Now, I am curious about the doggie image that was on the photo that MM took and showed to me? ?
A: In these times, 2nd density creatures will collect more and more attachments. ?
Q: (L) Are these attachments like other entities? ?
A: Yes, and others. ?
Q: (L) When they are collecting these attachments, are they collecting them from us, as in protecting? ?
A: No. ?
Q: (L) Are they being used to collect attachments to be detrimental to us? ?
A: Yes. ?
Q: (L) Why are our animals picking up attachments? ?
A: Because of vibrational frequency intensifications, i.e. The Wave. ?
Q: (L) Is there something we could do? I mean, are we supposed to get rid of pets? ?
A: We would never suggest something as harsh as this. However, beware: 3rd density STS orientation includes the thought of "dominion" over 2nd density, and this is merely a continuation of the energy buildups of the approach of The Wave... Some of the lessons are interesting indeed. When you assume that capture and imprisonment of those of lesser capacity than you is for "their good," why should not you expect those of greater capacity than you to assume the same regarding you?!? We would like you to ponder this further. We suspect there is much to be gained from insights lurking there.