Japan - 8.9 Earthquake - Fukushima Meltdown

Laura said:
Weird. Huge floating dock from Japan tsunami washes up on Oregon beach
Check out the photo of the thing!

Got wounder how hot it is. The peoples lack of conciseness, by going up, and just staring at, not knowing (not having a clue) that this thing could possibly be giving off radioactive emissions. :umm:
How to disclose people from radiation check? Simply don't do it anymore.
Sign in the Entrance area in Hospital!

These are selections from an interview first posted on RENSE.


Dr. Bill Deagle. He raises a lot of excellent concerns, and questions - for one: why is there no concerted international effort to contain this?

Take a look at the pictures a little after 8:47.

Good luck y'all.
As my parents were driving my husband and I home from my Aunts wedding last weekend - they were discussing news and I mentioned the Diary website and how so much of what was really going on in Japan as a result of the disaster was being suppressed and not shown in the media.

I was told, not to 'believe everything I read', and that anything posted on that website by locals would be 'negatively biased'. And that photographs may be 'Photo shopped'.

I was disgusted and saddened - I can't think how anything from such a disaster area could have a 'positive' spin - unless it's admiration for those who selflessly pull together and help one another through such terrible times and circumstances.
Soluna said:
I was told, not to 'believe everything I read', and that anything posted on that website by locals would be 'negatively biased'. And that photographs may be 'Photo shopped'.

Never mind that the mainstream media that your folks trust with their lives has been caught doing exactly that - photoshopping for propaganda purposes - and serve up nothing but lies every day.

Amazing glimpse of their reality, eh?
Don't remember seeing this on this thread. Short statement by former Japanese ambassador to Switzerland:


Ambassador Murata makes public statement in English: Once a quake beyond magnitude 6 or 7 happens, then the world starts heading towards the ultimate catastrophe — Unit 4 a global security issue (VIDEO)

I’m Mr. Murata former Japanese ambassador to Switzerland.

The voices of the victims are not being heard sufficiently because of the efforts of the minimizers of the accident.

Today I want to only pick up one question, the problem of the Unit 4 reactor at Fukushima.

I’m saying this is a global security issue.

Because once an earthquake beyond a magnitude 6 or 7 happens, then the world starts heading towards the ultimate catastrophe.

According to the expert Robert Alvarez, the amount of cesium-137 is 85 times more than Chernobyl.

[Garbled Speech], but there’s not the sense of crisis.

I would like to ask your cooperation to alert the whole world to this danger.

If you've been following this thread you know that he is referring to the possibility that the pool of Unit 4 may spill or crack with another earthquake, losing its water, in which case huge amounts of further radiation will go into the atmosphere as a result of a meltdown.
Japanese Facebook user who was living in French Canada, is writing in French hes Blog about Fukushima for those who read in French.

Podcast-Pacifica Radio WBAI's June 8, 2012
Robert Knight Hosts Arnie Gundersen: Latest Fukushima Issues and the U.S. Domestic Nuclear Environment

Robert Knight of "Five O'Clock Shadow" talks with Arnie Gundersen of Fairewinds. The two discuss the latest issues concerning Fukushima Daiichi and also the domestic nuclear environment of the U.S. Included in this interview: an alarming coolant failure and heat spike at Fukushima Daiichi Unit Four’s precariously-perched “Rockabye Baby” spent fuel pool; close calls at Japanese reactors other than Fukushima Daiichi after the tsunami because of cooling pump failures; Fukushima-related ”hot tuna” delivering radioactive cesium to America’s west coast; a domestic review of the resignation of NRC chair Gregory Jaczko; resuscitation of the Yucca Mountain nuclear waste repository, and American industry resistance to apply the “lessons learned” at Fukushima Daiichi.

Fukushima Update 6-9-2012 Published on Jun 9, 2012 by conradmillermd

June 9 2012 - as the Fukushima radiation/debris carries west across the Pacific Ocean, radionuclide-intensely-contaminated Fukushima rivers daily rushing into the ocean, the media sleeps on the danger of the radiation. Fish contaminated with cesium are now being caught off of San Diego. Maps re currents help U understand what is going on: Danger California, Oregon, all points west of Fukushima especially!! Check the oceanic 'gyres' or currents.


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Reality in Fukushima...


The contamination if you compare to Kiev is double. They measured it on the front of the schools.
This pure children... :(
This is ridiculous.

Fukushima prefectural government requested Hirosaki University to stop internal exposure test “because it causes fear of Fukushima people”.

Researching team of Hirosaki university conducted radiation test for Iodine 131 taken in the thyroid for 17 people in Namiemachi, where is in planned evacuation area and 45 people who evacuated from MInamisoma to Fukushima (62 in total). The researching team obtained the permission of the citizens and local government.
To make the reliable data, they needed over 100 testees but the local medical department of Fukushima prefecture stopped them conducting further research. They commented, “The researching team is allowed to measure environmental radiation level but internal exposure test causes fear, it shall be stopped.”

The medical department states, they don’t remember that comment but they actually requested other universities to “understand the feelings of local citizens.” as well.
As the result, almost none of the internal exposure data of Iodine 131 remained.

The radiation data of those 62 people are already published. On the assumption that they took Iodine 131 to their thyroid on 3/12,the total dosage of internal exposure of the 5 people exceed 50 mSv, which they had to take iodine preparation from the regulation of IAEA. However now it’s considered to be more possible that they took iodine 131 on 3/15, they are analyzing the data again.

Around the end of March 2011, Nuclear disaster headquarters of the government actually conducted thyroid internal exposure test for 1080 of 0 ~ 15 years old people living in Iidate mura but because they used the simple equipment, they couldn’t measure iodine 131 directly.

They don't want to help, They want hide everything!

Decontamination facility getting too radioactive: http://fukushima-diary.com/2012/06/fukushima-worker-soon-nobody-can-get-close-to-arevas-facility/

Fukushima worker “Soon nobody can get close to Areva’s facility”

Tepco is assuming the broken water gauge caused the leakage of contaminated water.

On 6/15/2012, 3 Tepco workers worked inside of Areva’s facility from 3PM to 5PM. The actual time to be inside of the building of the facility was very short but the highest dosage was 1.33 mSv (gamma ray).(Beta ray was 0 mSv.)

Currently this facility is treated as a back-up system, but the actual Fukushima worker Happy11311 tweeted like these below,


— ハッピーさん (@Happy11311) 6月 14, 2012


The Areva’s facility is really a burden. Soon nobody can enter the building where the facility is located. I don’t know how much money they spent on the facility, but now it’s too radioactive to maintain though it’s hardly worked.


続き:アレバの装置は導入時点から詳しいシステムの内容を把握出来てないし…。誰の判断で導入したんだろ?あの頃は政治絡みだったような気が…。いずれにしてもスラッジの分析出来てないみたいだし、漏れ漏れだし…。ホント無駄な被曝だよなぁ…。でわでわおやすみなさいでしm(_ _)m

— ハッピーさん (@Happy11311) 6月 14, 2012


We haven’t even figured out the details of the entire mechanism of the system since it was installed, I wonder who decided to use that system. I think it was for the political reason… They say they can’t even analyze the sludge yet and it’s still leaking.. It’s really a wasteful exposure… Good night anyway..


Straight after the disaster Areva donated 1 million Euro to the Japanese Red Cross. One could say that it was a show of how generous Areva is, but it is clear that it was a calculated public relations/marketing exercise, not to mention damage control!

AREVA and the Events of Fukushima

Emergency Aid and Relief Supply

Immediately following the March 11, 2011 natural disaster and Fukushima nuclear power plant accident, AREVA decided to make a one million euro donation to the Japanese Red Cross for crucial humanitarian aide.

AREVA was able to rapidly gather and deliver to Japan key equipment from its facilities worldwide, providing support through assistance to emergency workers and personnel working near the Fukushima nuclear power plant and to its customer TEPCO.

In particular, AREVA chartered two planes that delivered critical radiation monitoring and protection equipment to Japan. Along with the aid of French companies including EDF, this multi-partner initiative provided protective and radioactivity measurement equipment including : protection kits (3,000 activated charcoal protective masks, 21,000 overalls and more than 20,000 gloves), 185 tons of boric acid, in addition to portable health physics instruments, spectroscopy lab equipment, rapid deployment contamination monitors, and environmental monitoring trucks. A third airplane left with foods and survival equipments to support the rescue teams’ actions.

Less than a month later Areva got a huge contract from TEPCO to set up a decontamination facility in Fukushima. A facility that appears to be doomed before it is taken in to service.

AREVA to set up a water decontamination process for the Fukushima site
Press release

April 19, 2011

Following a request from Tepco, AREVA proposed a solution to treat most of the contaminated water from the damaged Fukushima nuclear power plant, which the Japanese power company has just accepted. The contaminated water must be treated rapidly as it is preventing Tepco from repairing the power plant’s power supply and cooling systems.

For three weeks, AREVA has sent radioactive effluent treatment specialists to Japan to participate in work groups with Tepco. Backed by large teams in France, Germany and the United States, they proposed a method based on a co-precipitation concept. Developed by AREVA and used in the Marcoule and La Hague facilities, the process uses special chemical reagents to separate and recover the radioactive elements. AREVA will then draw on its expertise and solutions for treating and managing these elements.

AREVA also called on the skills of Veolia Water . A large-capacity treatment plant equipped with the co-precipitation process will be delivered by AREVA. This installation will sharply reduce the radioactivity levels of the treated water, which could be reused in the power plant’s cooling systems.

Other processes may be used in parallel with this solution, which is the most suited to the present emergency. It could be supplemented by other medium- and long-term actions.

This operation is part of the follow-up to the visit to Japan of the President of the French Republic.
The problem has not gone away.....


"Fukushima radiation has traveled the globe. Much of the fallout follows the atmospheric jet stream and has blanketed Alaska, Canada, the U.S. Pacific northwest, U.S. west coast and U.S. mid-west.

However, radioactive contamination from Fukushima has also been detected in Europe and even in the southern hemisphere.

A fallout map, based only on one of the six reactors melting down, shows the widespread deposition of nuclear particles across a huge geographic region."

and further on down the page...

"Special Note—If you think there is nothing to worry about consider the fact that the cooling system for the spent fuel pool at the crippled Fukushima Daiichi power plant’s No. 4 reactor automatically shut down Saturday the 30th of June.

Temperatures began to rise but fortunately, according to reports, they reestablished cooling on Sunday. I have written that humanity is hanging by a thread in terms of our vulnerability to building number four coming down.

Radiation at the plant continues to increase so it is possible the day will arrive that no repairs can be made and the fuel pool will overheat to the point where it will all go up in flames."
C's 21/09/2002:
Q: (L) Is the United States going to be hit by nukes?
A: No doubt.

Maybe this could be a sort of nuking the USA....
lake_george said:
The problem has not gone away.....
"Fukushima radiation has traveled the globe. Much of the fallout follows the atmospheric jet stream and has blanketed Alaska, Canada, the U.S. Pacific northwest, U.S. west coast and U.S. mid-west.
the problem continues....

(Knowing this is going on brings me to higher valuation of time and life opportunity right now.)


and this:

"Degraded Reactor 4 Structure
Shows Signs Of Sinkage
By Yoichi Shimatsu

A few years ago, I had to make a decision to either restore an old school building in Hong Kong for an environmental center - or demolish it. The long concrete structure was built atop a garbage dump, and the final decision was demolition due to uneven sinkage. Whenever heavy buildings are not foursquare and level, massive internal stresses build up and rip the structure apart.

In a recent helicopter photo of Reactor 4, seen from the east (ocean side), there are similar signs of building sinkage. Along the middle-to-northeast corner (right side), cross beams have fallen out, and at least two adjoining pillars are of different height. The outer wall panels cracked and fell off as a result. (Plus one can see clear through from the east to northeast through a gaping hole.) Cross beams snap off due to the displacement of pillars in opposite directions

What the combination indicates is that the footing of the structure has cracked completely, with two-thirds of the building sinking at a slight angle into the broken edge, while the smaller north side, relieved of load, gradually rises with a series of popping noises. This springboard effect is audible whenever a column lurches upward, like the two pillars o n the right-hand side lifting the floor above it and breaking out. (The pincher-clawed back-hoe is parked on a pad that spreads the weight over the precarious structure.)

It is very probable that the reactor below is tilting as well. The concrete footing for the structure is too thick to crack under weight alone or even in a major quake, and so the cleavage was probably caused by the corium searing along a line. Once burned, the concrete and rebar lose their strength and can buckle and crack under seismic vibrations and weight from above - especially if the ground is unstable. The March 11 quake probably caused liquefaction that opened an empty pocket below the footing, and water seepage from the tsunami, rainstorms and coolant leakage subsequently eroded the soil.

Since the spent fuel pools are on the south side, the strongest end of the broken structure, one metal tank still appears to be intact, judging from the corner that can be seen.

The twisted, overheated metal leaning out of the holes around the spent fuel pool indicate the framework under the pool is wrecked. If the pools are still level, it would be nothing short of miraculous. Odds are that the pools are tilting, adding massive stress to the
whatever remains of the supporting frame.

The steel plate over the now-exposed floor/ceiling could be there to prevent people from seeing that the spent fuel pool is tilting and lower than its former position due to the bending of the metal frame below. A tarp would have been melted by the heat released from the jostling of the pool and loss of water in the two series of 2012 quakes that further degraded the structure. Two sheets of steel plate could resist temperature build-ups of up to about 1,000 C or around 2,000 F before bending. Notably, open space is left on either side of the plates to allow heat escape. The presence of the plates point to
flaring temperatures on occasion since the spent pool fires of March 14 and 16, 2011.

The demolition work of June 26 had to be done to remove the weight of the upper walls. This is consistent with what must be done when the footing is cracked and lower floors are tilting inward, causing stress buildup throughout the entire fabric of the structure.

That old school building rocked like a boat whenever a bus or truck passed by on the adjoining road. For Fukushima workers, it would be terrifying to be on top of a fractured structure that amplifies seismic waves.

The ongoing self-destruction is inexorable and cannot be repaired or reversed. When I checked the foundation of the old school structure, the concrete was broken clean through in many places along roughly parallel lines. Fixing a broken foundation is impossible, especially when it is on uneven landfill, since the rubble below will firmly not hold up an injection of concrete or jacking. Our team considered the possibility of artificial support for that school building but quickly gave up the idea as unfeasible. The far heavier Reactor 4 structure is following the same pattern of step-by-step degradation, or phased collapse, in which the stress factors are so complex that there is no way to predict when or what part will be the next to go.

The rate of soil loss under the structure is still the determining factor leading to a final collapse, and this problem of soil sinkage effects the entire Fukushima No.1 plant site, which rests on landfill compromised by quake-caused liquefaction, erosion by the tsunami, incessant water leakage and melt-through of escaped nuclear fuel. Engineers therefore had to push back the TEPCO plan to remove two fuel rods from Reactor 4 in this month of July. For the same reason of soil instability no attempt has been made to set up a scaffolding or crane along the south wall to lift rods into a casket.

Instead of an apocalyptic moment, as most observers had anticipated, the ongoing degradation of Reactor 4 remains one of nerve-racking suspense, of waiting for the next beam to drop.

Author: Yoichi Shimatsu is an environmental writer and consultant based in Southeast Asia."
Arnie Gundersen @ Fairwinds has a June 30th video story about a lecturing tour on atomic issues:


About this video

Fairewinds Energy Education was invited to showcase one of its feature videos for the Tokyo Peace Film Festival on June 30, 2012. The video selected for the Festival was "Fukushima Daiichi: The Truth and the Future." In the opening message, Arnie Gundersen makes the case for alternative sources of energy to power the future of Japan and ultimately the world. Fairewinds has an important message for the Japanese people: You Are Not Alone.
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