Jacob Applebaum Video: NSA Spying details - really scary stuff

Rise said:
Cool, I didn't realize that was available, I assume you are using a self signed cert.. so yeah the browser is going to freak out.

Nope, we pay for the certs, which is actually doubly useless:

1. It's useless because the "Certificate Authority" is most likely compromised
2. Having an official SSL cert isn't actually more secure cryptographically speaking anyway

And a "real" cert costs money. But, it does prevent certain browsers from displaying a large and annoying message about an "invalid/self-signed certificate".

But even if we buy a "real" certificate, some browsers still present a large and annoying message that says, "not all content on this page is secure" (this is especially problematic on SOTT where many embedded videos are not available via SSL). This then causes people to freak out and write to us, saying things like, "I think your site is sending me malware!"

Well, there are many other details, but you get the idea.
griffin said:
Laura said:
Rise said:
As for the beaming... I didn't get a sense that they thought they could "beam" thoughts/things into someone, but more they are just beaming massive amounts of directed radio waves at the person which could cause cancer.
Well, if they can "cause cancer" they can do the other. Read Odyssey's post above. This has been going on for awhile.
I agree, this has been going on for a very long time. The excuse of 'national security' apparently trumps all moral considerations.

After WWII, thus about 60 years ago now, the CIA, following its clandestine acquisition of Nazi 'scientists' through Operation Paperclip, pursued top secret mind control programs called MK-ULTRA and such codenames involving usually unwitting victims, subjecting them to electromagnetic radiation and torture, psychotropic drugs like LSD and other horrific forms of abuse.

One objective that the CIA reportedly explored and was able to achieve was the capability to focus directed microwave energy that was modulated at audible frequencies on targets, that is, people's heads, in order to project 'voices'.

I suspect that the CIA et al decided that it wasn't an effective technique because, without prior mind control programming, it couldn't reliably predict or control the subjects' reactions. They certainly can do that, and worse, but it seems that they instead decided on mind control along with old-fashioned duplicity, skullduggery and tradecraft.

See Sirhan Sirhan who allegedly assassinated Robert Kennedy (but didn't fire the fatal shots), Mark David Chapman who shot John Lennon, and John Hinckley Jr. who tried to assassinate US President Ronald Reagan - all arguably mind controlled.

I thought it all more or less began there and then... until I read Red Shambhala. The Special Section of the Soviet Russian Cheka secret police were convinced thoughts could be transferred into people's heads - and that they'd find the technology to do so - in the early 1920s.
MrEightFive said:
Everything proceeds as planned :evil:

But why is it so scary? It's just 3D STS technology, still looks silly comparing with 4D STS implants that allow direct thoughts reading/monitoring (incl. total visual and audial channels signals) and influencing/manipulation in 'timeless' fashion. :rolleyes:

That's part of the problem: there is no 'evil plan, mwahahaha'

I think people want there to be someone driving this machine because then it's less scary.

Far worse than people directing an evil scheme is Gurdjieff's idea that they're as unconscious as it's possible to become. In this way, we suspect, they 'give themselves over to 4D-STS', which may or may not 'have a plan', we've no way of knowing.
Kniall said:
MrEightFive said:
Everything proceeds as planned :evil:

But why is it so scary? It's just 3D STS technology, still looks silly comparing with 4D STS implants that allow direct thoughts reading/monitoring (incl. total visual and audial channels signals) and influencing/manipulation in 'timeless' fashion. :rolleyes:

That's part of the problem: there is no 'evil plan, mwahahaha'

I think people want there to be someone driving this machine because then it's less scary.

Far worse than people directing an evil scheme is Gurdjieff's idea that they're as unconscious as it's possible to become. In this way, we suspect, they 'give themselves over to 4D-STS', which may or may not 'have a plan', we've no way of knowing.

It's easy to allow the wide range of tools provided by technology to overwhelm you. I'm currently trying to understand basic Java coding, and there are moments when I feel like a chimpanzee that's been given an Ikea cabinet to assemble with the 'Original Mandarin Instructions' printed backwards. ;D

Psychopathic people are not capable of effectively using complex tools long term. They make little gangs and fight among themselves. I work hard to avoid giving them credit that doesn't exist. I think 'disclosures' of the kind offered by well meaning people are a way to keep the smoke screens of omnipotence running, if that makes sense.
seek10 said:
All this massive ridiculous small amounts of data collection is just noise and just intimidation games of chain of command to hide ?. Sorry, Sounds extreme, but don't see the purpose for all the depth they are going to infect every thing and any thing.

To control, information needs to be acquired. With enough information, population wide trends can be formulated thus providing ability to formulate plans of action. Statistical what if games can be played with enough computer horsepower. On a personal level, in the future, if someone's name comes across some analyst's desk, that name can be drilled into, peering into the past providing names, places, dates, times, characteristics, behaviors and associations. Cross referencing data also comes to mind. I can imagine there is another analyst out there who just pokes around all day, querying massive amounts of data, going fishing so to say... Coming across some name that will appear on that first analyst's desk mentioned for further investigation. Looking for that perceived threat. Always on a witch-hunt.

Methinks it difficult to understand the other race of humanoid. Those without empathy, driven by power and greed. Personally, i have no understanding on how it feels to be in control of others. The feeling of power over others, to be master, to own it all. I think this is why information is collected. To maintain power.

Seems that people in power have traits of paranoia, always perceiving threat. Even the C's say: "Knowledge Protects, Ignorance Endangers". I jokingly say: "I'm not paranoid, I know they are out there".
I wonder if this guy was onto something as well http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2383908/Was-nerd-killed-discovering-murder-pacemaker.html

At least the MSM are putting the idea out there that his 'suicide' may not be as it seems.
Esoterica said:
I wonder if this guy was onto something as well http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2383908/Was-nerd-killed-discovering-murder-pacemaker.html

At least the MSM are putting the idea out there that his 'suicide' may not be as it seems.

He was onto the real stuff.

Jacob Applebaum is a part of the Tor project, a highly suspicious project with an awful lot of government funding based on a protocol developed by I think the ONI. Yeah, suspicious much?

Most of what he is saying is, well more or less true. That's the point, controlled releases of information that ultimately paints the government and NSA as all powerful, the Wizard of Oz essentially. All the while they are saying; Pay no attention to that man behind the curtain.

Working on the Tor project probably means he's a fairly serious Cypher Punk ( ultimate hacker street cred, like being a Russian Mafia Enforcer or something. )

I don't know enough about hardware to know if what he says is 100% legit, but from what little I know, it sounds possible enough. Most of it is actually just beating race conditions to serve up spoofed content ( he drills on Yahoo a lot ).

His comment about TLS solving Man on the Side attacks is probably true, if man on the side was the only attack factor, in reality it's not, and to be honest, there are just easier ways to bug a browser than bringing all of that to bare just to inject an iframe with malware.

The problem with privacy on the internet is that there is no such thing, there never was, and there never, ever will be.

All this stuff about spying is about legitimacy, in the end, they can just make up any charge they want. People will believe it because of all the "we R l33t h4x0rs propaganda" from these controlled leaks. All they will have to do is say "We has teh meta-datas!" and a Judge's eyes will glaze over, and all the jury people with nod sagely and say: "Yeah, I read they can do that, it must be true!"
Friend of mine who reads sott, the forum, etc, sent me the following question:

OK...I know I am suspicious of just about everything...but this is what I have observed. (I just listened to the Jacob Apellbaum talk you have up on SOTT). In addition to the obvious interruptions at critical times of the SOTT radio show I have noticed, especially after this last broadcast regarding the Heart of Darkness book, that I end up with a migraine headache. Prior to the show I was absolutely fine. This has happened twice.

Also I am unable to sleep very well at all after the radio show most all the time. Now that may be due to the content being intense and often upsetting so maybe that is not so unusual as it is late here when the show is over.

My question maybe to Scott or other techies you have there is "Is it possible that some sort of interference signal is piggybacked on the blog radio broadcast?" Apellbaum talks about the ability to target individual computer users through their computers to make them sick.

It freaks me out. (Especially after having NO access to the article you recommended in your last email)

The last sentence refers to a link on psychologytoday website (I think) that she could not access for some reason. It was weird because I had no trouble reading the article.
If that did happen, it would be local to her, and not specific to the "signal" from us, or blogtalk radio. It's not a direct line, it bounces around, get's amplified, switched, routed and so forth. I doubt they would need to use that mechanism for it though. They could use something else though.

Laura said:
Friend of mine who reads sott, the forum, etc, sent me the following question:

OK...I know I am suspicious of just about everything...but this is what I have observed. (I just listened to the Jacob Apellbaum talk you have up on SOTT). In addition to the obvious interruptions at critical times of the SOTT radio show I have noticed, especially after this last broadcast regarding the Heart of Darkness book, that I end up with a migraine headache. Prior to the show I was absolutely fine. This has happened twice.

Also I am unable to sleep very well at all after the radio show most all the time. Now that may be due to the content being intense and often upsetting so maybe that is not so unusual as it is late here when the show is over.

My question maybe to Scott or other techies you have there is "Is it possible that some sort of interference signal is piggybacked on the blog radio broadcast?" Apellbaum talks about the ability to target individual computer users through their computers to make them sick.

It freaks me out. (Especially after having NO access to the article you recommended in your last email)

The last sentence refers to a link on psychologytoday website (I think) that she could not access for some reason. It was weird because I had no trouble reading the article.
Thank you very much Laura for the youtube video. Most of it has been well covered in the Wave and "Bringers of the Dawn". But seeing the pictures and tech used makes it easier to relate and is basically another 'hit' for the C's. The most intriguing bit was at the end where he shows a picture of a device which can read the waves emitted by a Video screen (Presumably a LCD, Plasma or LED TV) from quite a long distance and then reconstruct those waves back into the actual video feed and display it onto an output screen. Essentially, the device can read a PC monitor from a distance without leaving any trail. Imagine that? That essentially bypasses any kind of protocol encryption, SSL, or passwords. The computer doesn't even have to be online, no WIFi needed either.
In the "Bringers of the Dawn", it is mentioned somewhere about LEDs which are used in flatscreen monitors and TVs. Apparently, the LCD screen makes it easier to bombard people with damaging frequencies and inject thoughts into brains etc. That explains, why there has been a push away from Cathode Ray based TV sets to LED based bigger and bigger TV screens.
Very recently, Scott blogged about the technological stupidity behind the high resolution screens on mobiles and TVs. Perhaps, a higher resolution screen emits greater frequencies and make it easier for the decoding device to capture the screen from an even larger distance. Maybe with enough resolution, the device can just capture it from an overhead satellite!! I am only speculating but you never know.
Atreides said:
The problem with privacy on the internet is that there is no such thing, there never was, and there never, ever will be.

And so many people are either ignorant or in complete denial. The same holds true with car theft. I've always said: "If you do not want your car stolen, then don't own a car". To extrapolate: If you want internet privacy, don't get on the internet...
I was researching something else and found this:

Q: How do aliens control people?
A: Which ones?
Q: How many choices do I have?
A: Open.
Q: Well, how do the grays and Lizzies do it?
A: Mind and body interference with electrical response patterns.
Q: Can they do this remotely?
A: Less effectively.
Q: So they need to work directly on you or be in contact with you by some means that is somewhat material?
A: Yes.

This is one of the earliest sessions.

I was able to watch Enemy of the State on youtube, very interesting that they were this open about the surveillance in 1998. I even noticed that the main NSA 'bad guy' had a birthdate of 9.11.40 when they showed his ID, another hint about the real 9.11?
Redrock12 said:
What's to stop "them" from doing the same thing with vehicles?

Nothing. Here is an interesting study where researchers completely "hacked" a modern car in a research lab:


Modern automobiles are no longer mere mechanical devices; they are pervasively monitored and controlled by dozens of digital computers coordinated via internal vehicular networks. While this transformation has driven major advancements in efficiency and safety, it has also introduced a range of new potential risks. In this paper we experimentally evaluate these issues on a modern automobile and demonstrate the fragility of the underlying system structure. We demonstrate that an attacker who is able to infiltrate virtually any Electronic Control Unit (ECU) can leverage this ability to completely circumvent a broad array of safety-critical systems.

In other words: It is possible to re-program the car to turn off the brakes at high speed. Or block just one wheel at high speed. (The researchers did that in the lab!)
Mr. Scott said:
These "leaks" I think are intended more to stir up crap than to actually reveal anything. Remember the movie "Enemy of the State" and the C's comments about it?

fwiw, I saw Jacob Appelbaum maybe two years ago at a big event where he gave a talk (it was more a dialogue/interview with a very knowledgable moderator who was from the hacker scene himself) and Appelbaum came accross to me as a full-blown narcissist. Plus, he seemed to avoid important questions - for example, when the moderator said that "Anonymous" is probably completely infiltrated by the FBI, he quickly changed the topic, made some jokes...

My impression then was that he is one of those "activists" whose job is to become one of the heros of an otherwise "dangerous" movement and divert the course of the movement. Plus, he's spreading fear, the whole point of the NSA-"leaks" as has been discussed here and on sott.

This is not to say that the info he's sharing is not interesting and cannot be used to spread some awareness, I think.
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