Jordan Peterson: Gender Pronouns and Free Speech War

Saying that the Petersons are bad parents because they didn't know what best diet was for their sick daughter is equivalent to saying that all parents, past present and future are bad for similar reasons of lack of knowledge. The most loving and well intentional people in the world can only do as much as their knowledge at the time allows. It is often the case that when people are put on a pedestal and they disappoint on a certain issue, there is a tendency to criticize everything about them, even if it's not logically warranted. It reminds me of those couple who separate, and instead of going each their own way, they turn into hate and into trying to destroy each other by all means.
Peterson is not perfect. He says many interesting things one can learn from, and he also says many stupid things one can learn from as well. As for the daughter, she's a millennial. Because of her ailments in her youth she's been spoiled (parents, psychologists or not, tend to do that, consciously or not), so there you have it.
If you are very sensitive skip this.
It shows the consequences of gender influencer's on the very young.


The people to whom this happens will be forgotten by the "They have the freedom to choose" crowd.
No one will come around to see how they are doing. No one will come when their Life falls apart and they end-up for example on the streets of San Francisco.
That is guaranteed.
Saying that the Petersons are bad parents because they didn't know what best diet was for their sick daughter is equivalent to saying that all parents, past present and future are bad for similar reasons of lack of knowledge. The most loving and well intentional people in the world can only do as much as their knowledge at the time allows. It is often the case that when people are put on a pedestal and they disappoint on a certain issue, there is a tendency to criticize everything about them, even if it's not logically warranted. It reminds me of those couple who separate, and instead of going each their own way, they turn into hate and into trying to destroy each other by all means.
Peterson is not perfect. He says many interesting things one can learn from, and he also says many stupid things one can learn from as well. As for the daughter, she's a millennial. Because of her ailments in her youth she's been spoiled (parents, psychologists or not, tend to do that, consciously or not), so there you have it.

Most people's personal issues aren't usually all that pretty. It's part and parcel of living in this reality. Parents will undoubtedly mess up, we adopt unhealthy beliefs and behaviors, we unconsciously suffer and cause unnecessary suffering. That is the fast track of lessons we're faced with. When you make your life public, your personal flaws become available for everyone to see and that can make you an easy target. There can be many reasons for this, particularly when what you are sharing with the public contains some good. But leaving that aside, much of the overly harsh criticisms that people use against those with some fame comes because it is an easy distraction from our own uncomfortable issues. I think this is not just projection but a manner in which we reinforce our false personality. It seems to me that resistance toward life comes in degrees, leading up to avoidance and then outright denial.

We can feel this resistance in our anxieties, fears, doubts, and in our anger, depression, etc. (often emerging from our beliefs). Complaining, spiteful criticisms, victimhood, helplessness, and types of aggression are a way of putting our 'burdens' onto others to deal with but there is an aspect of consciousness here because these things actually are decisions. These are destructive ways of not facing or accepting reality as it is, which in turn seems to feed our capacity for denial. Outright denial seems a more unconscious process where the 'big, bad, ugly' things in us can dominate what we do, seemingly leading to 'uncontrolled' behavior.

Now, all this isn't to say that we shouldn't examine what is being said by public figures, and network to identify errors and harmful things. But I think there are signs to tell when we're just avoiding our own stuff versus when we are actually engaging our attention to see external reality. And it is a process. We're not perfect where we can just achieve some magical ability to become truely objective and we shouldn't expect that our own stuff doesn't get in the way. Just being aware that our own baggage can and does get in the way can help a lot.
Understanding what it means to be dangerous.
A valuable lesson in my opinion.

Here's JP's explanation of what it means to be "dangerous".

When I went to High School I was on the wrestling team. I think it was one of the best things I did there beside just studying as well as I could. Today the numbers of students participating in wrestling in the US is dropping. I suspect they are too busy with their smartphones.
JP back into politics. This time giving voice to Masih Alinejad. The subject: overthrow of Iran. Mostly it’s just JP giving Masih Alinejad airtime.

Ron Paul tweet: (about Masih)
"Doesn't it strike anyone as strange that the "leader" of this "freedom" movement in Iran is a US government employee and bosom buddy of the neocons? But hey, sure, it's totally legit..."

Message to Trudeau From Iran | With Masih Alinejad

Dr Jordan B Peterson and Masih Alinejad have a message for Canadian PM Justin Trudeau, the time to stand for Iranian freedom is now. Masih Alinjead is an Iranian-American journalist, author, and women's rights activist. Alinejad is an outspoken cr…
Q: (Saman) Saw an article on SOTT today that Jordan Peterson has become on the surface a seemingly Zionist supporter? Is this due to perhaps threats to his family and livelihood?
A: No
Q: (Saman) Or is it something else?
A: Jordan is much driven by emotion. He is having a difficult time coping with objective reality.
College of Psychologists vs Jordan B Peterson | Mikhaila Peterson | EP 322
I like peace. If I have a problem with a person, I want to address it right now, 100%, right to the bottom, to get it out of the way so we don't fight about it for the next ten years. [...] I never like those conversations. I find them very stressful. I am too high in negative emotion and too high in agreeableness to enjoy that sort of thing. Those are the detrimental consequences of my feminine temperament to the degree that I have that (which is quite a degree actually). And that's what partly tilted me towards being a clinician in the first place. It has its advantages because I do feel the pain of other people quite deeply, but that also makes it very hard for me to fight even though I'll fight when I know that the consequences of not fighting is more fighting. That's a paradox, you know.
It could be that JP enters "problem avoidance mode" whenever he is faced with a problem that cannot be immediately solved, because it overwhelms and hurts him so much emotionally. I have the impression that he is aware of his weaknesses, but can't quite get a grip on them.
The problem of anonymity is that the anonymous denouncers get the upper hand. The research is clear on this. I just talked to Delroy L. Paulhus this week, the developer of the idea of the dark triad and the dark tetrad and there is a huge body of research that's emerging showing online trolls, especially anonymous types, are much more likely to be narcissistic (that means they want social status, they believe they deserve social status, they should get it without earning it), Machiavellian (which means they will manipulate other people instrumentally to get what they want independent of the consequences for that person), psychopathic (which means they are predatory and parasitical (parasitical meaning that they are perfectly willing to use your work as means for their sustenance)), and, this is the new part of the tetrad which is expanded beyond the triad, cynistic (which means taking a positive delight in the evident suffering of others). [...] Some of the complaints that are levied against me by the Ontario College of Psychologists were just submitted to the College as tweets! So they just used the College tag line (@CPOntario) to point the College to one of my tweets... and that was the complaint! So these people who are willing to use their anonymity to inform and accuse have the upper hand in a virtualized society.
This is encouraging, but JP might be on track for another round of suffering if he confronts an army of psychopaths as a lone wolf. Will he be able to resist without desintegrating, that is the question.
This speech at the Oxford Union Debate is BRILLIANT !!! It is directed at the woke warriors.
Only the dumb and programmed woke listeners will not understand how rational are his arguments against climate change movement.

"Climate change" is nothing more than a con operation to steal and enslave in poverty those who believe in it, nothing else.

As he says at the end "We need to work ...."

Which one is real? Which one is funnier?

Watch: Inexperienced Trans Figure Skater Performs At European Championship With Hilarious Results
SUNDAY, JAN 29, 2023 - 10:00 AM

A 59-year-old male Finnish farmer, Markku-Pekka Antikainen, took up figure skating at age 50, declared himself trans, and has now performed under the female name "Minna-Maaria" at the opening ceremony of the European Figure Skating Championship. Finland was proud to announce that they would be including the world's "first trans figure skater" at the proceedings, only to discover Markku could not skate.

Previous warnings that the trans "athlete" may not be qualified for the event were present, but strangely, ignored. Markku has competed before with similar results. However, he received higher marks from judges for his routines anyway, likely due to his trans status. Take a look at this routine, in which Markku dresses up as a Gisha, stumbles about and yet still gets a 2nd place score:

Similar to the way in which children competitors are sometimes given special treatment because judges are afraid to hurt their feelings, the culture of participation trophies and special allowances for trans participants is slowly erasing competitive environments and turning athletics into a joke.

The debate over male athletes competing in female sports while claiming to be women is often more about the inherent genetic differences between the sexes and the clear advantages men have. In this case, the debate is about trans participants being given chances they don't deserve simply because they say they are trans.

At bottom, the greater conflict is over what constitutes reality. Though Markku is a non-athlete given license to pretend he belongs in an arena with champions, other men with biological advantages are given license to pretend they are women while destroying women's sports and dominating in every field.

One ultimately has to wonder if any of this is about social "dignity" or so-called equity? Perhaps it is actually meant to be nothing more than a mockery of human excellence and truth; an attempt to tear down all notions of merit while forcing the public to act as if they believe men can be women or that the mediocre can be extraordinary? Perhaps all of this is an exercise in forcing the populace to see something that is not really there and to participate in the big lie?
Which one is real? Which one is funnier?

This was a comment Matt Walsh posted in response to a Trans man having his/her 1st menstration pains....Am I even saying it right? Is a woman, who used to be a man, now a woman, are they called a trans man? I'm so confused! Anyway as a woman, it's not a joke to me anymore...I was an amateur athlete in my youth and this is not right!

I'm gonna agree with Matt Walsh, here:

These people fetishize every aspect of womanhood, including menstruation. It’s gross and bizarre but the good news is they’re turning everyone against them. Women are sick to death of the trans stuff. Tired of being objectified this way. A tipping point.

Most of this stuff is really just a combination of extreme narcissism and fetishism. We found the intersection where a person’s self obsessions and sex obsessions meet and gave it a name and embraced it as an “identity.”
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