Japan - 8.9 Earthquake - Fukushima Meltdown

Aerial photos of Japan's stricken nuclear plant:


More here:

I am no expert but with this scale of damage the only thing I can think of is concrete, more concrete and still more concrete. Like yesterday... :cry:

On this website, you can visually see the amount of radiation you get in different areas of Japan. (Kanto area)

From the top left..

自然被爆量:The amount of radiation you receive from the nature annually. (the world average)
放射線業務従事者の上限:The maximum amount the workers at nuclear plants are allowed to receive annually.
発ガン率0.5%上昇:0.5% increase the probability of getting a cancer if you receive it annually.
緊急に脱出が必要:must to escape immediately.

第一原発25km南:25km away from the daiichi(1) nuclear reactor in Fukushima.
茨城ー水戸市:Mito city in Ibaraki
栃木ー宇都宮市:Utsunomiya city in Tochigi
群馬ー前橋市:Maebashi city in Gunma
埼玉ーさいたま市:Saitama city in Saitama
千葉ー市原市:Ichihara city in Chiba
東京ー新宿区:Shinjuku-ku in Tokyo
神奈川ー茅ヶ崎市:Chigasaki city in Kanagawa
I agree! There is no saving 4 of the 6 reactors. Concreate them and save lives. Get those poor workers out of there! So frustrating!


Possibility of Being said:
I am no expert but with this scale of damage the only thing I can think of is concrete, more concrete and still more concrete. Like yesterday... :cry:
Dawn said:
I agree! There is no saving 4 of the 6 reactors. Concreate them and save lives. Get those poor workers out of there! So frustrating!


Possibility of Being said:
I am no expert but with this scale of damage the only thing I can think of is concrete, more concrete and still more concrete. Like yesterday... :cry:

I agree...this is maddening!! :mad: :mad: :mad:
I have been watching the daily reports from Arnold Gunderson of Fairewinds Associates,Inc. He is a forensic engineer with 39 years of experience in the nuclear industry. The videos are a clear report of the technical data, translated for the lay man. He appears to be a man of integrity, which is important with the disinformation on the MSM, corporations, and governments burying the facts of the meltdown of the Fukashima nuclear plant. I will link to his report today which makes clear the reactors are pouring radioactive steam and water into the environment and this may continue for years.
go2 said:
I have been watching the daily reports from Arnold Gunderson of Fairewinds Associates,Inc. He is a forensic engineer with 39 years of experience in the nuclear industry. The videos are a clear report of the technical data, translated for the lay man. He appears to be a man of integrity, which is important with the disinformation on the MSM, corporations, and governments burying the facts of the meltdown of the Fukashima nuclear plant. I will link to his report today which makes clear the reactors are pouring radioactive steam and water into the environment and this may continue for years.

Thanks, it's good information.
aaron r said:
He has done a second update today :scared:

Actually I think that was yesterday, the 31st, but it is a second update in one day. It's good information. :(
And, they are now on SOTT:



The radioactive core in one reactor at Fukushima's beleaguered nuclear power plant appeared to have melted through the bottom of its containment vessel, an expert warned yesterday, sparking fears that workers would not be able to save the reactor and that radioactive gases could soon be released into the atmosphere.
source: http://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/asia/suicide-squads-paid-huge-sums-amid-fresh-fears-for-nuclear-site-2256741.html

And now there's another power plant which is emitting smoke !
source: http://edition.cnn.com/2011/WORLD/asiapcf/03/30/japan.daini/

Another point: according to Japanese contact, gov store, since several days, special jelly which can be spread from airplanes to stick pollutants on the ground.
CNN Wire Staff
March 30, 2011 -- Updated 1302 GMT (2102 HKT)


Tokyo (CNN) -- Smoke was spotted at another nuclear plant in northeastern Japan on Wednesday, Tokyo Electric Power Co. said.

The company said smoke was detected in the turbine building of reactor No. 1 at the Fukushima Daini nuclear power plant around 6 p.m. (5 a.m. ET).

Smoke could no longer be seen by around 7 p.m. (6 a.m. ET), a company spokesman told reporters.

The Fukushima Daini nuclear power plant is about 10 kilometers (6 miles) from the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant, where workers have been scrambling to stave off a meltdown since the March 11 earthquake and tsunami knocked out cooling systems there.

Tokyo Electric Power Co. owns both plants.

After the dual disasters, Japanese authorities also detected cooling-system problems at the Fukushima Daini plant, and those living within a 10-kilometer radius (6 miles) of Fukushima Daini were ordered to evacuate as a precaution.

But since then, officials have not expressed any concerns about possible meltdowns there.

Earlier Wednesday, the Japanese Atomic Industrial Forum, a trade group, said cooling functions were recovered and all the plant's four reactors were in cold shutdown.

mabar said:
Yes I am, or I think I am. I know it sounds like that, that’s why I went to check first in this forum to get a general idea of the position from the forum about Dr. Masaru Emoto, my bad I did not read all.

I thought it would work due to an over simplified thougths of mine, should I deleted it?


Emoto, cannot be considered as a real scientist, as far as I remember it, he did chose the best pictures that would fit in his categories. Well, it has been discussed in the topic you provided. :)

SolarMother said:
Dawn said:
I agree! There is no saving 4 of the 6 reactors. Concreate them and save lives. Get those poor workers out of there! So frustrating!


Possibility of Being said:
I am no expert but with this scale of damage the only thing I can think of is concrete, more concrete and still more concrete. Like yesterday... :cry:

I agree...this is maddening!! :mad: :mad: :mad:

Definitely yeah. :(
There is a new update today on Fukushima by Fairewinds Associates - http://fairewinds.com/

The UN Cover Up of Ionizing Radiation Health FX

* Written By: Website Administrator
* 4-3-2011
* Categorized in: Radiation

OpEd News l Linda Williams 3 April, 2011

I watched this video earlier today on Russian TV in which Dr.Chris Busby, British scientist and expert on the health effects of ionizing radiation, says that what is most similar between Fukushima and Chernobyl is how much we are being lied to about the seriousness of the consequences. He actually said that Fukushima may be worse because of the high population in the area. Sadly, I spent the rest of the day learning about one of the most evil and horrific scientific and political coverups of all time.

First stop I found this article by Dr. Busby on the Fukushima Radiation Risks. In it he says that an independent european group of scientists working on the The Low Level Radiation Campaign (http://www.llrc.org) predict that

Radioactivity from the Fukushima Catastrophe is now reaching centres of population like Tokyo and will appear in the USA. Authorities are downplaying the risk on the basis of absorbed dose levels using the dose coefficients of the International Commission on Radiological Protection the ICRP. These dose coefficients and the ICRP radiation risk model is unsafe for this purpose. 17,000 cancers will be caused by Fukushima within the 200 km contamination zone by 2061.

So why do we keep hearing 'experts' say that ''the radiation levels are safe' " It is because they are basing the risk on an old outdated and wrong model. It is the ICRP http://www.icrp.org/ ) risk model that the UN and its organizations such as IAEA and UNSCEAR uses to determine the risk due to low level radiation. The ICRP risk model was developed after the Hiroshima nuclear blast and includes exposures and dosages due only to EXTERNAL gamma radiation, not any INTERNAL RADIATION!! It is an entirely outdated model and has been falsified over and over again but these scientific results are suppressed. So. every time you see a chart that shows the health consequences of radiation doses, they are all WRONG because they are based on the ICRP model which is what IAEA and every agency at the UN uses and as well as text book, every reporter and every educator, including me. Up until today. I will no longer perpetuate the lies and coverup.

The European Commitee on Radiation Risk (ECRR) has developed and tested a new risk model that is based on internal absorption and exposure to radiation. Their model correlates higher cancer rates due to low dosages that are 100x greater than the ICRP model. They have made their study available online free due to Fukushima.

ECRR Document
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