Japan - 8.9 Earthquake - Fukushima Meltdown

Radiation Fallout Forecast for the weekend of July 13th, 2012...for Canada, the US & Europe. X-Flare arrival 12 hours sooner than expected, impacting East Coast, where 9 Mile Point is currently in Hot Shutdown. Published on Jul 13, 2012

Fukushima Diary
Posted by Mochizuki on July 12th, 2012

[Reactor3] Visual data sent from dead survey robot
Related to this article..Robot destroyed within 2 hours in reactor 2:Posted by Mochizuki on July 11th, 2012

Survey runner robot stopped on the radiation measurement of torus room in reactor3.
From 11:00 to 15:00 of 7/11/2012, Tepco was taking radiation, visual and “sound” data in torus room of reactor3 by using a robot. The atmospheric dose was 360 mSv/h.

Human worker opened the door of the torus room to let the robot enter, it went around clockwise, but the communication was interrupted at the manhole located at the South-East of torus room.

The robot is cabled, Tepco hasn’t verify the cause yet. They only assume the cable might have been damaged on the way. Tepco can’t take the robot back either because the radiation level is too high.
The robot sent radiation and visual data until it stopped but because the sound data is recorded in it, it can’t be obtained until they get the robot back. They were planning to detect the water leaking point by recording the sound data.
They recorded the sound data when they conducted robot survey in torus room of reactor2 as well, but because the alarm of survey meter was too noisy, they couldn’t hear the sound of water flow.

Obtained data will be published tomorrow.

Soil samples from Japan tested with gamma spectroscop May 15, 2012
_http://Soil samples from Japan tested with gamma spectroscopyoutu.be/ELmFVZ1_8K0


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World premiere of Fukushima Requiem by Zsigmond Szathmáry
Tonight at 20.15 hour local time (GMT: 19.15 hour), live on radio

From here: _http://www.nl.emb-japan.go.jp/e/culture/international_organ_festival2012.html
japan embassy in the Netherlands said:
July 3, 2012
International Organ Festival Haarlem 2012:

World premiere ‘Fukushima Requiem’ during opening concert 14 July

During the opening concert of the 49th edition of the International Organ Festival Haarlem on Saturday evening 14 July in St Bavo's church at the market square, the highlight will be the world premiere of the Fukushima Requiem composed by Zsigmond Szathmáry. It will be performed by Cappella Amsterdam, Reed Quintet Calefax, David Wilson-Johnson (baritone), Gerrie Meijers (organ) and Niels Meliefste (percussion), directed by Daniel Reuss.
The programme also includes music by Sweelinck, Alain, Bendusi and Sánchez-Verdú. Among the performers is also Sebastian Bartmann, winner of the Audience Prize at the Haarlem International Improvisation Competition in 2010. The programme as a whole is a sampler of the music for which the Haarlem festival is famous: organ music and improvisation, organ-in-ensemble, music both ancient and modern. The concert will be broadcast live on the Dutch classical music channel Radio 4 by Omroep Max.

Fukishima Requiem
Through the great suffering, and his many personal contacts in Japan, the Hungarian-German Ligeti-pupil Zsigmond Szathmáry was inspired to compose the Fukushima Requiem. In the words of the composer: "The tragedy in Fukushima has greatly shocked and saddened me. The thousands of Tsunami victims and the nuclear catastrophe are too much for a people who had to endure Hiroshima and Nagasaki only two generations ago. Everyone senses the suffering of this land and its people. Because of my personal experience, my commiseration is even greater, and it is through my music that I wish to express it."
"It has not been my intention to write a complete Requiem as such, but a work that would bridge religions. Thus I have employed only parts of the Latin Requiem text, adding biblical texts (mainly from the Book of Jeremiah) and traditional Japanese and contemporary writings." The work has been commissioned by a private group of friends in Japan, who expressed the wish that the first performance should take place in St Bavo's in Haarlem. We are particularly honoured that his Excellency the Ambassador of Japan, Takashi Koezuka, will be present for the occasion

International Organ Festival Haarlem
From 14-28 July Haarlem is the international centre of five centuries of organ music and contemporary performance. The programme features the world-famous Improvisation Competition, organ recitals by international celebrities and ensembles on the celebrated historical organs of Haarlem, Alkmaar and Amsterdam, and specialists from across the world directing masterclasses on the organ music of Bach and romantic and contemporary composers, with English-language public sessions and lectures for a wide audience.

Info about the composer here:


Performers and festival info here:


Live streaming available here:


Look for the box on top right, go to the light yellow bar that reads "LUISTER LIVE" and click on it.
The streaming player will open (hopefully) in a separate tab/window and will start playing automatically if available at all.

The whole evening's event lasts from 19.00 - 23.00 hours local time (GMT: 18.00 - 22.00 hours).
The Fukushima Requiem is scheduled to start at approximately 20.15 hours local time (GMT: 19.15 hours).

I will update this post with the appropriate link in a few days time, if and when there will be a recording of this performance available afterward for streaming and/or downloading. Stay tuned...

EDIT: minor spelling mistake

**UPDATE** July 16: Stream available at request.

Link to Player: _http://player.omroep.nl/?aflid=14540893

NOTICE: The Fukushima Requiem starts at time index 02:15:30
You have to move the time indicator manually to the desired time index to find the actual starting point.

For complete background info about all tracks, see here: http://cassiopaea.org/forum/index.php/topic,28494.0.html
I received this morning a mail in my box from _http://bigbrowser.blog.lemonde.fr, about a "poor" lonesome man near Fukushima. This fabulous man did not lose his faith, did not lose his love of life, did not lose his humor. Frankly, he made me smile until ears this morning!

I uploaded pictures received by mail and translated the text from French to English for sharing with you the life of this unexpected man.

Fukushima, the last man
During more than one months, the photoreporter Antonio Pagnotta regularly entered the restricted zone around the power plant of Fukushima in Japan. He met a man there who refused to evacuate places. He lives without water, without electricity. First shutter of a series of seven portfolios.

Also video link in French :


June 4th, 2011. Naoto Matsumura, 51 years, is the last inhabitant of Tomioka, a municipality close to Fukushima, which counted about 17 000 inhabitants before the disaster. This farmer refuses to be evacuated in spite of the radioactivity.


June 4th, 2011. The herds of cows locked into their tiny enclosures slowly expired and cowsheds became mass graves of carcasses in decomposition where ravens feast.


June 4th, 2011. Before the earthquake, the tsunami and the nuclear disaster, the prefecture of Fukushima counted 3 400 cows, 31 500 pigs and 630 000 hens, according to the ministry of agriculture.


June 4th, 2011. " Let be dying hundreds of animals is a crime! " Naoto Matsumura gets indignant.


July 9th, 2011. Four months after the disaster, some plants still grow in the restricted zone, a surface of 20 km of beam around the power plant Fukushima Daiichi.


June 4th, 2011. The committee on the nuclear security of Japan gave the figures of the radioactive contamination: in external dose accumulated during period from March 12th till April 24th, an adult who would have stayed in Tomioka would have received between 10 and 50 millisieverts (mSv). In France, the limit authorized for the exposure of the population is 1 mSv a year.


June 4th, 2011. Matsumura looks after his bees: " before I had thirty hives, but since the nuclear accident, I have there only two and bees produce few honey there. "


June 4th, 2011. Matsumura refuses to abandon the animals which survived a sure agony. Every morning, he goes of house to house to feed cats and dogs stayed on the spot because too wild to be captured or too aggressive to be taken in refuges. He also feeds his wild boars and his pigs which live with a band of cats.


July 10th, 2011. In the cemetery of the city, Matsumura continues to maintain graves.


June 4th, 2011. In front of the Pacific Ocean, where from on March 11th, 2011 appeared waves of more than 10 meters in height. This tsunami was caused by an earthquake of a magnitude 9,0 arisen off the northeast coast of the island of Honshu. Its epicenter was situated in 130 km east of Sendai, city localised in approximately 300 km in the northeast of Tokyo.


November 2nd, 2011. Naoto Matsumura on the ruins of the house of one of his friends, totally destroyed by the tsunami.


November 2nd, 2011. Naoto Matsumura in the house of one of his friends shows a photo of the sea front of Tomioka before he is completely destroyed by the tsunami.


November 2nd, 2011. Naoto Matsumura kept its humor. Here, in the station of Tomioka where herbs invaded railroads, he pretends to call the driver of a train which will never arrive.


November 2nd, 2011. On the green of the golf club of Tomioka, Matsumura pretends to strike an imaginary ball.


November 2nd, 2011. In a landscape in the autumnal colors, the dosimeter indicates microsieverts 5 per hour in 1,50 m of the ground. It would correspond over one year about 44 times the dose authorized for the populations.


November 2nd, 2011. In the greenhouse of an abandoned farm, the surviving cows come to take refuge, at night.


October 29th, 2011. This ostrich, baptized Boss, is the unique survivor of the farm of ostriches of Okumacho. Naoto Matsumura feeds it with food for animals.


November 2nd, 2011. In the campaign of Tomioka, the surviving cows come be caressed. In the next spring, the veterinary services of the prefecture of Fukushima will proceed to the slaughter of all the surviving animals in the restricted zone of Fukushima. Naoto Matsumura asserts that he will fight to prevent it. He takes photos to inform the survival of animals, photos were put at the disposal of the media.


November 2nd, 2011. In a former chicken farm in batteries, large-sized spiders invaded buildings, covering everything of their cobweb.


November 2nd, 2011. A friend of Naoto Matsumura, scientist of the Japanese space agency, made analyze mushrooms collected around his farm. They concentrate between 3 000 - 400 000 becquerels by kilo according to the varieties. Naoto Matsumura, who as all the Japanese rafolle of the cooked mushrooms, contents today with looking at them and with smelling their flavors.


November 2nd, 2011. In the forest of Tomioka with his dog Aki which shows him all its affection.


February 12th, 2012. A little more than three months later, his bitch, Aki, gave rise to five puppies.


February 12th, 2012. In the evacuated zone, there is not a water distribution anymore. Naoto Matsumura gets back the one who comes from the mountain.


February 9th, 2012. It has been eleven months since Naoto Matsumura lives alone in the zone. This evening, he has for dinner a box of tuna. There is not electricity anymore and it gets clearer in the candle.
Thank you for this link. Naoto Matsumura obviously has made a choice to stay behind in spite of the radiation exposure. Chilling pictures, but inspiring to see that he has kept his sense of humor in spite of the disaster.
Yeah, thank you for the haunting pictures provided MK Scarlett.

Very nice to see human spirit and courage in the face of adversity, prevail. Even though it's pretty damn dangerous to stay there.

Inspires you to think that, no matter as long as you keep your sense of adventure and cheerfulness, one can adapt to whatever life throws at you.
Thank you MK Scarlett, for the pictures. When I look at them, it feels so surreal, so tragic. When I look at Naoto Matsumura, he looks like he is the last man left alive on the planet. I only hope, that he can keep is health somehow, but seeing how high the radiation is...
Thank you MK Scarlett. Sadness is in my heart as tears welled up in my eyes. Sad to "see" where he is, perhaps we are going...
:cry: :cry: :cry:
Al Today said:
Thank you MK Scarlett. Sadness is in my heart as tears welled up in my eyes. Sad to "see" where he is, perhaps we are going...
:cry: :cry: :cry:

Yes, thanks MK Scarlett for this. If we were going to something like what Naoto Matsumura is living, with the same stillness, confidence and strength, that would be great !
eoste said:
Al Today said:
Thank you MK Scarlett. Sadness is in my heart as tears welled up in my eyes. Sad to "see" where he is, perhaps we are going...
:cry: :cry: :cry:

Yes, thanks MK Scarlett for this. If we were going to something like what Naoto Matsumura is living, with the same stillness, confidence and strength, that would be great !

This was exactly my mind by discovering this first portfolio. Also sadness which is not expressed in my previous post, because, in the end, what the feeling I felt was "respect". And maybe we have a lot to learn from this man. Just a thought.
MK Scarlett said:
eoste said:
Al Today said:
Thank you MK Scarlett. Sadness is in my heart as tears welled up in my eyes. Sad to "see" where he is, perhaps we are going...
:cry: :cry: :cry:

Yes, thanks MK Scarlett for this. If we were going to something like what Naoto Matsumura is living, with the same stillness, confidence and strength, that would be great !

This was exactly my mind by discovering this first portfolio. Also sadness which is not expressed in my previous post, because, in the end, what the feeling I felt was "respect". And maybe we have a lot to learn from this man. Just a thought.

There are report that a few have returned to their homes in the forbidden zone near Chernobyl as well. Maybe they see it as "It may be poison but it is our home." Very sad.

Here's a paper that simulated the circulation of Cesium from Fukushima:

_http://iopscience.iop.org/1748-9326/7/3/034004/article?v_showaffiliations=yes said:
A sequence of global ocean circulation models, with horizontal mesh sizes of 0.5°, 0.25° and 0.1°, are used to estimate the long-term dispersion by ocean currents and mesoscale eddies of a slowly decaying tracer (half-life of 30 years, comparable to that of 137Cs) from the local waters off the Fukushima Dai-ichi Nuclear Power Plants. The tracer was continuously injected into the coastal waters over some weeks; its subsequent spreading and dilution in the Pacific Ocean was then simulated for 10 years. The simulations do not include any data assimilation, and thus, do not account for the actual state of the local ocean currents during the release of highly contaminated water from the damaged plants in March–April 2011. An ensemble differing in initial current distributions illustrates their importance for the tracer patterns evolving during the first months, but suggests a minor relevance for the large-scale tracer distributions after 2–3 years. By then the tracer cloud has penetrated to depths of more than 400 m, spanning the western and central North Pacific between 25°N and 55°N, leading to a rapid dilution of concentrations. The rate of dilution declines in the following years, while the main tracer patch propagates eastward across the Pacific Ocean, reaching the coastal waters of North America after about 5–6 years. Tentatively assuming a value of 10 PBq for the net 137Cs input during the first weeks after the Fukushima incident, the simulation suggests a rapid dilution of peak radioactivity values to about 10 Bq m−3 during the first two years, followed by a gradual decline to 1–2 Bq m−3 over the next 4–7 years. The total peak radioactivity levels would then still be about twice the pre-Fukushima values.

Although it is a computer simulation, the tuna already being found to contain fukushima radiation verifies that the west coast of the US, indeed that whole line on the pacific ring of fire is hot in more ways than one.

There are a lot of simplification being made which while understandable (it would greatly increase the complexity and thus computing power needed to factor in the additional variables) are nevertheless worthy of being examined. One big one is this:
The simulation thus ignores possible effects of biological processes which might lead to accumulation of 137Cs in areas of high biological productivity, and potentially affect vertical tracer distributions due to adherence to sinking particles (see discussion by Dietze and Kriest (2011)), but takes into account the radioactive decay (half-life of 30 years).

That is a big factor which changes the whole dynamic.

And yet the Japanese government is allowing another reactor to go online.

Thank you MK Scarlett for the message/images about this Naoto Matsumura. As Mac discussed people going home, back into the radioactive zone, it is sad, yet it is what they know.

See they have turned on a few shutdown reactors in the last little bit. :( It is a rare thing these days for people getting together and saying no. If this was so, perhaps they would never touch the activation switch - wishful thinking.

Just to add a recent corporate atomic deal to this thread, Canada, who has been such an agreeable exporter of atomic toxins for more than a half decade has signed a new deal with China to supply Uranium for their new 25 reactors under construction.

Canada, China sign new uranium protocol

CBC said:
Foreign Affairs Minister John Baird hailed the protocol signed Thursday, saying increased collaboration with China's civil nuclear-energy market will give Canadian companies greater access to one of the world's largest and fastest-expanding economies.

Saskatchewan-based Cameco, one of the world's biggest uranium miners, is calling the pact a key milestone.



[quote author=bngenoh]
Here's a paper that simulated the circulation of Cesium from Fukushima:


One big one is this:[/quote]

_http://iopscience.iop.org/1748-9326/7/3/034004/article?v_showaffiliations=yes said:
The simulation thus ignores possible effects of biological processes which might lead to accumulation of 137Cs in areas of high biological productivity, and potentially affect vertical tracer distributions due to adherence to sinking particles (see discussion by Dietze and Kriest (2011)), but takes into account the radioactive decay (half-life of 30 years).

That is a big factor which changes the whole dynamic.

And yet the Japanese government is allowing another reactor to go online.


Insanity, yes, yet so much more. :curse:
Fukushima - Staff of inspection and camera affected by high radiation - July 2012

Fukushima - Did we almost lose Tokyo? Published on Mar 2, 2012 TheBigPictureRT

Kevin Kamps, Beyond Nuclear joins Thom Hartmann. In a little over a week - we'll hit the one-year anniversary of the earthquake and tsunami that triggered a nuclear crisis at Fukushima in Japan. And this week - we're learning that that nuclear crisis is even worse than was originally thought. On Wednesday - Japanese Scientists announced that twice as much radioactive cesium than estimated blew out of the plant after the earthquake and tsunami. That's about 40,000 trillion bequerels. And it took just 18 days for those radioactive particles to encircle the planet - turning up in places as far away as Vermont. French scientists are now calling on Japan to remain vigilant in its inspections of fruit, milk, and game to prevent further radiation contamination.



How can we protect ourselves?

Having lots of sulfur on hand as well as sodium bicarbonate, iodine, clay and magnesium is a good start for a radiation survival home pharmacy.

First, be aware of what items are likely to be highly tainted.

1.) SEAFOOD: Question the origin of ALL seafood. Fish and crustaceans from the Pacific Ocean should all be considered to be poisoned with radiation.

2.) WATER: The rainfall and snowfall are all radiated. Do not drink any water that has not been filtered. The tap water that flows from your faucet has NOT been treated to rid it of radioactive particles. A recent report from the New York Times stated, “A rooftop water monitoring program managed by UC Berkeley’s Department of Nuclear Engineering detected substantial spikes in rain-borne iodine-131 during torrential downpours …

: Milk and milk products from the West Coast states currently have the highest levels of radiation in North America.

: Leafy Vegetables, Wines, Tomatoes, Strawberries….all produce from California or any other West Coast State are also likely to be tainted.

5.) MEAT: If a animal eats any leafy vegetable all along the West Coast, that animal has consumed radiation, and is poisoned. This is any animal from cows, pigs, goats, sheep to wild deer and other game.

If you eat the above foods from areas with high radiation levels, you are eating radiation and feeding it to your children. Slowly the radiation levels within your body will build up. This is PERMANENT.

Infant mortality rates across the United States have increased by more than 35% since the nuclear disaster, according to a court statement by Dr. with independent scientist Leuren Moret, MA, PhD. A study published in The International Journal of Medicine indicates that more than 20,000 deaths right here in North America can be directly attributed to the release of radioactive material from Fukushima.

Radioactive isotopes of the type released from Fukushima have a half life of 30,000 years. This means that we must permanently change the way we prepare our food.

Wash your food with soap and rinse it in filtered water.
Be aware of the origins of your vegetables, fish, game and seafood.
Keep abreast of radiation levels to help monitor where your food is acquired.
Use only filtered water for drinking, cooking and ice.

Chris Busby: Important Info for Japan (& all of Humanity) Published on Jul 25, 2012
Chris Busby - Forum Radioprotection - Genève - 12 mai 2012


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Lotsa bad news in this link....


It starts off with this list:

* USEPA detect Los Angeles beta radiation spike in early July air
* Alpha and beta air radiation increases in Santa Monica air
* High radiation in rains across America and Canada
* Hot rains in southern Brazil indicate Fukushima fallout in Southern Hemisphere at high concentrations
* California navel oranges detected with extremely high levels of Cesium 134 and Cesium 137 bought at supermarket in Japan
* California almonds, dry prunes and pistachios test high for Cesium-134 and Cesium-137
* Grass-fed Missouri beef hot with Cs-137 in 2011 before disappearing in 2012 tests
* 2012 test of same beef shows presence of likely Fukushima-originated Cesium-134, Cerium-143, Neptunium-237, Antimony-124, Cobalt-60, Silver-110m, Actinium-228, Barium-140, Strontium-91 and other radionuclides
* Radiation-induced mutations in Japanese insects
* Santa Barbara sunflowers mutations within two miles of Pacific
* Radiation levels in cross-country flights increase 33 percent since December 2011′s high readings of 5 times normal at high altitude
* Jet flight from America to Japan wearing filtered mask once again reads hot in alpha and beta radiation
* Atmospheric aerosol spraying – so-called chemtrails – are “scavenging” Fukushima fallout in otherwise dry areas creating a new mobility mechanism to transport deadly meltdown radionuclides in the troposphere to the Earth’s surface
* Individual’s exposure to Fukushima fallout easily detected in cheap and accurate hair analysis

Also some photos of sunflower mutations in Californy.
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