Indeed, it is criminal! One should always ask what the side-effects are of any medicine they are given. As an example, when I was being treated for the autoimmune disorder that I have, the Fellow at the University that was seeing me suggested a new treatment: it was an infusion that would be given once a month and was very expensive. Because of already knowing that there were serious side-effects to most medicines, I asked what were the side-effects of this infusion. I was told that it caused symptoms that were much like cerebral palsy. So I asked if when the medication was stopped if these symptoms went away. The answer was "No". I, too, said "No".
I couldn't believe that anyone who is supposed to be helping people get better could even think of giving a treatment like this that could end up making the person's like even more miserable! But, then, when you are pushing meds for Big Pharma, the more meds they can get you on, the better.