Jimmy Kimmel explains Miss Teen South Carolina


FOTCM Member
I found this after i watched the George Carlin video on the other thread. It leaves me speechless!

Well, that's the typical "U.S. American" kid for ya!

Kinda gives you the shivers when you realize that these manufactured idiots actually think they can rule the world...
Saw this one awhile back. Yep, tends to leave yah speechless. Ten years ago, I would have guessed that she was a drug burn-out case. Today, I figure she's one of the millions of victims of the US education system along with a few "mandated vacinations", floride, aspertame, poor nutrition..... yeah, still a drug burn-out case, but unwittingly so. Big Pharma must feel proud.

Another half-truth.... remember those commercials showing an egg going into a hot frying pan and a voice-over saying, "this is your brain on drugs." So, now we have the proof, just not the drugs that were being alluded to.

The scary thought is, this is what we're up against. Whoda thunk?! Sorry, just trying to laugh to keep from crying.

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