Japan - 8.9 Earthquake - Fukushima Meltdown

The following is a new podcast by Arnie on their website on the public atomic utility scams (and other matters) in the US called:

Follow the Money

This week's show is all about money. We look at how some utility owned U.S. nuclear power plants continue to drain the public's pocketbook, sometimes to the tune of fifty million dollars a month, without generating a single watt of electricity.


On this 2nd year anniversary of the mass loss of life in Japan and the subsequent poisoning of people and the lands by atomic processes - likely most of the BBM, Arnie’s power point presentation is featured here:

Arnie said:
What Did They Know And When?
Fukushima Daiichi Before And After The Meltdowns

Symposium: The Medical and Ecological Consequences of the Fukushima Nuclear Accident The New York Academy of Medicine,
New York City, NY
March 11, 2013

Presented by Fairewinds Energy Education
Burlington, VT


There are some very interesting facts about the building site, historical tsunamis and much more.

[quote author=Kaigen]
Very moving story and lot of exposure, what happen in Fukushima.


"KAKUSEI: The Fukushima End " Pre-Screener
Available for short time. please watch.[/quote]

Marked it to view Kaigen thanks.

If they don't get cooling restored to those fuel pools, the level of contamination in the northern hemisphere will be seriously impacted. The fuel pools hold much more radiation than the cores do/did (from what I understand). Hopefully Arnie Gundersen or Dr. Caldicott will have a report on this soon to give a good synopsis of what's ahead on this, if TEPCO can't get things back online. In a previous lecture, Dr. Caldicott said that she'd flee the northern hemisphere with her family if the fuel pools lost containment - I don't think she was exaggerating.
[quote author=anart]
In a previous lecture, Dr. Caldicott said that she'd flee the northern hemisphere with her family if the fuel pools lost containment - I don't think she was exaggerating.

I don't think she exaggerates either - definitely a sign to remain watchful of, and to keep on hand or keep up with any resistance supplementation if moving should prove difficult.

With 8,800 rods remaining to be kept cool and the TEPCO statement, not to mention the governments insistence of needing these nuclear power supplies to be online:

The company said that temperatures in the fuel pools would have remained at safe levels for at least four days.

offers little comfort that there is much, if any real control, as Fukushima has proven in flawed design to any in humanity who care to look.
For people following Fairewinds, you will know much of what has been discussed and known about the "meltdown", however, just wanted to add, after finally watching it, is the video portion of the power point presentation by Arnie back in March at the Symposium 'The Medical and Ecological Consequences of the Fukushima Nuclear Accident The New York Academy of Medicine' (link to power point alone above).

Here is the video link:


One thing Arnie makes clear, is that this was a made in the US disaster from 40 years ago as GE designed and built this and most other plants without Japanese engineering inputs and say.

At one point, Arnie is discussing Dr. Glenn Seaborg’s comments to the US Governments advisory commission and is quoted as saying about General Electric (back in 1960’s) that “I don’t think we {the government} had the power to stop them”, in reference to GE's design faults and the 60 million dollar “Turnkey” budget cap that could not be exceeded for proper design implementations; and they knew they were bad then. In turn, there are something like 22 of these exact plant designs (with more fuel/water containment) in the US alone.

One of the "Core" Assumptions historically = Detonation Shock Waves traveling at > than the speed of sound can’t occur, yet there are 440 plants at risk where Fukushima now shows otherwise.

He discusses many core assumptions.

He says, the total available inventory of cesium 137 compared to Chernobyl was 280% at Fukushima...
JayMark said:
Cesium 134 has a half-life of roughly 2 years so it would take about 40 years for it to be reduced by 1000x (ex: 1 kg to 1 g).

Cesium 137, however has a half life of roughly 30 years. So now it would take roughly 600 years for the same disintegration process.

I hope cesium 135 hasn't been found because this one has a half-life closer to 3 million years. So the process would take 60 million years.

Anyhow, I'm not an expert in nuclear physics but it seems pretty bad as is.

I think the entire Japanese population is being slowly poisoned. And for those near the severe fallout zone, not so slowly. Regarding the long term effects on the environment however, the C's once made a remark which was interesting, to say the least.

May 4, 1996 session transcript:

Q: (L) How do we fit into all of this? (TK) We don't!
A: You have been the "preparation committee."
Q: (L) What have we been doing? Is it part of the plan for us to destroy the planet, destroy the ozone layer, pollute the seas and so forth to make it more habitable for them?
A: Those things are inconsequential and easily repaired.

Now that's an eye opener! And it's unclear if they meant repaired naturally or repaired artificially...or a combination of both. What is clear is that they were not worried. They were downright casual about it. So maybe with us out of the picture, mother earth cleanses herself with ease. Makes sense to me.

This also brings to mind an article I saw regarding John Hutchison and his gizmo effectively cleaning up some Gulf toxic waters.


But as with everything Hutchison, it's never clear...or cut and dry. He does have however the endorsement of Judy Wood, and that's good enough for me. In any case, if his gizmo does work, it would simply be another example of technology hidden from serving the public good. That list is long.

On another note, Arnie Gundersen and Fairewinds have acquired quite a following. I appreciate his many presentations on the dangers of nuclear power. But his explanation of the unit 3 explosion at Fukushima Daiichi have always troubled me. It doesn't add up. Consequently there's a small chance he's another one of those that mislead...like Steven Jones for example. This concern however does not negate his value to the general nuclear danger awareness discussion.

To get a better grasp of the Fukushima event, it's probably helpful to gain some solid information on the Stuxnet computer virus. Below is a good presentation by Ralph Langner on the subject. It's long but well worth it. And the implications extend far beyond nuclear power plants. It covers basically all facets of automation in our society.


This study,mthat I came across yesterday, suggests that we in the U.S.are being poisoned, as well by Fukashima. This was certainly at a high level in the months following the initiation of the ongoing disaster, especially well pronounced in states bordering the Pacific Ocean.

I'm certain I've seen other statements with similar findings, over the last year, more that likely posted somewhere on the Forum.
Hey Kaigen,

Did you notice the date of the article in the Examiner: July 24, 2011 ?

From the related materials I gathered that the Law was passed in March 2011, so this censorship is already at least two years in effect.

This sure helps explaining why there hasn't been widespread resistance based on true facts -- as far as I'm aware of anyway.

It seems to me that with this level of manipulation about what really happened and still is happening today, the real situation is almost impossible to ascertain in Japan itself -- even with all the outside help they might get.

It's certainly very disturbing to see this propaganda of make-believe getting officially sanctioned in Law -- but hardly surprising I have to say.
sitting said:
On another note, Arnie Gundersen and Fairewinds have acquired quite a following. I appreciate his many presentations on the dangers of nuclear power. But his explanation of the unit 3 explosion at Fukushima Daiichi have always troubled me. It doesn't add up. Consequently there's a small chance he's another one of those that mislead...like Steven Jones for example. This concern however does not negate his value to the general nuclear danger awareness discussion.

To get a better grasp of the Fukushima event, it's probably helpful to gain some solid information on the Stuxnet computer virus. Below is a good presentation by Ralph Langner on the subject. It's long but well worth it. And the implications extend far beyond nuclear power plants. It covers basically all facets of automation in our society.


Had a chance to watch this presentation by Langner, and as a layperson to IT issues, listened hard to try and get a grasp of what he was talking about, the overall mechanisms of Stuxnet and how it interacts from its "drop box" bypassing the instruction code written into devices that control mechanical devices. So as such, i'm gathering you are thinking that the u-3 explosion was caused potentially by this? Can you point out what you think are the flaws in Gundersen's thinking with u-3?

Nevertheless, thanks for this link and was fascinated by what Langner was describing about just how Cyber War, not attacks, can be launched and that there is virtually no defensive systems, it is proliferating in the world and can only be addressed by things like authentication codes in devices rather than the open system (in what presently runs devices) that carries their present instructions (think this is what he was getting at). As for Fukushima, although it is entirely possible, the very fact that the systems and devices (pumps/valves etc.) became powered and drowned out, would on their own likely have cause the effects given as example, unless this can be explained as otherwise. Either way, not sure it can be ever explained definitively, certainly Stuxnet code cannot be examined on this site given the present state, unless there is something external that ties this thread up. Certainly, Stuxnet is out their, manufactured by, as Langner said, likely the CIA or as has been noted elsewhere, Mossad. Europe and the West is more so vulnerable and the technology can now almost be "cut and pasted" and then launched by people who know what they are doing - scarey stuff.
Canadian Candu Reactors and the Great Lakes


Caught this earlier tonight and here are a few points (it is not a long podcast):

Candu’s do not run on enriched uranium, the design runs on normal uranium process (positive void reactivity coefficient) with Heavy Water (continuously requires fueling).

Canada’s Candu’s have cores with hundreds of horizontal tubes (not vertical), much more complicated with very intense reactivity and maintenance pipe problems from “neutron embrittlement”(if that's the word).

The operators of these plants (Quebec wants them shut down and Ontario wants to keep’em going). They want to extend the lifetime by 5 years (i.e. not replacing internal pipes - not good).

If an accident with leaks (due to so much cooling water) resulted, the Great Lakes would likely be contaminate by this heavy water (and much more) for 40 million people.

Canadians do not seem to understand the lessons from Fukushima. And Toronto is especially not situated in a good place (just kilometers away with 4 million in population).

It is not about tsunamis here obviously, it is the loss of pumps...

Fairewinds - Arnie with Dr. Gordon Edwards said:
Nuclear Contamination Knows No Borders

On today’s podcast, Arnie and Kevin talk about international nuclear contamination with Dr. Gordon Edwards, President of the Canadian Coalition for Nuclear Responsibility. They discuss the differences between American and Canadian nuclear plants in design and regulatory philosophy. They also discuss Fairewinds Associates recent report on the relicensing of the Pickering Station on the Canadian coast of Lake Ontario, just a 30 minute drive from Toronto. Fukushima Daiichi may have taught us that nuclear contamination knows no borders, but are the industry and its regulators applying this lesson?

Fairewinds Associates, Inc - {link}Analysis of the Relicensing Application for Pickering Nuclear Generating Station

Dr. Edwards report on Pickering Reactors - {link} Don't Push Your Luck!
Watched this yesterday (50 + min) and was interesting to listen to the words of a local Japanese woman and a journalist who interpreted for her. Both either lived or are doing work near Fukushima and are keeping the dialogue going.

At one point the interpreter asked the woman about social issues and she replied, in part, that it was the stress on people that this has caused, but more particularly, there is this deep anger and it is not being channeled at the government or the electrical company, it is being channeled at each other - very sad.


Nuclear Free Future: The Ongoing Fukushima Nuclear Disaster: Eyewitness Report

About This Video

Host Margaret Harrington speaks with Arnie Gundersen of Fairewinds Energy Education, and Chiho Kaneka, Artist and Journalist, who has been to Fukishima several times after the disaster, and Chikako Nishiyama who lives near Fukushima-Daiichi, giving an eyewitness report on the current status.

There is also a new talk (have not listened yet) entitled:

Nuclear Power and Earthquakes


A transcript can be found at that link, too.
Yesterday at 12:30 there was an earthquake in the city of mexico

I was in my room about to sleep, was one of the strongest earthquake I've felt in my entire life.

First i heard a very loud sound coming under the earth and then i hear the sound like lightning strikes, seconds after the lamp from the ceiling started to swing and all jump at once.

My reaction was to stay paralyzed, for fear? maybe i dont know yet, i did not run or anything, then I get out of bed and got into under my bed

very scary :S
"Is the NRC doing their job to protect citizens, or have they designed a byzantine system to thwart the public and protect the industry?"

Here (posted Jul 2, 2013) is a trial lawyer, Terry Lodge, being interviewed in this Podcast. _http://fairewinds.org/podcast/barrier-to-entry-with-terry-lodge

or here (YouTube) _http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=CmdOjekVhZU

On this week’s podcast we interviewed Terry Lodge, a trial lawyer with significant experience working on nuclear issues. We have worked with Terry on cases involving San Onofre, Fermi, and Davis Besse, and today he joins us to discuss the challenge of participating meaningfully with the NRC. Is the NRC doing their job to protect citizens, or have they designed a byzantine system to thwart the public and protect the industry?

They discuss disappearing documents (public domain & the 10 day rule at Adam's Library), and responses being withheld between the NRC and utility companies; and as a lawyer trying to access these things, it can be a "hide and seek" situation of information procurement. Arnie discusses that once at a hearing, whereby the single entity went up against the NRC (with their 10 lawyers) and industry (with their 20 lawyers & expert consultants) {30:1} in this "tweedle dee and tweedle dumb" relationship against a simple paper describing a $50,000 fix...

Fukushima radiation levels '18 times higher' than thought

Japanese Economy Minister Toshimitsu Motegi inspected the site on Monday.
Radiation levels around Japan's Fukushima nuclear plant are 18 times higher than previously thought, Japanese authorities have warned.

Last week the plant's operator reported radioactive water had leaked from a storage tank into the ground.

It now says readings taken near the leaking tank on Saturday showed radiation was high enough to prove lethal within four hours of exposure.

The plant was crippled by the 2011 earthquake and tsunami.

The Tokyo Electric Power Company (Tepco) had originally said the radiation emitted by the leaking water was around 100 millisieverts an hour.

However, the company said the equipment used to make that recording could only read measurements of up to 100 millisieverts.

The new recording, using a more sensitive device, showed a level of 1,800 millisieverts an hour.

The new reading will have direct implications for radiation doses received by workers who spent several days trying to stop the leak last week, the BBC's Rupert Wingfield-Hayes reports from Tokyo.Fukushima_1

In addition, Tepco says it has discovered a leak on another pipe emitting radiation levels of 230 millisieverts an hour.

The plant has seen a series of water leaks and power failures.

The 2011 tsunami knocked out cooling systems to the reactors, three of which melted down.

The damage from the tsunami has necessitated the constant pumping of water to cool the reactors.

This is believed to be the fourth major leak from storage tanks at Fukushima since 2011 and the worst so far in terms of volume.

After the latest leak, Japan's nuclear-energy watchdog raised the incident level from one to three on the international scale measuring the severity of atomic accidents, which has a maximum of seven.

Experts have said the scale of water leakage may be worse than officials have admitted.
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