Javier Milei has been elected president of Argentina

I thought she was smarter...

"I don't trust anyone with blue eyes who comes from Argentina" US vlogger Candace Owens, who often testifies in favor of Donald Trump, complained about Milei and called 'blue-eyed Argentines' 'Nazis'.

Did you see my profile picture? I must be an evil Nazi.

Now, seriously. What does politics have to do with the skin or the eyes? This lady is basically acting like a woke that she hates so much. But because it has an audience, the lies get through to the clueless.
Okay, I exaggerated about Russia. But even so, it is felt that there will be retaliation, if not in the war, then politically and economically. It is simply not convenient to antagonize the emerging multipolar power.

Obsolutely. Talk about "cut off your nose to spite your face".

I thought she was smarter...

Hmm, yes. I guess it just shows that she doesn't really know anything about Argentina's history, previous immigration waves, etc. That was over the top. I'm a bit surprised too, because she's usually really spot on. But at least she got it right about Milei. Tucker Carlson, for example, didn't suspect him at all. And he is also very smart about other topics.
Don't Panic! Lighten Up! Well Argentines have the right to panic.


Much of the economic theory to be able to derive both static and timeless Pareto optimality having non-convex production functions. (?) That is to say, if we get it right, I will probably be awarded the Nobel Prize in economics together with Damian, but that is another story.​

Don't Panic! Lighten Up! Well Argentines have the right to panic.


Argentine thinker, historian, philosopher, journalist, writer, essayist and poet, surveyor and engineer by profession, Raúl Scalabrini Ortiz once said:

These economic and financial matters are so simple that they are within the reach of any child. They only require knowing how to add and subtract. When you don't understand something, ask until you do. If you don't understand it, they are trying to steal from you. When you understand that, you will have learned to defend the homeland in the immaterial order of economic and financial concepts.
I confirm. They have moved the gold reserves. To say treason is an understatement. All their political and economic decisions are killing the people. It is not a metaphor.

Art. 119.- Treason against the Nation shall consist only in taking up arms against it, or in joining its enemies by rendering them aid and assistance. The Congress shall fix by a special law the penalty for this crime; but it shall not go beyond the person of the offender, nor shall the infamy of the offender be transmitted to his relatives of any degree.

Let's say that the treatment of traitors is somewhat lukewarm....
I translate: thank you for handing over the sovereignty and wealth of your country to the Anglo-Saxons so that our corporations can operate freely, abusively, and thus our profits, stateless, will grow exponentially and you will be able to say that the nominal per capita income is very high (reality: Argentines live materially worse).

There you have it, the champion of free speech... 😒

The United States denounced that Russia is trying to destabilize the government of Javier Milei

The State Department stated that these "malicious" acts would be executed through the Russian channel RT and its affiliates, using covert tactics to influence the region.
The U.S. State Department on Friday accused Russia of carrying out covert operations aimed at destabilizing the government of Argentina and increasing tensions between the South American country and its neighbors. According to the statement, these "malicious" acts would be executed through the Russian channel RT and its affiliates, using covert tactics to influence the region.

"Russia is engaged in operations aimed at destabilizing the government of Argentina," said Washington, mentioning RT as a key player in these activities. In addition, the statement claims that the Russian state media is involved in covert influences in other parts of the world, citing examples such as the African Stream and Red platforms, the latter of which is based in Berlin.​

For this is in addition to the current U.S. accusations regarding Russia:

They are really desperate. Now regarding Argentina, the truth is that the Russians don't have to do anything. They just have to sit on their doorstep and watch the dead man go by.

A way of saying that the Argentine government itself is in agony. In the last protests against the pension reforms, the government's aggression in the face of the demands showed its true nature:

In the protests the police brutally repressed the elderly.
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