Javier Milei has been elected president of Argentina

Milei believes there is a risk of "hyperinflation" and predicts "six very hard months" of fiscal tightening

Argentina's president-elect, Javier Milei, believes that there is a risk of "hyperinflation" and that they will probably have to endure six "very hard" months of fiscal adjustment, as he commented in a series of interviews granted to local media on Tuesday.

"The adjustment is going to come anyway and it can take place with politicians making demagogy and end up in hyperinflation and that the adjustment will be monstrous, because it will send 90% of the population below the poverty line, or else make an adjustment that will be paid by politics," he stated.

In this sense, the leader of La Libertad Avanza indicated that the hyperinflation scenario is avoidable, but it is necessary to apply a "clockwork mechanism", for which -he assures- he will adjust the "items" of the State in which "politics steals".

"The results will not be instantaneous. We will have to explain to the population the state of the economy and the things we want to do", he continued, detailing that next December 10, when the transfer of power takes place, he will tell the people the "number of bombs that are planted" and they will do everything possible to "escape from what could be the worst crisis in Argentina's history"

In relation to this issue, the president-elect said that his priority will be to achieve fiscal balance by reducing public spending. "Fiscal balance is not negotiated, it is not under discussion. The minister who overspends, I will throw him out. I will make a 'shock' adjustment. In 2024 we will end up with fiscal balance", he said.

"We do not have money. So these works can be handed over to the private sector and the private sector can finish them," he warned when asked about public works. "We are going to go to a Chilean-style private initiative system. There is no money. If we don't make the fiscal adjustment we are going to hyperinflation," he added.

Is a "Caracazo" coming for Argentina?

Milei: "the adjustment is coming and there will be 6 very hard months, but the adjustment will come anyway".

Journalist: And what will happen when people take to the streets?

Milei: "the law will be applied".

Very hard times are coming for Argentina.

Another... "surprising solutions to longstanding problems."

A: More to come. Just wait and see. Things are getting interesting and will move fast for the next several months as more and more people wake up to reality.

A rude awakening awaits Argentina
And he has just announced that he's going to stop all public works because there's no money in Argentina, which is true... but that he will hand it to the private sector, which... what? the private sector won't do anything for free which means higher taxes to pay the private sector, and it will push for corruption... not looking good.
And lastly, tell me the truth, does it bother you that I treat my compatriots as idiots even when I am giving the original definition of the word? Even when I am showing in as much detail as possible what happens to the people here?
No, it doesn't bother me. But I still think that saying that Milei won because people are idiots, doesn't really explain much, because what Argentines are living through right now did not start on Sunday.

Don't let the General Law use your noble character traits against you...
I will allow for this to be a possibility, I don't think myself immune at all, in fact, I've got plenty of evidence of precisely that happening over and over, so that's fair.

And if I didn't make myself clear, yes, I am pissed off.-

Well, I am sorry if what I said pissed you off, I wasn't trying to. But if I may, it shows that you're emotionally invested in what's happening, which I am not judging at all, you should, you live there, but if I allow for the General Law using my noble character traits against me, I invite you to consider that your emotional investment might be clouding your vision. You're not wrong, and I said that already (see below), the decision was horrendous and idiotic, and it will make things worse more than likely, but try not to get bogged down into it, it can only make a bad situation a lot worse.

Fernandez came in, more concerned with wokeism than the people, as the heir to Kirchner and things got worse, and he was the response of the people to Macri, who was in turn the response to Kirchner. Milei is the response to all of that not working, a bad and perhaps idiotic decision, sure, but I understand why it was made the way it was made. And given the circumstances, I believe that maybe the best response to have, to gather knowledge from what's transpiring.
And he has just announced that he's going to stop all public works because there's no money in Argentina, which is true... but that he will hand it to the private sector, which... what? the private sector won't do anything for free which means higher taxes to pay the private sector, and it will push for corruption... not looking good.

An inhabitant of a small town asked Milei about public works to communicate towns:

If there is a small town, a small community that does not have a road to a city where its inhabitants can buy merchandise wholesale and if there is no private company interested in building the road for those inhabitants because it would not leave a profit margin, what would be done?

Milei responded

I return the question to you, do you think you have to steal money from someone else to do what someone else wants? So let's say if it is not profitable for the private sector it is because it is not socially desirable, because if you have to finance by stealing from others then you have a moral basis...

Basically Milei is going to abandon those isolated villages hoping that they can produce what they consume and trade within them... but they will continue to pay taxes.

Edit. WEF "you will have nothing and be happy" is what Milei calls socially desirable.
I would call it an imitation of violent activity. Senseless, but noisy gestures.
The elected leader of Argentina invited Zelensky to host a conference on Ukraine
Javier Miley had a telephone conversation with the Ukrainian president earlier
BUENOS AIRES, November 22. /tass/. The President-elect of Argentina Javier Miley invited Ukrainian President Vladimir Zelensky to host a conference in the South American country dedicated to the settlement of the Ukrainian conflict. This was reported by Miley's foreign policy adviser Diana Mondino.

"They are organizing a peace conference in Latin America and Ukraine, and we have offered ourselves as a venue if it is appropriate," she told reporters, commenting on a telephone conversation that Miley and Zelensky had earlier.

Mondino, whom Miley called his future foreign minister, described the conversation as "excellent and friendly."

On November 19, the second round of presidential elections was held in Argentina. The libertarian deputy, who was nominated from the right-wing coalition "Freedom is Coming", defeated Economy Minister Sergio Massa. The inauguration will take place on December 10.

During the election campaign, Miley stated that he did not intend to develop interstate relations with Brazil, China and Russia because of disagreement with the policies of these states, but at the same time claimed that he would not interfere with private business doing business with them. He calls Israel and the United States his priority allies. Mondino said at the end of October that the Freedom is Coming alliance now sees no point in Argentina's participation in the BRICS, where the country was admitted following the results of the group's summit in August, but did not rule out a change of position.
Избранный лидер Аргентины предложил Зеленскому принять конференцию по Украине

Я бы это назвал имитацией бурной деятельности. Бессмысленные, но шумные телодвижения.
Oh lord, MAGA, Make Argentina Great Again... sheesh, I have a feeling that will catch on quickly not only in Argentina.

I suppose we have to wait and see, Milei making it to power is a sad reflection of the state of the population in Argentina, unless the elections were rigged, I have a feeling things will get decently bad, but at the same time I am not sure if he's going to destroy the country, I think there's enough resistance and the power isn't as centralized, AFAIK and so he won't be able to rule as he would like to.

We're going to have to wait and see, I personally didn't want him to win but I also do not think it's going to be the end. So, for now, you guys in Argentina keep your wits about yourselves and keep us posted, we'll keep a close eye on it.

It will be an interesting 2024, I am guessing no more BRICS+ for Argentina, tense relations with China and Brazil and other leftists in the region, but at the same time, the EU publicly declares Russia is evil and sanctions them, but they haven't stopped buying their gas, so I hope that common sense will keep things somewhat rational in his government.

I am keeping it optimistic, I hope I am not delusional, but I do know that one thing is the candidate and another entirely is the president and what he's allowed to do.

So, let's wait and see.

I feel the same way. In one program se sott, a presenter from Argentina expressed something very objective about Milei only having an attitude according to the emotional state of disgust with which the population identified. It seems that the population of Argentina is still not sufficiently aware of these manipulations like the rest of Latin America. Every day we see left-wing rulers accusing right-wing politicians of the same thing they also do, double standards.

Socialism in Argentina, as in Venezuela, has been too brazen and there the necessary trigger to choos the right again as an option.

I have read some changes that Milei will make that could be positive in practice, if that was really her conscious intention. Socialism has the bad practice of creating many ministries to solve a problem and they allocate many amounts of money that in the absence of supervision, a lot of bureaucracy and corruption are created. The right begins to eliminate/cut those resources, which is the elimination of those ministries and which is understood as "cutting public expenses". As a result, there is a sector of the population that affects him and another that benefits as obviously is the private sector and upper class.

However, he has expressed that he is not going to eliminate the "social assistance" that is a characteristic of socialism. But at the same time, almost as if a chip were implemented, people must use a card to collect their money to avoid the parasitic people of the system.

Could it be that Milei has a somewhat rational intention to want the good for his country and is being used as a pawn on an emotional level due to his own lack of awareness? he has let the population know his traumas since childhood in the news and he really seems like a very unstable person because it seems that he intends to manage the country according to his life experiences. It's very crazy.

He says that he does not want anything with socialists (communists) but that if a merchant sells products with countries like Russia or China, he will not interfere because he calls that "freedom", everyone does what he wants and with whom he wants, which is not his problem, but if he takes a governmental measure not to do business with those countries, which are the suppliers of those merchants, will it not affect those merchants?... contradictory.

In addition, without thinking much about it, just by being presented as president, they are only extolling the return of amazon, Walmart and other US companies as the main driver of an Argentina power... The United States simply turned on the tap for them and already they show it as something significant for the country.

I don't know, he seems like a low-budget Zelensky to me because they are even presenting him as the necessary change even for Latin America... and the situation is presenting itself just for this, at least for the countries that are of interest to the United States because Israel until recently was demanding proclamation from some Latin American countries in favor of extermination in Gaza... and what a "coincidence" that the first country that Milei wants to visit, is Israel!...
I return the question to you, do you think you have to steal money from someone else to do what someone else wants? So let's say if it is not profitable for the private sector it is because it is not socially desirable, because if you have to finance by stealing from others then you have a moral basis...

mmmm I'm not very good at detecting lies in this kind of interactions... but the pattern I've observed is that when you're asked a simple, straightforward question like that... just answer with a question in your favor... and in the worst case, when he is cornered, he only responds with insults and relies on social unrest, the generic response as a generic question of the population.

He asks the question back as if he were the voice of a specific sector of the population.
"The results will not be instantaneous. We will have to explain to the population the state of the economy and the things we want to do"

OMG!!!! :violin:

The same thing that every politician says after he is elected president. Before the elections he shows himself as the savior and being president "hmmm well this won't be overnight... there will be many days, months, years of sacrifices.".. mmmju... "don't call me, I'll call you". Well, Argentina seems to be the Icarus of this story now singing victory before its time... let's see what new modalities these pawns and psychopaths leave uncovered, because the social result is more than obvious.

Seriously, Milei he's a low-budget Zelensky... the momentum of the coup continued from right-wing politicians against the leftist politicians in Latin America. But with this I am not saying that the leftist politicians are better, the leftist politicians are just a necessary evil... they are the "less bad" new devil, than the very bad old devil that is already known.

"The representative of the evil one on earth", as Milei himself says, comically tragic 😐.

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A little possible peace of mind, at least in this area:

Milei's future chancellor: Argentina will not break diplomatic relations with China, Brazil and Russia

Argentina will not break diplomatic relations with China, Brazil and Russia, as revealed by Diana Mondino, future Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Government of President-elect Javier Milei, during an interview given this Wednesday on the program 'Solo una ruta más', on the TV channel. television All News.
"We do not have to change the relationships we had over the years," she declared Mondino. "[It's] part of this dirty campaign to say that we were going to break relations with Brazil and China. They don't have the slightest logic," she added.

In this sense, he indicated that he has had a "very friendly" meeting with the Chinese ambassador to Argentina, Wang Wei, and that they are going to invite the president of Brazil, Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva, to Milei's investiture ceremony, which will take place place next December 10.
"Why are relations going to change [...] Argentina and Brazil have always been and will work together. Among other reasons, because they are together and we cannot move from where we are," he continued. "There is no possibility of altering relationships. We can have more or less fruitful relationships. If we put up barriers, we lose each other," she added.

As for Russia, he pointed out that there will be no break in diplomatic relations, arguing that this scenario only occurs in the event of an "extremely serious situation."

On the other hand, he commented that the president of the United States, Joe Biden, has told Milei that he hopes that his future Executive will have all the measures "quite prepared and thought out" to help Argentine society, which is going through a situation " extremely difficult". Likewise, he invited him to visit the North American country.

Mondino also explained that they had the intention of moving the Argentine Embassy in Israel from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem, but that unfortunately they have had to postpone that decision because it would not be safe for their diplomats due to the current war between the Jewish country and the Palestinian movement Hamas. .

This is one of the many reasons why Milei has been voted for by the vast majority. The exorbitant and permanent embezzlement of public funds speaks of the discontent - with reason - of the Argentines who voted for the only option that represented the well-known "change", a term that in Latin America works as the realization of an illusion. I believe that as the Milei government consolidates, more news similar to this one will be exposed.

PRO leader insists on criminal complaint against Sergio Massa for "using public resources" for his campaign

The PRO leader accuses the Minister of Economy of "violating the electoral code", "abusing authority" and "embezzling public funds".
A few hours after the release of the official results confirming Javier Milei's victory over Sergio Massa in the presidential second ballot, María Eugenia Talerico, PRO leader and former vice-president of the Financial Information Unit (UIF), reaffirmed her call to denounce Sergio Massa.

"Now I hope that Sergio Massa will finally be investigated by the criminal justice system. I denounced him together with Daniel Sabsay and Marta Nercellas for wasting 3 points of the GDP, equivalent to 15 billion dollars, in his electoral campaign at a critical moment of the country, where such waste aggravates the situation of our population in the midst of a deep economic crisis, as a result of his reckless irresponsibility", expressed Talerico in his X account, attaching the corresponding denunciation.

The PRO leader accuses the Minister of Economy of "violating the electoral code", "abusing authority" and "embezzling public funds". The complaint was filed two weeks ago.
According to the accusatory document, from his dual roles, the now ex-aspirant of Unión por la Patria "did not act with prudence nor had restrictions to carry out an irresponsible and speculative economic management with a view to his presidential objectives".

Well, I am sorry if what I said pissed you off, I wasn't trying to. But if I may, it shows that you're emotionally invested in what's happening, which I am not judging at all, you should, you live there, but if I allow for the General Law using my noble character traits against me, I invite you to consider that your emotional investment might be clouding your vision.

If I were to let my emotions cloud my vision, then my criticism of this situation would be very, very hasty, and the truth is that I have been observing the situation for more than two years and what is the result. And I think you know that I have also criticized the Wokism of previous governments. And I knew very well that a pendulum effect would occur. And I am pissed off, because blood is going to flow and a dictatorship is just around the corner. No longer the soft dictatorship of Wokism, its political correctness or its culture of cancellation. No, old-fashioned dictatorship.

Yes, dark times are coming, but I can do something to at least alleviate the suffering of the people and help, knowing my physical and economic limitations, etc. The only thing I can do is to show a vehement rejection of the abyss. I know that strategic enclosure applies very well here. But if the good guys do nothing, evil triumphs.

Is an old-fashioned dictatorship coming?

According to Infobae, Milei's team is working on a modification of the regulatory decree of the Defense Law to allow the Armed Forces to intervene internally in the repression of "terrorist actions", a dangerously vague term. What would happen with opposition marches if social protest becomes stronger? Could they be classified as "terrorist"?
This is one of the many reasons why Milei has been voted for by the vast majority. The exorbitant and permanent embezzlement of public funds speaks of the discontent - with reason - of the Argentines who voted for the only option that represented the well-known "change", a term that in Latin America works as the realization of an illusion. I believe that as the Milei government consolidates, more news similar to this one will be exposed.

PRO leader insists on criminal complaint against Sergio Massa for "using public resources" for his campaign

The PRO leader accuses the Minister of Economy of "violating the electoral code", "abusing authority" and "embezzling public funds".
A few hours after the release of the official results confirming Javier Milei's victory over Sergio Massa in the presidential second ballot, María Eugenia Talerico, PRO leader and former vice-president of the Financial Information Unit (UIF), reaffirmed her call to denounce Sergio Massa.

"Now I hope that Sergio Massa will finally be investigated by the criminal justice system. I denounced him together with Daniel Sabsay and Marta Nercellas for wasting 3 points of the GDP, equivalent to 15 billion dollars, in his electoral campaign at a critical moment of the country, where such waste aggravates the situation of our population in the midst of a deep economic crisis, as a result of his reckless irresponsibility", expressed Talerico in his X account, attaching the corresponding denunciation.

The PRO leader accuses the Minister of Economy of "violating the electoral code", "abusing authority" and "embezzling public funds". The complaint was filed two weeks ago.
According to the accusatory document, from his dual roles, the now ex-aspirant of Unión por la Patria "did not act with prudence nor had restrictions to carry out an irresponsible and speculative economic management with a view to his presidential objectives".

There are accusations from both sides. Here for elections the state provides money for each political party to use to print ballots.

It turns out that the people of La Libertad Avanza (Milei) have printed fewer ballots than are needed to carry out the electoral act.

After the warnings of the Electoral Justice, La Libertad Avanza committed itself to replace the ballots through its prosecutors.

The force that has Javier Milei as candidate to the presidency did not deliver the required amount of ballots since, according to what they denounce, they are "stolen" at the beginning of the election day.

The proxies of La Libertad Avanza, Karina Milei and Santiago Viola, answered the Electoral Justice, after they made a warning about the absence of ballots of the libertarian space for this Sunday, November 19, when it will face Sergio Massa in the ballot. "We have assumed the responsibility of restocking through the opportunely assigned prosecutors", they expressed in the letter they released this Thursday.

"We hereby come, and by virtue of minute 49 of that honorable (Electoral) Board, to make it known that although the maximum number of ballots allowed has not been presented, and thanking the concern expressed, we have assumed the responsibility -beyond the ballots provided- to replenish through the prosecutors opportunely assigned and that we had enough ballots and prosecutors for the replenishment on election day", they expressed in the letter and concluded: "We hope that the election will take place in total normality".

Earlier, the National Electoral Board of the Federal Capital had warned about the possible lack of Milei's ballots at the polling stations this Sunday and expressed: "It will be his exclusive responsibility". In the Minutes to which Infobae had access, it was emphasized that La Libertad Avanza is still responsible for replacing and distributing the ballots in case of missing ballots during the election day.

The warning was signed by the federal judge with electoral competence, María Servini; the president of the National Chamber of Appeals in Federal Administrative Matters, Jorge Morán; and the president of the National Chamber of Appeals in Civil Matters, Sebastián Picasso.

The argument for the resolution was the insufficient delivery of ballots for the elections to be held in three days. Already on November 2, the Electoral Board of the Federal Capital had established that each political grouping had to provide 10,000 ballot packets, with a minimum of 100 and a maximum of 350 ballots per packet. Unión por la Patria delivered the 10,000 packages containing 350 ballots each. However, La Libertad Avanza delivered 10,000 packages with the minimum requested, between 100 and 150 ballots each, in addition to 1,000 packages with less than 100 ballots, below what was requested. Due to the particularity of the election with only two competing groups, La Libertad Avanza was requested to deliver 10,000 additional packages with a minimum of 100 ballots each, before November 11. However, the deadline expired without Milei's Alliance complying with the requirement.

And I am a witness to the following. I went into the voting room to vote, and I noticed how the ballots of candidate Massa were in impeccable condition. Those of Milei, although they were not damaged (the ballots should not have any damage such as being torn or having any writing on them because the vote is invalidated), they were folded as if they were bent. Ballots, when they are delivered for the elections, must be properly packed. The rumor is that La Libertad Avanza delivered its ballots in bags...

Something very, very strange is going on here....
Ok, here I start another post to clarify concepts, and you can know the social and political dynamics of Argentina.

Unfortunately, and due to certain conditioning and programming, we do not investigate the root of some concepts and we let ourselves be carried away by the immediate labels.

This is going to be a long text so I am going to leave inserted a PDF document translated into English using an online translator. So you may find some mistakes.

I asked another user here what he meant by social justice. I know that many will immediately associate it with socialism. In the Argentine case, social justice is a concept inherited from Catholic culture.

Peronism in the Argentinean case picks up social justice from the point of view of social justice described in the Rerum Novarum of 1891. Although this is not a direct quotation from the Novarum Novarum, we see it reflected in the Peronist doctrine in its philosophy.

This is what Rerum Novarum says about Socialism:

2. To solve this evil, the socialists, stirring up the hatred of the indigent against the rich, try to do away with the private ownership of property, considering it better that, in its place, all property should be common and administered by the persons who govern the municipality or govern the nation. They believe that by this transfer of property from private individuals to the community, distributing wealth and well-being equally among all citizens, the present evil could be cured. But this measure is so inadequate to settle the quarrel, that it even goes so far as to injure the working classes themselves; and it is, moreover, most unjust, for it exercises violence against the lawful possessors, disturbs the mission of the republic, and fundamentally agitates the nations.

Peronism from its origins always stipulated that private property must be respected.

I have to point this out because Peronism is NOT SOCIALIST. The problem is that NOW Peronism WAS INFILTRATED by socialism. And there has been a deliberate confusion of terms and concepts.

From now on, it is necessary to speak and say that "democracy-social" is not the same as "socialdemocracy"

I will start with the introductory paragraph and then the rest of the text in the PDF document, which will include bibliography.

Introductory note: I thought this wa going to be short and simple to unpack but it ended up being more complex and extensive than I had initially thought. This is due to the complicated and contradictory nature of the documents of the Socialist International, texts of fundamental importance for the subject to be dealt with (contrasting social democracy in the Peronist sense, with the definition and content of what is understood by "social democracy"). After reading it you will stop confusing democracy-social with social democracy.

Another term that can lend itself to confusion for those who do not know our ideology and its system of principles to be spread and sustained in time, which can also be subject to revision depending on the characteristics of the historical context (that is, our doctrine, a term that does not have to have a negative connotation, but many are afraid of the word "doctrine" and confuse it with "dogma", the "dogma" is not discussed or revised, the "doctrine" can be revised following a criterion based on the scientific method ,in this case, of the social sciences, that is the difference) is the"democracy-social", which etymologically is similar to"social democracy" but in definition and content are not the same.

In the next post quoting this one. I leave you the document.
Note that in all electoral campaigns there is a margin that people implicitly tolerate because they presuppose acts of corruption due to ambition, bad education, emotion, etc. etc. and I suppose, because I know Argentina, that this was no exception. However, the fact that Massa kept 3 points of the Argentine GDP to make his presidential campaign not only has to do with the logistics of a campaign but denotes the deep corruption at all levels of the current state of Argentina; And that is just what speaks of the discontent of many Argentines aware that this situation could not continue, at least that deserves credit to them.
If you don't like Milei you are within your rights and I suppose many felt morally obliged to exercise that right against this whole sordid and obscene nightmare of the imposed socialist left.

I feel that in Argentina a political and cultural battle is taking place in favor of change and balance, I see that this is a phase where people will understand - yes or no - that they cannot put their power in the hands of others. I would also like to recall the status of the wave in the last session:

P: (Chu) They said it had to be apocalyptic to do it.
(L) Yes.
(Joe) Yes, they created the apocalyptic situation. It's just...

R:The change is coming and the 4D masters are getting desperate.
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