Japan - 8.9 Earthquake - Fukushima Meltdown

The single most compelling argument against nuclear energy, I find, is not any aspect of the technology itself; all power generation schemes have their flaws, but rather the fact that humans can be counted on to do the wrong thing frequently enough to ensure havoc.

A fellow in Finland commented once that he feels unnerved by the vast fleet of rusting nuclear-powered naval vessels languishing in Russian port just across the water.
Check this out for better understanding.

There was a 6.4 in the Tokyo region - they say it's 'completely unrelated' to the previous 8.9 - it's on a different fault - at 10:31 pm local time Tuesday. I don't have a link, though, just saw it on a feed from nhk japan.
anart said:
There was a 6.4 in the Tokyo region - they say it's 'completely unrelated' to the previous 8.9 - it's on a different fault - at 10:31 pm local time Tuesday. I don't have a link, though, just saw it on a feed from nhk japan.

USGS hasn't posted it yet.
Maybe it's the 6.2 earthquake that appears next to Tokyo on the map (Tuesday, March 15, 2011 at 10:31:46 PM at epicenter). It's not the same fault indeed.
I think we shouldn't be affraid.That's just a big earthquake.Ask Leo guys do we have some new gifts before going home.

:huh: :huh: :huh:
anart said:
There was a 6.4 in the Tokyo region - they say it's 'completely unrelated' to the previous 8.9 - it's on a different fault - at 10:31 pm local time Tuesday. I don't have a link, though, just saw it on a feed from nhk japan.

I think it's this one too with a reported magnitude of 6.2 and as mkrnhr states above, it's not on the same fault.
It seems that there is a certain pattern in how these event (earthquakes + volcanoes) are traveling around the ring of fire. We had Haiti in Center America, the down to Chile in South America. Then it went westwards to the Tonga islands, then recently northwards to New Zealand, then it went north to Japan. We can add to that volcanic activity as in Hawaii and Indonesia. Following this pattern, the next station could be the region of Alaska, than the west coast of North America to close the loop?
When you read through the transcripts and the C's mentioned "earth changes", the mind (my mind) goes "okay." It takes something like this, in real time, to vividly drive the message home. So THIS is what they meant!

As horrific as this tragedy is, I fear it'll be far worse with an ice age. The tsunami eventually flows back into the sea...but the ice...the ice will just keep grinding forward. On Robert Felix's informative website, there is a picture of the boundaries of the last ice age. It is awe (and fear) inspiring.

This recent "earth change" has spurred me to revisit all of the C transcripts. I find new meaning to many of the passages I was once familiar with. I am deeply grateful to Laura and the group that made this treasure trove available.

I feel at this moment, I have at least a chance to "see" what's going on. And that is an important part of the preparation. Less certain for me is the "who you are" part. I've been trying diligently to work on that part as well.
mkrnhr said:
It seems that there is a certain pattern in how these event (earthquakes + volcanoes) are traveling around the ring of fire. We had Haiti in Center America, the down to Chile in South America. Then it went westwards to the Tonga islands, then recently northwards to New Zealand, then it went north to Japan. We can add to that volcanic activity as in Hawaii and Indonesia. Following this pattern, the next station could be the region of Alaska, than the west coast of North America to close the loop?

Two weeks ago, while traveling, I happened to listen to a podcast of Dr. Chet Snow which I'd downloaded months earlier because I'd seen a map he'd derived from participants in his "life progression" experiment. It seems that he and the late Helen Wambach, Ph.D, designed a scientific study of a phenomenon similar to what Charlotte Beradt observed during the rise of Hitler as discussed here:
http://cassiopaea.org/forum/index.php?topic=9680.msg70348#msg70348 .

In this interview, he presented a sequence of geologic events beginning with events in the Indian Ocean area which had already occurred with the tsunami in Malaysia/India (and the Christchurch earthquake, which was relatively nearby, had happened since his interview).

He then went on to say Japan would be next. I was surprised by this and recall thinking, "Japan?!" Then I missed the news Saturday, and was at a restaurant Sunday night and saw the front page photo of vast devastation and the words "nuclear melt-down." I was quite stunned despite the knowledge I have acquired here the past 5 years. Think of all those who have no clue!

Here are the excerpts related to Japan and the sequence to follow (which includes Southern France prior to the West coast of the U.S.!)


Chet Snow: The Mass Dreams of the Future
February 2008

Regina Meredith: A sociologist by trade, Dr. Chet Snow found himself on a profound journey into the future after meeting Helen Wambach, one of the pioneers in the field of Past-Life Regression and Future- Life Progression. As they collaborated on their book, Mass Dreams of the Future, Chet began finding mysterious clues from the Hopi Elders, and Crop Circles, and what lies ahead for all of us.

Chet Snow: Because what I saw I didn’t understand, but it plunged me back into what I now understand to have been the Crusades, and what are called the Cathars, which were considered a heretical group in Southern France. My background is part French: I am partly French, so I spoke French, so there was nothing too surprising about this. But, when she asked me was I French? It was really amazing— something deep within me said, No! And I was very strong about this. I am Gascon! Well, if you have ever seen Serrano de Bergerac, you know that the Gascon people are strong. Even today, they still consider themselves Gascons first, and French second.

Regina Meredith: Yes.

Chet Snow: Now, Helen had been doing scientific research. She was, of course, was a Clinical Psychologist, but very interested in putting together, statistically, a concept of Reincarnation that wouldn’t just be anecdotal stories, that would somehow go beyond that. So, her book, Reliving Past Lives, was the first time that someone had taken more than stories, but had taken whole groups of people to specific time periods in the past, and then compared their stories statistically and found that there were correlations that went beyond the laws of probability. In other words they were much more probable than chance. Now, I’m a sociologist and a historian, and the concept of this work in the background of sociology really fascinated me. And then, she was doing this work, and she realized at some point that people were telling her, You know, your voice was going on, and on with these questions;

So, she had started a project called Mass Dreams of the Future, where she included two future time periods, and three past time periods, allowing people’s subconscious minds to choose which one they would go to in the sessions that she was doing—these group sessions.

Chet Snow: Exactly, exactly. And, that is what we really honed in on in the private sessions that Helen did with me, and we did it with a couple of other people. But, as I say, there seems to be this fail-safe—you’re not going to get a lot of information about that time period [of the immediate future] just because most people... get too involved in your dreams, or your fears, or your emotions....[It was more successful with those who chose to go into the distant future, because]...it is a whole different body, a whole different life.
I see the fast-track of earth changes continuing to progress. I really do. Right now —Edgar Cayce and others have talked about this—we have done the sequence of the tsunami and tidal waves that devastated India and Indonesia. That’s the Indian Ocean. The next segment is Japan and the Western Pacific Rim. Right now we are having more under-sea earthquakes of deep magnitude, some of them are up to 7 in that part of the world. I think they are going to continue for another 18 months, possibly.

Then, from there, oddly enough, it doesn’t end up going around to the Western United States. It ricochets and hits the Mediterranean—under the Iranian, Turkish and Mediterranean Plates. Suddenly, I think North Africa, Italy and Southern France are going to have a lot of problems…At that point in time, after 18 months to two years from now [= February, 2010]. Then it ricochets over to the Caribbean area, Martinique and the volcanic activity in the Caribbean area. We may see a volcano erupt. And then, only after that, so we’re maybe 5-6 years in the future [=2013-14], will it hit the United States in California

Regina Meredith: Even by NASA’s own science they are showing that this is a very volatile period of time cosmologically, which deeply impacts the Sun and the Earth.

Chet Snow: They do. And, I don’t think there is going to be any one event in 2012, and when we say 2012—it may be ‘13, ‘14, ’15. Good grief, these are predictions that are thousands of years old. Again, don’t get wedded into it. People shouldn’t be thinking that.

Chet Snow: What I tell people is look at the sequence. We’ve seen the Indian Ocean. Now we are seeing the heating up of the Western Pacific—exactly what was predicted. There may be a major event in Japan that will come up. Then expect it to shift toward Europe. From Europe expect it to shift to the East Coast, and then expect it to shift to the West Coast.

Regina Meredith: Know thyself.

Chet Snow: If you know yourself you can find what’s in your heart, and you can live what’s in your heart, even in a small way, even with all the warts and problems that we all have in our lives, you will still be doing what you are supposed to be doing right now, at this time.

And, the Earth Changes will respond to that. They may happen, but they may not happen to you, in your face. And you will be in the right place at the right time to reap the benefits from what will take place for the whole planet. That’s how I see it.

Here’s the map of the US Chet drew based on what was derived from the participants in his life progression study. (It’s the 5th map down on this site.)


On a side note, these participants described "themselves" living in one of four kinds of situations. Two were particularly interesting (emphasis mine):

Then the second group, I call them the Creative Communities and the New Age Communities, they were in isolated groups. And, they were the only ones I’d say that had a beautiful environment around them. Later I came to realize that they may have been practicing some form of mental control over their environment—that Telepathy may have advanced in 150 years to that extent—that a group of people could consciously create a bubble of Orchards around you. And, they were all doing creative or spiritual things. That was what interested me the most. Whether they were French or Argentinean didn’t matter. They were somehow involved in a spiritual, creative, learning kind of artistic lifestyle.

And then, the fourth group—and, it may sound completely different, and it kind of spooked me at the beginning—they were the primitives, or the rustics. They were living above ground out in that polluted environment, but it didn’t seem to bother them. They were doing ordinary things that you might have expected people of 100 years ago to do. So, instead of going 100 years into the future, they seemed to be going into the past. And, it was only when I asked them geographical questions: Where are you? Can you see a ball of the Earth, and where are you located? Then, I realized they were telling me places like Greenland, like Siberia, like Northern Canada. And yet, the climate was not at all like we think of it. It was similar to what you might thing of North Carolina, or Pennsylvania today.

I haven't read Cayce's predictions again since I was 14, so it was interesting to review at this point:


One of the first to foretell of coming cataclysms at the end of this century was Edgar Cayce, who was known as "The Sleeping Prophet". Cayce's predictions concerning this issue His predictions were very explicit:

Edgar Cayce predicted that dramatic physical changes would affect the Earth in the years 1958-1998 and would begin with the eruption of Mt. Etna.

The Great Lakes would empty into the Gulf of Mexico linked with a time when ancient repositories would be discovered as people reached the appropriate level of consciousness. The three repositories mentioned are Egypt, the Bimini area, and the Yucatan.

Activities by Mt. Vesuvius or Mt. Pelee, or in the southern coast of California and the areas between Great Salt Lake and the southern portions of Nevada, we may expect, within the three months following same, inundation by earthquakes, more in the Southern than the Northern Hemisphere. Portions of the New York, or New York City itself, will disappear as well as the southern portions of Carolina, Georgia.

Land will appear in the Atlantic and Pacific. And what is the coast line now of many a land will be the bed of the ocean. Even many battle fields of the present will become oceans. The waters of the lakes will empty into the Gulf of Mexico.

The greater portion of Japan must go into the sea.

The upper portion of Europe will be changed as in the twinkling of an eye.

When there is the first breaking up of some conditions in the South Sea and those as apparent in the sinking or rising of that that's almost opposite same, or in the Mediterranean, and the Etna area, then we many know it has begun.

There will be the upheavals in the Arctic and in the Antarctic that will make for the eruption of volcanoes in the torrid areas, and there will be the shifting then of the poles - where there has been those of a frigid or the semi-tropical will become the more tropical, and moss and fern will grow.

Strifes [a geological term or wars?]will arise through the period.
Watch for them near the Davis Strait [between Greenland and Canada] in the attempts there for the keeping of the life line to land open.

Watch for them in Libya and in Egypt, in Ankara and in Syria, through the straits about those areas above Australia, in the Indian Ocean and the Persian Gulf.

Then there was this:

NEWS BRIEF: "Coming One Day Near You -- A Mega-Tsunami"
by Michael Christie, Yahoo News
February 25, 2002

"WOLLONGONG, Australia (Reuters) - One day, a giant wave traveling at 125 mph across open water could crash into Sydney harbor, wipe out the beaches of California or plough across the golf courses of northeast Scotland. Mega-tsunamis have happened with greater frequency than modern science would like to believe, and no coastline in the world is safe, says Canadian geologist-geographer Edward Bryant. He said he had found signs of giant waves sweeping over 425 feet high headlands in southeast Australia, roaring down the U.S. West Coast and carving into the bedrock of the Scottish coastline north of Edinburgh.

'I believe St. Andrews golf course is a tsunami deposit,' Bryant, head of geosciences at Wollongong University south of Sydney, told Reuters. Over the past 2,000 years, tsunamis have officially killed 462,597 people in the Pacific region alone, with the largest toll recorded in the Japanese islands."

That means a destructive tsunami moving at 250 meters per second in deep water, 85 meters per second across continental shelves and at 10 meters per second at shore could strike an unprotected coastal metropolis anywhere, killing thousands."

Obviously, the type of Tsunami would devastate everything within its path; further, such a wave would travel a distance in from the seashore, depending upon the strength of the wave and the particular lay of the land. The author of this feature article believes that such a Tsunami might occur "sometime soon".

Seems history is indeed repeating a cycle:
Underwater Japanese pyramid sank 8,000 years ago.

I counted 80 earthquakes registering over 6.5 since January 1, 2010:
mkrnhr said:
It seems that there is a certain pattern in how these event (earthquakes + volcanoes) are traveling around the ring of fire. We had Haiti in Center America, the down to Chile in South America. Then it went westwards to the Tonga islands, then recently northwards to New Zealand, then it went north to Japan. We can add to that volcanic activity as in Hawaii and Indonesia. Following this pattern, the next station could be the region of Alaska, than the west coast of North America to close the loop?

Hi Mkrnhr

I understood the quakes will hit California West Coast of USA later than the Japan quake , then I think It could affect Central America???? If there are a tsunami in California it will hit Central America Aswell and South America? Is that correct?

Q: (T) They're not going to recover anytime soon, ok so when this all happens is there going to be an effect on California of all of this, on the West Coast of this country?

A: Yes.

Q: (T) Not just California. Is Los Angeles going to be hit with any of these big earthquakes as the plate on the other side moves?

A: Yes.

Q: (T) What magnitude?

A: 8.9

Q: (T) Where will that happen?

A: San Gabriel Mountains.

Q: (T) Is that outside of Los Angeles? San Andreas Fault line?

A: Yes.
mkrnhr said:
It seems that there is a certain pattern in how these event (earthquakes + volcanoes) are traveling around the ring of fire. We had Haiti in Center America, the down to Chile in South America. Then it went westwards to the Tonga islands, then recently northwards to New Zealand, then it went north to Japan. We can add to that volcanic activity as in Hawaii and Indonesia. Following this pattern, the next station could be the region of Alaska, than the west coast of North America to close the loop?

I think we should start the count with the Indonesian EQ and tsunami. That makes more of a ping-pong effect... But weren't there two Christmas events in the last five years or so?
zim said:
If there are a tsunami in California it will hit Central America Aswell and South America? Is that correct?
I don't know if there are simulations about that but when one looks at the map it looks like if there is a tsunami that originates in the Californian region, a priori the tsunami will travel in the direction of Northeast Australia and Oceania. However, one has to be careful to every eventuality (storms etc.).
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