Israel-Palestine War: Hamas Breaks Out of Gaza, Israel Responds With Genocide

It's getting "more interesting"
Israel accidentally or purposefully eliminated 11 UN representatives in Gaza.
In addition to this, Pakistan unexpectedly informed Israel that if the IDF enters Gaza, ballistic missiles from the presence of the Pakistani army will be transferred to Palestine.

Iran will enter the war against Israel together with Hezbollah. Ismail Kazan, the commander of the IRGC outside Iran, arrived in Lebanon today.

The usually passive Jordan declared, following China, Russia and Turkey, that only the creation of a Palestinian state would solve the current crisis.
12.10.2023 Срочные новости с Украины: Прорыв Российской армии на юге Авдеевки! Карта боевых действий сегодня (24 видео)

This is unexpected. It turns out that this also happens.
SUPER RADICAL. The rabbi demanded that Israel leave Palestine alone and live in peace
Like during Desert Storm... babies being ripped from incubators really got the people in a tizzy...same kind of playbook. They always go back to what works.
And notice the language used too. I have not heard a version that does not say "babies" and says infants, as I would expect. I don't know why, but the way it's repeated using this language makes me raise an eyebrow. Perhaps it is just me, but there are a number of things that almost ding a bell leading to skepticism when I see/hear them about this mess, and this is one of them.
Mathew sees himself as something of an 'expert' on Secret Societies and is about to do a video series debunking UFOs as a psyop... and as far as I can detect is a classic materialist by way of his understanding of history etc - so even if he understands ponerology and psychopathy, he misses its metaphysical origins and purposes...
Except I've never seen any indication in the writings I've read of his that he understands ponerology. His entire framework (i.e. LaRouche) is incompatible with a proper ponerological understanding. It's a "Jews are responsible for everything" schema overlaid with "the British/Aristotelians".
Edward Snowden shared a video on Oct. 9 which "shows the war between Palestine and Israel is being staged like a movie."
We can see a man being directed to get into a "dead" position in front of the camera...
Hollywood's headquarters are not in Kiev anymore... :whistle:
Wow, people in the West are pretty much useless, save a few. I hope someone comes to Palestine's aid sooner rather than later.

These kinds of events cause people to reveal themselves. Happened with Covid and it's going to happen in greater degree with this situation.

There's no situation where genocide is justified. That should be a no brainer.
Such a siege would eventually lead to a mass exodus of Gaza into Egypt, if the Egyptians allow it. That would please the Zionazis, but might be the last straw for Palestine's allies.

When the situation gets even more ugly in Gaza, most of the regimes in Arab countries will experience enormous pressure from their populations to do something about the plight of the Palestinians, and while this may produce no solution for Gaza governments may topple thereby transforming the whole Middle East into a powder keg.

The rulers of the M.E. would be forced to do more than paying lip service to Arab unity, Jordan and Lebanon with its large percentage of Palestinian refugees could explode.
His emotional blind spots are turning him into controlled opposition. :-O
I can imagine how important it is for the PTB to reduce JP's "attack surface," now that he has grown a pretty large following. Driving the man nuts is a common strategy...
He’s intelligent enough, he has been trained in critical thinking but seems his ego lets his emotions rule on matters he is uninformed about. I hold him responsible for his ridiculous rants; if we can’t be responsible for ourselves we are all Lizzie “lunch” forever and ever.
12.10.2023 Срочные новости с Украины: Прорыв Российской армии на юге Авдеевки! Карта боевых действий сегодня (24 видео)
in addition to this, Pakistan unexpectedly told Israel that if the IDF will go to Gaza, then ballistic missiles from the presence of the army of Pakistan.
So far there's nothing to corroborate these ballistic missile claims from any official in Pakistan.
I doubt Pakistan will make this type of statement at this stage given the dire state of Pakistani economy. If more Muslim nations join the Anti-Israeli club in action, it may.
It's amazing given the last 75 years of Palestinian history has been expertly compiled by Ilan Pappe, that Peterson still lives in a Judeo-centric bubble. I too hold him responsible for his unhinged rants. Don't advertise your ignorance on matters of deadly importance. Like I said earlier in the thread, he's a specialist (albeit one with many weaknesses), and it might just be that his sudden popularity has gone to his head a bit. He speaks a lot about staying humble and grateful, but he's not displaying these noble traits on X recently.
Edward Riordan shares his group's remote viewing sessions and the drawings for one of them show stacks of dead bodies on the ground, with a solar eclipse looming over:

There are two solar eclipses on the horizon:
  • October 14, 2023 (Annular)
  • April 8, 2024 (Total)

If it is in the cards for next April, could this be related to the April drop dead date?

Their has been the trend of increased military conflicts and escalations as of late. As it might relate to the session image above the given solar eclipse dates could be portending markers. It may occur on either/or, both, farther out in the future, or perhaps none at all.

The session image is seen around the 16m mark here in this video:

Edit: Eclipse paths

Also I understand by April 2025 all gravitational bodies in the solar system will be placed behind the earth forming a gravity well pulling space debris towards earth.
It’s the Madness …

What is causing this war, it’s the madness. Why are they lying about parts of it, it’s the madness. Why is the news promoting it and spreading the false information about the it, it’s the madness. Why are people on the street defending Israel, it’s the madness. Why are people on the street supporting Hamas, it’s the madness. Why are they saying Iran is supporting Hamas, it’s the madness. Why are they saying that Iran is funding Hamas through the 6 billion given to them by the US, it’s the madness (They haven’t even received the money yet). Why is Biden fully supporting the Zionist regime, it’s the madness. Why is anyone totally believing this, it’s the madness. Why are people not believing that any of this is true, it’s the madness (my son is one of them). Why are people not even realizing what is going on, it’s the madness.

On another front. Why are they trying to stop the use of oil product, it’s the madness. Why are they trying to take away my natural gas, it’s the madness. Why are they thinking that we can run everything on electricity without the use of oil products, it’s the madness. Why do they think that everybody needs to drive an electric vehicle, it’s the madness. Why are they thinking that we can live on solar and wind for this electricity, it’s the madness. Why are people around me thinking that credit is the way to go, it’s the madness. Why are people more interested in their favorite sports team than what is going on in the world, it’s the madness. Why are people giving money to these morons, it’s the madness.

Why am I going crazy seeing all this going on in front of me, it’s the madness and it is starting to get to me.

I used to call this the stupid factor but now I consider it all the madness that is infiltrating this reality, and I don’t see a good ending for many because of this madness. I can keep going on about this but that would be madness in itself. Haiku …
Well, the c’s told us some time ago that the programming was complete, it seem that it is another hit for the c’s.

Palestinian problem ‘in hearts’ of Muslims – Putin

"Muslims in the Middle East and elsewhere perceive what the Palestinians have endured for years as a gross injustice that had been “aggravated beyond belief.”

"The Russian president said that a Palestinian state should have been created alongside the state of Israel back in 1948 but never was. “The Palestinian problem is in the heart of every person in [the Middle East] and every person practicing Islam,” he told the forum."

"The UN said earlier this week it would launch a probe into war crimes committed by both sides, adding that it already had “clear evidence” suggesting that both Hamas and the Israel Defense Force (IDF) had violated international law."

“They [the US] essentially sought to use handouts to substitute for a solution to the [Palestinian] people’s real problems,” the Russian leader said. “We have always said that it would change nothing unless some fundamental issues are resolved,” he added."

I have been thinking about some of the comments made earlier in this thread. This really could be a genius-level psyop being played out right in-front of our eyes. Not just pertaining to a potential false-flag event, but something larger with much greater implications.

Here are a few of my thoughts.

In the face of rapidly declining public support for US military intervention and imperialism in the Middle East, sometime in the 2010s, they flipped a "switcheroo".

Practically overnight, the mainstream narrative regarding muslim immigrants went from "Islamic terrorists" to "victims of Islamophobia and xenophobia."

Around a similar time, the Left seemingly went crazy (and this was no doubt by design):

1. They bolstered the position of radical communist (bat-shit-crazy) ideologues within the movement. Through mainstream media and education, promote their twisted and degenerate views on race, gender, sexuality, and society at large.

2. They established "Wokeism" as the public face of the traditional Left. They have fully incorporated "Wokeism" into the governance of political, social and cultural institutions under the democrats. White Americans are being attacked for the color of their skin and made to feel guilty for their cultural heritage. State-sponsored genital mutilation of children is carried out in the name of "diversity and inclusivity", and normal-minded people are sickened by this.

4. Soros and co have facilitate floods of muslim immigrants accross the borders of the US and sovereign nations of Europe. This naturally enhanced division, and there were policies in place to prevent their integration into local culture. All the while, they continually had notions of oppression and victimhood instilled into them.

5. Increased tensions and resentment have gradually built up, in part because of natural cultural incompatibilities, worsening quality of life, but also because of coordinated campaigns to gaslight native populations. The gaslighting includes downplaying of immigrant crime, decrying any valid criticism as "racist" or "xenophobic", downplaying economic problems due to the immigrant crisis etc.

4. They managed to radicalize a few of the leftie "true believers", who have become the small but vocal minority in all forms of media and entertainment. This has (perhaps intentionally) alienated most of the normal-minded liberals who correctly witnessed an attack on their culture and values, who cannot align themselves with the anti-christian (and frankly anti-human) ideologues who are now the prominent voices of the Left, and no longer feel represented by their party. There has been a mass migration of these individuals to the Right (and so-called "alternative right")

When you look at the "failures" of the democratic party, the massive increase in national debt, the border crisis, the dug addiction crisis, Ukraine, housing prices, economic downturn, chaos and crime riddling the cities run by democrats... the stage has been set for everything to be blamed on the Left.

Not only do all of these factors sow chaos and division... but they have collectively managed to obliterate the reputation of the "anti-war" Left. The Left is now tarnished with Wokeism, and it just so happens that the left is also predominantly alligned with the Palestinian cause.

The reason I am mentioning this here, is because I think its possible they may turn the tables yet again and flip another switcheroo.

To witness so many of the so-called "alternative-right" commentators and voices (Jordan Peterson, James Lindsay, etc) lose their mind and start baying for blood has been nothing short of enlightening. If these past three days or so are anything to go by, it would seem as though the vast majority of them are zionists (whether they know it or not). The people who have been leading the fight against Wokeism are drawing comparisons with those who support Palestine, and claiming it is a Radical Leftist/Anti-White ideology. They are quick to point out that radical leftist groups such as Antifa and BLM but just so happen to also be openly pro-Palestine.

So in many peoples' eyes, Pro-Palestine = Wokeism, defense of terrorists as "victims", and myths of white supremecy and oppression of racial minorities. It is quite understandable, because we have actually had these talking points shoved down our throats for the past 8 years at home.

At the very least, it has been an excellent way to fracture the alt-right movement.

However, in the event of future terror attacks or a 9/11-type event on US soil, together with lockdowns, economic depression, and societal upheaval, I can see how the groundwork has been laid for some kind of an ultra-nationalistic backlash and a major swing to the far-right who were gunning for all-out war with the Muslim world.
I think you’re spot on, I am observing exactly this happening with conservative thinkers.
I have been thinking about some of the comments made earlier in this thread. This really could be a genius-level psyop being played out right in-front of our eyes. Not just pertaining to a potential false-flag event, but something larger with much greater implications.

Here are a few of my thoughts.
Excellent post, this should definitely be on twitter and possibly be an article that we can share.

Starting to see it happen already. Some notable examples in this thread above such as JPB, JP Sears. Here is a good example of someone totally gaslit by the war on terror and mass importation of "military age" (remember that phrase?) brown men:

And they're not imagining phantoms either. Both Russia and China recognised radical Islam as an existential threat to their state, and acted swiftly to end it. It is dangerous, and double dangerous when wielded by the deft hands of the Mossad.

All in all we have the perfect setup for wokeness to go out of fashion soon, and the anti-woke brigade to finally have their time in the sun. However that sun will quickly be eclipsed by the horrors of where the backlash will lead to, or rather to where tPTB will guide it.
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