Javier Milei has been elected president of Argentina: Madman or genius?

Usually the already inflated prices will never come down. They are always going to go up and I think that one bad/function that the implementation of the parallel dollar has done, in addition to devaluing the national currency, is the corruption of ordinary people as an important factor that leads to wanting to get more money in the short term because every day the price goes up and we really don't have time to sit down and think about a strategy that allows us to subsist as affordable as possible beyond having more than one job at a time. We are getting hung up more and more and no doubt this is going to explode.

In my country the same thing happens in that sense, every day the parallel dollar goes up, they rarely lower the price of things by a minimum percentage, by the time the parallel dollar goes up again, the price goes up 5 more times and recover that which they have lowered.

As for spending on public works, I see that a sector of the population hates public spending. It is like giving him money or investing in people who have not worked for it and certainly in a poorly managed and corrupt leftist government, it becomes just bread and circuses. In my country it is a complete disaster and one of the best ways to inflate prices, launder money and in short, steal better. But it also does not mean that a right-wing government is "saving" that money to allocate it to more useful things for the well-being of the population.

Milei's economic advisor: "It is necessary to suffer so that people learn that things cost".

"You have to suffer. There is no doubt: you have to suffer to learn that things cost (...).​

Interesting, every political sector always tells to the face of "their people" that they must suffer a lot when the people have chosen them just to stop "suffering" before their false promises to get them out of misery. It is an interesting language of punishment and conditioning for "social fighters" or now "libertarians" or however they want to introduce themselves.
"Bolsonaro says the Brazilian people "deserve to suffer” if they vote for Lula in 2022"
Bolsonaro has not been the only one, simply his "personality" for lack of a better term, he expresses it without problem. But we have already witnessed these statements lately by these characters and even from whom one least expected it.

If the pathocrat left loses "well you chose a different path and those are the consequences"... and if the pathocrat right wins, "well nothing is free, they must suffer by working harder and harder".

jo! we have to suffer, suffer, suffer and suffer more, said by themselves (laughs).

And that constant suffering and punishment is what will make people finally wake up... the backfiring of psychopaths. They represent themselves artistically for what they are:


he assured that he did not have "the slightest idea" of what would be the concrete measures to be adopted by the elected President and his team in economic matters.

They never know anything about what people want to hear, especially guaranteeing or talking to them safely based on the false expectations for which they were chosen... but they always know that they must torment people more and more. That if they have it very clear.


USA "freeze, withhold, steal" the money that an enemy nation has to create the gradual circumstances of social exhaustion to create a change of government when it seems that direct or indirect intervention is not effective.

Once the change of government has been made, they return all the money, oil companies, impose sanctions, debts, etc. Which creates an apparent "positive change" with which I now Milei gets all the credit when he hasn't really done anything. They have only returned to Argentina what they have taken from it during the previous government.

They are returning it on account drops to improve the image of Milei and to serve as an example for the rest of the remaining socialist countries. Rather, to drive change from the need of people "hey look! you can also have an amazon shop in the corner of your house! change is possible!".

We thank former Presidents Mauricio Macri, Felipe Calderón, Iván Duque, Mariano Rajoy, Jorge Quiroga, Sebastián Piñera, Vicente Fox, Andrés Pastrana, Luis Fortuño and Nobel Laureate Mario Vargas Llosa for supporting Javier Milei's candidacy for President.

The left to continue their government in the supposed excuse that if the right governs they will lose the "Freedom" that only the left and that the people have achieved only with them and that tale of the "Bogeyman" when they themselves are the ones who have a tailor-made bag made for every occasion. They take out of those sacks the leftist candidates who have the worst and most corrupt known to society and also so people support him, even against their knowledge, just because the "Leader" wants it that way and the support must be total or it is considered treason.

So who do they call a lackey?... they are the same. Everyone is trying to build their own empire.

Right now the matrix of opinion in my country is to point out precisely the traitors among themselves, in this case Alejandro Fernandez, it is said that socialism in Argentina has lost because Alejandro Fernandez betrayed Cristina Kirchner, after helping him to become president.

They demand an irrational and selective "loyalty", sweeping under the carpet all the bad decisions they have made, bad policies, unconditionally supporting the theft of some rulers or presidents elected in some important industry by themselves and against the will of the people, that cannot be above loyalty.

I think it is time for the return of the right in Latin America, at least a majority, but necessary to contribute to the significant change in order to the global learning scheme. It is complicated to deal with the mentality of each individual but it is interesting to see how each political camp catalyzes the majority way of thinking of each social sector according to them for what they require and the results that we observe.

Another magic word when the left doesn't know how to lose is "debate" and "democratic coexistence" supported by an endless historical verbiage and it is the least they do, every day they feed more hatred between social strata, so it is logical that so much resentment is later reflected. The eternal resource between the left and the right, to remove social resentment.

"They asked me if I felt responsible for the defeat and what I think [is] that there is no need to look for a responsible person here"
"It is clear that the one who governs has a responsibility in all this. It is clear that there was something that we did not know how to tune in to society and made society not accompany us," he added, acknowledging that it is necessary to have a "sincere debate" to determine what they failed at.
Alberto Fernández: «Está claro que hubo algo que no supimos sintonizar con la sociedad argentina»
You know what really worried me, and you just quoted the C's? That as 4D masters are getting desperate, that implies that they are going to do everything possible to drain the people with suffering/energy/food.

But if you can prevent the energetic milking from increasing, what would you do?
I'm going to "annoy" you a little more, I see that this is what apparently bothers you, complementing what Chu told you and taking your words "if you can" I tell you that it is exactly that, if you could... and the bad news is that you can't, it doesn't work like that, you CAN assist with information, but the reception of it by your compatriots depends on how things get.

Remember that there are cycles within cycles and the point at which they are.
People depend on whether they pay more or less attention to you, you cannot avoid a degree of suffering-draining, remember that you said that they were "idiots" in the sense of being overly focused on their ego; both the "leftists" and the "rightists", now the Argentines have their minds set on this new government failing or teaching a lesson to the "communists", no matter how clear your exposition is, the guy was already elected and they have a degree of faith in him... try to relax a little in case it gets difficult (maybe not so much... but... it may also be), only lessons and for the masses, whatever type they give themselves now (the worst scenario that you propose for example), are important from a higher vision, the suffering will be according to the level of blindness...

it may be a little difficult for you to detach yourself and instead you want to fight because your country and your interests are at stake. close people (and of course it's easy for me to say it since I'm not in your situation, but it may happen to me in the future and it will be hard, I have assumed that it may be like that so as not to disappoint me later)... come on man, you are better than all this, I know you can handle it.

In the future, if necessary, look and see what you could do and what you couldn't do at that moment so that you avoid wasting energy.
Milei wants to give Airlines to its employees: what happened with similar cases in Brazil and Uruguay

The president-elect proposes to give financing to the state-owned airline for only one more year and let it be managed by the workers. The unions argue that without contributions from the State, with which it has subsisted since the reestablishment in 2008, it is impossible for the flag carrier to operate. There are similar experiences in the region, but both ended badly.

His plan is for the employees to form a kind of cooperative to run the company and for the state to support them financially only during the first year. This, according to Milei, would give them time to fix it up and compete with the other airlines in an "open skies" market.

But, are there any experiences similar to those proposed by Milei for Aerolíneas Argentinas? The closest in time and space is that of Uruguay's Alas, managed by the workers of Pluna, the former flag carrier of the neighboring country that ceased operations in 2012 due to economic problems. The case was not successful: although it had initial support from the Uruguayan government, the new company managed by its employees lasted few months in activity and at the end of 2016 it had to return the planes it leased due to contractual breaches.

Another similar example was Brazil's Varig, which was also managed by its employees through a foundation. Despite the support of the Brazilian government and after several years of crisis, it went bankrupt in 2006 and its operations were divided.

"It would be impossible for the workers to sustain this without the contributions of the State", said Edgardo Llano, general secretary of the Aeronautical Personnel Association (APA). In this sense, he explained on Radio 10: "Handing over the company to the workers would be the death certificate for Aerolíneas Argentinas. Because what he proposed is to hand over the company to the workers, to declare 'open skies' so that there is competition and to withdraw all the contributions made by the State. Obviously, this company cannot operate without the State's contributions".


According to Milei's biography, his father started as a driver of a passenger truck for an urban transportation line. Eventually and mysteriously, his father became the owner of the transportation company. Milei may end up auctioning off the airline when it goes bankrupt. This is what happened in Mexico in the neo-liberal period.​
Of course the people never choose the president, it's the others who choose him for us. But what's worrying, and we know it, is that some of the people are happy that this president (whom they feel they've chosen) seems mad (his grimaces and anger remind me of Hitler in his speeches). His vulgarity is unbearable, but on TV what's vulgar and ugly sells very well. That's what we have to live with, the ugliness, the unbearable heaviness of these times, which are there expressly to make us doubt everything, but it's the Comedia del Arte, a performance, theater, monkeys and clowns. We're not done being nauseated, and that's a good thing. The more I feel like throwing up in front of this infamous spectacle that humanity is going through these days, the more I'm going to wake up to this reality.
Milei's dollarization plan is in doubt as he cancels his trip to the U.S. and the Argentine economy faces collapse.

Almost overnight, Javier Milei stopped being a roaring lion to metamorphose into a cunning fox. Bathed in ever more generous doses of pragmatism, the Argentine president-elect is getting rid of old comrades on the road while incorporating former adversaries or people with whom he had no close relationship. As a backdrop, his dollarization plan is being questioned and the insistence that hard months are coming for an Argentine economy that is on the verge of collapse.

Milei still has not confirmed the name of his Minister of Economy, although Luis Caputo, former Minister of Finance of Mauricio Macri, seems to be the favorite. This led Emilio Ocampo, the already announced next president of the Central Bank, to decline the offer. With him also goes the dollarization plan that Milei was going to implement.

"His idea of replacing the peso with the dollar will have to wait, most probably, for a long time", pointed out analyst Ignacio Miri this Friday in "Clarín". Demien Reidel, a physicist with a PhD from Harvard, will be the new president of the Central Bank.

Geopolitical analyst Alfredo Jalife-Rahme considers that the delay of dollarization is good news for Argentina. "The issue of dollarization is anachronistic, it is the loss of monetary sovereignty" he said, it is so because the country is handed over to the Federal Reserve, dollarization is anti-sovereignty.

It also seems that President Javier Milei's goal of bringing the Argentine State to a minarchy (the minimum functional State, practically privatized) will also have to wait for a while.

Will the Argentine people have the patience to endure the hard times? They have endured it in the past, but it seems that this time the glass can no longer bear another drop and is about to overflow.​
Here is an intelligent analysis of the Argentina situation with this new President by Peter Koening.

Here is an intelligent analysis of the Argentina situation with this new President by Peter Koening.

Introduction of the US dollar as the national currency is the most drastic measure Milei announced way ahead of the elections – and it would be more than surprising if Argentinians just 22 years after the economy totally collapsed (2000-2002), precisely because then-President Carlos Menem’s dollarized Argentina in 1991 by pegging the Peso 1:1 against the dollar. Already then, the argument was “fighting inflation.”

And the thing is that the one who came up with the idea of doing that was the economist Domingo Cavallo. The same person Javier Milei admires.

The change that people wanted so that nothing changes...

We Argentines have a short-term memory. 🤬

Argentina's Milei wears kippah at havdalah, vows support for Jews and Israel​

Argentina's President-elect Javier Milei paid a visit to the traditional Eleventh neighborhood in Buenos Aires, known for its significant population of Orthodox Jews. During his visit to Hevrat Pinto on Saturday night, he participated in the havdalah ceremony and received a special blessing from the renowned Kabbalist Rabbi David Pinto.

Milei has expressed his intention to dedicate his time to an in-depth study of Jewish sources after his presidential term. At the event, he also voiced his unwavering support for Israel's right to self-defense, denounced Hamas terrorism, and called for the return of hostages. Furthermore, he announced his plan to relocate the Argentine embassy from Herzliya to Jerusalem.

Milei vowed to maintain a strong connection with Rabbi Pinto and the Jewish community in Argentina, saying, "I celebrate this beautiful country and pray to God to protect the nation of Argentina so that it can be restored to its former glory. I am confident that, with the help of God, we will succeed."


Argentina's Milei wears kippah at havdalah, vows support for Jews and Israel​

I saw that, what a bad look.. honestly he has been more concerned with looking good to Israel than looking good to Argentina.

I hope Trump's visit to Milei will disavow him of any romantic notions of who he is, but if Tucker liked him.. I think Trump will like him by default, so I am not holding my breadth there.
I saw that, what a bad look.. honestly he has been more concerned with looking good to Israel than looking good to Argentina.

I hope Trump's visit to Milei will disavow him of any romantic notions of who he is, but if Tucker liked him.. I think Trump will like him by default, so I am not holding my breadth there.
There seems to be a wave of right-wing, Israel-loving conservatives taking office around the world recently. Along with Milei, Christopher Luxon will be the next PM of New Zealand, and he's already spoken out against Hamas. And now Geert Wilders, a known lover of Israel and critic of if Islam, will be the Dutch PM.

Douglas Reed's views as outlined in his "The Controversy of Zion" seem to be playing out in real time...

"...Reed believed in a long-term Zionist conspiracy to impose a world government on an enslaved humanity." (Wikipedia)

Argentine President-elect Javier announced on Sunday night he would be flying to the United States overnight and making stops in New York and Washington, DC, on Monday.

"Monday morning that Milei had landed on American soil – in New York, where he is expected to make a quick stop at the Ohel, a Jewish holy site, to pray thanks for his success"

"though no indication suggests he will meet Biden himself – and officials with the International Monetary Fund (IMF), a global financing institution to which Argentina is heavily indebted."

“The Creator put me in a role of maximum responsibility, so I am going to say thanks and to try to rise to the level of the circumstances,” he continued. “Then I will go to Washington and have a bunch of meetings strictly related to my activities as president-elect.”

"inclined towards growing ties with rogue states such as China and Iran" (rogue states?)

"toward making America and Israel the country’s top allies."


This is an analysis by Argentine political scientist Agustin Laje, best known for being one of the leaders who has led the cultural battle against the left in Latin America.

In the introduction to the video, in summary, he says:
"Already, there is a kind of whiff of coup. Coups d'état no longer have to do with the Armed Forces, they do not have to do with generals who insubordinate themselves to the constitutional regime, they do not have to do with soldiers or troops but the coups of our century pass through those who manage to control or contain the movements in the street and Kichnerism and the left is already working for that.
(...) The antidemocratic nature of the left is exposed in an irrefutable way, it is exposed that for the left democracy only has value when they win the elections and when whoever governs is who they want to govern...It will come in the country without doubt in the coming days and will be consolidated in the coming months..I am referring to the political violence with which it is already threatening the elected president Javier Milei. "

"We are going to hear how the various lefts ..are operating to stir up political violence in the country. Milei has not even taken office and they are already literally talking about overturning him."

(The video is 1 hour long and can be subtitled in English from YT.)


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