Jeez, another Greenbaum went off early... Amish no less

Laura said:
I think that those who are NOT programmed receivers may experience this in a different way: as bad dreams or depression, or just feeling "off" and even physical ailments.
Bingo! I certainly hope. It would explain a few things, of late.

Also, in the city that I inhabit (from the outskirts), there were 3 random murders within two weeks, 10 days even. This in a city that has 12 murders per year on the average (and usually with mitigating circumstances, i.e. relationship breakdowns, drug debts, etc.). These three murders were without premeditation or "passionate reasons". Might not be so odd for other cities, but it's WAY out of the norm for this one.

Could be nothing...but still hard NOT to notice.
About possible behavioral effects of HAARP, I know that lately here people have been kinda nervous/jumpy, for no discernible reason; I find it is especially noticeable in kids. Just yesterday I was talking with my brother about the weird "atmosphere" and general mood - it seemed to be all over the village. Also cars have been breaking and malfunctioning more often than usual.

Before that, for a period of 2-3 weeks ending about a week ago (last days of september), we have had some freaky weather. See I grew up in this place and I observed the weather for many years, and this stands out clearly. Here fog isn't very common, but we have had thick, opaque, snow-like fog such as I've never seen. Sometimes I couldn't even see the trees from the window - we are talking less than a hundred meters. This lasted for at least two weeks - solid fog mornings and evenings, a few times throughout the day, and then it was just finished and there's no more fog at all. Following this I noticed the above-mentioned general nervousness.

From what has previously been said on this thread, my idea is that maybe HAARP is being taken out for a test drive and they are sending out now such a type of wave, now another, testing it and recording the effects for future reference... :(

In retrospect, my remark about your avatar was silly. I was thinking about Laura's comment about the curious timing of these shootings and the 'attack dogs' being unleashed (Kaminski and Bollyn)... nothing more! I'm guilty of insinuating that you were in some way 'attacking' yourself. Apologies.

With regards to the sexual undertones in these shootings, I'm grateful to Anart for pointing out that there is in fact a basis for thinking this was the case. I jumped before investigating. Apologies once again.

*Mental note to me (that is, me - Starsailor!): don't post unless you've got something USEFUL to contribute!*

Kind regards
Prayers for rain said:
I don't know if it's related but i've been feeling weird for a few days, especially at the nightfall. I've had flu symptoms 2 days ago (strong headache, tiredness, a kind of sorethroat, fever). Also, quarrels at home, generally for no apparent reason.
A few days ago and atleast one other time in the last month, I have woken up in the middle of the night to find that I'm sweating, but only my head is sweating. This has happened over the past few years on numerous occasions and I've been unable to figure out why my head is sweating and not the rest of my body or what correlates to this sweating. Usually but not always I have very vivid dreams on the night that this happens. I've gone through a few pillows because of this.
@StarSailor - No problem.

In general, I'm very concerned over the recent (within 2 weeks) series of school shootings (Colorado, Wisconsin, and Pennsylvania). Whether due to Greenbaum and/or HAARP, the increase is disturbing. Can't help but think about the school hostage situation in Beslan, Russia back in September 2004 where almost 200 children died.
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