Javier Milei has been elected president of Argentina

Note that in all electoral campaigns there is a margin that people implicitly tolerate because they presuppose acts of corruption due to ambition, bad education, emotion, etc. etc. and I suppose, because I know Argentina, that this was no exception. However, the fact that Massa kept 3 points of the Argentine GDP to make his presidential campaign not only has to do with the logistics of a campaign but denotes the deep corruption at all levels of the current state of Argentina; And that is just what speaks of the discontent of many Argentines aware that this situation could not continue, at least that deserves credit to them.
If you don't like Milei you are within your rights and I suppose many felt morally obliged to exercise that right against this whole sordid and obscene nightmare of the imposed socialist left.

I feel that in Argentina a political and cultural battle is taking place in favor of change and balance, I see that this is a phase where people will understand - yes or no - that they cannot put their power in the hands of others. I would also like to recall the status of the wave in the last session:

I commented on it at the beginning. Many of us voted for Massa with our noses held. I am not one of those who accept the lesser evil. But in the conscientious analysis, Massa (who we know can say one thing and then do another) was going in the direction of BRICS and multipolarism. He said so in his campaign. Even with all the corruption involved, going in that direction, at least for me, meant having a greater margin of maneuver for some of the problems we Argentines face. But milei spit in the face of the Chinese and the Russians.

You know what really worried me, and you just quoted the C's? That as 4D masters are getting desperate, that implies that they are going to do everything possible to drain the people with suffering/energy/food.

But if you can prevent the energetic milking from increasing, what would you do?
An interesting expression, "Argentina is the westernmost nation in Latin America."

To declare himself a "liberal libertarian" in the fruit of his actions is only observed to follow the same old agenda before his bosses in the USA. All this fuss exposes more the real intentions of using Argentina as a bridge and continuity to the psychopathic agenda in Latin America, especially due to the characters involved who both celebrate the victory of a null person like Milei. Overnight even Elon Musk seems to have known Milei for many years... suddenly someone so "unknown" is known by many important people worldwide and everyone from the extreme right.

"It's an amazing spectacle when you have someone who is begging to be part of the Western economy, begging to be part of the Western alliance"

By Ben Shapiro. It is interesting how Shapíro has gradually let his true face be seen.

Those with the sharpest eye and mind will be able to find more correlation, the parallelism that characterizes them in their repeated actions.

"Give back to the people what belongs to them" but by means of a raffle and people accept that as "keeping their word"?...

"Javier Milei, President-elect of the Argentine Republic, has drawn his salary as a deputy: 1,762,835.69. Unique in the world, giving people back what belongs to them."

It should be recalled that Milei promised to raffle his salary as a legislator in case he is elected in the 2021 legislative elections, something unprecedented in the world of politics. "I am going to honor the honor of the Chamber of Deputies. The honorability was because they were going 'ad honorem'. I'm not going to collect the deputy's salary, I'm going to donate it," he said before raffling off his diet.


And there can be no shortage of a trusted guru in the political ranks... that spiritual guide.

"I am thinking about converting to Judaism and I aspire to become the first Jewish president in Argentine history”

Shimon Axel Wahnish, his work within the Jewish community is "the most rewarding and momentous activity I have ever experienced." This rabbi of the Argentine Judeo-Baroque community Acilba recently became a person of extreme confidence of Javier Milei, who defines him as his "spiritual guide"

Los secretos del rabino Axel Wahnish, la "guía espiritual" de Javier Milei

And there are many more rabbis. It would be interesting to know who they are and what is behind them.
By Ben Shapiro. It is interesting how Shapíro has gradually let his true face be seen.

Once again this fallacy of the thriving Argentina at the end of the 19th century. At that time, the landowning oligarchy kept the peasants in a semi-feudal state, to the point that the landowners paid those peasants with their own currency and not with the national legal tender.

The Bialet Massé report.

On April 30, 1904, the first volume of the 'Report on the state of the working classes in the interior of the Argentine Republic', prepared by Doctor Juan Bialet Massé, was presented. This study gave rise to the National Labor Law.
The work was commissioned by the Minister of the Interior Joaquín V. González, as part of a strategy to respond to the new challenges posed by the so-called Social Question. This 'social question' was defined by historian Eduardo Zimmerman as "the set of social consequences of the process of mass immigration, urbanization and industrialization that transformed the country". This transformation gave rise to a series of discussions about the State and its relationship with public health and sanitation, urban crime, workers' protests and ideological currents that challenged the validity of existing institutions.

The State understood that one of the most urgent problems, in the face of the social outbursts of varying intensity that had occurred since the end of the 19th century, were labor injustices and their consequences for daily life. Different types of strikes and anarchist attacks shook the socio-political structures of the country, and in the face of them, within the political elite itself, a sector of reformist liberals maintained that pure liberalism was not capable of dealing with the new and pressing social problems. This group, which included Joaquín V. González, Carlos Pellegrini and intellectuals such as Ernesto Quesada and Miguel Cané, approached moderate socialists such as José Ingenieros and Leopoldo Lugones, among others.

After the report was published, and using it as a basis, the Minister of the Interior drafted the National Labor Law and presented it to the National Congress on May 4, 1904. It was at the level of the most advanced legislation in the world, but it was rejected both by the industrial sectors and by various unions. It was too extreme for some and restrictive for others.

Throughout the following decade, some of the reforms included in the project were gradually introduced: Sunday rest, restriction of the working day, the National Department of Labor, arbitration tribunals, insurance for work accidents, safety and hygiene measures in factories. These laws, which were not always complied with, were important to the extent that they initiated the path to the recognition of labor rights.
Once again this fallacy of the thriving Argentina at the end of the 19th century. At that time, the landowning oligarchy kept the peasants in a semi-feudal state, to the point that the landowners paid those peasants with their own currency and not with the national legal tender.

The end is the same at the geopolitical level.

The mechanism is known, the injection of an "opposition" financed by foreign groups, to motivate a climate of economic and social destabilization, in order to overthrow the current Government and put some more favorable puppet and / or simply provoke an armed conflict to manufacture an arms race and profit from it.

La naturaleza de las revoluciones y la esclavitud de la psique I -- Sott.net
Podcast: Revoluciones psicopáticas versus la revolución de la consciencia -- Sott.net

Mujica said something interesting and summarized. It seems to me that it is precisely what the socialist and right-wing pathocrats of today feed among the social classes in order to their interests, or rather, nowadays that manipulation is more evident in some social strata because it would be something very incredulous to think that the majority of the population is always manipulated and to see them as victims of their rulers and not as active beings and participate in their decisions to have the president they have. They are an unbalanced reflection of each other.

Are you a socialist?

We have a socializing vision of history, but we do not believe that socialism is just around the corner, nor that it is possible to create it in poor societies. We have to get out of underdevelopment, achieve a richer society from the material point of view and with a greater massification of knowledge and culture as a condition to consider a true socialism.

What impediments have you encountered in that search?

The impediments there are the interests of classes, which are different. We apply a fiscal policy that is based on this principle: let the one who has the most pay the most. Naturally, the one you are charging more, who has more money, is going to feel affected, and you earned it as a political enemy. And the one who receives the benefits of that policy tends to be an ally. That's what happened in the elections that just took place. Doing politics, basically, is to favor one or harm the other. You can't be right with everyone, because there are classes in society that have different interests.

"El socialismo no es posible en una sociedad pobre" -- Sott.net

In English for those interested in searching for the publications:

- The nature of revolutions and the enslavement of the psyche I - Sott.net

- Podcast: Psychopathic revolutions versus the revolution of consciousness - Sott.net

- "Socialism is not possible in a poor society" - Sott.net
I commented on it at the beginning. Many of us voted for Massa with our noses held. I am not one of those who accept the lesser evil. But in the conscientious analysis, Massa (who we know can say one thing and then do another) was going in the direction of BRICS and multipolarism. He said so in his campaign. Even with all the corruption involved, going in that direction, at least for me, meant having a greater margin of maneuver for some of the problems we Argentines face. But milei spit in the face of the Chinese and the Russians.

You know what really worried me, and you just quoted the C's? That as 4D masters are getting desperate, that implies that they are going to do everything possible to drain the people with suffering/energy/food.

But if you can prevent the energetic milking from increasing, what would you do?
I don't know if that question is rhetorical or if you are asking me, either way I will answer it this way: Unless there are very few exceptions, I do not believe that choosing the lesser evil is cowardly but rather the opposite, for one always seeks to be close to the light-truth. Then, one has to preserve oneself in order to grow, to make the path of correction and to be in service to others.
We have already learned that to "avoid something" (the inevitable) is to go against the Divine Nature, everything will be as it should be. "We must seek the spirit of the times not simply in world events but in our own hearts.- This is our true spiritual battlefield on which our destiny will ultimately be decided." Cass.
I don't know if that question is rhetorical or if you are asking me

It can be both.

We have already learned that to "avoid something" (the inevitable) is to go against the Divine Nature, everything will be as it should be. "We must seek the spirit of the times not simply in world events but in our own hearts.- This is our true spiritual battlefield on which our destiny will ultimately be decided." Cass.

This is something I keep in mind. I have it in my user profile, in my signature:

There are things you can't fight, the acts of God. If a hurricane is coming, you must step aside.
But to step aside means to avoid. It does not mean that because I know it is inevitable and necessary circumstances for the growth and experience of the soul, I do nothing and do not warn that a hurricane is coming...
There are things you can't fight, the acts of God. If a hurricane is coming, you must step aside.
But to step aside means to avoid. It does not mean that because I know it is inevitable and necessary circumstances for the growth and experience of the soul, I do nothing and do not warn that a hurricane is coming...

I would agree with that, except in this case, we cannot know for sure that it's a hurricane yet, can we? It could go both ways, depending on who is "playing" Milei, how things play out, how people react, etc. Sometimes we have to take a step aside, and reassess as more data comes in (while remaining skeptical and paying attention, of course). There is "stepping aside" to observe and learn and let others learn (and not be too identified), and there is "stepping aside" to ignore reality. What you want to avoid is the latter, IMO.
and there is "stepping aside" to ignore reality. What you want to avoid is the latter, IMO.

And you are also right in what you say, but I think that if I am avoiding reality, then why am I here exchanging ideas? Why then am I gathering current and historical information, that will allow us all to have a better and deeper look at this portion of reality?

That I can be annoying with my expressions? Yes, I know. But what do I do? I let the chatter go on among all of us and let the people who don't know Argentina or know little about it keep on scratching their heads, saying Oh! these Argentines are so weird!

What would be the reality that I am evading then? Because I accept that this happened for a reason. And it was the first thing I said at the beginning of this thread.

The C's are right. People have to suffer even more to wake up.... :-(

Explain it to me, because then, I don't know...:huh:
And you are also right in what you say, but I think that if I am avoiding reality, then why am I here exchanging ideas? Why then am I gathering current and historical information, that will allow us all to have a better and deeper look at this portion of reality?
What would be the reality that I am evading then? Because I accept that this happened for a reason. And it was the first thing I said at the beginning of this thread.

Nah, you're not avoiding reality, as far as I can tell, and you sharing the background is great. Sorry if I wasn't clear. What I meant is that perhaps you are a little bit too sure that what is coming is the "hurricane", but things may not play out that way. It's great to share and try to find out more, I would just avoid a definite conclusion regarding the future, when this wacko hasn't even started this mandate.
Nah, you're not avoiding reality, as far as I can tell, and you sharing the background is great. Sorry if I wasn't clear. What I meant is that perhaps you are a little bit too sure that what is coming is the "hurricane", but things may not play out that way. It's great to share and try to find out more, I would just avoid a definite conclusion regarding the future, when this wacko hasn't even started this mandate.

Okay, that's different. Now I get it. It's more than clear, I don't have a result written in stone. It's just that, you keep observing the common points of this cyclical thing...

I thought Massa was going to win, but I was wrong. 🤷‍♂️
I don't think this has been posted yet. Not a promising connection.

At the moment most of alt media is celebrating the election of Milei.

Argentina’s ‘Outsider’ President-elect Tied to WEF​


Argentine President-elect Javier Milei is tied to the World Economic Forum and has worked alongside the group as it’s expanded its political, economic, and cultural influence in Latin America. Revelations that Milei is a longtime associate of Klaus Schwab’s WEF directly contradict reporting from American media outlets on both the left and the right, who are decrying or praising depending on their perspective, the election of a “Trump-like” “right-wing outsider.”​

In what looks to blow “right-wing populist” talk out of the water as it relates to Argentine President-elect Javier Milei, the economist-turned-politician who’s been compared in the press to President Trump and Jair Bolsonaro has been revealed as a longtime associate of Klaus Schwab’s World Economic Forum.
Milei is listed as a member of the World Economic Forum on the group’s website, and a profile dedicated to him includes a photograph and biographical information.

On the profile, Milei is listed as the Chief Economist at Corporación América International, a private sector position that he no longer holds, though he did at the time of his active WEF participation.
Another clash we will see in Milei's government will be with the government of Mexico's Fourth Transformation (4T). Already in his daily morning message, President Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador said that the Argentines scored an own goal. This was said by AMLO with the full intention of causing controversy among Argentines since, as mentioned before, the subject of soccer is sacred in Argentina and Mexico.
"It was an own goal". This is how the President of Mexico, Andrés Manuel López Obrador, described the victory of the ultra-right-wing Javier Milei in the presidential elections of Argentina last Sunday. López Obrador and Milei have made public their political differences and have exchanged disqualifications in recent days. "We respect the decision made by a majority group in Argentina, although it is something that we consider is not going to help them," said the Mexican president in his press conference on Tuesday. The victory of the leader of La Libertad Avanza has reactivated the debates on an ideological rearrangement in Latin America and anticipates a deep change of tone in the diplomatic relationship between both countries...El País

AMLO assured that he never supported any party in the Argentine elections and pointed out:
I will never agree with those classist, authoritarian, dishonest policies. Not only intellectually, but those who promote these policies are very corrupt, they are the most thieves in the world, those who identify with these policies of turning their backs on the people.​
"They are the most thieves, but as they are part of the dominant oligarchy, they dedicate themselves to looting, stealing, oppressing, exploiting, humiliating the people and they do not even lose their respectability, to the extent that they are made an example of them. That is why I speak of this phenomenon of aspirationalism. I cannot agree with that, that is inhuman, that is contrary to any doctrine of any religion in the world or of the humanist thought of the non-believers, I do not agree with that, I will never agree with it. El Universal

But AMLO in a year will no longer be president to deal with President-elect Javier Milei who will possibly have to vociferate in the future against the policies of (ruling party candidate) Dr. Claudia Sheinbaum, whom Geopolitical Analyst Dr. Alfredo Jalife-Rahme has labeled as a Manchurian candidate, given her relationship with the Rokefell Foundation and her Jewish roots.

Sheinbaum lamented Milei's victory in Argentina and said​
"It is a return to the most extreme neoliberalism with the privatization, even of the public media, that he proposed. We do not agree with this project", RT en Español

As mentioned in this thread, time will tell. For now, President-elect Javier Milei has a hot potato on his hands.
Alert in Argentina due to rising commodity prices. Argentine supermarkets report price increases of up to more than 40% in mass consumer products.​

Milei's economic advisor: "It is necessary to suffer so that people learn that things cost".

Carlos Rodríguez, a former professor who will eventually serve as head of the economic advisory council of Argentina's president-elect, Javier Milei, stirred controversy on Thursday by assuring that workers, whom he described as "poor people part of the system", had to suffer to learn "that things cost".

"You have to suffer. There is no doubt: you have to suffer to learn that things cost (...). The laborer -worker- who is watching me now, has to recognize and realize that there are two kinds of laborers: the living and the laborers. The living ones, they pretend to be alive and, unfortunately, they do not appear, they are erased", said the expert in an interview granted to La Nación.

"When there is a war, who are the ones who suffer? The ones who send them to fight? Who send them to fight? Those at the top, no doubt about it. And yes, they will have to suffer, they will have to suffer. There is no other choice. This is a war", he added.

"Atomic bomb in motion".

Despite the high position he will apparently hold as of next December 10, Rodríguez asserted that his interactions with Milei have been mainly through social networks and not in person.

In this regard, despite predicting that "there will be a 'shock'" that will not ruin the country and that right now the socio-political situation is equivalent to "an atomic bomb in motion", he assured that he did not have "the slightest idea" of what would be the concrete measures to be adopted by the elected President and his team in economic matters.

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