Israel-Palestine War: Hamas Breaks Out of Gaza, Israel Responds With Genocide

People in X are reporting that according to Israeli media Nasrallah has been killed in an airstrike in Beirut, in what Israel says was the headquarters of Hezbollah. Nasrallah is or was its leader, so this is big news. Plus, in the process they destroyed several residential buildings and killed and wounded an indeterminate number of civilians. This is not looking good!

Netanyahu speaks to an empty room at the UN. Many of the world's representatives left the room just as the Israeli Prime Minister was about to begin his address to the General Assembly.

In UN speech, Netanyahu holds map showing West Bank, Gaza as part of Israel

Threatens Iran, says the world must choose between a ‘blessing’ and a ‘curse’

In his address to the UN General Assembly on Friday, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu displayed two maps, which did not identify the West Bank and the Gaza Strip, but showed all the territory as part of Israel.
Holding the maps, Netanyahu said the world much choose between a “blessing” and a “curse.”
The first one showed Israel’s potential Arab allies in the region, while the second Iran and its allies. Both the maps expunged Gaza and the West Bank.

Netanyahu issued stern warnings to Iran, saying: "I have a message for Tehran, if you strike us, we will strike you.”
“There is no place in Iran that the long arm of Israel cannot reach, and that's true of the entire Middle East,”
he added.
He condemned the world for “appeasing Iran for too long,” asserting that such appeasement “must end now.”

He expressed support for any peaceful civilian governance in the Palestinian enclave. “We are ready to work with regional and other partners to support a local civilian administration in Gaza.”

Netanyahu also announced the continuation of military actions in Lebanon, where its forces have killed hundreds in extensive airstrikes this week, saying: “I've come here today to say enough is enough. We won't rest until our citizens can return safely to their homes.”

Netanyahu speaks to an empty room at the UN. Many of the world's representatives left the room just as the Israeli Prime Minister was about to begin his address to the General Assembly.

West Bank could be goal, Ghaza not so much.
I've been wondering about why Netanyahu and his psychopathic cabinet are so eager to expand the war. Sure, they've had an axe to grind with Hezbollah for decades, but from their (sick) perspective, don't they have a pretty 'good thing going on' in Israel, when they've almost emptied the place of Palestinians, and killed tens of thousands of them? Is this not what they've always wanted, isn't it enough?

As we know the pathological mind is not rational, and these people always want more power and wealth. Still, I think there must be other reasons to this as well. From what I can tell these psychos would also like to see the US dragged into a war against Iran. Is it about the dream of 'grater Israel'? Is it about Netanyahu knowing that if the fighting ends, then he's out?

Or, is it about the US elections; do both the Neocrazies/Deep State and the Zionist want a big war now so that the US presidential elections can be nullified and canceled? Or, is there also a hidden reason, because a huge distraction is needed because of approaching calamities (aliens, comets/meteors, something else...)?

Maybe all of the above? :-D

The IDF has claimed Nasrallah was eliminated. Silence from Hezbollah is lending weight to that claim, but there could be other reasons for this. If true, that strike was the least precise assassination attempt imaginable. It's going to take a while to figure out how many civilians died. Meanwhile strikes continue.

Israel just issued an evacuation order for Bahman hospital, one of the largest in Beirut. Hezbollah is the new Hamas, Beirut the new Gaza.

Interesting shape, those chandeliers. Sort of like an inverted red triangle. Symbolic?
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Or, is it about the US elections; do both the Neocrazies/Deep State and the Zionist want a big war now so that the US presidential elections can be nullified and canceled? Or, is there also a hidden reason, because a huge distraction is needed because of approaching calamities (aliens, comets/meteors, something else...)?

Maybe all of the above?

Yeah, maybe it could be all of the above. The sense i get from this latest escalation - is that bloodlust is thick in the air and you can almost "feel" it from events daily. It seems that Moloch is demanding more and the psycho's in Israel are just acquiescing to it. Who knows maybe 4D STS is orchestrating it in more detail that we can imagine using Israel as a tool.

They are reporting that Nasrallah has been killed. If it is true - that would mean that the Mossad has breached all levels of Hezbollah and that they are able to locate his whereabouts. I would imagine that Nasrallah and his security team would have countless measures in place to avoid this. The C's once said that the Mossad is at the apex of the 3D STS. Maybe 4D STS did give them the info required to conduct the bombing...just speculating fwiw
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