Israel-Palestine War: Hamas Breaks Out of Gaza, Israel Responds With Genocide

I was thinking about commenting on this, but I've done so so many times already that I was starting to wonder if perhaps it's not normal for me to be so upset about JP's insistence on defending Israel.
As I said, maybe I'm in the wrong for expecting something different from JP.
Let him go. If he ever changes, then welcome him back at that time.


It is not Liz Truss in the video, but Annie Machon, an MI5 whistleblower​

others like Former UK PM Liz Truss, may still have an idea of what is going on, they just chose to act as they do for their own reasons. To illustrate the point that they might know, in the following clip, Truss explains how the Mossad set up events in London to frame two innocent campaigners for the Palestinian cause so their organisation collapsed. Link to Tweet.

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It was brought to my attention by @Jenn that one comment wrote:
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So who is this person? Looking further in the comment section, there was:
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Next, searching for "annie MI5 whistleblower" led to her Wiki:

Annie Machon (born 1968) is a former British MI5 intelligence officer, author,[1] and public speaker. In 1996, she resigned from MI5 in order to help David Shayler reveal a series of alleged crimes committed by the agency. Afterward, they went on the run around Europe for a month, lived in hiding for a year and in exile for two, before returning voluntarily. Machon was never charged with a crime. Subsequently, she has become a media commentator, author, political campaigner, and international public speaker on a wide variety of geopolitical issues. She has also featured in a number of films and TV documentaries, including The Culture High, Digitale Dissidenten, and The Mole: Undercover in North Korea.[2]

Early life and MI5
Born in 1968, the daughter of a former pilot who became a Guernsey newspaper editor, Machon won a scholarship to a private school and then read classics at Girton College, Cambridge.[3][4] After her graduation, she worked for a small publisher.[5]

In 1990, Machon sat a Foreign Office examination to become a diplomat but was recruited by MI5, where she was posted to their counter-subversion department, officially known as 'F2'.[6]

One year after joining the service, she met David Shayler and they became a couple. Machon said she and Shayler were "trying to track down old communists, Trotskyists, and fascists, which to us seemed like a waste of time". During the 1992 general election, she and Shayler provided summaries of the files of "anybody who stood for parliament". They were both "horrified by the scale of the investigations" and "argued most vociferously that we shouldn't be doing this". Two years later, she and Shayler moved to 'T' Branch, investigating Irish terrorism.[7]
And regarding what she says about Mossad in the clip, there is this indication:
The couple claimed the British government had been involved in an assassination attempt against colonel Muammar Gaddafi and that the security services had foreknowledge of the 1994 London Israeli Embassy bombing and the IRA's City of London bombing.[3]
Annie Machon has a page with a CH extension/domain. There has not been much activity since about 2019. A search for Annie Machon on gives several hits.

And what about Liz Truss, might she agree with Annie Machon? No!
Rocking the boat is okay for Liz Truss:
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Link to Tweet. But not too much rocking the boat. The above video also appears on a TG channel, under her name, which assuming it is her channel, shows her position on Israel:
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Notice above that her book "Ten Years to Save the West" (And Israel?) came out on April 16. On April 16, 2024, the day of the publication of her book, an iconic tower of a former stock exchange burned down in a closely allied country, see Copenhagen fire. For another burning tower, see the cover image from September 2022, when she became PM which lasted just 49 days:
Here is a statement from around the time, published on October 4, 2022: ‘As You Know I Am a Huge Zionist’: Liz Truss Declares (VIDEO). There are no public indications she has changed, though she might well know about what Annie Machon has revealed.
Several accounts had stated at X that a jewish girl had been beaten by a pro palestinian mob at UCLA, and so
justifying the violence at night onto the camp by around 200 pro Israeli protesters.

In this video it is shown the girl on the floor, most probably being pushed or falling inside the group of pro Israeli protesters.

Last night/early morning police retreated as to allow the violence unfold.

Violent Zionist thugs wave the flag of the messianic Chabad cult on their way to assaulting anti-genocide protesters at UCLA
Pro-Israel counterprotestors started tearing down down @UCLA encampment barriers and screamed "Second nakba!" referring to the mass displacement & dispossession of Palestinians during the 1948 Arab-Israeli war. Per @latimes @safinazzal on the scene with another video:
disturbing shots from friend Trevor Jackson. according to Trev, this kid was brutally beaten, stomped on by the mob. no security or medical help around. one person in the encampment used a tennis racquet for protection.@trevdini #ucla
BREAKING: Pro-Israel Protesters Shoot More Fireworks Into Peaceful UCLA Encampment.One student reportedly injured & carried away. The cops allow this.So far the Israeli supporters have been assaulting women, screaming the N Word, using pepper spray & fireworks. No punishment.
They also played a baby crying sounds with a loudspeaker as IOF does.
It figures to me that this clashes ain't going to stop soon, I understand very well the discomfort that many people feel about the blockades and marches in private or public areas, it happens a lot here. The interesting thing or rather the difference is that here there are no counter-protest groups, it is usually a problem between the police and the protesters, not problems with a third group (the pro Israelis) whom they are not part of the shock groups but ordinary people who are outraged and are preparing lawsuits against the universities because their offsprings cannot use the facilities or do not consider them safe, in the case of UCLA; or on the other side -literally-at Columbia where the use of brute force is applauded because no group should take over facilities.

There is also the Soros inflitators, so something might be is heating up as well.

I wasn't going to post it because there are so many links, but I saw Niall's post and I think it may be convenient onto how this is evolving.

I wasn't going to post it because there are so many links, but I saw Niall's post and I think it may be convenient onto how this is evolving.
For the last couple of days I've been thinking along the same lines. Suppose you were Mossad or some strategist at some high-up echelon on the global structure, and you saw that the masses in the US and many other countries were turning their backs on Israel. What would you do? I'd say create 'order' (their type of 'order') out of more chaos. It could be via a false flag, some sort of provocation, a civil war or simply ramping up the totalitarian measures. And remember the Cs warned of a change in the program. One thing is for sure - 'they' aren't simply going to sit back and watch. For some reason, Israel is too much of an essential part of their plan (until it isn't, in which case they'll probably let it be destroyed).
Blinken from the Keren Shalom crossing to oversee aid deliveries to Gaza, he tells reporters:
“If Hamas really pretends to care about the Palestinian people and wants to see immediate relief from their suffering, it should accept this agreement.”
“If it doesn't, I think it's further proof that it doesn't care in the slightest about
And then, the same people who accuse about “genocide” in Ukr claim:
White House spokesman assures that the International Criminal Court has no jurisdiction over Israel's acts in Gaza...just as they said the Security Council resolution was not binding...US guarantees impunity for Israel to commit genocidio!

The way I see things all over the planet, I believe that totalitarianism is going to start showing its worst face, that of the single thought, the fear of the PTB realizing that they are losing their mental war and that their pathologies are starting to show themselves as they are should lead us to take cautious measures as the Cas. say with knowledge something like being as cautious as serpents and as gentle as doves.
For the last couple of days I've been thinking along the same lines. Suppose you were Mossad or some strategist at some high-up echelon on the global structure, and you saw that the masses in the US and many other countries were turning their backs on Israel. What would you do? I'd say create 'order' (their type of 'order') out of more chaos. It could be via a false flag, some sort of provocation, a civil war or simply ramping up the totalitarian measures. And remember the Cs warned of a change in the program. One thing is for sure - 'they' aren't simply going to sit back and watch. For some reason, Israel is too much of an essential part of their plan (until it isn't, in which case they'll probably let it be destroyed).
It’s also interesting that the protests are occurring at widely known liberal universities. I’ve seen Twitter posts mocking the protesters as spoiled brats, as if this is just another BLM movement on campuses, and that they deserve the police brutality. In the end, I think Americans will just view this as another Left vs Right issue, instead of clearly seeing the lengths the government will go to protect Israel. I doubt they even need a false flag attack when the Bible thumpers are already viewing the protesters as traitors to America. Keep the protests going and America will cheer when stricter laws against criticizing Israel are passed.
Kinda mostly description, with some parts translated.
"Rebuilding of Third temple - this is not propercy anymore."
(In this video he mostly focuses on facebook site "Konflikty i wiadomości światowe" "Conflicts and world news", he says its facebook page and that it is not gossip page, but news site like any other.)
Not so long ago, less than 2 weeks that was only conspiration theory. You know about entertainment series "zielona poświata" ("green glow") in which we are talking about various made-up stories which show up on the internet, so that we can have fun out of it.
And now it seems it is going to become fact.. And it may become so this month .. So less than a week (video is from 24th April) and if not in this week and if not in this month then very, very soon...
Green glow video that Ator made 7 months ago:
(For now i do not have plans of translating it)

<Ator plays video and comments>
(Video is 21 second sample of CBS Saturday Morning news video in English language)
In case you are unable to watch it you can try to look at 2:15 in Ator video, youtube sound is a bit broken though.
I will remind you - its video that is from CBS, its not some video from nowhere.
So it's all about this that: III Temple which they want to rebuild and for which they do this red heifer ritual of which altar was build - that Temple can be build only at one specific place - on this Temple hill which Al-Aqsa is part of.
And things are starting to heat up because Al-Aqsa Mosque is depends on which muslim you ask 2nd ord 3rd most sacred place in Islam.
And to rebuild Temple which Israel wanst to rebuild and quickly, probably this it will start this month already it needs access to complex, it needs to remove non-Jwish people.
What is interesting is that they already started doing that in time of Christian Easter about which i am saying in my previous material (in first line of this video description). And (to achieve their goals) they have to demolish that Mosque. So what do you think? Will Muslims accept that someone wants to demolish 2nd or 3rd most sacred place in their religion and moreover Izrael? I don't think so!

<Then Ator focuses on this video>
Post with video Jutro Izrael przeprowadzi rytualną ofiarę z czerwonych jałówek znajdujących się obecnie w tym kraju. Rytuał Czerwonej Jałówki upamiętnia zniszczenie... | By Konflikty i Wiadomości ŚwiatoweFacebook
Google Translate (Video is embedded to psot that has this text): Tomorrow, Israel will perform a ritual sacrifice of red heifers currently in the country.
The Ritual of the Red Heifer commemorates the destruction of the Al-Aqsa Mosque, the rebuilding of the Third Temple, and the beginning of the end times.
The red heifer must be slaughtered at a certain age, with a window of approximately one year. This is a very rare event aimed at rebuilding the Jerusalem Temple. It is said behind the scenes that Israel provoked the war with red heifers imported from Texas in the USA.
Many people still operate in accordance with deeply rooted beliefs related to their religion on a daily basis. One of the most famous communities that practice living according to the principles established by God are the Israelis. As it turns out, animals are of great importance to Orthodox Jews. The appearance of a specific representative of one species may herald the end of the world. Art that perfectly fits the description contained in the Book of Numbers was born at the end of last month. It caused quite a stir among Jews who believed in the fulfillment of the prophecy.
We hear regularly about the impending end of the world. There are a huge number of versions circulating around the world that accurately describe the apocalypse. A surprisingly large group of people are convinced that many of them are true. Jews also have their own theory about how life on Earth will end and what will symbolize the beginning of all-encompassing destruction.
In the Book of Numbers you can find information that the perfect red heifer is a symbol of the fulfillment of the prophecy about the rebuilding of the Temple in Jerusalem and the second coming of the Messiah to Earth. Then the world we know so far will end and a completely new life will begin.
The animal, which according to believing Israelites heralds the end of the world, was born recently in the United States.
It turned out that not one, but five young female cattle were brought to Israel, which may turn out to be the fulfillment of the prophecy mentioned in one of the books of the Old Testament.
However, for this to happen, certain steps need to be taken. A red cow without any blemish should be burned and its ashes scattered on the ashes of the destroyed temple. Only then will it be possible to rebuild it, which will enable the Messiah to return to Earth.
According to stories passed down over the years, in the history of the Jewish nation there have only been nine heifers that perfectly fit the description of the prophecy. Only the tenth act is to be the one that will enable the fulfillment of the words written in the Old Testament.
It would seem that now nothing stands in the way of finding out whether the story described in the Book of Numbers will come true.
The perfectly red heifers are to give birth to a herd that will live on the Holy Land. The presence of animals is of great importance to Jewish believers. Many generations have waited their entire lives for the animals described in the Book of Numbers to appear on Earth. Now everything indicates that anyone who wants will be able to come to the Red Heifer Center to see with their own eyes the creatures that are the symbol of the apocalypse prophecy.
More on YouTube channels about this ritual:

That video has watermark "The Temple Institute" (with facebook logo). It has English subtitles, 0:51 long.
In case video is not there anymore: you can watch 8:08 - 9:02 of Ator video.

<Ator says that source of this video is "The Temple Institute" and explains to Polish viewers that in Israel religion and government are more interconnected than in other countries (he doesn't say names, but he says that one of Temple Institute person is minister in their government). Then he says that more and more data indicates that (Izrael) is doing international mayhem, so that they can cover-up those actions. When there is conflict less people would pay attention in case some Mosque burn.>

<Then Ator explains what The Temple Institute is and thene explains to his viewers some quickl and short details about Judaism, about Temple that it was rebuild and demolished twice already.
Then Ator encourages to read Sacred Text of Judaism, Islam and even remanins of sacred texts of Sumerian. He that one is able to learn many interesting things and that many of those text got many similarities
He kinda doubts Israel mobilized 500-700 thousand army to fight against 2000 as their main objective.>

<Then he says a little bit about rituals they need to do before rebuilding that they need to have specific heifers which Israel spend 10 years (probably) through genetic engineering (so that each and every hair on their bodies is red). They managed to obtain 3 of those heifers.
And person doing ritual of killing those heifers must also meet many criterias such as not having to deal with death, not visiting graveyards, seeing someone die, being born in hospital etc.
There is expiration date of those heifers which is aobut 1 year before they won't be able to use them.
Also there is always risk that someone could die in front of person that is going to do ritual.>

<Then Ator focuses on:>

Link Hamas calls on Palestinians to defend Al-Aqsa after an Israeli Knesset member proposed building a "third temple" on the site of a mosque complex in occupied Al-Quds.
The Palestinian resistance movement Hamas has called on Palestinians to gather at the Al-Aqsa Mosque from today's Friday prayers until Monday to defend Al-Aqsa and thwart the enemy's plan.
The movement added that it calls for "abandoning the plans of the Zionist enemy and his extremist settler gangs and the so-called temple group to desecrate the courtyards of Al-Aqsa and carry out sacrificial rituals there this coming Sunday and Monday."
Hamas also praised the civilian population in the occupied West Bank, the occupied Palestinian territories in 1948, and the Palestinians remaining in and around Al-Quds, who "have proven to be the first line of defense [for Al-Aqsa Mosque]."
The movement also praised the Palestinians' commitment to the path of struggle and sacrifice and expressed its support for their continued efforts to protect and defend Al-Quds and Al-Aqsa, firmly opposing the efforts of the oppressive occupation government and its perpetrators of war crimes, especially Itamar Ben-Gvir.
Hamas called on nations and free peoples around the world to extend all forms of solidarity and support to Al-Quds, Al-Aqsa and Gaza and to support the legitimate struggle of the Palestinian people until aggression is stopped, rights are achieved and the Palestinian land and sanctuaries are liberated.
As reported by Anadolu Agency, a member of the Israeli parliament representing the far right proposed on Thursday the construction of a "third temple" that would replace the Al-Aqsa mosque complex in occupied Al-Quds.
Yitzhak Pindrus, a member of the extremist United Torah Judaism Party, expressed his desire for all Jews to gather at al-Quds next Monday to offer the Passover sacrifice during a television interview.
"We hope that the Third Temple will be built there soon and we will be able to eat Paschal offerings there," he emphasized.
Passover, an important Jewish holiday commemorating the Israelites' exodus from Egypt during the time of the prophet Moses, has religious significance in the Jewish calendar. This year it starts on the evening of April 22 and lasts until April 30.
Al-Aqsa is revered as one of the holiest sites for Muslims around the world. On the other hand, Jews call the area "Temple Mount", citing its historical significance as the location of two ancient Jewish temples.
The Knesset member's appeal is the latest in a series of provocative statements and actions by Israeli officials regarding the Islamic holy site.
In a similar context, Israeli media reported on Wednesday that Israeli Minister Itamar Ben-Gvir had included changes to the status quo in the area in his ministry's formal action plans. His plan aims to change the status quo at the mosque by giving Israeli control of the site and allowing Jewish worshipers access, Israeli public broadcaster KAN reported.
People of non-Muslim faith can enter the Al-Aqsa Mosque under an agreement dating back to Ottoman times. However, they are strictly prohibited from engaging in any form of worship or prayer on the premises. This multi-year agreement aims to maintain the sanctity of the site for Muslims, who consider it one of the holiest places in Islam.
Despite this agreement, Israeli occupation authorities have allowed Israeli settlers to raid the mosque complex on numerous occasions since 2003, drawing strong condemnation from Palestinians.
Al-Aqsa Mosque is of great religious and historical importance, especially since it has been at the center of Israeli-Palestinian fighting since the 1967 Arab-Israeli War, when "Israel" occupied eastern al-Quds. This occupation was further entrenched in 1980 when "Israel" occupied an entire Palestinian city, a move that was never recognized by the international community.
Source: Nothing sourced.

<Then Ator focuses on:>
Link: Google Transalte: Javad Karimi-Ghodousi, a member of the Iranian Parliament's National Security Committee, said today that Iran is currently capable of conducting a nuclear test with just one week's notice.

<Then Ator focuses on:>
Link Konflikty i Wiadomości Światowe
Google Translate: The Prime Minister of Israel issued a statement on the occasion of Pesach. A very important Jewish holiday. Currently, it falls in the period from the evening of April 22 to the evening of April 30, 2024 (year 5784 according to the Jewish calendar). According to Netanyahu's last sentence, Jerusalem will be rebuilt in 2025........
As we gather around the Seder table to commemorate and celebrate our journey from slavery to freedom, our hearts are heavy for the plight of the 133 Israelis who remain captive in the tunnels of Hamas terror. Although 124 hostages have been returned to their loved ones, we remain steadfast and want all hostages returned to their families.
Why is this night different? Tonight we reflect not only on old challenges, but also on the current threats we face. In every generation, some people want to destroy us, and yet we defeated them thanks to our faith and unity.
Tonight we think of those who are unable to join their families at the Seder table. Their absence strengthens our resolve and reminds us of the urgency of our mission. We will not rest until everyone is released.
Hamas, a genocidal terrorist organization, rejected all offers to release the hostages. The US Secretary of State openly criticized Hamas for preventing the conclusion of the hostage deal. Hamas is trying to divide us and harden its position, but we will react decisively.
In the coming days, we will see increased military and diplomatic efforts to secure the freedom of our hostages. Israel's strength has recently been revealed, both defensively and offensively. There's still a lot ahead of us. We will win.
On this Easter Eve, I honor our fallen and wounded heroes whose sacrifices secured our freedom. I stand firmly with our defenders, the IDF, against anyone who questions their honor.
Just as we are united on the battlefield and on the diplomatic fronts, so we are united in spirit. With the help of the Almighty, we will overcome.
Shalom to all on this holy night of Passover. Next year in rebuilt Jerusalem. I am Israel Chai.
A lot of things suggests that we live in very interesting times...
And note it is not really important whether or which of those faiths are real nor not.
Things about metaphisics, religion and things like that are in first row of this video description
But i will say only this: whether its big mambo-jumbo, or not doesn't matter. What matters is that people who believe that it matters are ones controlling situation.
<Ator finishes with saying that they do not have much time, so they may do some external conflict so that media will ofcus on it and in meantime they will do what they think is their "sacred duty">

Black - more or less translated words.
<description of what Ator says or does>
When i wrote "focuses on" what i mean is that Ator is reading this post aloud and correcting mistakes in those posts.

Green - me
Quotes - link to facebook post Ator focuses on, google translation of it and link that post points as source (if any).
It’s also interesting that the protests are occurring at widely known liberal universities. I’ve seen Twitter posts mocking the protesters as spoiled brats, as if this is just another BLM movement on campuses, and that they deserve the police brutality. In the end, I think Americans will just view this as another Left vs Right issue, instead of clearly seeing the lengths the government will go to protect Israel. I doubt they even need a false flag attack when the Bible thumpers are already viewing the protesters as traitors to America. Keep the protests going and America will cheer when stricter laws against criticizing Israel are passed.
That's pretty much what I'm hearing from the more conservative people I know. It's so sad to see. A few are aware of what Israel is up to in Gaza but even that doesn't seem to bother them as they are tired of what they perceive as a liberal hands off attitude towards Muslim ideology and terrorist organizations. My attempts to gently explain the nuances and manipulation of the actual situation is difficult.
That's pretty much what I'm hearing from the more conservative people I know. It's so sad to see. A few are aware of what Israel is up to in Gaza but even that doesn't seem to bother them as they are tired of what they perceive as a liberal hands off attitude towards Muslim ideology and terrorist organizations. My attempts to gently explain the nuances and manipulation of the actual situation is difficult.
I'm seeing that here too, conservatives are glad to see the Marxist liberals getting removed from campuses. This area is very red (Idaho) with a lot of former military who bought the "Russia Russia Russia!!" lines completely, and now those same people are falling for the Zionist programming and standing up for Israel if it means taking the liberals down a few pegs. Most of them believe the lies about Hamas and that the genocide of the Palestinians is either a lie or necessary for peace because they also believe Muslims are evil.

We may be at that point in the script where the liberals who were empowered and used to demean and weaken society are removed from the scene, with a resounding nationalist conservative backlash that ushers in someone like Trump back into power, with a totalitarian "correction" back to "normal" conservative values - and that someone will bow before ZOG. If that happens I believe that the total destruction of America is inevitable. Any nation that does not stand against genocide - or ZOG - will pay a karmic price.
I'm seeing that here too, conservatives are glad to see the Marxist liberals getting removed from campuses. This area is very red (Idaho) with a lot of former military who bought the "Russia Russia Russia!!" lines completely, and now those same people are falling for the Zionist programming and standing up for Israel if it means taking the liberals down a few pegs. Most of them believe the lies about Hamas and that the genocide of the Palestinians is either a lie or necessary for peace because they also believe Muslims are evil.

We may be at that point in the script where the liberals who were empowered and used to demean and weaken society are removed from the scene, with a resounding nationalist conservative backlash that ushers in someone like Trump back into power, with a totalitarian "correction" back to "normal" conservative values - and that someone will bow before ZOG. If that happens I believe that the total destruction of America is inevitable. Any nation that does not stand against genocide - or ZOG - will pay a karmic price.

I was thinking about commenting on this, but I've done so so many times already that I was starting to wonder if perhaps it's not normal for me to be so upset about JP's insistence on defending Israel. I still can't wrap my head around someone who was supposed to be such a smart and moral guy suddenly turning so shtooped on this particular issue. Once in a while I go and check to see if maybe after more evidence has come out he has changed his mind - but nope. I sometimes catch myself ruminating/imagining a personal debate with him and asking "what part of oppression, genocide and ethnic cleansing don't you understand??". I can't stand watching his ads that sometimes FB or YT throw at me anymore.

The Cs once mentioned he was a 'great soul', but also that he got carried away by his emotions easily. Ok, emotions can take you into bad places and totally twist your thinking if you can't get a hold on them. But is that enough to explain completely ignoring blatant and obvious genocide and crimes against humanity - and then defending the perpetrators? I kind of want to propose a question for the Cs, if his emotions at play is all there is to this or if there's something else - like perhaps his medical procedures gone wrong affected his thinking or something. But I'm still thinking about it. As I said, maybe I'm in the wrong for expecting something different from JP.

This session gives some food for thought. Apparently the Soul can actually become detached from the body.

April 4, 2015:
Q: (L) Okay. Well, that’s enough of that. I have another question here. The other question that people were a little curious about on the forum that I noticed was: they wanted to know at what age or stage of development does the soul of an individual enter into the body of a baby that’s about to be born?

A: It cannot be set in stone; remember that about half of all babies never house individualized souls. In some cases it can be very early, and others, as late as early adulthood.

Q: (Pierre) Wow.

(Galatea) So I guess they’re waiting around the body’s frequency to change.

Another practical way of talking about frequency might be that the Soul only 'seats' with the activation of the higher centres. That means, of course, keeping excessive emotionality under control. This might get at the mysterious phrase 'geometry of thought' - namely, that there is a specific 'geometric' relationship between lower and higher centres. All centres can then become geometrically aligned with the truth, or the search for it at least.

Being aligned with the truth isn't a static thing, though. The world is ever-changing, and so constant adjustments need to be made in order to keep the geometry of thought in alignment with the truth of this or that particular situation.

And I think it might be the case that truths are not all created equally, in the sense that missing the truth of why apples turn brown when you cut them is not as significant as the truth of the horrific genocide in Gaza.

(L) So, is that true? A soul can be hanging around, and there’s, say for example, a body that’s close to the frequency they need, but not quite, and they have to wait until something happens or changes?

A: Yes

Q: (L) What can change frequency?

(Perceval) Experience.

(Pierre) Knowledge.

(L) Yeah, puberty, thought, experience.

A: Yes

Q: (L) Perspectives change via experience I think.

A: Yes

Q: (Galatea) Awareness of something?

(L) All kinds of things can change frequency. talked about things like vaccinations and things changing the frequency, which causes negative potentials. Does that factor into this process?

A: Yes

Q: (Galatea) Can a soul literally get kicked out of a body if the frequency is not matching the soul?

A: Yes

I'm no soul doctor, but the fact that this is even possible is kind of incredible. I can't say if Peterson and other conservatives are losing their souls. It sure feels that way, though. After all, some of them seem quite willing to accept that protestors and professors are being beaten for their views. Peterson liked to go on and on and on about Twitter troll demons and cancel culture, but this is next level - justifying genocide, and demonizing those who speak out against it, even if those speaking out against it are woke morons.

He's recently released a video discussing Bill C-63, Canada's censorship bill. It's government-enforced compelled speech, justified by 'protecting children from online predators'. I wonder if JP (or any of them) will get up in arms about the bill that just passed in the US, outlawing 'antisemitism'. In essence, it's the same logic as C-63, government-enforced compelled speech, except this time justified by protecting one ethnic minority from hurt feelings. I'm not holding my breath for him, or any other conservative culture-warriors, to recognize the depth of the hypocrisy here.

Q: (Galatea) You can be made into a soulless monster eventually!

A: Yes

Q: (Chu) And technology would have the same effects as we’ve seen…

A: Yes

Q: (Perceval) Is that why there are these people who go for operations and then they wake up with a different personality or speaking a different language…?

A: Yes

Q: (Pierre) For an individual, when the soul attaches to the body or leaves, is it noticeable?

(Perceval) That’s what I just said.

(Chu) Yeah, sometimes.

A: Sometimes. The individual may notice inside or an observer may notice.

Q: (L) So, people can change, and sometimes even change dramatically?

A: Yes

Q: (Galatea) Can a person hold more than one soul sometimes?

A: Yes

This is also an incredible statement. Does this mean it's not even a matter of a spirit attachment, or a walk-in, but literally one body hosting two souls? Not even two aspects of one fractal soul, but two distinct souls? It's hard to fathom.

At any rate, I think we can say that our soul is never in a stable state or a finished product, it's a constant process, or a dynamic equilibrium. The health (if that's the right term) of the soul seems to depend on the degree to which one is attuned to the truth, and also the development and maintenance of an unalterable conscience - a sense of what is right and what is wrong in a basic sense.

It follows that being called a 'great soul' at one point in time is no guarantor of anything. To me it looks like that applies to JP mostly in the recent past, where he definitely was great. But JP has absolutely and totally misunderstood two of the most important events of recent years, the SMO in Ukraine, and the ethnic cleansing in Palestine, and in so doing has sinned against his conscience. Maybe his soul detached a little bit thereby. Or a lot.

This is purely speculation, but this may be part of the reason why Peterson was targeted by 4D STS through the Zionists - his greatness was a threat. So in walks Ben Shapiro.
The US House passed a bill that expands the definition of anti-Semitism. It still needs to be passed in the Senate. The law would codify a definition of anti-Semitism created by the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance (IHRA).

[The IHRA] definition of anti-Semitism is “a certain perception of Jews, which may be expressed as hatred toward Jews. Rhetorical and physical manifestations of anti-Semitism are directed toward Jewish or non-Jewish individuals and/or their property, toward Jewish community institutions and religious facilities”.

According to the IHRA, that definition also encompasses the “targeting of the state of Israel, conceived as a Jewish collectivity”.
The group also includes certain examples in its definition to illustrate anti-Semitism. Saying, for instance, that “the existence of a State of Israel is a racist endeavor” would be deemed anti-Semitic under its terms. The definition also bars any comparison between “contemporary Israeli policy” and “that of the Nazis”.

So there you have it. The definition itself is so vague that anything stated against anyone who happens to be a Jew - and apparently in some cases against anyone at all ("non-Jewish individuals") - may fall within it.

But it's even worse - it explicitly states that targeting the state of Israel "conceived as a Jewish collectivity" is anti-Semitic. Well, the state of Israel defines itself as 'for the Jewish people', so how can anyone criticize the state of Israel without being anti-Semitic, according to this law??

The Nazis put Jews and other groups in ghettos and exterminated a large number of them. Israel does similar things to Palestinians. But if the law passes, people won't be able to make this comparison because, by law, you'll be 'anti-Semitic'.

The Jewish people often claim that 'Jewishness' is inherited from the mother's side (even though it's also a religion and you have many different 'races' of Jewish people, and I don't think there is such a thing as a Jewish gene). And since the state of Israel defines itself as 'for the Jewish people', then one could make the case, based on the claims of the supporters of Israel themselves, that Israel is a 'racist endeavor'. That is, a project that is intended for one 'race' as opposed to all the others. But if the law goes through, that will make you anti-Semitic by law.

To think that this comes as a reaction to the world's disapproval of Israel's genocidal actions in Gaza.


I wonder if JP (or any of them) will get up in arms about the bill that just passed in the US, outlawing 'antisemitism'.

I was wondering the same thing!
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The US House passed a bill that expands the definition of anti-Semitism. It still needs to be passed in the Senate. The law would codify a definition of anti-Semitism created by the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance (IHRA).

So there you have it. The definition itself is so vague that anything stated against anyone who happens to be a Jew - and apparently in some cases against anyone at all ("non-Jewish individuals") - may fall within it.

But it's even worse - it explicitly states that targeting the state of Israel "conceived as a Jewish collectivity" is anti-Semitic. Well, the state of Israel defines itself as 'for the Jewish people', so how can anyone criticize the state of Israel without being anti-Semitic, according to this law??

The Nazis put Jews and other groups in ghettos and exterminated a large number of them. Israel does similar things to Palestinians. But if the law passes, people won't be able to make this comparison because, by law, you'll be 'anti-Semitic'.

The Jewish people often claim that 'Jewishness' is inherited from the mother's side (even though it's also a religion and you have many different 'races' of Jewish people, and I don't think there is such a thing as a Jewish gene). And since the state of Israel defines itself as 'for the Jewish people', then one could make the case, based on the claims of the supporters of Israel themselves, that Israel is a 'racist endeavor'. That is, a project that is intended for one 'race' as opposed to all the others. But if the law goes through, that will make you anti-Semitic by law.

To think that this comes as a reaction to the world's disapproval of Israel's genocidal actions in Gaza.


I was wondering the same thing!
And so, "ZOG" goes from conspiracy theory to conspiracy fact.

So there you have it. The definition itself is so vague that anything stated against anyone who happens to be a Jew - and apparently in some cases against anyone at all ("non-Jewish individuals") - may fall within it.
And therefore suppress free speech, isn't that against 1st amendment?
What would happen if the bill passes the Senate and plataforms are ordered to enforce the law according to the examples below?
From the IHRA
To guide IHRA in its work, the following examples may serve as illustrations:

Manifestations might include the targeting of the state of Israel, conceived as a Jewish collectivity. However, criticism of Israel similar to that leveled against any other country cannot be regarded as antisemitic. Antisemitism frequently charges Jews with conspiring to harm humanity, and it is often used to blame Jews for “why things go wrong.” It is expressed in speech, writing, visual forms and action, and employs sinister stereotypes and negative character traits.

Contemporary examples of antisemitism in public life, the media, schools, the workplace, and in the religious sphere could, taking into account the overall context, include, but are not limited to:
  1. Calling for, aiding, or justifying the killing or harming of Jews in the name of a radical ideology or an extremist view of religion.
  2. Making mendacious, dehumanizing, demonizing, or stereotypical allegations about Jews as such or the power of Jews as collective — such as, especially but not exclusively, the myth about a world Jewish conspiracy or of Jews controlling the media, economy, government or other societal institutions.
  3. Accusing Jews as a people of being responsible for real or imagined wrongdoing committed by a single Jewish person or group, or even for acts committed by non-Jews.
  4. Denying the fact, scope, mechanisms (e.g. gas chambers) or intentionality of the genocide of the Jewish people at the hands of National Socialist Germany and its supporters and accomplices during World War II (the Holocaust).
  5. Accusing the Jews as a people, or Israel as a state, of inventing or exaggerating the Holocaust.
  6. Accusing Jewish citizens of being more loyal to Israel, or to the alleged priorities of Jews worldwide, than to the interests of their own nations.
  7. Denying the Jewish people their right to self-determination, e.g., by claiming that the existence of a State of Israel is a racist endeavor.
  8. Applying double standards by requiring of it a behavior not expected or demanded of any other democratic nation.
  9. Using the symbols and images associated with classic antisemitism (e.g., claims of Jews killing Jesus or blood libel) to characterize Israel or Israelis.
  10. Drawing comparisons of contemporary Israeli policy to that of the Nazis.
  11. Holding Jews collectively responsible for actions of the state of Israel.
Antisemitic acts are criminal when they are so defined by law (for example, denial of the Holocaust or distribution of antisemitic materials in some countries).

Criminal acts are antisemitic when the targets of attacks, whether they are people or property – such as buildings, schools, places of worship and cemeteries – are selected because they are, or are perceived to be, Jewish or linked to Jews.

Antisemitic discrimination is the denial to Jews of opportunities or services available to others and is illegal in many countries.
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