Jesus and The Pauline Timeline

Re: Reconciling Cayce Jesus info with the C's Jesus info


Looked the god up, I got curious:
Serapis was an anthropomorphic god created by the Greek pharaoh Ptolemy I.

If a ruler could create a god, it sounds very much like Hollywood. The new god's announcement probably was helped by the priests' knowledge about timing of celestial events, comets:
- Oh, look at the sky! Witness the Great Serapis descending into the realm of man! I am the Heavenly Mandate! Kneel before me! Here are the places, where you can worship your mighty new god.

This sounds like a Hollywood boss telling the writers to cook up a new segment of the Marvel Universe, because the management decided its time to introduce a new line of fantastic ~ bombastic superheroes. The boss wants to make a couple of blockbuster movies with the newly introduced characters - reaping many hundred millions of dollars profit - while the masses sit mesmerized in front the movie screen.
Re: Reconciling Cayce Jesus info with the C's Jesus info

lilies said:

Looked the god up, I got curious:
Serapis was an anthropomorphic god created by the Greek pharaoh Ptolemy I.

If a ruler could create a god, it sounds very much like Hollywood. The new god's announcement probably was helped by the priests' knowledge about timing of celestial events, comets:
- Oh, look at the sky! Witness the Great Serapis descending into the realm of man! I am the Heavenly Mandate! Kneel before me! Here are the places, where you can worship your mighty new god.

This sounds like a Hollywood boss telling the writers to cook up a new segment of the Marvel Universe, because the management decided its time to introduce a new line of fantastic ~ bombastic superheroes. The boss wants to make a couple of blockbuster movies with the newly introduced characters - reaping many hundred millions of dollars profit - while the masses sit mesmerized in front the movie screen.

But notice in the story that it was the god Anubis that wanted to spend the night with the lady.

Anubis is the Greek name of a jackal-headed god associated with mummification and the afterlife in ancient Egyptian religion.
Re: Reconciling Cayce Jesus info with the C's Jesus info

Laura said:
But notice in the story that it was the god Anubis that wanted to spend the night with the lady.

Anubis is the Greek name of a jackal-headed god associated with mummification and the afterlife in ancient Egyptian religion.

It is interesting that the Egyptian connection was mentioned so early, because some aspects of Christianity are seemingly borrowed from Egyptian mythology, which Greeks and Romans were familiar with. In this short video, a short introduction of the Isis/Osiris/Seth/Horus/Anubis drama is presented, with a few parallels with Christianity and examples of presence in the Roman iconography towards the end:

Re: Reconciling Cayce Jesus info with the C's Jesus info

Laura said:
It's funny: I used to evaluate channeled sources by whether or not they supported the Jesus story; now, it's exactly the opposite: if they did, they they weren't connected to a very objective source.

It's interesting that in the Seth material, Jesus was described in a way as a composite entity:

Wikipedia said:
According to the Seth Material, Jesus Christ exists as part of the Christ entity, a highly evolved entity who exists in many systems of reality. At the time of Christ, the Christ entity incarnated as three individuals: John the Baptist, Jesus of Nazareth, and Paul or Saul of Tarsus.

The details are obviously not a direct hit given the results of recent research here on the forum, but it's still closer than most channelled material which automatically assumes a literal biblical interpretation of Jesus as a single historical individual.
Re: Reconciling Cayce Jesus info with the C's Jesus info

Shijing said:
Laura said:
It's funny: I used to evaluate channeled sources by whether or not they supported the Jesus story; now, it's exactly the opposite: if they did, they they weren't connected to a very objective source.

It's interesting that in the Seth material, Jesus was described in a way as a composite entity:

Wikipedia said:
According to the Seth Material, Jesus Christ exists as part of the Christ entity, a highly evolved entity who exists in many systems of reality. At the time of Christ, the Christ entity incarnated as three individuals: John the Baptist, Jesus of Nazareth, and Paul or Saul of Tarsus.

The details are obviously not a direct hit given the results of recent research here on the forum, but it's still closer than most channelled material which automatically assumes a literal biblical interpretation of Jesus as a single historical individual.

I read most of the Seth books years ago. There does seem to be a lot of distortion in Jane Roberts work due to belief overlays, from Jane, Seth or both. Roberts/Seth's comments about Paul were interesting however, and they came to mind while reading this thread. I no longer have "Seth Speaks" but found this:

[Reference to Paul is in Seth Speaks - Session 586

In that session, he talks of the three men whose lives became confused in history and merged and who became known as Christ. He said the entity was born once as John the Baptist, one as the personality that most stories of Christ refer to and once as Paul. When Paul reemerges historically, he will carry within Him the characteristics of all three personalities.

You really need to read the whole session, as it is too long to print, but it's very interesting. Seth said, " Paul was to implement the spiritual ideas of Christ in physical terms, however he grew the seeds of an organization that would smother the ideas. He lingered after Christ, as John the Baptist came before. Together the three spanned some time period......John and the historical Christ each performed their roles and were satisfied that they had done so. Paul alone was left at the end unsatisfied and so it is about his personality that the future Christ will form. .....the entity of which these personalities are part, that entity, which you may call the Christ entity, was aware of these issues. The earthly personalities were not aware of them, although in periods of trance and exaltation, much was made known to them..."

He went on to say that the third personality of Christ (Paul) will indeed be known as a great psychic, for it is He who will teach humanity to use those inner senses that alone make true spirituality possible. Slayers and victims will change roles as reincarnational memories rise to the surface of consciousness. Through the development of these abilities, the sacredness of all life will be intimately recognized and appreciated.

Seth said, "one man had already been born in India, in a small province near Calcutta, but his ministry will seem to remain comparatively local for his lifetime[...]


Is Christ a kind of archetype, and certain figures throughout history have embodied aspects of that archetype during times of chaos?

Like Lau Tzu said in the Tao Te Ching - "When the empire is confused and in chaos, loyal ministers appear."

The Seth comments on Christ and Paul are actually pretty acute and impressive. I always did like Seth and even if Jane had some issues that might have skewed things a bit, they were way less than most.
Perhaps interestingly, here is the word stoic used by Caesar in the July 12th reading:

A: I was most inspired by Posidonius and the ideas of the Stoics of the ancient times. What drove me was love and pity.
Something of this nature may be going on with regards to cayce's Jesus readings:

Q: (S) Was Edgar Cayce's readings on colors...

A: Reading anything requires accessing "higher levels" of understanding which are fluid, not concrete and absolute.

I'm not sure if that means he didn't have the capacity to interpret correctly what he was seeing or the C's getting annoyed at the questioning. Or both. But, it may explain partially the seemingly different Jesus/Ceasar stories. As you can see I'm still trying to get a bead on this. I found another transcript where the C's instruct you to read Cayce on the subject of the sphinx paws. So, obviously Cayce is a valid source for some things. :)
Re: The Pauline Timeline

Laura said:
goyacobol said:
Paul’s conception of Christianity may have been heretical before 70 C.E. But afterward, his notion of a wholly new religion free from the authority of a Temple that no longer existed, unburdened by a law that no longer mattered, and divorced from a Judaism that had become a pariah was enthusiastically embraced by converts throughout the Roman Empire. Hence, in 398 C.E., when, according to legend, another group of bishops gathered at a council in the city of Hippo Regius in modern-day Algeria to canonize what would become known as the New Testament, they chose to include in the Christian scriptures one letter from James, the brother and successor of Jesus, two letters from Peter, the chief apostle and first among the Twelve, three letters from John, the beloved disciple and pillar of the church, and fourteen letters from Paul, the deviant and outcast who was rejected and scorned by the leaders in Jerusalem. In fact, more than half of the twenty-seven books that now make up the New Testament are either by or about Paul.

I don't know if I have any useful material here but I just thought I would let you know what I am finding so far. This history researching is something I never thought I would even be interested in until I started reading your books!

The first part of the quote is accurate enough, but the legend of the canonization of scripture is probably nonsense. See David Trobisch's book on the publishing of the New Testament, whodunnit, when and why. It's not very long, and filled with fun facts and jolly jottings!

Zealot seems to be popular in some liberal Christian circles as a kind of antidote to fundamentalist thinking, and I think it is notable for that. I read it on the recommendation of several friends, and I found it helpful in the way it draws such a detailed picture of the diversity of beliefs of the time, a subject that other books only touch upon. For digging down into what actually transpired back then and there, however, the references I am finding here are much more useful -- thanks!
Re: The Pauline Timeline

MB said:
Zealot seems to be popular in some liberal Christian circles as a kind of antidote to fundamentalist thinking, and I think it is notable for that. I read it on the recommendation of several friends, and I found it helpful in the way it draws such a detailed picture of the diversity of beliefs of the time, a subject that other books only touch upon. For digging down into what actually transpired back then and there, however, the references I am finding here are much more useful -- thanks!

Thank you for the comments MB.

I am also reading it on a recommendation of a friend who loaned me the book. I have purchased the Kindle version and have only read part 1 so far. I have lost some interest due to the superior work being done here by Laura but I will try to finish it. It does have some interesting observations and I think it may help some people get a clue that the fundamentalist views have a few flaws. Laura was able to recommend a better source in her reply to me. The author was raised in a Muslim family but converted to Christianity and I thought he might have an interesting perspective. He teaches a writing course and does have a way of painting pictures of the history.
Re: Reconciling Cayce Jesus info with the C's Jesus info

Laura said:
I've more or less abandoned the "Q Hypothesis" with their "cynic substrate".
Very interesting. And without that cynic substrate raises again the problem of heroism. Julius Caesar was a hero of flesh and blood who faced the elite, but in the bible nothing remains of that heroism in "Jesus", just a nihilistic gesture of confrontation, doing that stupid and pointless.

Laura said:
This is a tough one to solve because there is a group with a vested interest in covering things up that has been in place, more or less, from the beginning and I still can't quite figure out their agenda. Were they Judaizers taking over Christianity as developed by Paul, or were they followers of Pauline Christianity taking over Judaism as a mytho-historical foundation???
For everything that you're sharing in the Forum lately, Laura, I think it's the latter option, as if Judaism was something very malleable at that time, helpless against foreign power. If the Greeks were able to write the "sacred books" of the Jews, perhaps then it means that have done terrible psychological experiments with the Jews and their religion. I even think it is legitimate to assume that their "monotheism" was something completely different, where their tribal god was not even universal as it was surrounded by gods of other peoples and cultures more numerous and powerful...We only know the manipulated Judaism by Greeks, which has survived because it was needed later by the Christian imperialism as a foundation.
Well, it's really wonderful to read how you are finding the threads in the labyrinth of history only with fragments of a so different world.

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