Japan - 8.9 Earthquake - Fukushima Meltdown

Thanks axj. I was looking at the map and knowing a little about the jet streams over that region, I had my suspicions. Here is another report showing that the map was a hoax.
axj said:
This map appears to be a hoax, and it is not from the Australian Radiation Service:


Good catch ajx I was having doubts after reading Anarts post, it takes a very sick pathological mind to produce a hoax like that in a time of crisis thank goodness for this network.
There is this graphic from an article on SOTT:

zlyja said:
I apologize for any noise that my previous post may have had; I was upset after my class devoted much more time to talking about Charlie Sheen than the nuclear crisis (which, I suppose, could be expected when discussing Brave New World).

Don't worry about noise, zlyja -- being upset during a time like this is very understandable. And I'd feel the same way if my class devoted most of their conversation to Charlie Sheen :(

tonosama said:
My wife is sick to, first time since 4 years she is staying in bed. I have to go to work. No time to look at news. Kids to school. We have also family in Tokyo. They said that all kind of battery for celular fon are sold out also gas cardriges for cooking. Shops are closed. Power is off two times a day. For three hours. Bad situation.

I'm sorry to hear this as well, tonosama -- the stress has got to be tremendous right now for anyone living in Japan. I'm not sure how many family members you have in the Tokyo area, but if you live to the south, would it be possible for them to visit you (and would that help you given that your wife is sick right now)? Without knowing more details I'm not sure what more to suggest, but I agree that it's a good idea to keep up with supplements for your whole family if you have them handy, and do whatever you can diet-wise (I realize that you may have to use some creativity in cooking if you run out of gas cartridges). Besides that, pipe-breathe whenever you feel like you need it, and if the rest of your family is willing to learn, maybe you can teach them how to pipe-breathe as well -- it can be very helpful by itself, even without knowing the entire E/E program.
Kawika, your wife and you are in my thoughts! Do take care of yourselves and your children!

Tonosama, I hope you too and your family are going through the situation as best as possible and that your wife gets better. Curiously, the day before yesterday I dreamed about the word "tonosama" and I had to google it to see what it meant ("lord").
Windmill knight said:
Kawika, your wife and you are in my thoughts! Do take care of yourselves and your children!

Tonosama, I hope you too and your family are going through the situation as best as possible and that your wife gets better.

Hi Kawika and Tonosama and your family( both) are in my thoughts too, hope have a lot of inner strength!! :hug2:
Thank you all for your kindness. She went today to doctor, and it is Influenza Type B. Wow, I had type A, 6 weeks ago.
Last year we had here in southwest (Kyushu) allready 22 degrees Celcius. This year in the night we have still 0. it's to cold.
Everyone is wondering when the spring come. Our family is coming to us on 23rd if they can catch a plane. With car is not passible because of gasolin limit. You can get in Tokyo only 10 liters pro car. So this is still unknown what's happen jet.
We are waiting and praying for end of the trouble in Fukushima.
the power plant 2 in Fukushima has exploded and in power plant 4 a fire has occurred !?
With all the attention on the triple catastrophe of the earthquake, tsunami and the nuclear threat, we haven't had time to comprehend the other toxic sources of leaking gasoline tanks from wrecked autos, airplanes, buses, gas stations, etc. or other chemical and poison spills that will leave their deadly mark as well. All of these will be in the water and on the surface of the ground which will go through the food chain for years to come. Even cows milk will show an uptick in radiation levels and chem toxicity. Not a pretty or healthy picture... So tragic with such long-lasting ramifications.
- An animation of radioactive steam released: http://www.spiegel.de/wissenschaft/natur/bild-750835-191816.html

- According IAEA, radioactive substances have been release in the air from the fire of reactor 4.

- The "Environmental radioactivity and radiation information" web site (http://www.bousai.ne.jp/eng/) is now returning a blank page...
10:32 01 October 2002
Rob Edwards


Safety precautions at nuclear reactors in Japan have been flawed and dangerously weak, according to newly revealed reports from the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA).

The arrangements for accidents, emergency planning and safety training by Japanese power companies were condemned as inadequate by IAEA inspectors after they visited four reactors in the 1990s. Altogether they found 90 deficiencies in safety procedures.

The revelation comes as a major scandal over the cover-up of scores of cracks in Japanese reactors threatens to undermine the country's ambitious nuclear programme. Four of Japan's five major nuclear companies have now confessed to concealing cracks from the government's regulatory agency.

The IAEA does not know whether the deficiencies its inspectors found have been corrected because its relations with Japan have deteriorated since its last visit. "We have not been invited back for another mission since 1995," an IAEA spokeswoman told New Scientist.

In the midst of the emerging scandal on cracks, the agency offered on 16 September to send experts to Japan, but so far there has been no response.

Major power

Japan is the world's third largest user of nuclear power after France and the US, with a third of its electricity generated by over 50 reactors. There are also a dozen new reactors being planned.

The IAEA, the United Nations nuclear agency based in Vienna, frequently sends experts to different countries to share best practice on nuclear safety. Now, IAEA reports on visits to two reactors at Fukushima in 1992 and two reactors at Hamaoko in 1995 have been revealed by the nuclear industry newsletter, Nucleonics Week.

They list a long series of alleged safety flaws at the plants, including "weakness in emergency plan procedures", "insufficient event analysis on near-misses" and "lack of training for plant personnel on severe accident management". Evacuation plans were said to have been inadequately tested, firefighters poorly trained and there was "no formal policy concerning drug and alcohol use".

Cover up

The scandal over cracks in reactors began on 22 August when Japan's largest power company, Tokyo Electric Power, admitted it had covered up such flaws in its reactors in the 1990s. This led to the resignation of senior company officials and the launch of a major government investigation.

An initial report by Japan's Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry disclosed that crude attempts had been made to disguise repairs to the emergency core cooling system at one of the company's Fukushima reactors. "After repairing with clamps, the clamps were painted to be inconspicuous," the report said.

Last week three other major companies said they had also concealed cracks in reactor cooling systems from regulators: Chubu Electric Power, Japan Atomic Power and Tohoku Electric Power. The government's investigation is continuing.

In 1999 Japan suffered its worst ever nuclear accident at the Tokaimura nuclear fuel manufacturing plant. Enough uranium to start a chain reaction was inadvertently mixed together, causing a massive blast of radiation that killed two workers and irradiated hundreds of local residents.

Photos from North-East Japan: http://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2011/03/12/world/asia/20110312_japan.html#1 :O
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