James Fallon: Public Psychopath

Pashalis said:
Didn't watch it yet. James Fallon discusses with LipTV if the next president will be a psychopath:

Keep in mind though, that Fallon himself is a psychopath...

Started to watch it and it is not worth it except to test your ability to see how things can be twisted horribly by someone who apparently talks about psychology and psychopathy from a purely intellectual standpoint. Every now and then he talks about different kinds of empathy for example. I think that's because Fallon himself doesn't really have the capacity to understand what empathy really is. He presents a list he made about previous presidents and how psychopathic they were: Place two goes to JFK in his opinion and at the very end of the list is Bush senior, which means he is not really a psychopath. Well... Then he paints Killary in a fairly good light and so on and so forth....
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