Israel-Palestine War: Hamas Breaks Out of Gaza, Israel Responds With Genocide

China urges its citizens in 'Israel' to leave 'as soon as possible'​

"China has called on its nationals in "Israel" to depart immediately"

"the embassy statement said, urging Chinese nationals to "return home or relocate to safer areas as soon as possible"."

And the US is sending additional forces to Middle East.


A couple of interesting points about the link you posted:

The battle group left today, and it will take two weeks to get into the Mediterranean. Given the accelerations of today, I don't think they would be there in time to help evacuate US citizens...BUT..

"There is already a Marine amphibious ready group in the eastern Mediterranean Sea, with the 26th Marine Expeditionary Unit aboard, which is expected to be able to assist in an evacuation if needed."

Speculation of course:

A Marine expedition force going into Lebanon, while also assisting Israel's war effort against Lebanon could be a cause for concern. And would the Lebanese even go for it? All the while the US would be saying we're going in to evacuate our citizens.
I think Israel itself is far from being in a better position militarily, only the guarantee of US assistance gives them that. The C's also said more than once that Iran has nuclear weapons too.
Israel is not a superpower and relies very heavily on US military supplies to sustain its attacks. My understanding is that Israeli forces in Gaza have sustained significant casualties and are reluctant to engage in a full scale invasion of Lebanon at the present time. Although the IDF is certainly a force to be reckoned with, soldiers who have been fighting for months on end require rest and rotation. The Israeli army does not have the huge supplies of manpower that Russia, China and the USA do - who are all genuine superpowers. We should also recall that the last time Israel invaded Lebanon they got a bloody nose and the campaign did not go at all well for them. Indeed, if this time they choose to fight a war on three fronts - Gaza, the West Bank and Lebanon - their finite military resources may be stretched to breaking point. Moreover, my understanding from a purely military perspective is that the quality of the present IDF does not match that of years gone by when they were able to bring off stunning victories over Egypt, Jordan and Syria. Remember they have been fighting Hamas in Gaza for 11 months now and have still not achieved victory in spite of their military superiority. Although they have no doubt inflicted serious damage on Hezbollah's command structure recently, Hezbollah still remains a considerable force, one that operates on a much larger scale than Hamas and one that is much better armed. If the IDF have failed to deliver a knock out blow on Hamas after 11 months of fighting, just think how much harder it will be to defeat Hezbollah. Hence, if they launch a massive invasion of Lebanon in the near future, this will be no walk in the park for them. This is even before you bring Iran and its forces into the equation should they choose to intervene directly.

Israel may have the support of the USA with its forces moving into the area in readiness to support it but Iran also has the support of a superpower in Russia, which has significant military forces of its own in Syria right next door to Israel. Russia is already smarting at NATO's intervention in the Ukraine conflict, which may yet lead to an all out war in Europe. Hence, Putin may feel less reluctant to intervene in the Middle East should Iran be directly attacked by Israel. Meanwhile in Britain we have an imbecile as our new Foreign Secretary in David Lammy who thinks President Putin is bluffing in his threats to the western powers over the use of their long range missiles to strike targets inside Russia. However, unlike the intellectually challenged Lammy, Putin is a Grand Master at chess and is not a man to bluff and make idle threats. Indeed, Britain is so ready for war that our new Chancellor of the Exchequer thinks it appropriate at this time to deliver a new round of defence cuts on our hard pressed military even as the international situation worsens (great timing eh!). God help us if war does actually break out and I say that as a father of three sons of military age who could all face a call up.

As to Israel's ultimate fate, the C's seemed to think that was already sealed when they said in the session dated 23 August 2014:
Q: (KJN) Will Israel get its comeuppance and the Gaza atrocities abate?

A: Israel will certainly "pay the piper", but perhaps not soon enough.

Perhaps it is finally time for Israel to pay the piper.*

If WWII was a trial run, then what Russia, Iran, and China absolutely must continue to do is restraint. The US population did not support the war until Japan was provoked into bombing Pearl Harbor, and the UK population did not support war until Germany was provoked into firebombing UK cities.


A couple of interesting points about the link you posted:

The battle group left today, and it will take two weeks to get into the Mediterranean. Given the accelerations of today, I don't think they would be there in time to help evacuate US citizens...BUT..

"There is already a Marine amphibious ready group in the eastern Mediterranean Sea, with the 26th Marine Expeditionary Unit aboard, which is expected to be able to assist in an evacuation if needed."

Speculation of course:

A Marine expedition force going into Lebanon, while also assisting Israel's war effort against Lebanon could be a cause for concern. And would the Lebanese even go for it? All the while the US would be saying we're going in to evacuate our citizens.
I don't think it's about evacuation of US citizens, because Iran is deploying thousands of its troops to the border with Syria.
A complication...

"US Navy Oiler Runs Aground, Forcing Carrier Strike Group to Scramble for Fuel"​

"by John Konrad – gCaptain has received multiple reports that the US Navy oiler USNS Big Horn ran aground yesterday and partially flooded off the coast of Oman, leaving the Abraham Lincoln Carrier Strike Group without its primary fuel source."

"US Navy Oiler Runs Aground, Forcing Carrier Strike Group to Scramble for Fuel"
The article is interesting as that Navy Oiler is the only one in the Middle East and without it they have to resort to commercial oilers. Oilers are ships which refuel ships at sea. There appears to be dire problems with these oilers. From the article:
Compounding the problem is the fact that the Big Horn is the only oiler the Navy has in the Middle East. One shipowner told gCaptain that the Navy is scrambling to find a commercial oil tanker to take its place and deliver jet fuel to the USS Abraham Lincoln.
Commercial tankers are significantly slower than Navy oilers, which could leave the USS Abraham Lincoln more vulnerable to attack during aviation fuel loading operations.
Recruiting problems, perhaps due to DEI practices:

The Navy currently faces a severe shortage of oilers and crew to operate them. Earlier this month, the Navy announced it might lay up 17 replenishment and supply ships—including one oilerdue to difficulties recruiting U.S. Merchant Mariners.
Access to less than 10% of the projected need.
The Department of Defense is projected to need more than one hundred tankers of various sizes in the event of a serious conflict in the Pacific. However, current estimates indicate that the DoD has assured access to fewer than ten, a dangerously low number that threatens to cripple U.S. military operations. Without sufficient tanker capacity, even the most advanced naval capabilities—including nuclear-powered aircraft carriers, which still rely on aviation fuel—will be rendered ineffective.
Speculation that the ship was hit with a torpedo.

The USNS Big Horn, a Henry J. Kaiser-class replenishment oiler, "ran aground" off Oman today. I'm curious how it ran aground backwards, damaging the rudder and flooding the engine room.

My theory is the Russians torpedoed it in retaliation for the NATO-led strike on Toropets.

First of all, the consequences. While USN aircraft carriers are nuclear, their escorts are absolutely not - and fleet oilers are rare assets in the modern US Navy. There were five fleet oilers on that side of the planet - one in the Mediterranean supporting an amphibious group, one in the Indian Ocean supporting a carrier group (the Big Horn), and three in East Asia supporting another carrier group and two amphibious groups. Which means that a US Navy task force - one of five deployed - has just been effectively taken out of action for lack of fuel for the next several weeks until a replacement can be worked up and deployed from CONUS. Of course they can come in to port to refuel in the meantime but that's going to both curtail their operations and dramatically increase their vulnerability - and the specific task force in the lurch right now is the one covering Iran and Yemen.

The USN only has sixteen fleet oilers in total, of which ten are actually deployable right now (six are in shipyards undergoing maintenance). These ships are large, slow, practically defenseless against sophisticated attack, generally not closely escorted, and serve as key load-bearing pillars underneath the American naval combat groups that underpin the Rules-Based International Order. A sophisticated targeting analysis on the USN would reveal that they are some of the highest "campaign value" assets the USN owns.

One just got hit in the stern and taken out of action for the immediate future with the kind of damage pattern I'd expect out of a wake-homing torpedo... perhaps one fuzed to detonate with a bit of standoff so as not to blow the thing's whole stern open, sink it, and create an environmental disaster and incident over the threshold of retaliation. These ships are manned by civilian MSC mariners and are entirely dependent on escorts for ASW coverage - escorts that do not appear to have been present. The crew wouldn't have even known they were under attack.

Two more things should be noted:

(1) MSC mariners are professionals and very good at their jobs, far better at ship-handling than military sailors who, like everyone else in the military, are astonishingly young and inexperienced for their level of responsibility. They do not make stupid mistakes.

And (2) for a "grounding" incident the Big Horn did not remain aground but was last reported as being afloat and anchored.

Now to the why. This incident happened, very conveniently, a week after the destruction of much of the large Russian ammunition depot at Toropets. Given the depot's location relatively close to the NATO-run Baltics (and quite far from Ukraine), the fact that a number of hardened ammunition bunkers were destroyed (and some intact bunkers showed significant cratering on their roofs), the clearly large number of weapons impacting, and the Russian MoD's rather ominous silence about the incident, the obvious conclusion is that the attack was the work of NATO. Likely not the American part of NATO, but some element within NATO nonetheless seeking to start a war.

Which brings me to my conclusion. These incidents are strategically symmetrical to the point they suggest a deniable, highly considered, and tightly calibrated response by the Kremlin.

The attack on Toropets was hardly a crippling blow - two years into the war, Russian industry (and that of its allies) produces thousands of tons of munitions daily at commodity prices - but it certainly represents a significant inconvenience to the Leningrad Military District's operational plans to deal with NATO's Baltic redoubt for the next several weeks to months, particularly given the SMO in Ukraine has priority for ammunition resupply at the moment.

Well, the damage to the USNS Big Horn is hardly a crippling blow to the US Navy - the USN has nine more ships that could cover and can call upon allied assets if need be - but it certainly represents a significant inconvenience to CENTCOM's operational plans to deal with the Russians' Iranian redoubt for the next several weeks to months, particularly given that East Asia is the USN's clear priority at the moment.

See the pattern now?
ATROCIOUS: Israel murders a Palestinian child, and returns him to his relatives. And set up an explosive device and detonates it in the middle of the burial.

Will the @UN
is going to do something? Enough is enough!

Sorry, It is not a current video and apparently does not correspond to the context of Palestine. I don't know if anyone has more info about it.
  • 15:30 GMT
    "Israel's military is “preparing” a ground operation against Hezbollah in Lebanon, the Times of Israel has reported, citing IDF Chief of the General Staff Herzi Halevi.
    The lieutenant general did not reveal when the operation was scheduled to commence, according to the report. The nation’s top commander also vowed a “very strong response” to a missile attack which Hezbollah launched against Tel Aviv earlier on Wednesday."

    • 08:55 GMT
      The foreign ministers of Egypt, Iraq and Jordan have pinned the blame for the escalation in Lebanon on Israel
      , accusing the Jewish state of pushing the Middle East towards an all-out war.
      In a joint statement signed by the senior diplomats on the sidelines of the UN General Assembly in New York on Tuesday, they urged the UN Security Council to act in accordance with its mandate to maintain international peace, warning that the region would otherwise face “serious consequences.”
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