
The supposedely Israeli offer also includes:.. I do not believe it, for one side they allow to return and on the other, authorities invite to occupy it?

Scoop: Israel proposes 2-month fighting pause in Gaza for release of all hostages
  • The Israeli officials said the proposal includes Israel redeploying Israeli Defense Forces so that some would be moved out of main population centers in the enclave and allowing a gradual return of Palestinian civilians to Gaza City and the northern Gaza Strip as the deal is being implemented.
Samaria according to Wikipedia in Spanish translated with deepl
Until the 1990s, most Samaritans resided in the town of Nablus, but moved to Qiryat Luza in the vicinity of the Israeli settlement of Har Brakha as a result of the violence during the First Intifada (1987-1990). Consequently, all that remains of the Samaritan community in Nablus itself is an abandoned synagogue.[18]...

The current population, eight hundred and eighteen according to 2020 data,[19] inhabit Qiryat Luza on Mount Gerizin and the city of Holon, outside Tel Aviv, most are bilingual in Arabic and Hebrew; Old Samaritan and Aramaic are used in worship services, written in the Paleo-Hebrew characters.

Samaritans have an independent religious status in Israel, although there are occasional conversions from Judaism to Samaritanism and vice versa due to marriages. Israeli rabbinic authorities consider Samaritanism to be a branch of Judaism, but the Chief Rabbinate of Israel requires Samaritans to officially undergo a formal conversion to Judaism in order to be recognized as halakhic Jews. Samaritans with Israeli citizenship are required to perform compulsory service in the Israel Defense Forces, while those with dual Israeli-Palestinian citizenship (i.e., those who belong to the Nablus community and live in Qiryat Luza) are exempt.[18] The Israel Defense Forces are not obligated to perform compulsory service.
According to Wikipedia in English
The Jordanian-held West Bank was captured and has been occupied by Israel since the 1967 Six-Day War. Jordan ceded its claims in the West Bank (except for certain prerogatives in Jerusalem) to the PLO in November 1988, later confirmed by the Israel–Jordan Treaty of Peace of 1994. In the 1994 Oslo accords, the Palestinian Authority was established and given responsibility for the administration over some of the territory of West Bank (Areas 'A' and 'B').

is one of several standard statistical districts utilized by the Israel Central Bureau of Statistics.[57] "The Israeli CBS also collects statistics on the rest of the West Bank and the Gaza District. It has produced various basic statistical series on the territories, dealing with population, employment, wages, external trade, national accounts, and various other topics."[58] The Palestinian Authority however use Nablus, Jenin, Tulkarm, Qalqilya, Salfit, Ramallah and Tubas governorates as administrative centers for the same region.

Israeli settlements in the West Bank are considered by some in the international community to be illegal under international law, but others including the United States and Israeli governments dispute this.[61] In September 2016, the Town Board of the American Town of Hempstead in the State of New York, led by Councilman Bruce Blakeman entered into a partnership agreement with the Shomron Regional Council, led by Yossi Dagan, as part of an anti-Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions campaign.[62]

Would the supposedely Israeli truce will be due at the same time of ICJ resolution?... Seems odd, somehow.


The ICJ have until the 5th of February 2024.

Initial ICJ ruling will solely address potential emergency measures, serving as a temporary restraining order while the court reviews the case, a process that usually takes years.

Palestinian civilians, with a death toll that has reached 25,700 people, mostly women and children.

There are rumours that the US may withdraw its military presence in Syria and there is also talk of US troops leaving Iraq. The 'disaster' would be that ISIS will come back without US presence! "We hate to do this, but mean old Iran forced us to take our boys and go home." Hilarious.

Reading between the lines of this article, I think the US may need to save face & avoid suffering any major military defeats going into election time, the Democrats in particular. So the US may be thinking about withdrawing the official military presence - and at the same time boosting the population of its trained jihadis, terrorists and mercenaries to face off against the Axis of Resistance fighters in the region.

+ World Court will confirm ruling on Israel genocide case by 26 January

2 hours ago
On Friday, the International Court of Justice (ICJ) will decide whether to implement provisional measures against Israel, in response to South Africa’s allegations that Israel’s military actions in Gaza constitute state-led genocide.
On Wednesday, the United Nations’ highest court announced that its 17-member judge panel will deliver its verdict in court on 26 January at 1200 GMT.

+Italy to treat 100 Palestinian children in its hospitals

Italy is set to provide hospital treatment to 100 Palestinian children from Gaza, with plans to transport them by air and sea in an operation in the next few days, announced Defence Minister Guido Crosetto on Wednesday.

According to Crosetto, the first 30 children will fly from Egypt, where they sought refuge and medical assistance after escaping the Israeli bombardment of Gaza.
Additionally, 30 children along with their families are expected to arrive in Italy at the end of January on the military ship Vulcano, departing from the Egyptian port of al-Arish.
Crosetto did not specify the timing or mode of transport for the remaining 40 children.

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