Julian Assange Discussion

Re: Soldier Betrayed by Online Informant with Wikileaks

Guardian said:
agni said:
Guardian said:
agni said:
And you know, it makes sense & healthy attitude to have in pathological world we inhibit. It's a given we are STS and live in STS world, where split between 3D STS & STO is in not anywhere close to 50/50. Given that, why give everyone neutral/fair ground so to speak ?

Because I don't want to become what I stand against.

I do not understand, how does above exactly make you what you stand against ?

Because I believe that giving EVERYONE a fair chance is the STO thing to do. :)

I used to do the same thing. Then it came close to getting me killed in a number of situations....and I finally decided to apply what I knew based on behavior patterns.

In dealing with predatory human beings, you cannot afford to give them any breaks. All that will do is get you hurt, and hurt those who rely on you. Standing up and refusing to be food for a predator does not make you a predator yourself. Refusing to be used does not make you a user of other people. Refusing to waste your energy for people in these situations is not wrong...but it does make you check your pride, especially when that pride in personal honor does your spirit no good.

For example: At the recent gathering Hubby and I attended, there was a woman there that behaved in a very Spidery fashion. She was very angry, wanted to take control over everything that was going on, and because she was one of the oldest family members, she got her way in many situations. I stayed away from her based on that, until late in the day she came to me and asked me if I had seen her husband. She said he was a diabetic, and she knew he hadn't eaten all day, and she was afraid he would take their car and drive off in his condition. I asked her if she talked to the people in charge of the gathering, and her reaction was to literally wring her hands and say "Well, I don't know if I should say anything...." But her expression was greedy. Hungry.

So I asked her, what was he wearing?
She didn't know, other than she thought he was wearing shorts.
What does he look like?
She couldn't tell me....she just said his name.

Is this the behavior of real concern? Is this how a person who cares for another human being behaves? It is NOT. She was not in shock, she was not experiencing trauma....she wanted all the attention and sympathy she could get out of me.

Basically this woman came to the gathering, jumped into the group preparing things, and totally ignored her husband. She did not tell anyone about his condition, and she didn't spare him a thought or glance for the entire day. She did not see if he was hungry or bring him food. In like fashion, her husband did not ask for anything to eat. He got mad and left. Her other family members were not upset by any of this, and didn't even know that her husband was diabetic. They did not react with alarm or concern and ignored her tears and hand wringing.

What did I do? Well, yes, I did go and tell her family what was going on, and yes the man of the house went to look for him. The missing man had indeed taken the car and left. I asked several family members if a call to the police was in order, since I'm well aware of what can happen to a diabetic who had not eaten. Their behavior told me this was a drama that plays out wherever she goes. It was an entrenched family dysfunction.

At that point, after informing my Hubby of what was happening, and doing what we could to find this man, we left the situation alone. I saw the woman set herself to one side of where everyone had gathered to eat, to sit in full view of them and cry, and keep wringing her hands. She talked on a cell phone a few times, and her face was quite angry. Her sister said later the missing man was not answering his cell phone. I again asked if it was time to call the police, and she said no, he was probably ignoring her the way she ignored him.

That was it for me. The entire situation was in essence a subconsciously manufactured feeding mechanism. It would do no good at all to let her suck me dry of all my energy by giving her the benefit of the doubt. It was clear to me she didn't really care about her husband, and it was mutual. Her extended family didn't lift a finger, and who would know her better?

This is just one example of many, and I'm sure you know whereof I speak Guardian. You've seen this. I know it feels overwhelming in the beginning to get hold of those tidal wave emotions. It CAN be done. What I do when the emotions are too much? I groom my dog of burrs and check his legs and feet. If there are dishes in the sink, those get done up so when Hubby comes home the kitchen is clean. My energy is directed where it does the most good right then, instead of allowing emotions to carry me off into situations that would hurt me, and by extension hurt my loved ones.

Maybe its time to go visit your horse and brush her down. If you need, take off your shoes and ground yourself in the dirt. I've been known to roll in mud just to get decent perspective back. ;D

You are much loved here, and that isn't going to change. :flowers:
Re: Soldier Betrayed by Online Informant with Wikileaks

anart said:
At the time the thread was started, the title used the content of the article. It was unknown at that time whether it was a lie or not.

"It was unknown at that time whether it was a lie or not" by the person who wrote it, and the people who started spreading it...which has been my point from the beginning.

You are not seeing reality as it is.

Well I'd say we are definitely looking at different sides of the elephant.

G said:
Of course I know I could be wrong about Julian/Wikileaks...I believe I said that on the first page.

Then why are you on this emotional crusade about it?

Perhaps we should discuss our differing definitions of "emotional crusade" before I answer this one? Unfortunately, I've been on emotional crusades before, and this doesn't come close. This started with me saying I was "disappointed" at people's immediate response to the release of the AWD ...and I am.

G said:
I also know I could be wrong about this group/Fellowship.

That has nothing to do with this conversation.

It has EVERYTHING to do with this conversation from my side of the elephant.

The Fellowship doesn't need blind believers, it needs people with open minds, critical thinking and the ability to look at themselves and the world as it is.

Wikileaks doesn't need blind believers, it needs people with open minds, critical thinking and the ability to look at themselves and the world as it is.

If I currently thought either group was otherwise, we wouldn't be having this discussion.

G said:
Of the two, I've known about Wikileaks MUCH longer.

The two aren't even vaguely related, and you comparing them this way is a bit of emotional manipulation, actually.

I'm sorry if you took what I said that way...it wasn't my intent. Laura asked me a question and that was my answer. I know more about Wikileaks than I know about this group. I compare the two groups, and the people involved, because I think they have much more in common than either realizes.

G said:
By Perceval's logic, if you are what you say you are, you shouldn't still be alive...and neither should I, or a dozen other folks I know. Anyone who actually manages to come up with a way to shine a light on any of the multiple horrors around us should be dead? That standard kinda reminds me of the old Witch Ducking stool.

Not at all. This is evidence of black and white thinking on your part..

Well, yeah, I think..."dead" and "alive" are pretty black and white.

What Perceval is saying is that if Julian truly had information or the ability to decidedly damage (and here I mean REALLY damage in the long term) the PTBs machinations, he would be dead or disappeared.

I understand exactly what Perceval is saying...and I reiterate, if he were correct, Laura, and especially Ark would be dead, along with several other really nice folks I know. Survival is NOT evidence of one's ineffectiveness!

You'll notice that 'we' do not go sticking sticks into hornet's nests regarding the PTB,

Ahhh...ok...if you say so, I suppose it's all relative :halo:

Guardian, you are not thinking clearly - at all.

That seems to be the unanimous opinion at this point....the only question amongst my friends and associates is who/what I'm not thinking clearly about :cry:

G said:
Even if I was "sure" today, new information could make me not so sure tomorrow. There are some weeks when I change my opinions more often than I change my underwear :rolleyes:

Then this knowledge about yourself should allow you to refrain from becoming bull-headed and going on emotional crusades,

No, not really...it generally doesn't. :(

rather than coolly and calmly analyzing the available data in any situation.

That's all I've been asking others to do BEFORE they pass public judgment on people they do not know.
Re: Soldier Betrayed by Online Informant with Wikileaks

go2 said:
Guardian, Julian Assange and Wikileaks are not a voice in the wilderness. He is part of a well financed and organized PSYOPS.

So glad we don't trash people without evidence 'round here.
Re: Soldier Betrayed by Online Informant with Wikileaks

I find anyone assuming WL and Julian are mechanisms of TPTB just as dangerous as assuming he is benevolent and immune to mind control and manipulation. Either notion is extreme considering the information we are dealing with.

I believe it would be better to have working hypotheses than opinions as the former remains open to change with more information and the latter easily becomes entrenched by emotional investment.

I believe the best course of action is to continue to analyze all information from all sources and all extremes in attitude and carefully craft a working hypothesis. I currently have three and have not seen sufficient data to prove or disprove any of them (see http://www.cassiopaea.org/forum/index.php?topic=18200.msg183295#msg183295).

We have a wonderful thread on "opinions" at http://www.cassiopaea.org/forum/index.php?topic=3925.0 that might help some get beyond their current thinking. If you haven't read this thread, you will most likely benefit from it.

Re: Soldier Betrayed by Online Informant with Wikileaks

Guardian said:
You'll notice that 'we' do not go sticking sticks into hornet's nests regarding the PTB,

Ahhh...ok...if you say so, I suppose it's all relative :halo:

Yes - it is. And grasping this is exactly what black and white thinking prevents.
Re: Soldier Betrayed by Online Informant with Wikileaks

Guardian said:
Julian and any other voice in the wilderness deserves my respect and protection for trying to speak out....until I KNOW there is a hidden intent.

go2 said:
Guardian, Julian Assange and Wikileaks are not a voice in the wilderness. He is part of a well financed and organized PSYOPS. You know he is working with the Guardian, the New York Times and Der Spiegal. He has appeared on dozens of news programs, including Larry King of CNN. How can he be a voice in the wilderness? He is the darling of the MSM. Why do you persist in painting a false picture of Julian Assange as a heroic dissenter in your statement quoted above?

Guardian said:
So glad we don't trash people without evidence 'round here.

Hi Guardian, I will accept your critique. Please disregard my opinion in bold. Now, how do you see Julian Assange as a voice in the wilderness, when the facts are different?
Re: Wikileaks & AWD's

Black Swan said:
Guardian said:
Because I believe that giving EVERYONE a fair chance is the STO thing to do.

Ok, if this is one of your guiding principles, then it would be helpful and logical for you to give us the same fair chance to suss out what is happening in this situation, yes?

YES! Please show me where I've encouraged anyone to do anything but this since the start of this thread? How is ANYONE able to determine what Julian and Wikileaks are trying to do 15 minutes after the files are posted?

How can ANYONE comment on the relevancy of the released documents before they've been read??

You have mentioned several times that 'we' really have a good grip on what's going on on this planet, so why not trust the process here a little more? Don't you think, chances are we'll uncover the truth, as much as is possible, despite taking a possible wrong turn here or there every now and then?

Well I did :cry:

I could be wrong but it seems this discussion has mostly activated your "protection" program. Try looking at that.

Yes...that's what I do.

You are very used to guarding and protecting those you deem to be innocent, but it seems that program and its emotionalism is getting in your way here.

I'm NOT trying to be emotionally manipulative here by making a comparison...but my reaction is no different when people who have never taken the time to read Laura's writings, the Cass files, etc. call her names, brand her a government tool, etc.

ANYONE who tries to make a difference will face the same ridicule and slander, and I expect I will have the same reaction....at least I hope I do.
Re: Soldier Betrayed by Online Informant with Wikileaks

Guardian said:
I understand exactly what Perceval is saying...and I reiterate, if he were correct, Laura, and especially Ark would be dead, along with several other really nice folks I know. Survival is NOT evidence of one's ineffectiveness!

I don't think you do understand what I was implying. Someone who gets access to supposedly unique and extremely sensitive, potentially "bring down the government"- type information and then gives that information to the mainstream media who spread it far and wide, is in a totally different ball park than the one Laura and Ark are in. Basically, you haven't heard much about Sott.net on the MSM, and you won't.
Re: Soldier Betrayed by Online Informant with Wikileaks

Perceval said:

Wayne Madsen on RT.com saying Assange and Wikileaks are engaged in a publicity stunt.

Could be...but since "the NSA at Ft. Meed" couldn't crack a Puffer file, I doubt they know what's in it. Wouldn't be hilarious if the government spent weeks, months, etc. trying to crack it, and it turned out to be a cartoon or something :lol:
Re: Soldier Betrayed by Online Informant with Wikileaks

Gimpy said:
In dealing with predatory human beings, you cannot afford to give them any breaks. All that will do is get you hurt, and hurt those who rely on you.

Agreed... perhaps I should have said "I believe that giving EVERYONE a fair chance to show they're not a predatory psycho is the STO thing to do" ;)
Re: Soldier Betrayed by Online Informant with Wikileaks

Guardian said:
Perceval said:

Wayne Madsen on RT.com saying Assange and Wikileaks are engaged in a publicity stunt.

Could be...but since "the NSA at Ft. Meed" couldn't crack a Puffer file, I doubt they know what's in it. Wouldn't be hilarious if the government spent weeks, months, etc. trying to crack it, and it turned out to be a cartoon or something :lol:

Now THAT would be funny!
Re: Soldier Betrayed by Online Informant with Wikileaks

go2 said:
Hi Guardian, I will accept your critique. Please disregard my opinion in bold. Now, how do you see Julian Assange as a voice in the wilderness, when the facts are different?

The following 500 pages are in this category, out of 2,159 total.

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* 2009 Virginia Terrorism Threat Assessment, Mar 2009


* 38,838 Clearstream international counterparties, including Bernard L. Madoff, Jul 2004


* 60A 2 1 5 EOD Procedures Freezing Techniques 1987


* 7.62mm M24 Sniper Weapon System, 1989
* 797 domains on Finnish Internet censorship list, including censorship critic, 2008


* 86 interceptaciones telefonicas a politicos y autoridades peruanos, más del caso Petrogate, 2008
* 86 interceptaciones telefonicas a politicos y autoridades peruanos, más del caso Petrogate, transcripciónes, 2008


* A Collection of CIA Papers on Al-Qaida's Threat to the US Homeland (2005)
* A Coup for the Rich: Thailand's Political Crisis, 2007
* A list of 2,070 Scientology cult domain names registered to domains@scientology.net
* A manual of female beauty for Mormons
* A soldiers guide to Direct Questioning, Reporting and Detainee Operations, 24 Jul 2006
* ACS townhall meeting shows realigment strategy to offshore
* AIG bailout shareholder approval notice
* AIG founder Maurince Hank Greenberg to board of directors, 16 Sep 2008
* AIG: Is the Risk Systemic?, 26 Feb 2009
* Abu Ghraib SECRET camp Ganci oblique (2003)
* Abu Ghraib map (2003)
* Abu Ghraib whistleblower Samuel Provance statement, unredacted, 13 Feb 2006
* Afghanistan Order of Battle, 2007
* Afghanistan Paramilitary Terrorist Insurgent Groups, 1 Mar 2009
* Afghanistan: Anti-Coalition Militia ACM Tactics, Techniques, and Procedures, 2003
* African National Congress National Health Insurance plan presentation to NEHAWU political school, 2009
* African National Congress National Health Insurance plan, July 2009
* African National Congress National Health Insurance plan, June 2009
* African Union Sudan Ceasefire Violation report: SLA attack on GoS convoy, 31 Jan 2005
* Air France flight AF447 ACARS summary report, June 2009
* Airbus-Kingfisher 60 plane MOU (2007)
* Al Quada Documents Visual Recognition Guide
* Alcatel-Lucent support document for undersea cable to Cuba, 2007
* Alms for Jihad: Charity and Terrorism in the Islamic World
* Alperin v. Vatican Bank, 2008
* Alpha Chi Omega ritual book: as sworn by Condeleeza Rice
* Alpha Chi Sigma ceremony manual
* Alpha Kappa Alpha Secret Ritual circa 1977
* Ambulance Service of NSW internet and social media policy bans dissent, 2009
* Ambulance Service of New South Wales: Estimated Deployment Levels, 2009
* Amnesty International abortion policy documents 2008
* Amtsgericht Kaiserslautern: 50 Tage Gefaengnis fuer Zitieren eines Liedtexts auf wer-kennt-wen.de, 20 Oct 2009
* An Overview of VOIP for Law Enforcement, 23 Dec 2008
* Anatomy of a Subway Hack 2008
* Anderson County Administrator Joey R Preston Employment Contract 1998
* Anderson County Council $40,000 purchase order for private investigators, 5 May 2009
* Anderson County and Allison Schaum consulting contract, 1 Nov 2008
* Anderson County: Edward Eugine Moore, wife assult and kidnapping records, 1998
* Anderson County: Robert Clayton Daniel deposition, 13 Mar 2009
* Anglo spy fusion: Operation Empire Challenge - 87 documents, 2008
* Anglo spy fusion: Operation Empire Challenge, C4ISR OTM executive summary, 26 Nov 2008
* Anti-Syrian states fund nearly all of the $62M PA Rafik Hariri Lebanon assassination tribunal, 2008
* Anti-terrorism head Robert Quick to Home Secretary Jacqui Smith over Parliament raid, 3 Dec 2008
* Anti-union call between Bank of America, Bernie Marcus, et al. and Rick Berman, 17 Oct 2008
* Antoin "Tony" Rezko USD 3.5M transfer from UK-Iraqi billionaire Nadhmi Auchi and other exhibits, 2008
* Apple censored iPodHash source code, Nov 2008
* Apple iPhone SDK Agreement
* Arbeitsentwurf Sperrgesetz BMWI, 25 Mar 2009
* Arbeitsentwurf Sperrgesetz, 1 Apr 2009
* Army targets Congress to keep tax spigot flowing: US Forces Strategic Communications Plan Memorandum of Instruction, 18 Apr 2009
* Article redacted from Westdeutsche Zeitung on police and Andreas Neuber, 17 Dec 2008
* Aryan Nations hotmail.com private mailbox, Oct 2009
* Assassinated FARC spokesman Raul Reyes Yahoo mailbox 2007-2008
* Associated Press US "test" election results 2008
* Assorted plans and papers from the Iranian Ammunition Industries Group, 2009
* Attempted assassination of President Ramos-Horta investigation documents 2008
* Audit Report: Audit of the Galileo System at the United Nations Logistic Base in Brindisi, Italy, 1 Jul 2008
* Audit Report: Certificate of entitlement process at the United Nations Joint Staff Pension Fund, 27 May 2008
* Audit Report: Financial Accounting and Rconciliation Process at the United Nations Joing Staff Pension Fund, 16 May 2008
* Audit Report: Gifts management system at United Nations Headquarters, 25 Aug 2008
* Audit Report: Procurement management at the United Nations Joints Staff Pension Fund, 4 Jun 2008
* Audit Report: Procurement management at the United Nations Office at Geneva, 6 Jun 2008
* Audit Report: Telecommunications Billing at the United Nations Office at Geneva, 23 Jun 2008
* Audit Report: United Nations Institute for Disarmament Research, 22 Aug 2008
* Audit of United Nations Information Centre in Tokyo, 11 Mar 2008
* Audit of the Local Committee on Contracts of the United Nations Mission in the Democratic Republic of Congo MONUC, 9 Jun 2008
* Audit of the Virtual Small Aperture Terminal (VSAT) Satellite System at the United Nations Logistics Base in Brindisi, Italy, 15 Apr 2008
* Australia secretly censors Wikileaks press release and Danish Internet censorship list, 16 Mar 2009
* Australian Communications and Media Authority censorship demmand to Electronic Frontiers Australia over link to US pro-life site, 5 May 2009
* Australian Defence Force classified propaganda doctrine: Information Operations Planning Manual, 20 Jun 2001
* Australian Government censorship of US anti-abortion site abortiontv.com, 21 Jan 2009
* Australian Retailers Association: National Employment Standards Submission, 2008
* Australian government secret ACMA internet censorship blacklist, 11 Mar 2009
* Australian government secret ACMA internet censorship blacklist, 18 Mar 2009
* Australian government secret ACMA internet censorship blacklist, 6 Aug 2008
* Austrian University E-voting draft, 27 Feb 2009
* Austrian e-voting NDA for May student election, 2009
* Austrian e-voting NDA info for May student election code-review, 2009
* Austrian election result forecast 2008


* BAE Systems Temporal Processing of NASA Millimiter Wave Flight Test Data, May 2006
* BBC High Court Defence against Trafigura libel suit, 11 Sep 2009
* BBC Newsnight's "Dirty tricks and toxic waste in Ivory Coast", 15min video, 13 May 2009
* BBC deletes important story on toxic waste dumping in the Ivory Coast after legal threats, 12 Dec 2009
* BCCI Sandstorm report, 1991
* BDO Bericht ueber Vergabepruefung beim Institut fuer Qualitaet und Wirtschaftlichkeit im Gesundheitswesen, 8 Feb 2008
* BJB - Aladin Invest Bernd Weikl EUR 5 mil
* BJB - Coffee Cup Dimingo Cuadra Malaga Marabella USD 8 mil
* BJB - Finanzintermediare Methoden
* BJB - Greek shipowners Anna Kanellakis Alpha Tankers - USD 30 mil per year
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* BJB - JK Peng - Dragon Trust - Cayman hidden money
* BJB - Juan Carlos Cespedes - SF holdings - 11 mil
* BJB - Jurg Grossmann revisited
* BJB - Leonhardt Lec Invest Steuerhinterziehung USD 3 mil
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* BJB - Luis Nozaleda - Blanca R avena - Madrid - USD 18 mil
* BJB - Moonstone Trust - Pan OX International
* BJB - Mr. Lewis - George Charles Lampitt - confusion of beneficiary
* BJB - Mr. Lewis - George Charles Lampitt - tax avoidence - Cayman - 5 mil
* BJB - Renker Steuerbetrug Cayman Vaduz Zuerich
* BJB - Roberto de Andrade - Gaynor Jaguar Angel Yara Trusts
* BJB - Shape CreInvest excellence funds
* BJB - Shortcomings in trust administration (2008)
* BJB - Steuerbetrug Juerg Grossmann - EUR 25 mil
* BJB - Swisspartner Offshore Tax Scheme - USD 150 mil
* BJB - UK sculptor Henry Moore collection in British Virgin Islands Lusitania Holdings - USD 8 mil
* BJB - Vigier Fintex - tax evasion Cayman
* BJB - Winston Layne, New York - USD 10 mil tax fraud
* BJB Hans Henning Atrott hides USD1.3m in Cayman Islands
* BJB offshore - Renker - Cronin Resources - USD 120 mil
* BKA Abschlussbericht "AGNES", Apr 2008
* BKA verweigert Akteneinsicht zu Zensurverträgen gemäß Informationsfreiheitsgesetz, 5 Mai 2009
* BMFSJ: Daten und Fakten Kinderpornografie im Internet, Mar 2009
* BMWI Expertenworkshop zu Kooperation bei der Bekaempfung der Internetpiraterie, 11 Aug 2009
* BND Kosovo intelligence report, 22 Feb 2005
* BREIN vs. The Pirate Bay legal information and potentially forged Experian report, 2009
* Bad Science: Jeni Barnett MMR and vaccination slot on LBC radio, 2009
* Baer Sterns Confidential Information Memorandum for American Casinos
* Bahrain plans $1bil for extended national security plan, 10 Jul 2009
* Ball State University sex trips emails, 1999
* Bank Julius Baer Mercury Trust estimated hidden amount USD 25M, 1999
* Bank Julius Baer Polygraph test of Rudolf Elmer
* Bank Julius Baer USA tax evasion trusts
* Bank Julius Baer millions of USD in trust for Mexican mass murderer and drug trafficker Arturo Acosta Chapparo, 1998
* Bank Julius Baer vs. Rudolf Elmer - no data theft
* Bank Julius Baer: Angel Trust, Brazil hidden approx USD 80M, 1999
* Bank Julius Baer: Brazilian Senator Roseana Sarney estimated USD 150M in Caymans, 1999
* Bank Julius Baer: Brazilian Senator Tasso Ribeiro Jereissati ANCANAJO TRUST, 1999
* Bank Julius Baer: Moonstone Trust Zurich prosecutor's decision, 4 Dec 2008
* Bank Julius Baer: Smolka Trust USD 65M offshore, 1999
* Bank Julius Baer: Spain Mistral Almazan Gallego hidden USD 1,2 Mio
* Bank Julius Baer: Spray Fleury Trust Sauerteig Bergman approx USD 50M, 1999
* Bank Julius Baer: TJABE Dr. Van Os USD 9 Mio
* Bank Julius Baer: The Baer essentials part 1
* Bank Julius Baer: The Carlyle Group USD 300M Cayman Islands, 1999
* Bankers Petroleum and the Visoka oil field explosions 9 Oct 2009
* Barclays Bank gags Guardian over leaked memos detailing offshore tax scam, 16 Mar 2009
* Barnes and Noble anti-union administration manuals, 2004-2006
* Bayer Coatings Systems Shanghai Environmental Impact Assessment 2002
* Belgium ABN AMRO Ernst and Young backoffice tax investigation proposal
* Belgium land tax registrar anonymizations 2008
* Belgium: Dutroux dossier summary, 1235 pages, 2005
* Berliner Feuerwehr: Digitalfunk-Info aktuelles, Mitarbeiterinformation, 3 Dec 2009
* Beschluss Obergericht Kanton Zuerich zu Moonstone Trust, 27 Apr 2009
* Bezuschussungsvereinbarung Land BaWue und KASIG zur Karlsruher UStrab Multiloesung, 10 Dez 2008
* Bia san Pasqual Indian Nation rejection letter 2008
* Big Brother Switzerland: real-time internet interception to start on August 1, 2009
* Big Pharma inside the WHO: confidential analysis of unreleased WHO Expert Working Group draft reports, 8 Dec 2009
* Bilderberg Group History, 1956
* Bilderberg meeting report Aachen, 1980
* Bilderberg meeting report Buergenstock, 1960
* Bilderberg meeting report Cannes, 1963
* Bilderberg meeting report Fiuggi, 1957
* Bilderberg meeting report Garmisch-Patenkirchen, 1955
* Bilderberg meeting report Saltsjöbaden, 1962
* Bilderberg meeting report Yeşilköy, 1958

B cont.

* BillOreilly.com assorted leaks 2008
* Billionaire fraudster Nadhmi Auchi legal attack on New Statesman over Wikileaks link, 20 Oct 2008
* Bizarre California cult, Fellowship of Friends, attacks GodLikeProductions.com for reposting WikiLeaks expose, 21 Jun 2009
* Blackwater bankers - Huntington National Bank
* Blood and Honour international Neo-Nazi network messages and passwords, Mar 2009
* Boeing 737-200 maintenance manuals, August 2007
* Boeing F-15 Strike Eagle fighter jet Engine Starting System technical manual (2001)
* Boeing F-15C and F-15D Auto Flight System 1998
* Boeing F-15C and F-15D fighter jet Tactical Electronic Warfare System 2000
* Boeing Super Hornet sales pitch to Danish Parliament Defense Committee, 4 Dec 2008
* Boeing uses employees to oppose Obama pork cuts, 27 Aug 2009
* Bohemian Grove Guest List 2008
* Bolivia Secrete Informe Situacional Chile 2006
* Botswana Stock Exchange Membership Rules, 1996
* British Airways flight 038 traffic control video, 17 Jan 2008
* British American Tobacco South Africa report, Sep 2007
* British Army briefing notification on the unlawful killings of three soldiers at Deepcut Barracks, 14 Mar 2009
* British National Party Language and Concepts Discipline Manual, July 2005
* British National Party membership and contacts list, 2007-2008
* British National Party membership and contacts list, CSV, 2007-2008
* British National Party membership and contacts list, SQL, 2007-2008
* British National Party membership and contacts list, spread sheet, 2007-2008
* British National Party membership list and other information, 15 Apr 2009
* British National Party: Racism Cuts Both Ways, Nov 2008
* British National Party: email on Altrincham Muslim Association, 26 Sep 2008
* British National Party: party leader Nick Griffin to members over list leak, 20 Nov 2008
* British Waterways Targets and Renumeration, 2004-2009
* British Waterways executive bonus payoffs, 2008-2009
* British billionaire Nadhmi Auchi legal threat to Hawaii Free Press, Feb 2009
* Bulgarian State Security Agency (DANS) high-level corruption report, 2008
* Bundesinnenministerium: Vision eines freien und sicheren Deutschlands, 22 Sep 2009
* Bundesnetzagentur plant gemeinsamen Bestandsdatenpool aller TK-Anbieter, 28 sep 2009
* Bundesregierung: Kleine Anfrage zu polizeilich gefuehrten Datenbanken, unredigiert, 25 Mai 2009
* Bundestag on German CIA blacksites and detainee transfers, 31 Mar 2008
* Bundestag: Sperrverfugung gegen Internet-Provider, 2009
* Burning Man Paul Addis plea email
* Business Software Alliance Tribunal de Commerce filing, 21 Sep 1997
* Bírósági ítélet marasztalta el az ORTT-t közérdekű adatok kiadásának megtagadásáért


* CAFCASS Board Papers (2006)
* CAFCASS Board papers (2006-2007)
* CAN UK US Final Report of Task Force-25: Hazard from Toxic Industrial Chemicals 1996
* CBC Radio One report on Canadian Conservative campus front groups, 20 Mar 2009
* CDU Bundesinnenminister Wolfgang Schaeuble zu Sicherheit und Freiheit, Hamburg Hotel Eggers, 26 Aug 2009
* CDU Wahlprogrammsentwurf beinhaltet 3-Strike-Out Internetsperren, 20 Jun 2009
* CERAC Colombian conflict analysis videos, 2009
* CERAC Investigadores Colombia asesinatos, May 2009
* CIA Algeria station chief Andrew Warren drug rape search affidavit, unredacted, 2008
* CIA FBIS: Usama bin Laden Statements 1994-2004
* CIA OSC China Imagery 2007
* CIA OSC The Google Controversy 2008
* CIA OSC: Secret Israeli database shows full extent of illegal settlements, Apr 2009
* CIA Studies in Intelligence: The Decline of the National Reconnaissance Office 2002
* CIA logbook of Congressional member torture briefings, 2009
* CIA logbook of Congressional member torture briefings, cover sheet, 2009
* CIA report into shoring up Afghan war support in Western Europe, 11 Mar 2010
* CIRA: Exploitation of the Chinese Internet 2007
* CISCO Communications government marketing slides "Connected Communities", 2007
* CRS: Proposed Legislation on Securities and Exchange Commission Rule 151A, 21 Apr 2009
* CRTC Canadian ISP Practices archive, Mar 2009
* Cabinet document behind the censorship of Malaysia Today and the Port Klang Free Zone PKFZ scandal, 17 Sep 2009
* Cabinet document behind the censorship of Malaysia Today and the Port Klang Free Zone PKFZ scandal, english version, 17 Sep 2009
* Cablevision responds to FBI subpoena with PATRIOT act
* California Bar complaint against former federal prosecutor Miles Ehrlich
* California Denti-Cal Delta Dental audit: Crowns errors, 2009
* California El Centro Detainee Transfer Standard Operating Procedure (2004)
* California El Centro detainee center Use of Force Standard Operating Procedure (2002)
* California Family Council: Ron Prentice vs. Justin McLachlan email 2008
* Cambridge researcher Richard Clayton's slides on the Internet Watch Foundation, May 2009
* Cameroon Corruption in Parliamentarian Caucus for Environmental Protection, 2007
* Camp Bucca Standard Operating Procedure (2004)
* Camp Udairi, Iraq drawings (2004)
* Canada Military Police Complaints Commission Afghan Detainee Investigation: Richard Colvin to Alain Prefontaine, 13 Oct 2009
* Canada-EU Comprehensive Economic and Trade Agreement (CETA) Intellectual Property chapter, 22 Sep 2009
* Canadian Ambush manual, RESTRICTED, 13 Dec 1977
* Canadian C14 mine manual (2005)
* Canadian Conservative Party May Constituency Week Caucus Pack, May 2009
* Canadian Federation of Students AGM agenda, 2009
* Canadian Foreign Affairs and Trade ACTA Consultation Report, 2008
* Canadian Infantry Patrolling manual, 406 pages, 24 Apr 2002
* Canadian Mohawk wiretaps injuncted stories 2008
* Canadian Narconon-Scientology connection
* Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission on the Chalk River reactor shutdown
* Canadian infantry tatics and capabilities guide, TAM Insert 807, Jun 2000
* Canadian military Mines and Boobtraps, 1999
* Canadian military Unit Standard Operating Procedures, Vol 1, 1 Apr 1999
* Carleton University CampusCard Fiasco Disciplinary Decision 2008
* Carleton University property theft in Moufid case, 31 Oct 2008
* Carlyle group presentation on the world financial crisis, 15 Oct 2008
* Cartoon censored from UK prisoners magazine Inside Time for upsetting Muslim prisoners, 2009
* Case Study: LFG to Energy Project in Nova Iguacu, Brazil, Sep 2003
* Censored BBC World Service radio broadcast "Killer toxic waste" on the Trafigura scandal, 14 May 2009
* Censored Bahrain Bandargate report 2006
* Censored Carleton University CampusCard Fiasco 2008
* Censored Chambers Client Report "DLA's Mid-East Debacle", September 2009
* Censored Chinese Olympics age fraud data 2008
* Censored FCC Hands on Video Relay Services KPMG report (2008)
* Censored Fellowship of Friends cult letter from former legal council David Springfield, 2009
* Censored Legion de Cristo and Regnum Cristi document collection
* Censored Legion of Christ sect personal exams
* Censored New Scientist article: How to spot a hidden religious agenda, 28 Feb 2009
* Censored Tibet March 2008 protest photos
* Censored Tibet March 2008 protest videos - AVI format
* Censored Tibet March 2008 protest videos - FLV format
* Censored story from the National Business Review of New Zealand on Vodafone interconnection deal, 5 Aug 2009
* Censored: UK Company ThorpeGlen spies on 50 million Indonesians 2008
* Censorship demand over censored Telekom-Joos Der Spiegel article as sent to Mein Parteibuch, 11 Jun 2009
* Centers for Disease Control: Swine flu Director's Update Brief, 5 Jun 2009
* Chevron Oil Western Canada Asset Book (2004)
* Chi Thi Tham Gia Biet Quyet - De Xuat Mo Rong Thu Do - Vn Express, May 2008
* China Development Bank $10 billion overseas-expansion line of credit for Huawai, 27 Dec 2004
* China: censorship keywords, policies and blacklists for leading search engine Baidu, 2006-2009
* Chinese Green Dam Falun Gong related censorship keywords, June 2009
* Chinese Green Dam censorship system exploit, 22 Jun 2009
* Chinese government state TV censorship keywords list, 13 May 2009
* Chinese media control and censorship log covering Olympics, Apr-Aug 2008
* Chinese youth athlete competition entries 2007
* Chinese youth athlete competition entries spreadsheet 2007
* Church of Scientology Office of Special Affairs and Frank Oliver
* Cincinnati Equirer Chiquita 1998 censored articles
* Citizens Commission on Human Rights exposed as a Scientology front
* Citizens Commission on Human Rights exposed as a Scientology front part 2
* City of Aspen, Colorado, Police Procedures manual, Feb 2009
* City of Sydney Council proposal for state wide retrospective 3am alcohol lockout, 20 Mar 2009
* Classified Guantanamo Bay detention criteria (2003)
* Classified Indian Cabinet document on the Constitution of the Unique Identification Authority, 22 Oct 2009
* Classified US Iraq planning map (2005)
* Classified US Warlock Red and Warlock Green ECM Blue Force Communications Electromagnetic Compatibility Test Report, 2004
* Classified US, Japan and EU ACTA trade agreement drafts, 2009
* Classified cable from US Embassy Reykjavik on Icesave, 13 Jan 2010
* Classified note on US-Canadian embassy contact about Abousfian Abdelrazik currently exiled in the Sudan, 19 Jul 2006
* Classified report on the causes of fatal Malaysian landslide, 19 Nov 2009
* Clean Air Foundation terminates Program Funding Agreement with AQLPA, 30 Sep 2009
* Climatic Research Unit emails, data, models, 1996-2009
* Close Air Support Kunduz: Untersuchungsbericht, Meldungen, Auswertungsgespraeche, September 2009
* Coca Cola incident report on the death of 10 children in Tanzania 2007
* Combating Terrorism Readiness Initiatives Fund
* Combating Terrorism Technical Support Office: Physical Security Advance Planning Briefing for Industry, 17 Feb 2009.
* Combined DHS and FBI briefing on Potential Terrorist Exploitation of Heating, Ventilation and Airconditioning Systems (2004)
* Command Channels of Scientology
* Command Chart of Scientology
* Comparing broadband in Italy with other countries: Francesco Caio report: Portare l'Italia verso la leadership europea nella banda larga: Considerazioni sulle opzioni di politica industriale, 12 Mar 2009
* Complete student record University of Goettingen
* Comprehensive audit of the United Nations Observer Mission in Georgia (UNOMIG), 28 Apr 2008
* Concerns of Iraqis Regarding US Plans in Phase IV Ops, SECRET, Jun 2003
* Confidential plans for 1.2 billion ID cards: Creating a Unique ID for every resident in India, Nov 2009
* Confidential report into the Australian National Broadband Network, Jan 2009
* Confidential report on UK and Irish wind energy v. nuclear power: Impact of Intermittency, Poyry, 1 May 2009
* ConocoPhillips shareholder proposal for May 14 2008 meeting
* Constitutions of Miles Jesu (Soldiers of Jesus), March 2004
* Consul Genderal de Venezuela en Bilboa telefax de President Hugo Chavez, 2005
* Consul General de Venezuela en Bilbao telefax de Teniente Coronel Herandez Dala Casa Militar Palicio De Miraflores
* Control room proposal for SBV Nigeria Feb 2008
* Controversial holocaust historian David Irving emails, Nov 2009
* Convicted fraudster Shabir Shaik Medical Record, 11 Sep 2008
* Correspondence between BND and Wikileaks, as of Dec 22 2008
* Corruption convicted billionaire Nadhmi Auchi legal threat to Wikileaks, 5 Nov 2008
* Corruption in Norway, Ghana or both? Statoil v. BioFuel and the Kroll Inc. private intelligence report, Feb 2009
* Corruption in Tanzania: Benjamin Mengi
* Corruption investigation report for Joao Cancio, Minister for Education, Timor Leste, 23 Feb 2009
* Cottonwood Youth Academy Residential Treatment Utah violations 2005
* Cox Communications Interception Request Worksheet 2008
* Craig Murray: censored chapter from The Catholic Orangemen of Togo 2008
* Credit Agricole EC1781: SWIFT interception to USA, 4 Jun 2008
* Credit Suisse: Africa: Commodity Warrant, 14 April 2008
* Credit card company Discover Network Dispute Rules Manual, 12 Oct 2007
* Cryptome.org takedown: Microsoft Global Criminal Compliance Handbook, 24 Feb 2010
* Current United Student Aid contracts with US Government, 1966 and 1977


* DENIC Zusammenfassung Einfuehrung und Rollout von neuen Domains, 28 Oct 2009
* DFN Plenum: Technische Umsetzung Zensurinfrastruktur fuer Zugangserschwerungsgesetz, 6 Oct 2009
* DHS Golden Guardian After Action Review 2004
* DHS Schools: Lessons Learned 2007
* DHS-FBI: Improvised Explosive Initiators, 2007
* DHS: Ecoterrorism: Environmental and Animal-Rights Militants in the United States, 7 May 2008
* DHS: Plans to Target Transportation Infrastructure Surrounding Republican National Convention, 27 Mar 2008
* DTS threatens ECP university over videolan
* Daniel Rudnick vs. DoD and John A. Shaw: Amended Complaint, 2006
* Daniel Rudnick vs. DoD and John A. Shaw: Motion to Dismiss, 2006
* Datenschutz bei der Deutschen Bahn, 28 Oct 2008
* Datenschutz bei der Deutschen Bahn, Original, 28 Oct 2008
* Davenport Lyons and DigiProtect Actionpoints for filesharers, 14 Jan 2009
* Davenport Lyons and Kornmeier Monetary and Working Correspondence, 19 Mar 2008
* David Karle: Winning on the Ground
* DeVry censorship threat to DevryWatch.com watchdog site over internal docs, 27 Feb 2009
* Deborah Jeane Palfrey Washington DC prostituion service phone records
* Debt consolidator makes hay from financial crisis by preying on the poor: US Federal Trade Commission complaints on Morgan Drexen
* Deleted Bernard Securities contact information, Dec 2008
* Deloitte Project Forest - Alliant Energy purchase of Wisconsin Public Service Resources Corporation (2004)
* Demilitarization Procedures for Longbow Helfire System 2002
* Denmark: 3863 sites on censorship list, Feb 2008
* Denti-Cal: Analysis of Delta Dental Consultant Professional Adjudication Amalgaffis, Composites and Stainless Steel Crown Claims, July 2OO7
* DentiCal confidential case committee into irregularities, 14 Feb 2009
* Department of Homeland Security Medical Readiness 2005
* Department of Management: Audit of Management of United Nations Laissez-Passers (AH2006-513-10), 25 Jul 2007
* Department of Management: Audit of the United Nations Global Marketplace (AH2006-513-02), 7 Mar 2007
* Department of Peacekeeping Operations: Audit of the Field Security Procedures in the United Nations Mission for the Referendum in Western Sahara (AP2004-628-01), 11 Oct 2004
* Department of Peacekeeping Operations: Field Security Procedures in United Nations Observer Mission in Georgia (AP2004-656-01), 11 Oct 2004
* Department of Peacekeeping Operations: Field Security Procedures in the United Nations Interim Administration Mission in Kosovo (AP2004-650-04), 11 Oct 2004
* Department of Peacekeeping Operations: Field Security Procedures in the United Nations Observer Mission in Bougainville (AP2004-660-01), 14 Oct 2004
* Department of Peacekeeping Operations: Field Security Procedures in the United Nations Tajikistan Office for Peace-building (AP2004-658-01), 22 Sep 2004
* Department of Peacekeeping Operations: The United Nations Mine Action Service (AP2003-600-01), 9 Nov 2004
* Department of Public Information: Final Audit Report - United Nations Development Forum Trust Fund (AN2006-580-02), 5 Jun 2006
* Detainee Operations in a Joint Environment
* Detainee Operations in a Joint Environment (2004)
* Deutsche Bahn AG Konzernbetriebsvereinbarung IT, 19 Dec 2007
* Deutsche Bahn Stellenabbau Netzsstreichungen (2008)
* Deutsche Bahn: Richtlinie "Vorsorgliche Evakuierung mit Securitybezug", 28 Mai 2009
* Deutsche Bank subsidiary change policy, 2009
* Development of the Scorpius Rocket Engine, 2005
* Die Linke: Anlaesslich des neuen Spaetabtreibungsgesetzes, 17 Jun 2009
* Diebstahl einer AG durch deutsche Justiz
* Dienstaufsichtsbeschwerden Staatsanwaltschaft und Richter Baden-Wuerttemberg, 6 Apr 2009
* DigiRights Solutions Praesentation zur Gewinnverbesserung durch Abmahnungverfahren, 02 February 2009
* Diluting Environmental Impact Assessment norms: Indian Ministry of Finance report: Expert Group to Examine Schems of Statutory Clearences for Industrial and and Infrastructure Projects in India, 10 Nov 2008
* Divorce documents for politician Bill Foster
* Doctor Alexander Kalk police file, 2009
* Documents expose the influence of US lobbies on the EU WorkGroup on Open Source, 2009
* Donald Rumsfeld: US Army regulation 500-3 Continuity of Operations Program draft, Jan 2001
* Donald Vance vs. Donald Rumsfeld
* Dora the Explorer goes too far with activists, according to legal threat from Viacom International, 2009
* Douglas County police report on Masha Allen vs. Faith Allen
* Draft Copenhagen Accord Dec 18, 2009
* Draft Copenhagen climate change agreement, 8 Dec 2009
* Dubai based Millennium Finance Corporation investment bank unethical and out of cash, 4 Aug 2009
* Dubai based Millennium Finance Corporation investment bank: the inside story, Oct 2009
* Dunedin Councilor Michael Guest injuncted theft complaint, 28 Mar 2009
* Durchsuchungsbeschluss Blog wegen Verlinkung auf Schutzalter und anwaltliche Reaktion, 2009
* DynCorp International mercenaries - Rules for Use of Force in Iraq (2007)
* Dyncorp Iraq CIVPOL Media Relations and Confidentiality Policy 2007


* EIMConsult censored video
* ENOM NameAssistants reseller termination letter (2008)
* EU DG Trade internal brief: Vademecum on Access to Documents, Jan 2009
* EU aid depends on trade threat plan in trade talks 2007
* EU social network spy system brief, INDECT Work Package 4, 2009
* EU-India Free Trade Agreement draft, 24 Feb 2009
* EUISS: What ambitions for European defence in 2020, Jul 2009
* East Timor Inspector da Cruz Crisis Report 2006
* East Timor Lie Das Armas Xanana Gusmão gun law draft 2008
* East Timor Presidential assassination intelligence intercept map 2008
* East Timorese go begging as foreign advisers rake it in: World Bank file on Ines Almeida, 2008
* Economic Commission for Africa: Audit of ECA United Nations Health Care Centre (AA2005-710-05), 4 Apr 2006
* Egerton University payroll scandal
* Eight stories on Obama linked billionaire Nadhmi Auchi censored from the Guardian, Observer, Telegraph and New Statesman
* El Centro California Detainee Handbook (2003)
* Email from Special Agent Mike Duffey on warrantless searches of MySpace, Yahoo and ATT, June 2009
* Empapelar Calumnias, 2008
* EnBW will Abschaltung des maroden AKW Neckarwestheim I durch dubiose Tricks vermeiden, 23 Apr 2007
* Engineering war contractor Fluor Corp. International Assignment Policy, May 2009
* Entwurf Betriebsordnung TU Dresden zum Stealthwatch Fruehwarnsystem, 2009
* Ermittlungsakte Landespolizeidirektion Tuebingen gegen die Ratiopharm GmbH wegen Untreue und Bestechung, 12 Mar 2008
* Ermittlungsverfahren wegen Metallica Upload zu Rapidshare, 10 Dez 2008
* Estudio Sobre Tribus Urbanas 2008
* European Commission "advance warning" summary on ACTA Internet Chapter, 30 Sep 2009
* European Commission OSS Strategy Draft, Mar 2009
* European Commission: Cumulation in anti-dumping and anti-subsidy investigations by the EC
* European Commission: Review Report for the Active Substance Picolinafen, 2002
* European Commission: The Community interest test in anti-dumping and anti-subsidy proceedings, 13 Jan 2006
* European Interoperability Framework 2 draft, 2009
* European Observers report on the Kenyan election


* FA-18 Tactical Manual Pocket Guide (2001)
* FARC Fuerzas Armadas Revolucionarias de Colombia Lilithmaduk Jose Luis Venezuela Internacional Resistencia personal archives (2008)
* FARC Fuerzas Armadas Revolucionarias de Colombia Molina Report (2008)
* FARC Fuerzas Armadas Revolucionarias de Colombia Molina manuals (2008)
* FARC Fuerzas Armadas Revolucionarias de Colombia farc-ep.ch admin directory (2008)
* FARC Fuerzas Armadas Revolucionarias de Colombia farcep.org webserver logs (2008)
* FARC Fuerzas Armadas Revolucionarias de Colombia spokesman Raul Reyes Yahoo Messenger list (2008)
* FARC Network Resistencia Miguel Suarez log files (2008)
* FBI - Electronic Surveillance Needs for Carrier-Grade Voice over Packet Service
* FBI Extremist Symbols Tatoos and Terminology 2006
* FBI Gang Related Activity in the US Armed Forces is Increasing 2007
* FBI Weapons of Mass Destruction Directorate: Laboratory and Law Enforcement Partnerships, 17 Nov 2008
* FBI advisory: End of Ramadan Security Awareness
* FBI complaint against Governor of Illinois Rod Blagojevich, 7 Dec 2008
* FBI pedophile symbols
* FBI: Sniper Tactics and Effects on the US Homeland 2007
* FBI: Tactics Used by Eco-Terrorists to Detect and Thwart Law Enforcement Operations, 15 Apr 2004
* FBI: White Supremacist Recruitment of Military Personnel 2008
* FDP Arguliner zu Aenderungen beim Kuendigungsschutz, 8 Sep 2009
* FEMA Peurto Rico: memo to PR-NSPC re closure of Spanish language service, Oct 2008
* FEMA Puerto Rico: Employee meeting report and issue overview, 16 May 2008
* FEMA Puerto Rico: memo to PR-NPSC employees on Spanish language closure, Jul 2008
* FEMA Puerto-Rico: answers to employees of closure of Spanish language FEMA, Oct 2008
* Fabricated US Presidential Iran attack contingency speech
* Fair Political Practices Commission complaint against CA GOP Chairman Ron Nehring and others, 6 May 2009
* False Claims Act lawsuit against US student loans giant Sallie Mae, 2008
* Fellowship of Catholic University Students (FOCUS) Student Leader handbook, 2008
* Fibra optica entre Venezuela y Cuba 2006
* File on Icelandic bank Landsbanki Russian associations, 1996-2009
* Final Report of the Commission for Truth and Friendship Indonesia-Timor Leste 2008
* Final UK-NL offer to the government of Iceland, 19 Feb 2010
* Florida Police: The Roadmap to Cloned Vehicles, Jul 2008
* Florida businessman Ayman El-Difrawi aka Alec Defrawy deleted Wikipedia article, 2009
* Forced beard shaving and other rights violations against Azerbaijani Muslims
* Foreign Intelligence Service threat assessment for Florida 2006
* Former UK Uzbek Ambassador Craig Murray book: The Catholic Orange Men of Togo
* Fort Carlson Installation Guard 210-20 2005
* Frank Marshall Davis' Sex Rebel: Black, 1968
* Fraser Eagle confidential Connect Point Group Business Plan for operations in Malta, Feb 2009
* Free University of Berlin forced sex party statement (2008)
* Freenode-Gentoo trustees conflict email 2008
* French Socialist party Julien Dray SOS Racisme corruption investigation
* Friends of Falun Gong US 990 Forms, 2001-2006
* Future Digital Scientific Corporation Kibron marketing survey


* G20 control mechanisms: Corus Bi Steele Update G20 2009 Special Issue, Mar 2009
* Gamp Gruber Oaklahoma map 2003
* Georg Kofler Festrede Stiftungsfest deutschnationale Burschenschaft Arminia Czernowitz, 6 Okt 2007
* German Interior Ministry Internet Expertise re internet spying and censorship, 17 Feb 2009
* German emergency services radio TETRA system, 2009
* German legal draft on storage of chemicals, 2009
* German police search warrant over study linking to Danish censorship list on Wikileaks, Feb 2009
* Githongo: It's Our Turn to Eat, 28 Dec 2008
* Global War on Terrorism aircraft procurement (2007)
* Gmail subpoena for the identities of journalists running the corruption busting TCI Journal, 28 Aug 2009
* Google Financial Services Executive Summit with Senator Chris Dodd, Nov 2008
* Google Street View, Immersive Media Corp. and the Canadian Privacy Commission, internal documents, 2006-2007
* GoogleLunarX Prize Final Master Team Agreement, 2009
* Grand Lodge, F.A.A.M of the District of Columbia, Masonic Cipher, 1994
* Greek KYP intelligence payroll including politicians, 1981
* Greek University Reform Blog censored thread on Aristotle University, 2009
* Green Dam censorship system internal brief to Chinese government, Jan 2008
* Green Dam censorship system internal brief to Chinese government, doc, Jan 2008
* Grundrechtliche, telekommunikations- und telemedienrechtliche Fragen im Zusammenhang mit der Sperrung kinderpornographischer Inhalte im Internet, 19 Feb 2009
* Guantanamo Bay use of psychologists for interrogations 2006-2008
* Guantanamo censored articles and Supreme Court filing for Al-Ghizzawi case, 2009
* Guantanamo rebel Prosecutors email complaints, Mar 2004
* Guantanmo Bay Detainee Behavioral Management 2004
* Guantnamo bay detainee 63 Mohamed Mani Ahmad al-Kahtani interrogation log 2002
* Guenter Wallraff: Der Aufmacher, unzensiert, 1970
* Gunzer Scientology DDOS Department of Justice legal documents, 2008
* Gurnsey Education Department OCAS policy, 2009


* HP-EDS German backroom takeover: workers council communication, 25 Nov 2008
* Haliburton Radwaniya Palace Iraq costings 2007
* Hamburg police correspondence to Mein-Parteibuch.com requesting censorship of posting and user details, 2009
* Hannover County, Ivy Blue Officer Safety, 2 Feb 2009
* Harris Corp AN PRC-117F Application Note: Setting up the Radio for SATCOM HPW Messaging 2003
Re: Soldier Betrayed by Online Informant with Wikileaks

Perceval said:
Guardian said:
I understand exactly what Perceval is saying...and I reiterate, if he were correct, Laura, and especially Ark would be dead, along with several other really nice folks I know. Survival is NOT evidence of one's ineffectiveness!

I don't think you do understand what I was implying. Someone who gets access to supposedly unique and extremely sensitive, potentially "bring down the government"- type information and then gives that information to the mainstream media who spread it far and wide, is in a totally different ball park than the one Laura and Ark are in. Basically, you haven't heard much about Sott.net on the MSM, and you won't.

I completely understood what you were implying. Either I'm overestimating what Laura and Ark are trying to do, or you're underestimating their intent and potential long term effect.
Re: Soldier Betrayed by Online Informant with Wikileaks

Guardian said:
The following 500 pages are in this category.............

You did not answer my question. When Julian Assange appears on Larry King live, how is he is a voice in the wilderness?
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