Julian Assange Discussion

Wikileaks and the news: "The frog is green! The frog is greeeen!".

The World: " errr . . . yes, it is. We know that. So?"

Wikileaks and the news: "Maybe you know that, but believe us the frog is GREEEEEN!!!".

Nothing that everyone was already knew, in simple: rubbish. I think that one fact tells that all thing and that Asange is fraud. He is still alive.
George Ure from UrbanSurvival.com makes an interesting observation in reference to a letter from a reader, suggesting that the Wikileaks hoopla could be used as an excuse for more government "control" of the Internet:

"George, In listening to Senator Claire McCaskill, (D), Missouri, who sits on the Armed Services and Homeland Security committees, being interviewed by Chris Mathews on Hardball, MSNBC, it appeared to me that the WikiLeaks dump will be used to choke down the Internet.

I tried to Google and Bing the interview, and also to find the segment on the Hardball website but could not locate it anywhere. So, I watched it again. In response to Mathews, McCaskill said "...the question is, what jurisdiction do we have over the Internet if this information is being published on the Internet in other countries, what jurisdiction do we have? And, I don't think our laws have caught up to that technology, in that regard. But, I do know that there are laws about the hacker, and I know that Senator Ensign and Senator Web are working on some legislation, as we speak, to update some of the statutes as to make sure it covers human intelligence and not just the kind that's written up." -- Hardball, MSNBC, November 29, 2010

Sure enough, with Wikileaks occupying the top half of the Drudge Report (Which headlines Snoop, Spy, Spin at the moment) and other media, we have to wonder if this isn't indeed some kind of a setup to 'net controls' which we have often previously alluded to?
Here's an excerpt of a recent interview with Assange and Andy Greenberg of Forbes Magazine

You’ve been focused on the U.S. military mostly in the last year. Does that mean you have private sector-focused leaks in the works?

Yes. If you think about it, we have a publishing pipeline that’s increasing linearly, and an exponential number of leaks, so we’re in a position where we have to prioritize our resources so that the biggest impact stuff gets released first.

So do you have very high impact corporate stuff to release then?

Yes, but maybe not as high impact…I mean, it could take down a bank or two.

That sounds like high impact.

But not as big an impact as the history of a whole war. But it depends on how you measure these things.

These megaleaks, as you call them that, we haven’t seen any of those from the private sector.

No, not at the same scale for the military.

Will we?

Yes. We have one related to a bank coming up, that’s a megaleak. It’s not as big a scale as the Iraq material, but it’s either tens or hundreds of thousands of documents depending on how you define it.

Is it a U.S. bank?

Yes, it’s a U.S. bank.

One that still exists?

Yes, a big U.S. bank.

The biggest U.S. bank?

No comment.

When will it happen?

Early next year. I won’t say more.

Talk about hubris and utter BS! How ignorant about the way the world works to believe that any 'whistle blower' organisation would ever be allowed to 'take down' a major US bank!

Utterly laughable. I think Assange is insane. Wikileaks is set up from the get go.
Yes, all good points. Iran really is evil. Israel was right all along. The internet should be under government control. We need deeper secrecy and more security. "Wrong" speech is now terrorism. The media embraces whistleblowers. Gays in the military are crazy and unreliable. PTB wins big time by getting all these messages across.

And the timing? TSA abuse, which I consider to be a very important milestone/crossroads in the advance of tyranny, is already a distant memory on TV and radio, at least.

And one more thing. The media is effectively building up WikiLeaks' credibility. So, the public is potentially being baited. Any kind of much bigger bait & switch might be coming along. I can even see WikiLeaks being turned from villain to hero over the next couple of revelations, becoming a household name, etc. And that would be enormous power.
I'm peeved that he has release dates for information, like the bank. Who is he to determine when to release information?

Oh wait, maybe he has a schedule to follow, given to him by his Cointelpro controllers, LOL.
PopHistorian said:
Yes, all good points. Iran really is evil. Israel was right all along. The internet should be under government control. We need deeper secrecy and more security. "Wrong" speech is now terrorism. The media embraces whistleblowers. Gays in the military are crazy and unreliable. PTB wins big time by getting all these messages across.

And the timing? TSA abuse, which I consider to be a very important milestone/crossroads in the advance of tyranny, is already a distant memory on TV and radio, at least.

And one more thing. The media is effectively building up WikiLeaks' credibility. So, the public is potentially being baited. Any kind of much bigger bait & switch might be coming along. I can even see WikiLeaks being turned from villain to hero over the next couple of revelations, becoming a household name, etc. And that would be enormous power.

It strikes me that this is a very smart maneuver by the CIA/Mossad/whoever. I can imagine them thinking of how they could possibly infiltrate and subvert the alt.news communities on a grand scale. Then they came up with the idea: Wikileaks! After all, this is a 'whistleblower' organisation and these are 'official documents'. The media snaps them up and the truthers feel like they have a big hitting hero on their side!
It's just absolutely fascinating that Assange decides to announce his next release (never mind that he hasn't finished releasing the last bunch of docs he claimed to have) right in the middle of the growing anti-body-scanner scandal.
Laura said:
It's just absolutely fascinating that Assange decides to announce his next release (never mind that he hasn't finished releasing the last bunch of docs he claimed to have) right in the middle of the growing anti-body-scanner scandal.

Good observation. It's like those convenient terror scares that pop up whenever needed to distract populations.
Well, here's a bit of confirmation from Y-net in showing how public perception is being molded by Wikileaks in favor of a Zionist agenda.

The world thinks like us

Op-ed: WikiLeaks boosted Israel by revealing that most world leaders share our views

Had WikiLeaks not existed, Israel would have had to invent it. The massive leak of US diplomatic documents produces a clear, unequivocal picture: The whole world, and not only Israel, is terrified by the Iranian nuclear threat.

Iran’s nuclearization is not Israeli paranoia, as certain camps try to argue. It makes all world leaders, from Riyadh to Moscow, lose sleep. The Iranian issue is the common thread in the hundreds of thousands of documents that were leaked and it produces a narrative whereby the world expects Israel and the United States, in this order, to do something to stop “Hitler from Tehran.”
Some people feared WikiLeaks’ leaks because of the embarrassment to American diplomacy and the fears that the lives of US agents would be jeopardized. Yet that was a false alarm. The leak does not hurt America’s foreign policy, with the exception of a few tales recounted by junior diplomats.

The leak reinforces the main message of two US administrations - which turned out to be incredibly similar to the main message conveyed by Israeli governments: Iran constitutes the clear, immediate and greatest threat to the world’s stability, and the world needs to act towards uprooting this malignant tumor. All the rest is dwarfed by it.

Israel largely unscathed

Some media outlets indeed tried to make a big deal out of Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s supposed order to US diplomatic staff to spy after senior UN officials. However, scrutinizing the documents makes it clear that this had to do with concerns about close cooperation between some UN officials and Hamas/ Hezbollah. This theme had been frequently raised by Israel too.

In fact, the ocean of leaks has not yet produced an item that casts a negative light on Israel. Netanyahu came out of it (relatively) ok, Olmert came out of it (relatively) ok, and even Mossad Chief Meir Dagan’s statement about the US need to encourage the protest of intellectuals and students in Iran is commensurate with a liberal, democratic worldview and with accumulated experience in toppling dictatorships.

It is doubtful whether in recent years Israel’s foreign and defense policy received such significant backing and reinforcement as happened Sunday. At least on the Iranian front, and apparently in respect to quite a few other issues too, world leaders – including the Arab world – think like us but are ashamed to admit it. WikiLeaks exposed this shame.
Jeff Gates discusses wikileaks and its connection to Israel here:


I'm at work so I can't listen right now, but it may be interesting
Thanks, Shane. I doubt it was Y-Net's intention to actually bolster the notion that WL is indeed part of the pro-zionist propaganda machine. In fact, it seems to be a case of forest for the trees, that they can't see the truth that the reach of zionist control and manipulation reaches as deeply into Washington circles as it does in throughout the world wide web.

I shouldn't expect someone from Israel, who receives significant programming from birth to imagine that they have a ruling elite who are trying to control and steer world politics and, ultimately, all of humanity.

I am reminded that psychopaths often accuse their victims of doing the very thing the psychopath is doing. Concepts like muslims want to force their religious structures and ideologies upon the rest of the world, Iran is run by a Hitler clone and is a threat to the rest of the world, that Israel is the victim of constant bullying, etc., pretty much describe Israel's behaviour both at home and abroad to a tee.

The opening sentence showed just how naïve they can be: "Had WikiLeaks not existed, Israel would have had to invent it."


Gonzo said:
Thanks, Shane. I doubt it was Y-Net's intention to actually bolster the notion that WL is indeed part of the pro-zionist propaganda machine. In fact, it seems to be a case of forest for the trees, that they can't see the truth that the reach of zionist control and manipulation reaches as deeply into Washington circles as it does in throughout the world wide web.

Yes, they don't see it. They are deeply in the victim mode where they think that Palestinians get too much support and covarage by the Western Media, that the US has control over Israel's foreign policy due to the money support they give, and in general, Israel is grossly misunderstood.
Ironic how they think the US dictates policy to Israel, considering the power of the Israeli lobby in Washington, and just about everywhere else for that matter.

Israelis are just like Americans in the way they are programmed to believe certain things, are isolated from external opinion and analysis through media control and are kept in a constant state of fear to justify harsh control policies while being lulled to sleep by the notion the big brother is protecting them from their enemies around the clock.

Perceval said:
Here's an excerpt of a recent interview with Assange and Andy Greenberg of Forbes Magazine

You’ve been focused on the U.S. military mostly in the last year. Does that mean you have private sector-focused leaks in the works?

Yes. If you think about it, we have a publishing pipeline that’s increasing linearly, and an exponential number of leaks, so we’re in a position where we have to prioritize our resources so that the biggest impact stuff gets released first.

So do you have very high impact corporate stuff to release then?

Yes, but maybe not as high impact…I mean, it could take down a bank or two.

That sounds like high impact.

But not as big an impact as the history of a whole war. But it depends on how you measure these things.

These megaleaks, as you call them that, we haven’t seen any of those from the private sector.

No, not at the same scale for the military.

Will we?

Yes. We have one related to a bank coming up, that’s a megaleak. It’s not as big a scale as the Iraq material, but it’s either tens or hundreds of thousands of documents depending on how you define it.

Is it a U.S. bank?

Yes, it’s a U.S. bank.

One that still exists?

Yes, a big U.S. bank.

The biggest U.S. bank?

No comment.

When will it happen?

Early next year. I won’t say more.

Talk about hubris and utter BS! How ignorant about the way the world works to believe that any 'whistle blower' organisation would ever be allowed to 'take down' a major US bank!

Utterly laughable. I think Assange is insane. Wikileaks is set up from the get go.

Strange days. I wonder if the bank Assange had in mind is JPMorgan?

Apparently Max Keiser has been taken into the western media's fold and is now writing for the Guardian. Here's what he had to say yesterday:


Keiser said:
Want JP Morgan to crash? Buy silver

The campaign to buy silver and force JP Morgan into bankruptcy could work, because of the liabilities accrued by its short-selling

For decades, the world's banking system has been on a fiat currency standard that has led to banks that are "too big to fail". They have overreached their remit of providing loans and have leeched into the political system, using our money to change the political agenda in ways that boost bank management's compensation over the interests of their depositors.

Over the past 11 years, the Gata (Gold Anti-Trust Action) committee has worked to reveal the silver/gold price suppression scheme; thanks to whistleblower Andrew Maguire in London, an investigation has been opened. As part of the ongoing exposé, it has now become clear that JP Morgan is sitting on what is estimated to be 3.3bn ounce "short" position in silver (which they have sold short, meaning they don't own it to begin with) in an attempt to keep the price artificially low in order to keep the relative appeal of the dollar and other fiat currencies high. The potential liability for JP Morgan has been an open secret for a few years.

On my show, Keiser Report, I recently invited Michael Krieger, a regular contributor of Zero Hedge (the WikiLeaks of finance). We posited that if 5% of the world's population each bought a one-ounce coin of silver, JP Morgan would be forced to cover their shorts – an estimated $1.5tn liability – against their market capital of $150bn, and the company would therefore go bankrupt. A few days later, I suggested on the Alex Jones show that he launch a "Google bomb" with the key phrase "crash jp morgan buy silver".

Curious reference to the "Wiki of finance"...

Keiser said:
Within a couple of hours, it went viral and hundreds of videos have been made to support the campaign.

Right now, silver eagle sales for the month of November hit an all-time record high and the availability of silver on a wholesale level is drying up. The most important indicator is the price itself – holding just under a 30-year high. With each uptick JP Morgan gets closer to going bust or requiring a bailout.

Here's how the campaign works: wealth tied to a fiat currency is easily overwhelmed by wealth tied to silver and gold. And the world is waking up to the fact that they have the ability, without government assistance or other interference, to create a new precious metals-based backed currency system by simply converting their fiat paper into real money.

This campaign has 100% chance of working; it falls into the category of a self-fulfilling prophecy. As more individuals buy silver and gold, all attempts to replenish the system with more paper money will only cause the purchasing power of the silver and gold to increase – thus prompting more people to buy more. Any attempts to bail out JP Morgan would have the same effect. If the US Fed was to flood the system with bailout money for JP Morgan to cover their silver short position (as they did after the collapse of Long-Term Capital Management), more inflation will ensue and the price of silver and gold will rise more, triggering more purchases. A virtuous circle is born.

If anyone is interested in helping to crash JP Morgan, buy silver. In the end, it's about transferring wealth back to the people from where it came.

I find this to be as equally ludicrous as Assange's notions of taking down a "large US bank". The most cunning psychopaths at the top of the money chain are not going to be outwitted by Joe Public buying silver coins. More to the point, I wonder if Keiser and Assange are referring to the same bank?

The Guardian gives Assange a free platform, and now does likewise for Keiser (and AJ, by association) ?

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