Javier Milei has been elected president of Argentina: Madman or genius?

Maybe this should go in its specific thread, because this is what Tucker Carlson says or thinks.... but!


"Libertarian economics was a scam perpetrated by the beneficiaries of the economic system that they were defending..."

It is the same Tucker who interviewed Milei (a libertarian), and in the whole interview did not even ask him the tiniest uncomfortable question. Making Milei be seen by everyone in a positive light.

Who does Tucker work for? Because in that video he acepts to being somewhat socialist, in a sense according to greenwald.

Or is my English really bad this time?

Or did Tucker leave FOX just to be a news and journalism mercenary?
Tucker Carson, Elon Musk, Alex Jones, and Joe Rogan seem to be playing both ends against the middle. RFK Jr. and others were doing that too before selling out to Zionism. It's a trend worth watching as we go forward. Will they "choose a side?" Or are they playing a game of "Kingmaker?" It would be almost entertaining if the fate of the world otherwise might depend on some of these guys.
Here is what Putin had to say a couple of days ago. Well worth the read because he basically explains what will likely happen if Argentina follows in this new direction. Not a pretty picture:

[...]Vladimir Seroukhov: Vladimir Seroukhov, RBC. I have a currency-related question, if I may.

Javier Milei was elected President of Argentina the other day, and one of his main campaign promises was to replace the peso with the US dollar. Russia, on the contrary, has adopted a policy to dedollarise its economy by moving away from both the dollar and the euro in its international settlements.

What do you think about this process? Do Russia’s settlements with its economic partners in rubles and national currencies of countries friendly to us make any sense and offer us any benefits? Since we are talking about the ruble, what are the factors that affect the rate of the ruble the most, pushing it up or down? What are the main driving forces today?

Vladimir Putin: Allow me to begin with Argentina, so that we do not have to come back to this question later. Indeed, we all know about the idea that Argentina’s President-elect had to introduce the dollar in his country. Every country makes its own sovereign decisions, of course.

However, inflation in Argentina stands somewhere around 143 percent, I think, which creates a lot of challenges, as the country’s preceding leaders told me, in terms of repaying the loans Argentina contracted here and there. So the logic here is quite clear.

But this means that the country loses much of its sovereignty. If today’s leaders in Argentina do not see any other solution for addressing the country’s financial and economic woes, this is their decision to make. Still, this would substantially undermine their sovereignty.

There is also a socioeconomic aspect here. You are from RBC, right? Your channel specialises on these matters, so you have specialists who will understand what I am about to say, and ordinary people will also understand because this is not rocket science. You see, even pegging your national currency to the dollar can have serious socioeconomic consequences.

There was a time when Argentina faced major financial challenges, and people went as far as to attack banks. But what will happen if they switch to the dollar or peg their currency to the dollar? Any government seeking to solve its economic issues always thinks about honouring its social commitments.

I can note with satisfaction that the Government of the Russian Federation has been able to fulfil its social obligations in full despite the fact that defence spending and security costs have increased to a certain extent. Of course, some may say that this is not enough and that we must do more, like in Komi, for example, as I have just said, where we need to allocate more funds for relocating people, and so forth. That said, whenever the state promises something, it delivers on its commitments and honours them.

As for the dollar peg, there is non-discretionary spending: pensions, salaries for public sector employees, social benefits, and the like. Quite often, a state does not have enough money to cover these expenses. So what happens when you peg your currency to the dollar?

If they have a national currency – the peso, they have a tool to slightly increase inflation. True, this is certainly not very good, but still, it is a tool for balancing between a healthy economy and the fulfilment of social obligations.

But if you do not have a national currency, you cannot print more money. This leaves the government with only one option – to cut social spending, slash wages, pensions, benefits, spending on medicine, on roads, other things, and on internal security. There are no other options. And in this regard, any government puts itself in a very difficult position in terms of domestic political stability. If our partners make this choice, it is their right; any country can determine what it should do and how it should be done.

As for us, you said that we were the ones who rejected these settlements, but we have not rejected anything. The situation is that they have been creating problems with foreign currency settlements for us. By the way, in doing so, they are once again shooting themselves in the foot. Why are they seeking to restrain the dollar and the euro’s standing as universal currencies, as international reserve currencies? First of all, the dollar, of course.

In 2021, if I remember correctly, we used 87 percent of foreign currency to service our exports, including the dollar and the euro. The ruble, I think, accounted for about 11–13 percent, and the yuan, about 0.4 percent. As of September 2023, the ratio was as follows: the ruble, 40 percent; the yuan, 33 percent; and the dollar and the euro combined, 24 percent. Their share dropped from 87 to 24. Why did they do this? I repeat: they shot themselves in the foot.

Is this bad for us or not? Not really. Actually, the more we use the national currency in economic and financial transactions, the better. This boosts our sovereignty and our capabilities.

What does the exchange rate depend on? We have a floating exchange rate and it depends on market conditions, on the prices of our export goods, on growing demand within the country – and demand is growing. There is one more aspect – the Executive Order that was designed to regulate the foreign currency situation has played a role, and that, too, partly influenced the exchange rate.

What is the reason for this? In previous years, there was no need for any restrictions, because we received enough information from the countries that imported a significant volume of our goods, and we could track the movement of capital. Now we do not get any information from them because they cut off access. The Government and the Central Bank have no way of seeing what happens with the money that our exporters receive. The Central Bank and the Government have a legitimate interest in observing the ruble amounts accumulating, coming and going. In this sense, the Executive Order did introduce a few controls. But I believe that things will return to normal, so this is a temporary situation.

Overall, the financial market is generally stable. It is our priority to ensure this stability and predictability. And I believe we are succeeding in this.[...]
Milei's Minister threatens to cut social plans to protesters.

In the so-called "black list" of the announcements of the ultra-right government of the President, Javier Milei, this Monday, the Minister of Human Capital, Sandra Pettovello, through a communique, characterized as "public intimidation," ratified that she will take away the social plans "to those who participate in street cuts and mobilizations" synthesizing in a phrase "whoever cuts does not collect", in a message to those who mobilize that "they are the only ones who will not collect the social plan if they go to the march" called for this Wednesday.

The deputy of the Frente de Izquierda and leader of the Partido Obrero (PO) Gabriel Solano, maintained that this measure was unconstitutional and illegal and added that the Minister of Human Capital thus adds to the acts of public intimidation exercised by the Minister of Security, Patricia Bullrich.

"The government adjusts those who have the least from the moment they announce the liquefaction of social plans that are frozen and tied to the 2023 budget when there is an inflationary crisis that will exceed 300 percent annually. And the worst thing is that the measure is known the same day that the government decides not to apply retentions to many export products, whose producers have already benefited from an increase in the dollar of 118 percent", he said.

He added that "this December 20 we are going to mobilize against Milei's chainsaw plan and also for the constitutional right to mobilize even if Bullrich and Pettovello do not like it".

Tomorrow we will see how far Milei's government is willing to control and repress street protests. It also includes an audit of the unemployed organizations in an attempt to limit their mobilization power.

The new security protocol also contemplates that the federal forces may act without the authorization of a judge to evict demonstrators who interrupt vehicular traffic routes such as streets, highways, highways and bridges.

Long live freedom.
Government dependency, the problem faced by the lefties when they are cut off from social assistance.

The Milei government has declared that social assistance will be cut off to anyone who protests improperly, that is, who obstructs communication routes or uses masks to hide his or her identity.

In the video she says that tomorrow she wants to mobilize in protest against the Milei government, but she fears that they will take away the government welfare she needs to support her children. She says the government will paint anyone who participates in the protest blue. (I have searched for news of the government's intention to paint protesters blue and cannot confirm this.) She lists the benefits she receives from the government that she does not want to lose:​

● Help to finish school
● Food assistance
● Help for her children
● Help for being pregnant (although given the situation she hopes to have an abortion)
● Help for gender violence received from ex-husband
● Others

So she earns about $300,000 Argentine pesos a month or $373.5 usd not working (but which she considers a job)

By the way, this amount is equivalent to $6349.5 Mexican pesos, which is much more than what a senior citizen receives with a government pension in Mexico. ($4800 pesos bimonthly or $282 usd)
This borders between parody and leftist reality.

It seems that there was a big difference between the socialist government of Alberto Angel Fernandez and that of Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador which Milei called pathetic, pitiful and disgusting. It seems that Fernandez's government opened the tap of social assistance for every aspect of life while Obrador granted assistance to the elderly, students and single mothers with aids aimed at creating a political clientelism towards 2024.​
Here are the unpleasant reforms that no one dared to make and that is why, in order for someone to make them, they made Milei win. And probably what will happen in practice is the following:

The deputies of the wrongly called "opposition" are going to make a fuss about certain articles, they are going to let others pass in silence and they are going to raise their hands on everything essential.

Between the cock and midnight they are going to do it when this comes to Congress. They will take advantage of the relative anonymity that exists in every collegiate body and of the bad memory of the public opinion, which after six months will no longer remember who voted for such and such a thing.

And when the hegemon finally comes after Milei to reign over the ruins, the reforms will already be implemented, the hegemon will not have to do anything unpleasant and will not lift a finger to reverse any of the reforms.

How to hold the hegemon responsible for evils that were done before his enthronement? It does not exist.

That is to say, by changing the fuses, the system not only avoids its fall, but renews itself.

This is basically how what we call "democracy" and Perón called demoliberalism works, that republican system of theoretical representation in which the leaders can quietly represent the interests of a powerful minority without the majority that voted for them demanding anything from them.

Later on, it is only a matter of reforming the Constitution incorporating the new laws already consecrated and that's it, there we have the new legal statute of colonialism built by leaders who pretend to fight among themselves and, in reality, they all represent the same interest: that of the brutal force of the anti-people.

This is like 1943 and we will not be able to get out of the infamous decade within its own rules. A GOU* or similar will have to come and hunt the mouse.

*The GOU, Grupo de Oficiales Unidos or Grupo Obra de Unificación, was an Argentine lodge or secret organization of nationalist tendency, created within the Argentine Army on March 10, 1943.

That same year it carried out a coup d'état against President Ramón S. Castillo, after the Década Infame, and governed the country until February 1946, with the main objective of maintaining the neutrality of the Argentine Nation during the Second World War and to prevent the workers' movement from leaning towards the political left.

Well, they sure have grandiose plans. Today Argentina; tomorrow All THE AMERICAS and over to Europe! Interesting to see how the new regime in Argentina views the rest of the Americas. (they have their baddies and goodies all identified)

Here’s that theme again of hard turn right, to save us from the Leftys, and promote “freedom”.

A few excepts, and then the Epoch Times article, posted from zerohedg, below.

"He's starting a revolution that begins here, is going to go through America, all the way to the north and then on to Europe," Lilia Lemoine, a newly elected congresswoman in Argentina and long-time Milei ally, told The Epoch Times"

"Brazilian lawmaker Cristiano Caporezzo called Milei's election "absolutely historic."

"It marks a very strategic moment for Latin America, a right-wing 'reconquering' of the continent,"

"He today gave us hope, in Latin America, also in the U.S. and worldwide," she told The Epoch Times."

"What we see is that Javier Milei has opened the door and all these governments that have been ruling, societies that have been suffering with all these activists that go against the nature of human beings … currently, everything is going to turn right," Ms. Cabal said."

"We hope that Trump wins. We hope that Jose Antonio Kast in Chile wins, and we hope that we can save Colombia too."

"Ernesto Araújo, former minister of foreign relations of Brazil, now a strategic aid for international affairs at Spain-based think tank Fundación Disenso told The Epoch Times he sees a global shift towards conservatism."

"It is the problem of the China-Russia-Iran totalitarian bloc."

"particularly the Venezuelan regime, have facilitated or engaged in international drug trafficking and coordinated with Iran, China, and Russia against United States"

"Irani military ships sanctioned for terrorism docked in Brazil and in June a defense deal between Iran and Bolivia bound the two nations closer together."

"Latin American socialist regimes have enabled Iran-backed terrorist groups to operate broadly in South America for years."

Well, they sure have grandiose plans. Today Argentina; tomorrow All THE AMERICAS and over to Europe! Interesting to see how the new regime in Argentina views the rest of the Americas. (they have their baddies and goodies all identified)

Here’s that theme again of hard turn right, to save us from the Leftys, and promote “freedom”.

Captura de pantalla 2023-12-20 133757.png

I read the article and that comment sums it up pretty well. And it is the old Hegelian principle: Thesis - Antithesis - Synthesis. And despite years of this same principle, people continue to fall into the trap....
This looks to me like a revival of a fascist regime style that should have ended with WWII. Perhaps the gossip of 'nazi' towns in Argentina is not gossip afterall and perhaps the WWII has not ended but morphed into the Cold War, and it is about to run its last course with the conquest of the Americas.
This looks to me like a revival of a fascist regime style that should have ended with WWII. Perhaps the gossip of 'nazi' towns in Argentina is not gossip afterall and perhaps the WWII has not ended but morphed into the Cold War, and it is about to run its last course with the conquest of the Americas.

Knowing the current state of affairs, Nazis are everywhere. We see how Zionism is only a hair's breadth away from Nazism, we know that Nazis took refuge in Argentina, as they did in the USA. We know that after World War II, those who got away with it and were not judged were the companies and other power groups that sponsored Hitler.

If the 2nd World War was a test, to my understanding what happened afterwards was only to create sleeping cells and wake them up for this moment. And I am not talking about those tiny groups of neo-nazis that are nothing more than a distraction.

It is as Laura said many times. You don't need aliens when you have psychopaths.
Ok, here's the situation. Tonight at 9:00 p.m. in Argentina, Milei will announce the measures in his decree of necessity and urgency (basically enacting a law without going through congress). Among these measures would apparently be the repeal of the land law.

Regarding this last aspect, in 2011, with Kirchnerism in power, Law 26,737 called "Protection of the National Domain on the Ownership, Possession or Tenure of Lands" was enacted. It limited the amount of land that a foreigner could acquire to 1,000 hectares in the core zone and then the different provinces drew their own equivalences in surface area.

Land Law - 26.737

Law for the Protection of the National Domain on the Ownership, Possession or Tenure of Lands, its purpose is to determine the ownership, cadastral and dominion, of the situation of possession, under any title or de facto situation of rural lands and to regulate, with respect to foreign individuals and legal entities, the limits to the ownership and possession of rural lands, regardless of their use or production destination.

Let's see, this means that the country is going to be bought in parts. But to do that, even before repealing the law, you have to destroy the economy and society.

This is not Palestine...but....
Ok, here's the situation. Tonight at 9:00 p.m. in Argentina, Milei will announce the measures in his decree of necessity and urgency (basically enacting a law without going through congress). Among these measures would apparently be the repeal of the land law.

Let's see, this means that the country is going to be bought in parts. But to do that, even before repealing the law, you have to destroy the economy and society.

This is not Palestine...but....
I have seen that happening in Zimbabwe.

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