Japan - 8.9 Earthquake - Fukushima Meltdown

I have found a good resume of the situation: http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-srv/special/world/japan-nuclear-reactors-and-seismic-activity/?hpid=topnews

Last news of Daiichi:
reactor n°1: sea water is always added
reactor n°2 & 3: sea water is now added, level is going up

Adding water seem difficult do to the fact that valves to release pressure has been damaged by earthquake so it's like tying to put water in a balloon full to bursting.

- Real time radiations data over Japan (really updated?): http://www.bousai.ne.jp/eng/
- Google maps with real time earthquake in Japan: http://maps.google.com/maps/ms?hl=fr&ie=UTF8&msa=0&msid=211907546636929684271.00049e30e168b942dbbb9&ll=37.605528,142.624512&spn=6.047579,9.876709&z=7 :scared:
- Another one: http://www.google.com/gadgets/directory?synd=earth&hl=en&gl=en&preview=on&url=http://www.google.com/mapfiles/mapplets/earthgallery/Real-time_Earthquakes.xml&lr=all


  • Japan nuclear reactors.jpg
    Japan nuclear reactors.jpg
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Grab the divider in the image with your mouse and slide it back and forth to see the extent of the destruction of the areas pictured.
tonosama said:
Wow thats unbelievable ! :cry:
Yeah :cry:

I cried in the first minute of hearing about a tsunami hitting Japan....seeing how these areas have been literally wiped off the map is doing the same again. I just keep thinking of those people who where killed. :(
These photos are terrifying. They made ​​me think of one thing: when you mentioned the possibility of an advanced civilization before ours, you usually get replies that "this civilization have left something behind. " Geez ! When we see the cataclysmic impact of an earthquake as the one that just happened in Japan, I cannot conceive what would happen with a global cosmic catastrophe.
Unbelievable. :cry:

The after-images reminded me of Primary Reality and the before-images of wishful thinking. People imagine how their environment should look like, shape it to their pleasure and greedy interests, then Nature breaks into their imaginary world with a big "I don't think so!"

James M. McCanney "considering the possibility that the japan earth quake was man induced by nuclear blasts under the ocean "
After i saw "A Time-Lapse Map of Every Nuclear Explosion Since 1945" on Sott, i'm no longer surprised.

It is with great sadness that these images are witnessed. :cry: Keeping in mind that this physical reality is just an illusion from a higher perspective and we are here to learn lessons. We are certainly watching photo evidence about lessons not learned at all.
According from Japanese media the level of water in reactor 2 is finally falling and begin to melt like reactor 1 & 3.
If they don't success to cool this think, it will melt at the bottom of the tank, their will be some chemical reactions, Hydrogen will be produce and it will explode, spreading nuclear fuel in the atmosphere :cry:.
Ellipse said:
According from Japanese media the level of water in reactor 2 is finally falling and begin to melt like reactor 1 & 3.
If they don't success to cool this think, it will melt at the bottom of the tank, their will be some chemical reactions, Hydrogen will be produce and it will explode, spreading nuclear fuel in the atmosphere :cry:.


This is a press conference from today. The speaker was a design expert for those power plant's containment vessels. I am not an expert but I think he knows what he is talking about and is giving the most realistic picture so far. At about 30:00-31:00 during the conference he gets a text message which says the rods in the unit #2 unit are exposed. The duration is 1:40 but i think it's worth for watching. Especially the last 30-35 minutes. He explains his big concern about the cover up in a gentle way.

It's in Japanese with English translation.
Very informative press conference - so unlike press conferences in the States. Things do not look good.
Haven't gotten the press conference to work yet, but things are looking very, very bad.

To answer my previous question, the radiation from the meltdowns will cover half the U.S. http://www.sott.net/articles/show/225850-Full-Core-Meltdown-In-Japan-Will-Send-Radiation-Over-United-States

I was feeling an overwhelming sense of despair before I read this, and now it's just gotten worse. So many people are continuing to die from this, and I may end up with them soon. It wouldn't feel as bad if the world was paying attention instead of worrying about work, money, and the latest iPad. :(
Wow, over 450 earthquakes now.

zlyja said:
Haven't gotten the press conference to work yet, but things are looking very, very bad.

To answer my previous question, the radiation from the meltdowns will cover half the U.S. http://www.sott.net/articles/show/225850-Full-Core-Meltdown-In-Japan-Will-Send-Radiation-Over-United-States

I was feeling an overwhelming sense of despair before I read this, and now it's just gotten worse. So many people are continuing to die from this, and I may end up with them soon. It wouldn't feel as bad if the world was paying attention instead of worrying about work, money, and the latest iPad. :(

Hi zlyja,

prepare for the worst - and which starts with networking and gathering knowledge- but don't lose your hope. The future is always open as C's said . We are all together on this and I hope you won't end up soon :)
I think the radiation is hitting us already here in Hawaii yesterday my wife was ill, she felt very strange no energy and nauseous she said she's never felt like that before normally she's very healthy. There has been a run on iodine none left in the stores also I talked with a friend in California and in the town she lives all the iodine is sold out. Not a pretty picture!
Hi zlyja --

zlyja said:
Haven't gotten the press conference to work yet, but things are looking very, very bad.

To answer my previous question, the radiation from the meltdowns will cover half the U.S. http://www.sott.net/articles/show/225850-Full-Core-Meltdown-In-Japan-Will-Send-Radiation-Over-United-States

I was feeling an overwhelming sense of despair before I read this, and now it's just gotten worse. So many people are continuing to die from this, and I may end up with them soon. It wouldn't feel as bad if the world was paying attention instead of worrying about work, money, and the latest iPad. :(

Following up on what un chien anadolu said, this is a really terrible situation -- it looks like it's not over yet for the people of Japan, and I agree it's really depressing. We have forum members there, and I have some other friends there as well, so I am very concerned. However, I think it's a good idea to try to keep things in perspective. If the worst happens with the reactors and radiation makes it to the US via the jetstream, then it's certainly going to be a health risk, and I don't know exactly how bad it will be -- I don't, at present, have reason to believe that there would be immediate casualties here as a result, however. The MSM is, as usual, not doing their job nearly as well as they could, but news will still get out via other channels such as the press conference posted above. I think we need to stay alert, gather knowledge, and be prepared, but try not to allow ourselves to be overwhelmed unnecessarily because we won't be any good to ourselves or others if we do that. This is a scary situation, and I don't mean to make light of your anxiety in any way -- but the future is always open, and I think it's best not to anticipate the worst before it happens. It's E/E Monday -- I'm about to go do it right now -- and I hope it will also be helpful for you and everyone else who is feeling distressed about this right now.

kawika said:
I think the radiation is hitting us already here in Hawaii yesterday my wife was ill, she felt very strange no energy and nauseous she said she's never felt like that before normally she's very healthy. There has been a run on iodine none left in the stores also I talked with a friend in California and in the town she lives all the iodine is sold out. Not a pretty picture!

I'm sorry to hear that, kawika -- how is she today? Do you have any iodine available to you otherwise?

Added: I see that Bud just started this thread on radiation detox, so this may be good to keep an eye on as it's updated.
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