Israeli attack on Gaza

Israel's Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has said that Hamas "deliberately targets our children and they deliberately place their rockets next to their children."

He also said: "Israel will continue to do everything in its power to avoid civilian casualties".

He was speaking amid escalating cross-border violence which has seen three Israelis and fifteen Palestinians reportedly killed.


A glaring example how this particular psychopathic mind projects his actions onto others.
I have been following the latest blood bath.

I don't have much to say except that I think it's interesting how a few months ago Israel wanted to start all out war with Iran. Now, due to whatever reason, be it U.S. elections and Obama not giving them the go or some sort of "intervention", they didn't start war with Iran (for now). So they went back to killing the only people they could... the poor Palestinians, as they always do. Israel are just a bunch of psychopath bullies, picking on the little guy because they couldn't pick a fight with anyone else, or weren't allowed to... :curse:
anart said:
Redrock12 said:
Sorry Windmill, but I don't have the stomach to follow this latest persecution and murder of Palestinians.
What's even worse is that the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation (CBC), a public broadcaster (, is grossly slanting its coverage in an attempt to justify Israel's actions.
Sickening. :mad: :mad: :mad:

The very least you can do for the Palestinians is to be a conscious witness to their suffering. To turn away from it because you "don't have the stomach" is an intensely STS mindset. You can't be bothered to witness the death and suffering of innocents because it's too much for you? Imagine what they're going through and they have NO CHOICE. You do. The very - very - least they deserve is your attention, your compassion and your righteous anger - but if all you can do is turn away because you can't "stomach" it, then, I don't really even have words for that.

This movie is so hard, so hard to see it. Me too was afraid to see it. And then your words, Anart, gave me courage. And I saw it. I think our duty is to see this documentary.

I was afraid to confront all the sufferance. And to cry. I was afraid to cry. And to see my anger. I cried, I am angry but there is nothing, nothing compared with the sufferance of the people of Gaza.
Thank god this movie exists. It is a prayer.
D said:
I have been following the latest blood bath.

I don't have much to say except that I think it's interesting how a few months ago Israel wanted to start all out war with Iran. Now, due to whatever reason, be it U.S. elections and Obama not giving them the go or some sort of "intervention", they didn't start war with Iran (for now). So they went back to killing the only people they could... the poor Palestinians, as they always do. Israel are just a bunch of psychopath bullies, picking on the little guy because they couldn't pick a fight with anyone else, or weren't allowed to... :curse:

That was my first thought to D. It just makes me feel sick. Just reading the #gaza tweets and seeing how the IDF, BBC and zionist shills tweet is nauseating. It is good that there is a great deal of outrage about this along side those but escalation seems likely with with reports from RT that "
Nov. 15, 03:06 GMT: ­Increasing number of reports claim Israel is planning to shut down internet services in Gaza, citing IDF.
" and
Nov. 15, 18:29 GMT: An IDF spokesperson says 30,000 reserve soldiers could be called to participate in Gaza operation, Haaretz reports.

January 22 is the date for a national election and 'pillar of defence' has been timed perfectly for Netanyahu's re-election. This is 2 months away and so the likelihood of heavy casualties being inflicted doesn't even bare thinking about. :(
[quote author=Pob ]
January 22 is the date for a national election and 'pillar of defence' has been timed perfectly for Netanyahu's re-election. This is 2 months away and so the likelihood of heavy casualties being inflicted doesn't even bare thinking about. :(

Yes, quite so. And suspect also, the rest of the world will be given other matters (i.e. economics et al that are already in play) to distract their attention further.

This "Pillar of Defence" sick operational code name, seems to be out of Exodus (maybe); something about pillars of cloud by day and a pillar of fire by night - god showing them the way. Probably about comets and destruction originally that they stole and corrupted to represent their "specialness" and Rights. :barf:
Just watched the Tears of Gaza, thanks for uploading ProdigalSon,
It must have been around that time I last lived with a TV, that those attacks from the documentary happened, and I remember a brief interview in the news with a Norwegian doctor volunteering in Gaza talking about theese new vicious bombs they were using that I don't remember the name of, They (the bombs) would cut thousands of fine but all the way to the bone wounds to the flesh, basically turning humans into living minced meat (don't know if that's the right word) so the injured would then bleed out and die at the emergency place, as the doctors couldn't do anything unless it was parts they could amputate (like a leg or an arm)

I remember the look in his eyes that said more than a thousand words, of a kindhearted man who had just had the chock of staring into the face of pure evil...and of cause the clip was only shown once (lasted about 30 seconds), and the rest of the night all news was the same propaganda BS as we usually see of terrible muslim terrorists bla bla bla

Anyways I don't know what I'm saying here, I've been working all night, and am very tired and feeling like crying, I should perhaps have waited untill I had slept before watching the documentary (and posting)

....just wanted to say that I feel like a coward for not not putting my real name behind my protests against injustice, (I guess I'm a rather a living dog than a dead lion kinda person)
and that I admire and respect everyone who does

BIG RESPECT for Joe, Laura, Ark and all of you brave freedomfighters

Exclusive analysis is one of those thinktank services that produces daily incident reporting and weekly security forecasts for businesses working in volatile areas of the world. This is there forecast for the brewing conflict.

War Risks: Israeli air strikes on Gaza damage relations with Egypt and increase the terrorist threat to southern Israel from Sinai-based Islamists

In the period 9-14 November 2012, the Israeli military claims that some 120 rockets were fired from the Gaza strip into Israel. On 14 November 2012, the IDF conducted a series of retaliatory airstrikes on Gaza, one of which targeted and killed Ahmad al-Jaabari, the chief of Hamas's military wing. Since then, further rocket attacks resulted in moderate property damage in Ashdod and Be'er Sheva, injuries and three Israeli civilian deaths in Kiryat Malachi. We judge that Prime Minister Netanyahu felt a political imperative to retaliate to the scale of rocket fire, despite the impact on relations with Egypt, which had been brokering a ceasefire between Israel and Hamas.

The IDF claims that its airstrikes have already destroyed most of Hamas's long-range Fajr rocket launching sites and underground ammunition dumps. The Israeli government holds Hamas, because of its relationship to the Palestine Authority government, as responsible for all rocket strikes, despite the likely involvement of other factions. The Israelis are clearly considering a follow-up ground operation, with a selective mobilisation of several hundred reservists for the Gaza Division and other units ordered on 15 November 2012. However, we assess that Israel will be reluctant to launch a ground operation, given the increased risk of Israeli casualties and the adverse publicity from Palestinian civilian casualties, as long as they judge the militants' capability to hit Israeli targets has been sufficiently degraded by air strikes.

The main risk to Israel is the impact of this action on Israel's already fragile relations with Egypt. Dependence on US aid means that President Morsi is unlikely to give in to popular pressure to abrogate Egypt's treaty with Israel, or to risk a military confrontation. Morsi is, however, at a minimum, likely to hold back from taking action against a likely increase in militant attacks on Israel, including rocket attacks on Eilat, from Sinai-based Islamists. This increases the likelihood of further Israeli air strikes and Special Forces raids against militant camps in Sinai.

While the Israelis claim that Gaza militants have been supplied with Fajr 5 rockets capable of hitting Tel Aviv, the locations hit by rocket strikes to date points to the use of Fajr 3, capable of reaching Ashdod and Be'er Sheva, and Grad and Qassem, capable of hitting Ashkelon and Sderot. None of these weapons can be accurately targeted at specific installations and the militants lack the capability to adjust fire by observation.
Redrock12 said:
Sorry Windmill, but I don't have the stomach to follow this latest persecution and murder of Palestinians.
What's even worse is that the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation (CBC), a public broadcaster (, is grossly slanting its coverage in an attempt to justify Israel's actions.
Sickening. :mad: :mad: :mad:

But as Anart said, the very least we can do is be a conscious witness to the reality of it. It’s just this kind of turning away from reality that the Zionists will have factored in. As before, the timing coincides with the ‘Thanks giving’ / Christmas / New Year period, when millions will happily rather turn away to so as not to burst the illusory bubble. Injustice and slaughter don’t sit well with Pilgrims and Bing Crosby. How many are going to discuss Gaza over their turkey and tinsel?

They may seems to have diverted attention from Iran, but notice the phrase being used in reports now: "Iranian made rockets”. They are also making a big deal of rockets being able to reach Tel-Aviv, and Hamas supposedly stating that they will ”attack every Israeli city”. Maybe it’s setting the stage for bigger rockets landing in unexpected places, only for “made in Iran” to be found on the casing left in the rubble? Along the lines of the miraculous “terrorist passport” found in the rubble of the twin towers.
voyageur said:
This "Pillar of Defence" sick operational code name,

Found it disturbing to see "pillar of defence" as a tab on jpost. Like they are aware this operation will be long-lived:


  • jpost.JPG
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Anart, you said it eloquently and precisely in your response to redrock12, bravo. :thup:

Yozilla said:
Gog is definitely en route to Armageddon to meet Magog - and they are (according to their own myth) two of the same kind...

Indeed, it seems that this train has picked up enough momentum that the course cannot be altered anymore.

Yozilla said:
The question is who will be on the "other" side - US? Is Obama a kind of Trojan Horse (Deep level punctuator) :huh:

There is a pun on the abbreviation of the united states, if that is what you meant by US, who is on the other side? us

Redrock12 said:
Turning away is no longer an option.

Yes, completely agree, we will now see who is who, what is what by their handling of the events of these times as they unfold.
Miss.K said:
Just watched the Tears of Gaza, thanks for uploading ProdigalSon,
It must have been around that time I last lived with a TV, that those attacks from the documentary happened, and I remember a brief interview in the news with a Norwegian doctor volunteering in Gaza talking about theese new vicious bombs they were using that I don't remember the name of, They (the bombs) would cut thousands of fine but all the way to the bone wounds to the flesh, basically turning humans into living minced meat (don't know if that's the right word) so the injured would then bleed out and die at the emergency place, as the doctors couldn't do anything unless it was parts they could amputate (like a leg or an arm)

You are probably referring to Dense Inert Metal Explosive ('DIME') weapons which Israel denies using but, as is the case with white phosphorus, there are plenty of reports to show this is another lie (not to mention the eyewitness accounts of people actually subjected to this weapons).

Israel may not want its own destruction but ironically many of its fundamentalist christian supporters DO because it would fulfil their insane interpretation of revelation prophecy and that means rapture time.
D said:
I have been following the latest blood bath.

I don't have much to say except that I think it's interesting how a few months ago Israel wanted to start all out war with Iran. Now, due to whatever reason, be it U.S. elections and Obama not giving them the go or some sort of "intervention", they didn't start war with Iran (for now). So they went back to killing the only people they could... the poor Palestinians, as they always do. Israel are just a bunch of psychopath bullies, picking on the little guy because they couldn't pick a fight with anyone else, or weren't allowed to... :curse:

Actually, the Israelis have a track record of massacring Palestinians slightly before or after US presidential elections. They did it in 2004, 2008 and they're doing it again now. My thought was that they do this to set the Israeli position vis a vis Palestine on the agenda of the new President, and the world.
Pob said:
voyageur said:
This "Pillar of Defence" sick operational code name,

Found it disturbing to see "pillar of defence" as a tab on jpost. Like they are aware this operation will be long-lived:

It is really sick and disturbing, almost in every article or any other news report it is mentioned: "Israel has the right to defense itself", when it is an attack on civillians. And these pathetic words of politicians...
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