Israel-Palestine War: Hamas Breaks Out of Gaza, Israel Responds With Genocide

Every day, Peterson posts something more unbelievable. I’ve tried to avoid saying to myself “I can’t believe it” every time he posts, because my aim is to always try to understand everything I possibly can. This Peterson thing, I cannot understand.
His emotional blind spots are turning him into controlled opposition. :-O
I can imagine how important it is for the PTB to reduce JP's "attack surface," now that he has grown a pretty large following. Driving the man nuts is a common strategy...
I’ve heard other commentators putting forth this argument, comparing a potential Palestinian resistance to the Vietnamese against the U.S. But the Gaza Strip is tiny, it’s inhabitants have no movement, no medicine, no food or energy. Whatever stockpiles of arms Hamas have cannot outlast the Israeli military.

Palestine has no chance.

Pretty much, and any casualties they inflict on the IDF will just be used by the Zionists to justify more punishment. The real issue here, IMO, is not Israeli war planes or tanks or soldiers - they ultimately can only do so much damage - but the siege of Gaza that has already begun. If Yahweh's dupes are psycho enough to prolong that, then the suffering will be severe. This may well become their new plan when they end up dissatisfied with the impact of the military approach. Such a siege would eventually lead to a mass exodus of Gaza into Egypt, if the Egyptians allow it. That would please the Zionazis, but might be the last straw for Palestine's allies.
Every day, Peterson posts something more unbelievable. I’ve tried to avoid saying to myself “I can’t believe it” every time he posts, because my aim is to always try to understand everything I possibly can. This Peterson thing, I cannot understand.

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He has turned into a complete retard over this whole situation. I was more forgiving over the COVID/Ukraine topics, but seeing him turn into a warmonger was the last straw. I lost all respect for him. He's gone off the deep end. Here is what I said to him:

You have become possessed by ideology and blood lust.

You cheer on the indiscriminate bombing and destruction of civilians, and wish to prevent aid to clean up the mess.

Anyone who voices opposition to the slaughter of innocent men, women and children, you label antisemitic.

Thank you for showing us how identity politics can rapidly devolve into calls for genocide. Well done to you, for demonstrating how easy it can be to lose one's humanity.
But Israel has nukes?
They could use them or not use them, there are testimonies in which UFOs prevent their use, for example... some could be intercepted or they would see that it is not so feasible to attack several countries at the same time and they would respond in an even more aggressive way (and they already show no have a lot of fear of the nuclear factor), in fact protocols against nuclear weapons exist... they are more of an intimidation factor, without detracting from the advantage they represent.
By the way, Russian aviation with its MiG-31 with Kinshal missiles in Syria is another factor to take into account if it is assumed that they are killers of aircraft carriers and piercers of bunkers and nuclear silos... even so the matter can remain stale and not reach those levels.
A brief timeline that came to mind: Israel escalates its attack on Gaza on many fronts, causing massive death and suffering. Eventually Hizb'allah and others (Syrians, Iraqis, Iraninans) enter the conflict. Things escalate. The US backs Israel with ACCs and missiles, but before they go too far, Russia diplomatically and physical stops further US involvement by way of its Air and Naval presence in Syria at the Khmeimim Air Base, Tartus etc. With US support largely neutralized, Israel is left to fight alone, and loses.
Perhaps we have the beginning of this sequence.
Is Hezbollah going to war? Israel is being massively attacked from Lebanon, the IDF has declared penetration into the country's airspace

The Israeli army reports that it has received a message about penetration into the country's airspace from Lebanon.

The media write about dozens of Hezbollah drones launched in the direction of Israel.

Sirens are blaring in the Upper Galilee, Lower Galilee, Western Galilee and the Golan Heights.

Hezbollah has started using drones en masse. Massively.

A number of sources assess this as the movement's entry into the war. Others do not rush to conclusions.
I just want to point out that in some pre-fame lectures, JBP mentions that he has some close friends who are Jews. I can’t remember which lectures. I think the context was about I.Q. I think these friends were pretty successful intellectuals and business men.

So don’t assume that Peterson was naïvely groomed by Schapiro and Bibi. I think JBP has had some sort of deep admiration for the Jews in the club, and perhaps a desire to be part of the club, for a very long time.
Yeah, I agree, I don't think he's been groomed by Schapiro and Bibi either. And I don't think him joining the Daily Wire gang had anything to do with Israel, but rather their tradcon views. It was probably just a coincidence that their views on Israel aligned.

Maybe he's projected his earlier experience with Jews onto Jews as a whole, or maybe it's just one heck of a blind spot/sacred cow he has. Dunno. It's quite baffling to watch though, to put it mildly. I guess it doesn't help that a lot of weirdos on the left that Peterson has had beef with are very vocal about their support for Palestine. It makes it that much easier to avoid looking at the issue more objectively. And I'm sure Netanyahu was influentially charming in the meetings and conversations they've had. So entertaining the thought that Israel is not the victim but the aggressor here would require accepting that the experience JBP had of him was all smoke and mirrors, and this charing man is in fact the murderer he is accused by many of being. Not an easy task for even the most open-minded of men.
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I feel like we could support each other in social media, not to being like a gang or something like that, but at least to balance a tiny bit the comments, if we see a post from someone’s of this group, and one person on the comments of that post replies back with at least an ok argument, we can reply to that person, and maybe (just maybe) we can open the curiosity of that particular person or cultivate a tiny seed, and for those who replies with only insults and zero working neurons, is better to just ignore or reply with “Lol” emojis (I wouldn’t give energy to those people anyways) whatever since those type of people would never take anything serious.
Some maybe already pointed out, but a nice comment read on a french telegram channel, here's the translation + link :

A quick reminder... Before the Hamas terrorist attacks this weekend, Israel and its Prime Minister had been paralysed by monster protests for most of the year.
Israel was Pfizer's open-air laboratory, and the damage done by vaccine poisons was on full display.
Who remembers this now? Who is still talking about it?

Maybe he's projected his earlier experience with Jews onto Jews as a whole, or maybe it's just one heck of a blind spot/sacred cow he has. Dunno. It's quite baffling to watch though, to put it mildly. I guess it doesn't help that a lot of weirdos on the left that Peterson has had beef with are very vocal about their support for Palestine. It makes it that much easier to avoid looking at the issue more objectively. And I'm sure Netanyahu was influentially charming in the meetings and conversations they've had. So accepting Israel is not the victim but the aggressor would require accepting that this charing man is in fact the murderer he is accused by many of being, and he got duped.

Peterson's deep reverence for the Old Testament in particular and his wishful thinking projection on to it of an almost absolutist moral compass has rotted his ability for discernment because I suspect he considers a people who created such a noble and pivotal work to be above all reproach. For Peterson it is the very foundation of all western 'values'. He is the classic Judaic (christian) apologist whether consciously or not. Plus he also carries untold amounts of Holocaust guilt by association.
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