Israel-Palestine War: Hamas Breaks Out of Gaza, Israel Responds With Genocide

Since the Yom Kippur War took place 50 years ago, in 1973, this fiftieth anniversary not only bears the name Jubilee, a tradition described in Leviticus, but also is the name introduced by the Cs in the last session. Did Cs show themselves to be that accurate just by their name within a few days?

I wanted to add that in the Venus-as-a-comet context, this jubilee has the following meaning, according to Immanuel Velikovsky, as quoted in the Pierre's book Cometary Encounters (page 213):
The fiftieth year was a jubilee year [...] The festival of the jubilee, with the return of land to its original owners and the release of slaves, bears the character of an atonement, and its proclamation on the Day of Atonement emphasizes this still further. Was there any special reason why fear returned every fifty years? [...] On the Day of Atonement the Israelites used to send a scapegoat to "Azazel" in the desert. [...] It was also called Azzael, Azza, or Uza. [...] The Arab name of planet Venus is al-Uzza.

As Alexander Dugin explained very well in a comment that was shared earlier by @Tristan in this thread:
To what extent this is serious, we shall soon see, but in any case it is clear that those who ignore eschatology will not understand anything about great modern politics. And not only in the Middle East, although it is more evident there.
It looks like they already started to openly involve Iran as the mastermind of the Hamas attack against Israel.

As others have said before, some of the video clips of the Hamas attach looks too professionally done to me. It looks more and more just like another 9/11.
Perhaps this brutal attack will be used as a motive for a considerably more massive war in the Middle East inevitably involving more countries like Iran for example.

If we look from a wider perspective it is an ideal posibility for PTB. so they can kill as much as possible people with Semite origin.
Another eyewitness describes 'Hamas terrorists' disguised as IDF soldiers at the rave massacre:

NYPost, 8 Oct 2023
A fuller description from that eyewitness, published by the Jerusalem Post, states:

Tamir said he saw more than 50 terrorists inside the area where the party had taken place and even more who surrounded the area.


He said there were a number of soldiers lying dead on the ground, their weapons, helmets, and vests taken from them. In some instances, he said, the terrorists dressed up as IDF soldiers, and some of the partygoers ran toward them, thinking they were running toward safety, only to be fired upon.

The "soldiers lying dead on the ground," were they Israeli soldiers? He later says:

“The soldiers protected us with their bodies, and we saw them falling [from Hamas gunfire] before our eyes.”

The Jerusalem Post inserted that qualifier, by the way.

It appears that lots of unarmed 'off-duty' IDF soldiers were in attendance at the rave. Maybe that's why the IDF bases and observation towers nearby were largely vacated... they'd been allowed to go 'enjoy themselves' at the kibbutz all-night music festival?

If so, then for the last time, the poor hapless dupes.
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They don't mention what report, though.

There is this, but also without a link to the supposed full report, even if in Arabic.

In an unexpected revelation, a report has surfaced indicating that certain factions within the Israeli army collaborated with the Palestinian resistance during the #AlAqsaStorm operation. This unprecedented cooperation allegedly caught the Israeli regime off guard, significantly influencing the outcome of the operation.

The #AlAqsaStorm Operation: A Brief Overview

The #AlAqsaStorm operation refers to the recent clashes that took place around the Al-Aqsa Mosque in Jerusalem. Known for its religious and historical significance, the mosque has often been a flashpoint for conflicts between Israelis and Palestinians. The operation saw intense confrontations, resulting in considerable casualties on both sides.

Cooperation Behind Enemy Lines

The report suggests that certain groups within the Israeli army covertly cooperated with the Palestinian resistance. This unexpected collaboration was instrumental in surprising the Israeli regime, which was unprepared for such an internal challenge. The exact nature and extent of this cooperation remain under wraps, but it’s clear that the alliance had a significant impact on the operation’s outcome.

Historical Backdrop and Current Implications

This surprising development must be viewed in the context of the long-standing Israeli-Palestinian conflict. Historical precedent for such internal alliances is scarce, making the recent cooperation a notable exception. The implications of this unexpected alliance are far-reaching. It could potentially disrupt internal dynamics within the Israeli military and affect future strategies and operations.

Looking Ahead: Future Ramifications

The revelation of this unexpected alliance could potentially reshape the contours of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. It may trigger a reassessment of strategies on both sides, leading to increased unpredictability on the battlefield. Furthermore, it may also impact diplomatic relations and negotiations between the two parties, influencing future peace talks and conflict resolution efforts.

Iran has rejected allegations it had a role in the assault on Israel by Hamas.​

In the second half of the clip Prof Mohammad Marandi from Tehran University discusses the consequence of this event spreading to war with Iran - in which he points out that the scale of the chaos would lead to the price of oil going through the roof and collapsing western economies. If we conclude this is a deep state operation, such on eventual outcome might be an end goal - destroying the burgeoning rapprochement in the Middle East and provoking a financial collapse in the west blamed on oil (furthering the green agenda).

This pressure cooker has likely a long way to burn.
Transcript from one of the festival survivors about what happened:

Let's include here the full, translated transcription of that survivor's testimony, before it's memory-holed:

Transcript from one of the festival survivors about what happened:

"I was there at the festival, there were rockets so people got nervous and everyone started to leave, We drove towards the main road, where we saw many cars standing in what looked like a traffic jam, at the end there were policemen and soldiers forming a roadblock and blocking the road.

This was not a police checkpoint, these were terrorists impersonators.

They waited until there were a lot of people standing in traffic then pulled out a machine-gun and started spraying the cars with bullets, at least 300 dead.

300 people gone, what they say on the news is wrong.

We were the last car, so we drove reverse. We took two bullets to the windshield, a bullet penetrated Lior in the shoulder and I was injured by broken glass in my hands.

We managed to get away from them with the car barely working, we opened waze [sic] and Lior told me "I served here, let's go to the military base: Gaza division."

Driving towards the division's base, we were sure that we will be safe there.

But they already raided this base at night and killed all the soldiers of the base in their beds, by then they had already taken over the base.
We arrived at the gate with the car all broken.

I saw at the gate's entrance what I was sure were soldiers but actually were 13 terrorists standing ready in crouch position with AK47s and M16s looking at us from a range of about 20 meters then started spraying the hell out of our car.

We were shot all over, all the door were holes, a bullet hit me in the head, tore a part of my head off. Evyatar took a bullet in the pelvis, Lior to the shoulder.

We're all in blood, they threw a grenade at us, suddenly I didn't hear anything, looking to the right, to the left shouting, "Lior get out".

I garbed Lior and got out of the car, we started running and they kept shooting at us, I heard the bullets pass near my head and kept taking shots near my legs, I still have shrapnel in my legs from the bullets.

We ran and saw the fence of the base, it was about three meters high, we jumped over it through the barbed wire, all my hands were cut.

They kept shooting at us, but not a single bullet hit us, they didn't manage to hit us somehow.

We kept running, and hid there in the snipers' bunker, We were there for about 3-4 hours, without water, bleeding, I made myself a tourniquet, Lior also made a tourniquet.

We were sure the rest were already dead behind, I didn't look back.

Then a team of Shayetet 13 (Israeli navy seals) arrived at the base, and real war started inside, some additional 30-40 soldiers were gone.

I heard the screams of death, pull back, pull back, death, they were shooting RPGs at each other, right in the middle of the war we were.

We finally went out to them, we were afraid that our soldiers would shoot at us because we looked like terrorists with shirts wrapped around our heads.

We left with our hands up, I told them not to shoot that we are Israeli.

They told us to lie on the floor and questioned us, checking that we were Israelis, I told him our names and that we were wounded.

At the end a helicopter came to rescue some wounded soldiers, I grabbed the soldier by the hands and looked him in the eyes, I told him "My brother I have a little girl at home and a family, you are taking me with you in that helicopter". He looked and me and told me "yalla" (come on), "cooperate".

So we started to cooperate, lifting injured soldiers on my shoulders, Lior helped lifting the stretcher to the helicopter, trying to save people as much as possible, People were screaming to hold on tight, and don't die in my hands, it was like a movie.

He took us at the end, Thank god now we are recovering."
Posted by X user Yam Peleg - @Yampeleg - at 4am on October 9th. Transcription is of this audio recording, originally uploaded to TikTok
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America moving supercarrier to support Israel​

U.S. Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin has said that he has ordered the Ford carrier strike group to sail to the Eastern Mediterranean to be ready to assist Israel during the current conflict.​

The following is the statement from Secretary Lloyd J. Austin III on U.S. Force Posture Changes in the Middle East.

“My thoughts continue to be with the people of Israel and the many families who have lost loved ones as a result of the abhorrent terrorist attack by Hamas. Today, in response to this Hamas attack on Israel, and following detailed discussions with President Biden, I have directed several steps to strengthen Department of Defense posture in the region to bolster regional deterrence efforts.

I have directed the movement of the USS Gerald R. Ford Carrier Strike Group to the Eastern Mediterranean. This includes the U.S. Navy aircraft carrier USS Gerald R. Ford (CVN-78), the Ticonderoga-class guided missile cruiser USS Normandy (CG 60), as well as the Arleigh-Burke-class guided missile destroyers USS Thomas Hudner (DDG 116), USS Ramage (DDG 61), USS Carney (DDG 64), and USS Roosevelt (DDG 80). We have also taken steps to augment U.S. Air Force F-35, F-15, F-16, and A-10 fighter aircraft squadrons in the region. The U.S. maintains ready forces globally to further reinforce this deterrence posture if required.

In addition, the United States government will be rapidly providing the Israel Defense Forces with additional equipment and resources, including munitions. The first security assistance will begin moving today and arriving in the coming days.

Strengthening our joint force posture, in addition to the materiel support that we will rapidly provide to Israel, underscores the United States’ ironclad support for the Israel Defense Forces and the Israeli people. My team and I will continue to be in close contact with our Israeli counterparts to ensure they have what they need to protect their citizens and defend themselves against these heinous terrorist attacks.”
A fuller description from that eyewitness, published by the Jerusalem Post, states:
He said there were a number of soldiers lying dead on the ground, their weapons, helmets, and vests taken from them. In some instances, he said, the terrorists dressed up as IDF soldiers, and some of the partygoers ran toward them, thinking they were running toward safety, only to be fired upon.

Here's another collaboration of the same by another witness:

While running I saw many people who just before were dancing and laughing and now are fighting for their lives. A girl with a gunshot wound in the leg, a guy with a gunshot wound in his hand and full of blood, and also a guy who just fell on his face into a pit and didn't get up.

Some seemed to think of themselves and ran away, some stopped to help and paid for it with their lives. I kept seeing people falling, people who didn't survive the running or the shooting beside us. You run and you have no idea if you are in the right direction or running towards the terrorists, jumping like a madman from a pit to the ground.

At some point they reached the plantations near the settlement of Petish. There was a Tami 4 device there (Keit: water cooler), everyone was drinking and washing their faces. Someone got the security forces who ordered us to wait for the rescue. We sat there in shock, people were shocked, you're sure it's a bad movie and there's no way that's really happening to you, there was a policeman with us who himself didn't know what It has to be done.

We moved from greenhouse to greenhouse so that we wouldn't be caught. There were hundreds of people. I remembered that while running when I saw the terrorists. They were wearing soldiers' uniforms and holding army weapons, apparently stolen equipment, it made me totally distrustful. Anyone who said they were talking to the police I told him not to trust anyone, and to be careful not to give our location to anyone who calls, I got to the point where I didn't trust anyone."
I find this hard to believe because: "a bullet hit me in the head, tore a part of my head off." And just one day later he's recovered enough to write all this???

Weird dejavu stomach feeling

When I read the guy's "story", I felt a really weird feeling in my stomach - and immediately had to think of the Holocaust stories from a (couple) jewish women surviving just every single atrocity in a row you can possibly imagine, including Mengele of course too, and miraculously survived every situation - each time. Oh, and swallowing diamonds, poop them out, and swallowing them again, and so on... :umm:

The Kind of Schindler's list 'witness reports' in the end of the movie. What I mean is, stories which are so way out of promotions... that it felt more like an Hollywood act (Ad) rather than a true experience. Which is nasty, given that there are real tragedies unfolding (on all sides) - while we have frikkin' players who just ooze fictitious stories out into the world, in order to gain sympathies / steer opinions (emotions).

Bah !
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