Israel-Palestine War: Hamas Breaks Out of Gaza, Israel Responds With Genocide

And therefore suppress free speech, isn't that against 1st amendment?
What would happen if the bill passes the Senate and plataforms are ordered to enforce the law according to the examples below?
If history is any guide, then the law will pass, someone will break the law and go to jail, the prisoner will appeal the law, and then many years later the Supreme Court will decide. The covid lockdown followed this model too.
It's a war against the human spirit that's being waged, against consciousness. As in Fahrenheit 451, where the regime prevented people from reading, in other words from thinking and reflecting, the same thing is happening now. They started with the plandemia. They put people in prison for that, those who criticised, and they even killed people for telling the truth and well, they're going to do the same thing now because they don't want people to have a conscience, a mind. It's the total decadence of the human being that we're seeing, but that's what totalitarianism is all about, thinking the way they want us to think, yes or yes. For them, there is no alternative.

But in Bradbury's futurist novel, a group of people refused to think the way the totalitarians demanded and this group memorised books, in other words, they refused to lose their minds and consciousness. And not just their own mind or conscience, but that of the whole of humanity.

It's not easy to memorise a book, just as it's not easy to keep a bright mind, not easy to keep our conscience, our spirit, but that's what it's all about. It's a way of fighting totalitarianism.

Well, you know all of this.
The US House passed a bill that expands the definition of anti-Semitism. It still needs to be passed in the Senate. The law would codify a definition of anti-Semitism created by the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance (IHRA).

Using the symbols and images associated with classic antisemitism [...] to characterize Israel or Israelis.

Will that include the Swastikas and Nazi symbols worn and venerated by the Ukrainian army that the US is so ardently supporting? :whistle:
I'm no soul doctor, but the fact that this is even possible is kind of incredible. I can't say if Peterson and other conservatives are losing their souls. It sure feels that way, though. After all, some of them seem quite willing to accept that protestors and professors are being beaten for their views. Peterson liked to go on and on and on about Twitter troll demons and cancel culture, but this is next level - justifying genocide, and demonizing those who speak out against it, even if those speaking out against it are woke morons.
JP's middle name is Bernt.
Bernt is a Scandinavian variant of the German masculine given name Berend, which is the Low German form of Bernard (Bernhard). The name Bernhard means "strong bear" (from Old German bero, "bear", and harti, "strong"). Its use in Sweden was first documented in 1395.
We know that words carry vibrations. If you pronounce Bernt in English, it will sound really close to Burnt. Could having a name that is so vibrationally close to a 'tarnished' counterpart mean that JP has a major vulnerability that, if not kept in check, could totally alter his character? When the war started, remember how he began wearing flashy dual-colored suits, giving the impression that his body was vertically split in half?

Symbolically, it seems like his inner 'strong bear' was burnt by the Zionists, and replaced by Jordan David Peterson, a shadow of himself.
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This is not encouraging. Donald Trump jumps on the 'stop anti-Semitism on campus' band-wagon.

I'm aware that US politicians need to walk a narrow line when it comes to Israel, but surely there are ways of saying things that don't send the message of being Israel's unconditional vassal? How far does being strategic go? When does it turn into an actual betrayal of their own country and basic humanity and common sense?
This is not encouraging. Donald Trump jumps on the 'stop anti-Semitism on campus' band-wagon.

I'm aware that US politicians need to walk a narrow line when it comes to Israel, but surely there are ways of saying things that don't send the message of being Israel's unconditional vassal? How far does being strategic go? When does it turn into an actual betrayal of their own country and basic humanity and common sense?
Maybe he is afraid to be assassinated by the Mossad. Or someone in his family.
For the record, this is the sort of stuff that Jordan Peterson is posting :rolleyes: :

Nothing to do with genocide. It was "resentful harpies longing for domination" all along! 🤦‍♂️ I'm beginning to think that @iamthatis 's theory of JP literally having lost his soul has merit.

Gee, me too. If not that, having lost... something! And to think that he used to explain how well people's empathy and maternal instinct were played against them with the LGBT nonsense. Little does he know that his own have been completely twisted regarding Israel's atrocious actions, where he believes that the perpetrators are the victims.
For the last couple of days I've been thinking along the same lines. Suppose you were Mossad or some strategist at some high-up echelon on the global structure, and you saw that the masses in the US and many other countries were turning their backs on Israel. What would you do? I'd say create 'order' (their type of 'order') out of more chaos. It could be via a false flag, some sort of provocation, a civil war or simply ramping up the totalitarian measures. And remember the Cs warned of a change in the program. One thing is for sure - 'they' aren't simply going to sit back and watch. For some reason, Israel is too much of an essential part of their plan (until it isn't, in which case they'll probably let it be destroyed)
In fact, it should be recalled that the Mossad already used propaganda against Macron by naming Jean Michel on a billboard at the beginning of the war; we know that they used Grislaine in the Epstein case and now one of the suspicions about the threat of resignation of Spanish President Pedro Sanchez last week is based on the fact that the wiretapping of his wife Begoña Gomez (who among other things is also suspected to be trans) was done by a secret agency - presumably Moroccan - using the program Pegasus (white horse) which is owned by the Israeli company NSO Group and creator of the spying program. It seems that Israel has retaliated because Spain is the main organizer pushing for the recognition of the status of the state of Palestine along with other states: Ireland, Slovenia and Malta, which would be signed at the end of this month.
Earlier this week, Sanchez said it again during a joint press conference with the Prime Minister of Portugal, Luis Montenegro, assuring that Spain defends the full integration of Palestine in the UN "even if we do it bilaterally."
Their argument was that the recognition of the State was necessary for any future peace process. A month earlier then taoiseach Leo Varadkar had confirmed that a group of member states were in talks to give formal recognition to Palestine. He said that with Palestine having the status of a state, it would allow “a more equal negotiation to happen”.

Just two years ago the Sanchez government had already been spied on and the investigation was said to have "failed to find out which files, documents, videos or photographs of Sanchez's cell phone were spied on" and that neither the company nor the Israeli government collaborated to clarify the situation. Now, with the Begoña scandal, the investigation has been reopened with the help of France and it is expected that the accusations of alleged corruption will be clarified.
What is certain in this attack on the cybersecurity of Sanchez's wife by "pegasus" is that the Spanish press and freedom of information have been attacked by extension to the Spanish people, branding them as a bulling campaign of the ultra-right, calling them the "mud" and threatening them with a "cleansing" to silence criticism and give way to new laws of coercion and single thinking.

For the record, this is the sort of stuff that Jordan Peterson is posting :rolleyes: :
Resentful childless harpies unconsciously longing for domination.
Why else worship at the altar of Hamas? Why else would it be so overwhelmingly female?

— Dr Jordan B Peterson (@jordanbpeterson) May 2, 2024

It seems to me that he is trying to project something:
Resentful, unconsciously, dominated, adulation, overpowering.
This is not encouraging. Donald Trump jumps on the 'stop anti-Semitism on campus' band-wagon.

Neither is surprising after his "Peace for Money" plan with "no return" clause, Indian, sorry Palestinian tiny preservations, Israeli annexation of Jordan Valley, opening whatever would be left of "Palestine" to Big Business, etc.; after moving the US embassy to Jerusalem and pressing numerous other countries to do the same; after assassinating Soleimani; the list doesn't end here.

I'm aware that US politicians need to walk a narrow line when it comes to Israel
I'm not sure there was/is any narrow line for him to consider.

Turkey has suspended all trade relations with Israel, with all imports and exports halted as of Thursday, the US media reported, citing two Turkish officials familiar with the matter.

Ankara has not yet officially announced the decision, the report said.

A day earlier, Turkish Foreign Minister Hakan Fidan said that Turkey has made a formal decision to join South Africa's lawsuit against Israel at the UN International Court of Justice.

Fidan said that Turkey will continue to support the Palestinian people in all circumstances.

According to Bloomberg (paywall), trade between the two countries was worth $6.8 billion in 2023
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