Jeez, another Greenbaum went off early... Amish no less

Laura said:
I think that those who are NOT programmed receivers may experience this in a different way: as bad dreams or depression, or just feeling "off" and even physical ailments.
i have been battling a stomach ailment for about 2 weeks now - symptoms are close to gastritis
i am in not saying it's HAARP's fault, but i am almost NEVER sick and never this long...

a homeopathic healer friend of mine said she detects a green 'ball' of FEAR at the root of my problem...
which is ironic because my biggest fear is suffering from physical pain ;)
Iconoclast said:
Laura said:
I think that those who are NOT programmed receivers may experience this in a different way: as bad dreams or depression, or just feeling "off" and even physical ailments.
i have been battling a stomach ailment for about 2 weeks now - symptoms are close to gastritis
i am in not saying it's HAARP's fault, but i am almost NEVER sick and never this long...

a homeopathic healer friend of mine said she detects a green 'ball' of FEAR at the root of my problem...
which is ironic because my biggest fear is suffering from physical pain ;)
I don't know if it's related but i've been feeling weird for a few days, especially at the nightfall. I've had flu symptoms 2 days ago (strong headache, tiredness, a kind of sorethroat, fever). Also, quarrels at home, generally for no apparent reason.

Ardvan said:
We had some dogs going mad here in Europe and I'm asking myself if this is related, because a dog is "Mans best friend". Maybe they can also be influenced
In France there have been many attacks by dogs (mostly combat dogs like pittbulls but also other races) the past year and this year, mostly on children. It reminded me of this passage from a C's session - maybe it's related :

Now, I am curious about the doggie image that was on the photo that MM took and showed to me? ?
A: In these times, 2nd density creatures will collect more and more attachments. ?
Q: (L) Are these attachments like other entities? ?
A: Yes, and others.
Q: (L) When they are collecting these attachments, are they collecting them from us, as in protecting? ?
A: No. ?
Q: (L) Are they being used to collect attachments to be detrimental to us? ?
A: Yes. ?
Q: (L) Why are our animals picking up attachments? ?
A: Because of vibrational frequency intensifications, i.e. The Wave.
Q: (L) Is there something we could do? I mean, are we supposed to get rid of pets? ?
A: We would never suggest something as harsh as this. However, beware: 3rd density STS orientation includes the thought of "dominion" over 2nd density, and this is merely a continuation of the energy buildups of the approach of The Wave... Some of the lessons are interesting indeed. When you assume that capture and imprisonment of those of lesser capacity than you is for "their good," why should not you expect those of greater capacity than you to assume the same regarding you?!? We would like you to ponder this further. We suspect there is much to be gained from insights lurking there.
prayers for rain said:
I don't know if it's related but i've been feeling weird for a few days, especially at the nightfall.
Coupla nights back I had the most horrendous 'sleep'. Every time my head touched the pillow I seemed to instantly enter a feverish nightmare. No nightmares as such, in terms of visual memories, just a sense of suffocating in my sleep, then fighting to wake myself up so I could breathe again. This went on for literally hours. Finally dealt with it by popping some melatonin...

Talking of ponerised attack dogs, a striking thing happened in the UK last week. A dog killed a baby when it was accidentally allowed into the living quarters of a pub. In what the police say was a completely unrelated incident, the grandfather and partner of this child were brutally assaulted the following day whilst mourning at their home. Both were stabbed; the grandfather's partner was killed.


Now THAT's got 'hyperdimensional signature' written all over it.
Apollynon said:
I have a searchable copy of the transcripts from '94 to '02 and there are no mention of peadophiles or child abusers that I have read about other than the above.
Something tells me I should already know the answer to this question, but where can I find the actual Transcripts? Or have they long since been removed from public display?

Help appreciated, ta.
Interesting, though sad, twist with these school shootings is the involvement of sexual molestation (as was the case in Colorado and the potential with this one) of children. Prior to these recent tragic events, school shootings had more to do with killing than molestation.

There will likely be talk and push for more security at schools via either armed individuals or cameras/surveillance systems with feeds to local police. One more opportunity to apply controls. One more opportunity to get kids used to living under the "protection" of armed authority, feeling safer under the watchful eye of the surveillance camera, and considering it okay to give away their freedom for a sense of safety.

As mentioned, the timing is curious.
Prayers for rain said:
I don't know if it's related but i've been feeling weird for a few days, especially at the nightfall. I've had flu symptoms 2 days ago (strong headache, tiredness, a kind of sorethroat, fever). Also, quarrels at home, generally for no apparent reason.
I had the same flu symptoms between 26th and 29th (I rarely get sick); my sister was the same and has complained of migraines and depression; my mother is in pain, depressed and doesn't want to go anywhere or see anybody. Also, this incident happened on the 25th/26th.
Me said:
Interesting, though sad, twist with these school shootings is the involvement of sexual molestation (as was the case in Colorado and the potential with this one) of children. Prior to these recent tragic events, school shootings had more to do with killing than molestation.

There will likely be talk and push for more security at schools via either armed individuals or cameras/surveillance systems with feeds to local police. One more opportunity to apply controls. One more opportunity to get kids used to living under the "protection" of armed authority, feeling safer under the watchful eye of the surveillance camera, and considering it okay to give away their freedom for a sense of safety.

As mentioned, the timing is curious.
As is your avatar

'Sexual molestation' was introduced into the Amish shooter's story to somehow fill out a motive for why he'd go off the rails. We're supposed to think, "O I see, he was 'molested' as a child. That explains everything." But does it??

Me said:
Prior to these recent tragic events, school shootings had more to do with killing than molestation.
Can you expand on what you mean here please?
Same here. Very acid stomach and muscles pain.
But I think that this is some kind of reaction on what is going on in a "mental plane" so to say. Several weeks ago I started to have very disturbing dreams.
I didn't have this kind of dreams for a long time and they felt very "real". The main theme is catastrophicall: volcano eruption, nuclear explosion or comets.
Or once I had a weird dream about several girls that told me about "karma+2" process. (funny, I know).
And every time I woke up with my body all tense and squeezed. At first I thought that it was a result of my anxiety and over thinking about the situation in Israel and what I am going to do. That my everyday stress is influencing dreams. But for the last week or so I also started to feel very strong inner irritation. It's not rage and it's doesn't cause me to jump on people or something, but it's feels like something bowling inside, and I am not sure that this all anger is "mine". Actually with all those dreams and body reaction I started to think that maybe some vacation will be advisable :-)

But I don't know, maybe it's will be wise to observe closely what is happening to us.
C's said:
<< Some of the lessons are interesting indeed. When you assume that capture and imprisonment of those of lesser capacity than you is for "their good," why should not you expect those of greater capacity than you to assume the same regarding you?!? We would like you to ponder this further. We suspect there is much to be gained from insights lurking there. >>

To me, this means that those 4D STS (and their 3D minions to whom they have "given their mind") who wish to control us really think it's for our own good. Consider how unshakable the attitudes must be of these 3D would-be controllers, believing as they do that they are not criminals at all -- if fact, that they are so "in the right" that laws simply don't matter to them. That's my opinion, anyway.
Keit said:
Same here. Very acid stomach and muscles pain.
But I think that this is some kind of reaction on what is going on in a "mental plane" so to say. Several weeks ago I started to have very disturbing dreams... Actually with all those dreams and body reaction I started to think that maybe some vacation will be advisable :-)But I don't know, maybe it's will be wise to observe closely what is happening to us.
Back on 8/22 my daughter broke her elbow at school and since then the school has had a rash of students breaking bones at school including the daughter of my daughter's teacher and the child of the school nurse who first treated my daughter. It got so bad the school principal called a meeting to go over safety (my wife teaches at the school). The causes for the initial cases were described as freakish but apparently over aggressive behavior by the students was involved recently. My daughter tripped on playground equipment apparently though I originally thought she was on it and fell off cause someone told me there was four other kids on the little dinosaur at the time. The School's name is St. Elizabeth Ann Seton and we call it SEAS for short. SEAS sounds like Cs and that first crossed my mind months ago when a couple different persons came up to me asking where I worked cause I looked familar. The correct answer is nowhere but for one I said I did volunteer work for SEAS school and he gave me a funny look. I then got hounded on an airplane flight but that's another story I already mentioned here somewhere. It's becoming a weirder world out there, more prone to hyperventalating moments.
starsailor said:
'Sexual molestation' was introduced into the Amish shooter's story to somehow fill out a motive for why he'd go off the rails. We're supposed to think, "O I see, he was 'molested' as a child. That explains everything." But does it??
Just a note that the AP did report that lubricating jelly was among the killers objects that he had along with a wooden 2X4 with ten eyelets screwed into it that looked as if it was meant to 'truss up' the victims, supposedly for abuse. The killer also brought a change of clothes with him - so the authorities feel as if he was planning on being there a while and molesting those girls. Of course, it's almost impossible to tell at this point, but the lubrication and the truss set up is sure creepy - and he kept only females in the room, as did the Colorado killer, who did in fact sexually assault the victims - so the similarity there is hard to ignore.

Also, the link to molestation in the Amish schoolhouse case was that the killer had molested very young female relatives when the killer himself was 11 or 12 - and that he had been 'haunted' with thoughts of doing this again - this is from the news reports at least - so it was not so much that he had been molested.

Just a few notes...
starsailor said:
'Sexual molestation' was introduced into the Amish shooter's story to somehow fill out a motive for why he'd go off the rails. We're supposed to think, "O I see, he was 'molested' as a child. That explains everything." But does it??
Perhaps the point about the shooter's molestation was added for the very purpose you state, as a reason why he would want to molest. But, you miss my point. My point is ... interesting the similarities in these shootings. I can't ever recall reading or hearing about a school shooting where the children were sexually molested or selected with the same intent.

anart said:
Just a note that the AP did report that lubricating jelly was among the killers objects that he had along with a wooden 2X4 with ten eyelets screwed into it that looked as if it was meant to 'truss up' the victims, supposedly for abuse. The killer also brought a change of clothes with him - so the authorities feel as if he was planning on being there a while and molesting those girls. Of course, it's almost impossible to tell at this point, but the lubrication and the truss set up is sure creepy - and he kept only females in the room, as did the Colorado killer, who did in fact sexually assault the victims - so the similarity there is hard to ignore.

Also, the link to molestation in the Amish schoolhouse case was that the killer had molested very young female relatives when the killer himself was 11 or 12 - and that he had been 'haunted' with thoughts of doing this again - this is from the news reports at least - so it was not so much that he had been molested.
Thanks Anart for pointing out the initial reports. Those were the basis for my comments.

starsailor said:
As is your avatar
What do you mean by the above?

starsailor said:
me said:
Prior to these recent tragic events, school shootings had more to do with killing than molestation.
Can you expand on what you mean here please?
Answered above.
HI all, I have been following this thread and just wanted to offer an observation as one who has been supervising sexual predators in the community for the last 15 years. I see his selection of victims as significant in light of his admission that he had sexually molested two young female victims 20 years ago, his so called revenge was that he was blaming his victims and sought out similiar victims as a result. Another concern is his changing the diapers of his own daughter, which is a strange thing for his wife to mention snce she is trying to make him out to be this wonderful man. Think about all the things she could have said and she picks that--what is wrong with this picture? In reality, she most likley ignored many things during her marriage to this man or simply did not want to understand what she was. seeing. This act was the ultimate power grab and that is what sexual predators do and unfortunantly they are everywhere.
Wow, I can see where I should have trusted my instincts for once. I had been thinking about this in terms of GreenBauming for days but I thought not to trust my limited understanding (if any). I'm not real clear on it but I'll check the glossary . I've been of the theory that it would take human/4dSTS contact to be Greenbuam'd. Is it fair to say that it could even be produced through sound or visual effect (TV Radio) in some cases?
noise said:
I've been of the theory that it would take human/4dSTS contact to be Greenbuam'd. Is it fair to say that it could even be produced through sound or visual effect (TV Radio) in some cases?
Well, first off, we don't really know all the details and I'm sure they're making headway all the time with new techniques , but with that said, it is my understanding that what is being suggested is the possibility that the HAARP array, or related 'wave' technologies, might have been used to trigger those already programmed, or even those simply predisposed to instability in some way. As they ramp up the array, we get what could be called a 'canary in the mine' effect - those most unstable individuals 'pop' and go on rampages - or - those programmed individuals are triggered for one reason or another. Basically, the most fragile minds snap and the more 'normal' people just get to feeling off, or sick or depressed, perhaps. Of course, then there is the 'going off early' concept in which Greenbaum victims are triggered accidentally or 'short circuit' and go off on rampages before being officially triggered - there were similarities in these recent school shootings that seem to suggest a connection though, at least on a subconscious motivation level, so it does make one wonder.

As far as actually 'Greenbauming' through the generated waves, I don't think that is what is being suggested, mostly due to the infliction of physical and psychological trauma that usually accompanies such programming - but - I don't really have any information on that, so I don't know. FWIW
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