JFK Documentary - Evidence Of Revision

In the old days you had to have 50 posts before you could join the Swamp I think. But 50, that magic number
still hasn't disappeared! From the welcome message for newbies:
Note that there are some "off limits" areas to the forum that are restricted to all but active forum participants, and we ask you to please keep the noise down. You will also not be able to edit your posts until you reach a minimum of 50 posts. In that respect, it pays to use the "Preview" button prior to posting your message so that you can see how your post will look to others.
I wonder though whether clicking a like button implies full access.
I think so, it means that newbies can also read the posts in the Swamp AFAIK.
i'll give another observation and then be quiet. When I first joined here, membership was between 10 to 12 thousand members...a couple of weeks ago it was in the 6000s...now hovering around 7000....Why have so many left in the 3 years that I have been here?
I could hazard a couple of guesses. It was the height of Covid madness and people were searching for answers and maybe didn't like the truth they found here? Or once the hysteria waned and some things started looking more "normal," they lost interest? Or they were hoping for some sensationalism in the C sessions? Or maybe a big one, they lurked around a while and realized this wasn't your typical internet chat forum? :-D
I’ve thought about making this post a few times since @FM258 started posting, and the discussions that have come up regarding their posts, what this forum is about, etc.

There’s a couple of factors in it for me. The first is how I first started interacting with the group and my understanding - or lack of understanding - of what the group is about, and the second is the difference between the atmosphere here compared to when I first joined.

Basically, I was very similar to FM258. The majority of my introduction and initial interaction happened on previous mailing groups though, so a lot of the types of posts I made and the responses I got are not available for people to see here.

I had actually read all the wave and adventures series when I started interacting with the group, but I was still posting a lot of noise. Of course, it wasn’t noise to me. I was posting things that were on my mind because I thought it might make for interesting discussion or others might find my thoughts interesting.

At some point I asked for feedback on my personal life and the responses I got were straight and to the point and I wasn’t used to anyone being brutally honest with me and I petulantly lashed out.

So there I was making noise, not understanding what the group was about, not understanding what The Work was, lashing out at feedback. People asked me, “What are you even doing here?” and the idea was floated that maybe this wasn’t the place for me.

I said that out of all the things people had said to me, that idea was the one that actually made the most sense, and I was ready to leave. But Laura gave me a chance. She wrote a short post, the crux of which was that what I should do is READ.

That post from Laura changed my life forever, and it changed me forever.

So this personal experience of mine is the reason why I tend to favour tolerance and leniency when it comes to new members ‘acclimatising’ to being here. However, as much as I would like for us to be patient and to ‘be nice’ to new members who don’t immediately grok what the group is, I also can’t get around the fact that what really woke me up wasn’t niceties and patience, but rather having a bucket of water thrown in my face.

I see a lot of myself in FM258, I know how they are feeling. Even with other members who turn up and actually are arrogant, argumentative and rude, I still remember how I was when I arrived and how they too might have the potential get so much from the network and provide so much in return if they can can learn to see what the group is and what they are.

So that’s why I posted in the way that I did when people started giving feedback to FM258 that they’re making noise and this is a research forum.

The week when I got my strong feedback from the group, I had one of the weirdest dreams I’ve ever had in my life. I was in a city at night time, wandering through backstreets. I found a door to a building and went inside. There were people, a group, all having a good time and doing things which seemed to be important. They all knew each other. I had no idea who they were or what they were doing. As I wandered around, I found a central office type room, a bit like a science lab. There was a man there who seemed to be the leader of the group. He seemed nice, but had a lot a weight to his presence.

He held out his hand to me and was holding some kind of pill. He didn’t say, “here, take this”, but I took it from him and swallowed it anyway, just trusting him.

A short amount of time went by, and I can’t remember whether I interacted with someone else in the group to find out, or whether I realised it on my own, but I was horrified to learn that the effect of the pill was to make me pregnant! It was one of those scenarios in dreams that feels so real. I was shocked, devastated. I’m pregnant?!

Soon after, I woke up. It didn’t take me long to understand that the dream was a literal depiction of what had happened to me by joining the group, the forum. I walked in not knowing what it was, and I swallowed the truth which was the future, different, more ‘real’ conception of me.

One’s initial interactions with the group really are a fork in the road between remaining in the word of illusion, and continuing to be an illusion oneself, and stepping into the world of reality, and becoming real, oneself.

From some of the ways FM258 has responded to feedback, I can see the potential to understand the group. If you, @FM258 can recognise the group for what it is, and you really want to stick around for what potentially might come from your being a member, then I would give you the same advice Laura gave me: step back, calm down, maybe post less for a while (which doesn’t mean don’t post at all), and most importantly READ.
Idk, that's an presumptive leap at mind reading....Maybe the same could be said for new members who made a large number of posts in the music section? (Sorry guys, just making a point)

i'll give another observation and then be quiet. When I first joined here, membership was between 10 to 12 thousand members...a couple of weeks ago it was in the 6000s...now hovering around 7000....Why have so many left in the 3 years that I have been here?
!! Interesting stats !!.... I wonder what a stock market type graph of membership looks like over the years? I'm not going to hazard any guesses as to why but this data is also interesting in light of the C's saying collinearity increasing.

What I will say is this: collinearity is not intrinsically good or bad. IOW, increasing collinearity is not necessarily a pat on the back. And it seems, to me, that there is more fussing and petty annoyance going on than I can recall at any other time. That is subjective, of course.

To drive the point home: The woke are collinear. The Ukro's are collinear. The WEF members are all highly collinear. Generally so are Christians, Trumpistas, and New York Yankee fans. et cetera, et cetera, et cetera (as spoken by Yul Brynner from The King and I)

I'm going to leave it at that for now. Maybe I'll resurrect the Co-Linearity thread because this vector is a total thread hijack.
This is bordering on harassment...no problem, I will stop posting. I have seen countless posts here that fit your definition of "noise"...if you don't want me here, just say so. I make a post in the "Whats on you mind" forum...I get trolled immediately by a guy that's here barely a year, saying my thread was intended to waste everyone's time...then goes on to Hijack the thread, I ask that it be closed as I don't want to escalate the issue...and it turns out that its because people were triggered by my original avatar. Even after changing it, I'm being followed around and accused of not posting correctly. As I said, I will stop posting all together. I am here because I was meant to find this place, and to learn. I wont be bothering anyone here again.
Your good! Just try to relax, your not under attack here. (“If you are the smartest person in the room, then you are in the wrong room.” ~Confucius) "So what was the average lifespan of a 1st Lieutenant in the Vietnam war?" 2 Weeks,:scared: and most soldiers knew better to not make friends too fast, because the shock emotionally and psychologically would devastate their own chance's of survival. OK, were not at War here neither behind prison walls, but how much different is it really? Make the best out of your time here and stay alive.
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I’ve thought about making this post a few times since @FM258 started posting, and the discussions that have come up regarding their posts, what this forum is about, etc.

There’s a couple of factors in it for me. The first is how I first started interacting with the group and my understanding - or lack of understanding - of what the group is about, and the second is the difference between the atmosphere here compared to when I first joined.

Basically, I was very similar to FM258. The majority of my introduction and initial interaction happened on previous mailing groups though, so a lot of the types of posts I made and the responses I got are not available for people to see here.

I had actually read all the wave and adventures series when I started interacting with the group, but I was still posting a lot of noise. Of course, it wasn’t noise to me. I was posting things that were on my mind because I thought it might make for interesting discussion or others might find my thoughts interesting.

At some point I asked for feedback on my personal life and the responses I got were straight and to the point and I wasn’t used to anyone being brutally honest with me and I petulantly lashed out.

So there I was making noise, not understanding what the group was about, not understanding what The Work was, lashing out at feedback. People asked me, “What are you even doing here?” and the idea was floated that maybe this wasn’t the place for me.

I said that out of all the things people had said to me, that idea was the one that actually made the most sense, and I was ready to leave. But Laura gave me a chance. She wrote a short post, the crux of which was that what I should do is READ.

That post from Laura changed my life forever, and it changed me forever.

So this personal experience of mine is the reason why I tend to favour tolerance and leniency when it comes to new members ‘acclimatising’ to being here. However, as much as I would like for us to be patient and to ‘be nice’ to new members who don’t immediately grok what the group is, I also can’t get around the fact that what really woke me up wasn’t niceties and patience, but rather having a bucket of water thrown in my face.

I see a lot of myself in FM258, I know how they are feeling. Even with other members who turn up and actually are arrogant, argumentative and rude, I still remember how I was when I arrived and how they too might have the potential get so much from the network and provide so much in return if they can can learn to see what the group is and what they are.

So that’s why I posted in the way that I did when people started giving feedback to FM258 that they’re making noise and this is a research forum.

The week when I got my strong feedback from the group, I had one of the weirdest dreams I’ve ever had in my life. I was in a city at night time, wandering through backstreets. I found a door to a building and went inside. There were people, a group, all having a good time and doing things which seemed to be important. They all knew each other. I had no idea who they were or what they were doing. As I wandered around, I found a central office type room, a bit like a science lab. There was a man there who seemed to be the leader of the group. He seemed nice, but had a lot a weight to his presence.

He held out his hand to me and was holding some kind of pill. He didn’t say, “here, take this”, but I took it from him and swallowed it anyway, just trusting him.

A short amount of time went by, and I can’t remember whether I interacted with someone else in the group to find out, or whether I realised it on my own, but I was horrified to learn that the effect of the pill was to make me pregnant! It was one of those scenarios in dreams that feels so real. I was shocked, devastated. I’m pregnant?!

Soon after, I woke up. It didn’t take me long to understand that the dream was a literal depiction of what had happened to me by joining the group, the forum. I walked in not knowing what it was, and I swallowed the truth which was the future, different, more ‘real’ conception of me.

One’s initial interactions with the group really are a fork in the road between remaining in the word of illusion, and continuing to be an illusion oneself, and stepping into the world of reality, and becoming real, oneself.

From some of the ways FM258 has responded to feedback, I can see the potential to understand the group. If you, @FM258 can recognise the group for what it is, and you really want to stick around for what potentially might come from your being a member, then I would give you the same advice Laura gave me: step back, calm down, maybe post less for a while (which doesn’t mean don’t post at all), and most importantly READ.
I’ve never seen anyone “wake up” from niceness or love and light, never once in my entire life. The only thing I’ve seen work is the person becoming shocked themselves at the horror of reality or they’ll eventually get some direct feedback that causes them to reevaluate things. Those are the only two things I’ve seen.

I agree with what you wrote above, if you read and learn it changes you. If you know about all the things I mentioned, you won’t ask questions about what the elite do with children, you’ll know. It’s not abstract.

The other question perhaps concerns quality over quantity. There’s a difference between this place, at least for now and the idea of the “soul group” nonsense where someone wants to sort of act like a guru. I don’t see Laura and Ark as gurus in any way, for me they’re a concrete example in this reality of people who have done the work. They represent in some ways a template of what’s necessary to change your FRV and move on. They can act as elders who have gone through the experience, however they’re not oracles.

So personally, I read lots and lots of old threads and then read the books that informed those threads and then see if I came to the same conclusions from reading those books. It’s a very natural process. It’ll certainly change you.

The road is there, but most don’t really want to confront all that unpleasant stuff, they’d rather hug and sing kumbayahh. So quality over quantity. Only the individual can do the work….
I am currently reading Gurdjieff Paris Group. What I think I can see on how he was dealing with "newbies" is a careful evaluation of who he was dealing with, then he will make a shocking statement, something that could be seen as very harsh, sometimes ; followed by a joke or something else that would tend to soften the shock.

I think we can all agree that most of us don't see as clearly through people as Gurdjieff did. Plus, it is not as easy to see through someone in written form as opposed to being in the presence of the person.

There are other differences.

The administrators are dealing with the breaking of policies.

For the rest of us, I guess, it's best to assess the situation carefully before stating an opinion on a newbie's attitude.

Or as my grandma used to say "Patience and length of time are better than force or rage" ;-)
Un ancien agent des services secrets décide de briser le silence et dire enfin la vérité.
Encore une fois, les médias avaient tort (mais ils n'ont aucune gêne à retourner leur veste).
Rien que le fait d'apprendre que ce témoin capital n'a JAMAIS été interrogé par la commission Warren, prouve qu'ils avaient quelque chose à cacher.
Pour résumer il a entendu un deuxième coup de feu et trouvé de suite une deuxième balle, dans la limousine, alors que pour les "experts" une seule balle avait atteint JFK puis Connally. Une théorie aussi fumeuse que stupide, mais bien sûr acceptée par les médias mensongers...
Pourquoi Biden ne veut toujours pas declassifié les documents secrets de cette affaire ?

A former secret service agent decides to break the silence and finally tell the truth.Once again, the media were wrong (but they have no problem turning their backs).Just learning that this crucial witness was NEVER interviewed by the Warren Commission proves they had something to hide.To sum up, he heard a second shot and immediately found a second bullet, in the limousine, whereas for the "experts" only one bullet had hit JFK and then Connally. A theory as vague as it is stupid, but of course accepted by the lying media...Why does Biden still not want to declassify the secret documents in this affair?
A former secret service agent decides to break the silence and finally tell the truth.Once again, the media were wrong (but they have no problem turning their backs).Just learning that this crucial witness was NEVER interviewed by the Warren Commission proves they had something to hide.To sum up, he heard a second shot and immediately found a second bullet, in the limousine, whereas for the "experts" only one bullet had hit JFK and then Connally. A theory as vague as it is stupid, but of course accepted by the lying media...Why does Biden still not want to declassify the secret documents in this affair?
I saw this tonight as well, caught this from RT tonight about his upcoming book:

Former U.S. Secret Service Agent Reveals New Details of John F. Kennedy Assassination

Paul Landis, who was close to the president at the time of the tragedy, emerged that the 'magic bullet' theory, arrived at by the Warren Commission, is wrong and there was more than one shooter.

The testimony of a former U.S. Secret Service agent who was close to President John F. Kennedy when he was assassinated nearly 60 years ago may cast doubt on the official version that only Lee Harvey Oswald shot the former U.S. leader. In an interview with The New York Times, Paul Landis, whose book 'The Final Witness' will be published on October 10, revealed what he remembers of the day of the tragedy.

According to Landis, 88, if his recollections are correct, the 'magic bullet' theory, arrived at by the Warren Commission, in charge of the assassination investigation, is wrong and there was more than one shooter in Dallas on November 22, 1963. It should be recalled that, according to the official version, one of the bullets fired at Kennedy's limousine hit not only him, but also the then governor of Texas, John B. Connally Jr.

At the time, the commission claimed that one of the bullets fired hit the president from behind, exited the front of his throat and struck Connally. That conclusion was reached because investigators found the 6.5mm bullet on the gurney Connelly was believed to have been on when he was taken to the hospital and assumed it had exited his body.

At the same time, according to Landis, who was never questioned

In his words, when he saw the bullet, he put it in his coat pocket and headed for the hospital, where he planned to give it to a supervisor. However, for reasons unknown to himself, upon entering the hospital, he placed it on Kennedy's gurney in the hope that it would help the doctors figure out what had happened. Landis now surmises that at some point the evidence shifted from the president's gurney to the governor's when they were pushed together.

In this context, the former agent has a theory that this bullet hit Kennedy in the back, but for some reason was undercharged and did not penetrate deeply, so it exited his body before he was removed from the car.

The NYT also spoke with James Robenalt, a lawyer and author of several history books, who helped Landis restore his memories. "If what he says is true, which I'm inclined to believe, it probably reopens the question of a second shooter, if not more," he said, adding that if Governor Connally was hit by another bullet, it probably wasn't Oswald's, who, he said, would not have been able to reload his Carcano rifle as quickly.

Doubts about the accuracy of the recollections

At the same time, Landis' testimony may not be sufficient to initiate a new investigation, especially since his account differs in several respects from the two written statements he submitted after the tragedy. First, he did not mention finding the bullet or visiting the trauma room to which the president was taken, writing that he "stood outside by the door." In addition, he wrote that he had heard only two shots.

Currently the former agent claims that his reports included errors, explaining that he was in a state of 'shock' and slept little for five days, as he was focused on helping the first lady, Jacqueline Kennedy, so he did not pay enough attention to his written statements. According to his words, it was only in 2014 that he realized that the official version differed from his memories, but he decided not to talk about it then because he thought he had made a mistake.

In addition, Gerald Posner, author of the 1993 book 'Case Closed', in which he claims that Oswald may have assassinated Kennedy on his own, is also unconvinced by Landis' words, although he does not doubt his sincerity.

"People's memories don't usually improve over time, and to me it's a red flag, which allows me to be skeptical of his story, that on some very important details of the murder, including the number of shots fired, his memory has improved rather than worsened," he explained, stressing that if his words are true, this could mean that the bullet that wounded Connally left his body in the car and not on the stretcher.
I just came across this news item, apparently Rare and Remarkable held an auction yesterday to sell new footage of the Kennedy motorcade rushing to the hospital right after Kennedy was shot. It sold for $137k.

Not sure there's a lot of new data, but I found it curious enough that it surfaced this year where Trump has had two attempts on his life. Here's the trailer of the auction that describes some of the details.

I just recently finished Laurent Guyenot's book on the Kennedys (The Unspoken Kennedy Truth), it was a very good collection of information, much of which you may already be aware of, but it is presented within the context of the Israeli connection, very short.. recommended if anyone hasn't read it.

Now, the book ends on a recommendation of a documentary, not sure if it has been posted before, I will be watching it but I wanted to share it here for you guys.

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