Julian Assange Discussion


Is it possible he could be so naïve to not realize the war logs contained little that was not already available through other sources? They really pumped it up as if it would almost knock the wheels off the war train, but once we got into it, there was little that was previously unknown.

I have a hard time believing such a brilliant mind, a hacker no less, who most certainly knows about some of the shadowy affairs of the PTB, could be so naïve to think the war logs would were so substantial.

I have met brilliant people who's intellect seemed to form along a narrow line, but Assange has had access to some incredible stuff, both through hacking circles and WL. I'm thinking he should have known better.

I just can't see, at this point, how he could be naïve. Unless his ego and attempts to manipulate him through his ego had blinded him.

Oh, I think I might have answered my own question.

I'll post anyway, in case someone wants to either challenge or build upon the logic.

Gonzo said:
I have met brilliant people who's intellect seemed to form along a narrow line, but Assange has had access to some incredible stuff, both through hacking circles and WL. I'm thinking he should have known better.

I just can't see, at this point, how he could be naïve. Unless his ego and attempts to manipulate him through his ego had blinded him.

Oh, I think I might have answered my own question.

I think that's it; same with Dolan.
I just came across an article written by Alex Thomas in early August. His line of thinking seems to be very similar to our approach. I thought I would post it here. There are many links in that article, so you might want to go to the Intel Hub site to check his sources.

Wikileaks, Legitimate Whistleblowers or CointelPro?

August 7, 2010 by Alex Thomas

I have received multiples tips from our sources that indicate Wikileaks is part of a massive government operation. Rather than posting an article with quotes from sources that must remain unnamed, I have decided to let what we know about Wikileaks speak for itself.

Wikileaks and their founder, Julian Assange have been the focus of intense media scrutiny for what has been dubbed the “New Pentagon Papers.” With all the attention focused on how they received the information and what it means, most media outlets have overlooked some very important questions. Who is Julian Assange and how has Wikileaks managed to out run both the CIA and NSA? Why has the world elite stood by and let a group fronted by a former hacker release information that is perceived to damage them? Is it possible that Wikileaks has been set up as a shill group, used to spread misinformation on a massive scale?

From its inception, Wikileaks has been hailed as a mysterious entity, capable of exposing government corruption on every level. Even more mysterious, Wikileaks founder and public face, Julian Assange, has been able to out maneuver multiple federal agency’s on his supposed quest for truth. Alternative news outlets across the globe have applauded Wikileaks for its exposure of our disastrous military policies and there implications for the people of Afghanistan. Basically,Wikileaks has been given a free pass within the “truther” community. In our info battle against this so called “New World Order,”[Old World Order] we tend to overlook the shady tendencies of the people and groups we perceive to be allies. Clearly this is the case with Julian Assange and his supposed release of classified material. Could Wikileaks be a well place group of Cointelpro Agents, started not only to take the spotlight off other, more legitimate whistleblowers, but to be used as a pawn in order to demonize all whistleblowers as potential threats to national security?

Recently, Wikileaks released the Afghan War Logs, which documented multiple operations that killed a high number of civilians, “secret” operations/units, a rise in Taliban attacks on NATO, and perhaps most importantly the perception that the Pakistani intelligence service has aided the enemy by double crossing NATO forces and passing intelligence to the Taliban.

A common theme has emerged from the revelations brought forth by the Afghan War Logs, a theme that does more good than harm to the government its supposed to be exposing.

Let’s start with the evidence in the logs which revealed that U.S. forces were responsible for thousands of civilian deaths. Similar to the video, Collateral Murder, this evidence does nothing but incite anger towards individual U.S. soldiers while shielding the real enemies, most notably the offshore banking cartel that is actively working towards the destruction of our beloved Constitution in order to implement a tyrannical world government. As shown, these type of leaks only further the hatred that many Muslims have towards whom they deem the oppressors. When you see your family murdered, the fact that groups such as Hamas, and Al Qaeda were created by western intelligence agencies most likely does not play into your decision to join a terrorist group.

Another revelation brought forth by the Afghan War Logs is the supposed rise in attacks on NATO forces by the Taliban. This information is very beneficial to the forces that have invaded Afghanistan. Support for the Afghan war continues to decrease, and to counter that the government needs to show the public that the terrorists are just as deadly and mysterious as before. From the beginning ,the Afghan war has been a lie, started on the false pretense that cave dwelling terrorists pulled off one of the most deadly terrorists attack in American history. The CIA, along with the Mossad and MI6, have a long history of staging terror attacks, whether it be 9/11, 7/7, or the multiple bombings that happen daily throughout the middle east. While that may be hard to swallow for some, these facts are documented in hundreds of research papers as well as the internal documents of the intelligence agencies involved.

Perhaps the most sinister information brought forth by the war logs is the claim that the Pakistani ISI are working in cohesion with the Taliban. The suggestion by Secretary of State Hillary Clinton that the ISI has known and hidden the whereabouts of top Al Qaeda members is nothing more than a ploy to push for more drone attacks, as well as a possible troop deployment inside Pakistan. As reported in the New York Times, the logs go as far as claiming that members of the ISI have worked with the Taliban to organize groups of militants! War propaganda anyone?

As reported by Wayne Madsen, Wikileaks is most likely a Mossad/CIA front. Its hard to argue with that claim as everything put forward by Wikileaks has been, for the most part, beneficial to the world elite.

WMR has confirmed Young’s contention that Wikileaks is a CIA front operation. Wikileaks is intimately involved in a $20 million CIA operation that U.S.-based Chinese dissidents that hack into computers in China. Some of the Chinese hackers route special hacking program through Chinese computers that then target U.S. government and military computer systems. After this hacking is accomplished, the U.S. government announces through friendly media outlets that U.S. computers have been subjected to a Chinese cyber-attack. The “threat” increases an already-bloated cyber-defense and offense budget and plays into the fears of the American public and businesses that heavily rely on information technology. [Article]

If in-fact the government was in fear of more “leaked” documents wouldn’t logic suggest they just shut down the WikiLeak Site? An article in The Sydney Morning Herald contains the following quote,

“That the President already had authority under the Communications Act to “cause the closing of any facility or station for wire communication” when there is a “state or threat of war”,

The most scary aspect of this whole psi op is the fact that there is now an open call to ban whistleblowers and in extremely instances execute them! Republican Congressman Mike Rogers has openly declared that all whistleblowers should be tried for treason and then executed. Rogers strongly indicated that Daniel Ellsberg, who released the Pentagon Papers, should have been executed when he released his classified information on the history of the United States political and military involvement in Vietnam. [video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vgO1eGdgAwE]

Daniel Yates, a former intelligence officer, recently wrote a shill piece with the title, “Leaked Afghan files put civilians at risk.” Yates went on to say:

It is hard to imagine that many people will judge it sensible to speak to NATO troops in the future. That can only prolong the suffering of the Afghan people.

What Yates was trying to put forward, is that not only is the release of classified information detrimental to national security, it also prolongs the suffering of the civilians in the area. What he conveniently fails to mention is that the invasion of Afghanistan under a totally false pretense has caused an untold amount of civilian deaths. All of a sudden the intelligence community has miraculously started to care about civilian life?

To top it off, Julian Assange is apparently annoyed with conspiracies theories such as those that mention 9/11:

What about 9/11? “I’m constantly annoyed that people are distracted by false conspiracies such as 9/11, when all around we provide evidence of real conspiracies, for war or mass financial fraud.” What about the Bilderberg conference? [Belfast Telegraph]

How can we support a group whose front man has attempted to debunk legitimate conspiracies and instead has pushed the information that he has received, information that has been proven beneficial to the world elite?

As reported by Jack Blood, Wikileaks are partners with the Open Society Institute, a George Soros funded operation!

People such as Wayne Madsen and John Young have already attempted to expose Wikileaks as a front organization. When contacted for this article, John Young, the founder of Cryptome, had this to say:

“The principal deficiency of Wikileaks is its lack of transparency about its operators and funds, characteristics of spies and secret societies up to no good and whose main purpose is to hide from public accountability and conceal corruption and criminality.

Such organizations always use a noble purpose and claim secrecy is needed to protect supporters. In practice the secrecy protects the principal beneficiaries, the operators and sources of funds, and supporters are sacrificed to protect the continuation of the enterprise.

Wikileaks has followed the lucrative model of the cult of national security, the largest world’s secret enterprise, composed of selected elements of governments, military, intelligence, NGOs, contractors, lobbyists and supporters, identified by their clearance for access to classified information.

Royalty and religion have long demonstrated the power of secrecy in misrepresenting what they are up to, pronouncing a great public benefit while reaping privileged rewards behind this cloak — a lavish cloak of property, ceremony, titles and prizes, architecture, clothing, language and literature, music, fine arts, and not least, a complex apparatus of punishment for apostates and infidels, often by military means but equally often by covert attacks.

Cults of royalty, religion, military are the main practitioners of secrecy and they are role models for ambitious persons who believe they have a mission to be superior to the public and must violate public trust to battle those who have similar ambitions. They invent enemies to warrant this betrayal.

They also combine with their competitors to advance their causes. Thus the appeal of global initiatives to violate national borders in transgression of local law hidden by secrecy.

That’s the short sermon. Far better is the browsible library of bountiful supporting information undoctored by sermonizing, [Cryptome].”

The release of the Afghan war logs have done nothing to expose the NWO, what they have done is strengthen the calls for tough retaliation against legitimate whistleblowers. Whistleblowers are an integral part of this infowar, without them, we the people have no way to know what our government is doing, legal or illegal. Its even conceivable that Bradley Manning, who from all indications is a true patriot, was set up by the government in order to be used as a scapegoat for this whole fiasco, as well as to weed out another patriots from the ranks of intelligence.

As a movement, we must question even our closest allies, not just in the case of Wikileaks but with all major alternative news outlets and activist groups.

There are three more articles listed below:

Gordon Duff: Wikileaks, A Circus With No Elephants from Veterans Today

Censored news: Wikileaks CIA military psychology by Deborah Dupre’, Human Rights Examiner

Wikileaks Founder Charged with Rape, CointelPro or Attack on Whistleblowers?, a brief note by Alex Thomas
FYI important or not , that is what is being discussed on seclists:



and actually this response is imo quite close to realit

__http://seclists.org/fulldisclosure/2010/Oct/102y and it is scary :/
drygol said:
FYI important or not , that is what is being discussed on seclists:



and actually this response is imo quite close to realit

__http://seclists.org/fulldisclosure/2010/Oct/102y and it is scary :/

It would help if you would quote here the pertinent text.
Meanwhile, back at the ranch:


Wikileaks under doubt as "classified" documents substantiate bogus U.S. claims

Jamshed Abbas
Islam Times
Sat, 23 Oct 2010 09:52 CDT

The war between Wikileaks and the Pentagon supposedly continued on Friday as the famous "whistleblower" website released 400,000 "classified" documents. The Pentagon has reportedly assigned 120 personnel to pore over the documents to determine the potential damage they could cause to U.S. security.

However, like many news reports in this day and age, the real story may be buried under the hype surrounding the release of these supposedly "classified" documents and the "outrage" they are causing.

The documents seem to paint a picture that very much favours official U.S. positions on the Iraq war. For example, the American media, which has a well documented history of shilling for the U.S. government highlighted two stories that it supposedly extrapolated from these documents. The first was the fact that the majority of civilian casualties in the Iraq war were caused by Iraqis. This directly contradicts a comprehensive study conducted by John Hopkins University in 2004. It found that "coalition" forces killed over 600,000 Iraqis, the majority of them killed in airstrikes. The leaked documents conveniently contradict this information. The second major story emanating from the "leaks" is that Iran was actively destabilizing Iraq by funding militants who were assassinating Iraqi officials.

One AFP story even highlights the accusation that Iran tried to launch a poison gas attack on the "green zone," an area where Iraqi and American officials are based. Another factor that makes this "leak" highly suspect is that the Times, a newspaper that played a leading role in validating the illegal invasion of Iraq and is well known for its pro Zionist policy, was one of "few" media outlets that was given "early" access to these "leaked" documents. This meant that the Times was able to weave a narrative around the leaked documents that was then picked up by all the major networks.

The fact that the supposedly damaging leaks are in fact bolstering American accusations against Iran while minimizing American complicity in Iraqi deaths leads some to believe that the leaks are in fact engineered by the Pentagon to either discredit Wikileaks, or are in conjunction with Wikileaks which is a U.S. government outfit.


If Julian can't look at this and see that he's being had... then he's probably complicit.
Laura said:
If Julian can't look at this and see that he's being had... then he's probably complicit.

Agreed. I don't remember being aware of Islam Times until now, but that was a well done article.
It would help if you would quote here the pertinent text.

ooops , I missed that post , here is a text.

From: "J. Oquendo" <sil () infiltrated net>
Date: Fri, 08 Oct 2010 09:41:50 -0400
Harry Behrens wrote:

If you don't understand why something like Wikileaks being down with no
obvious reason or explanation is an issue - then I guess "continue
And it is indeed a security issue - in fact of international proportions..

Oh please. The world does not stop for Wikileaks going down in fact, I
guarantee you that in over 90% of the places you will visit this week,
no one will know or even care that Wikileaks is down.

"Security issue of international proportions" my ass. Life goes on,
people go on, no government, agency, official, business nor individual
stopped functioning, living, breathing because Wikileaks went down.

Reality is, outside of a "very small segment" of individuals, no one
cares to be quite frank. To prove this point, ask the next 10 people you
say: "Do you know Wikileaks is down!?" and study their response. Wanna
bet 99% will respond something similar to one of the following:

"What's Wikileaks?"
"Why would Wikipedia be down?"
"Who cares"
"What do they do?"
"Why should I care"
"And this has what to do with me?"

Julian Assange and Wikileaks, a warning: How to hide an elephant

David Seaton
David Seaton's News Links
Mon, 25 Oct 2010 21:22 CDT

The reports make it clear that the lethal contest between Iranian-backed militias and American forces continued after President Obama sought to open a diplomatic dialogue with Iran's leaders New York Times

It seems to me that the most significant revelations from the massive WikiLeaks document dump is the apparent extent of Iran's nefarious role in Iraq. Toby Harnden - Telegraph

Famous riddle: "How do you hide an elephant in the middle of 5th avenue? Answer: In a parade of elephants."

Most of the present discussion about Wikileaks and its founder and leader, Julian Assange, centers around whether he is a hero or a villain. I would tentatively offer an alternative view based entirely on intuition, that Assange is a vain man, now world famous, who is being manipulated by a party or parties unknown, in order to help create public opinion favorable to the United States joining Israel in an attack on Iran, or the United States facilitating an Israeli attack on Iran.

What do I base this alternative view of mine on?

It goes like this:

Israel's oft stated maximum priority is to stop Iran from developing an atomic bomb and they have made it perfectly clear on innumerable occasions that they will stop at nothing to prevent this happening. I believe them.

On the contrary, at this point in time, the American people are obsessed with the economy, with debt and especially unemployment. At the same time, the Obama administration is trying to extricate US armed forces from two wars that rival each other for the longest, most expensive and most inconclusive conflicts in the nation's history. The consequences of a third war, this time with Iran, would be hard to calculate, but the most predictable would be an enormous rise in the price of oil, which might send the economy off into the abyss.

I don't think that it is exaggerating to say that there is a certain divergence in US and Israeli priorities at this moment.

Suddenly, like the "ghost of Christmas past", we are confronted with all the Bush horror again.

This particular Wikileak consists of an enormous "dump" of uncorrelated data, some 391,832 documents, much of which simply confirms atrocities and crimes that we already knew about. Things that we have been hearing and reading about for years. In the midst of this unmanageable flood of data incriminating American troops in war crimes, are new incidents incriminating Iran.

What better wrapping for an Iranian "smoking gun", than an endless flood of confirmable stories of Americans torturing and killing Iraqis? What better place to "hide an elephant". And what more willing and ingenuous tool for disseminating the package than the newly created, world superstar, Mr. Julian Assange. If he hasn't been manipulated yet, he is certainly ripe for it.

The most difficult question to answer would be if the right wing coalition that governs Israel is crazy enough use agents of the Mossad or rogue elements in the US intelligence community to deliberately blacken Israel's best friend's world reputation in order to create hostile opinion against Iran in the USA?

I don't know the answer, I only know that it is difficult for Americans, obsessed with the economy to realize how obsessed the Israelis are with Iran's atomic program and it is even more difficult for most Americans to understand how entirely and obsessively self-referential much of Israel's ultra right wing is.

Israel is torn right now between very sane people like Shlomo ben Ami and dangerous extremists like Avigdor Lieberman and there is no sign that the ben Amis of Israel are winning the argument.

All we can do is wait and see if this story stops being about Americans torturing and killing and turns into a story about Iran.
Ken O'Keefe posted this article on his FB page the other day:

- Wikileaks Is Zionist Disinformation

Disinformation is defined as misinformation that is deliberately disseminated in order to influence or confuse rivals. It is used by governments to mislead and brainwash their citizen populations, instigate wars, and blackmail foreign regimes. It is the ultimate instrument of the media. The most effective disinformation is that which is comprised of falsehood as well as facts. Wikileaks, founded by Julian Assange, fits this description perfectly, right down to the letter. Seemingly overnight, it has become one of the biggest whistle- blowing agencies in modern history. In reality though, it is one of the biggest disinformation projects in modern history, and it may be the most dangerous because it is masquerading as an organization of truth. The information released by Wikileaks isnt new; it isnt groundbreaking; it doesnt hurt the US as much as people think, its fractional really; and it is overloaded with as much as propaganda as the day-to-day Zionist media is. This propaganda is benefitting someone. And that someone is the illegal usurping entity of Israel. Even the Israeli government itself thinks so (1).

Afghanistan Drivel

The first major leak released earlier this year by Assange was about occupied Afghanistan in the form of more than 92,000 documents. These docs included secret files about civilian killings by the US and NATO along with boogeyman stories about the long-dead Osama Bin Laden, garbage regarding the Taliban acquiring ground-to-air missiles, and plenty of lies about Pakistans intelligence agency, the ISI (2). There wasnt a single document about the Israeli training of the Taliban (3), the massive drug profiteering by the Mossad (4), the CIA (5) and the US-puppet Hamid Karzai and his brother (6), Karzais connections to Unocal and Zionist war criminal Henry Kissinger (7), the clandestine Israeli business operations set up to take control of the oil fields in neighboring Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, and Kazakhstan (8), or the Russian-Jewish mafia, fully protected by the Zionist entity, selling guns to US-backed Afghan warlords (9). Why werent any of these massively important, critically damning events and operations mentioned? Because by doing so, it would incriminate the already internationally condemned Zionist regime. Journalists, bloggers and activists, from occupied Afghanistan and abroad, have been reporting on the vast civilian casualties in Afghanistan since US intervention began more than 30 years ago. Wikileaks revealed nothing that wasnt already known; however, it did reinforce Zionist propaganda regarding the illegal war on terror.

Iraq Malarkey

The next major leak by Assanges organization, which has gained more notoriety than the previous leak, was about occupied Iraq in the form of nearly 400,000 documents. Like the occupied Afghanistan disinformation, it included secret files about mass civilian killings by US forces, torture by war criminal Nouri al-Maliki and his forces (which according to Wikileaks, US military officials attempted to halt) (10), US government failings in reprimanding Blackwater (XE) for committing murder (11), and brutal executions by the American and British occupiers mixed with more tripe about fictitious Al-Qaeda, nonsense about Iran training militant Iraqi militias and Iranian drones flying over Iraq (12), Iran smuggling guns, munitions, and explosives into Iraq (13), ridiculous accusations of the Lebanese Resistance movement Hezbollah training Iraqis in the art of kidnaping (14), slanderous attacks on Irans Revolutionary Guard, and other absurd assertions about the Islamic Republic involved in the murder of innocent Iraqis. The Wikileaks Iraq war logs also reveal civilian casualties numbered at 66,081 (15). The logs also reveal that Iraqi WMDs actually did exist, as US soldiers found chemical weapons labs, terrorist toxin specialists, and chemical weapons caches (16).

There was nothing secret about American and British forces murdering, torturing and raping innocents in occupied Iraq. Like Afghanistan, Iraqi and international journalists, bloggers, and activists have been reporting the murder of civilians in Iraq since the beginning of the illegal occupation, with much more effectiveness than Wikileaks. The US military didnt attempt to halt the puppet al- Malikis torture of unlawfully imprisoned Iraqis, they partook in it. They led the way after they signed off on it. They were the primary perpetrators (17). Secret prisons are still operating at this very moment where US forces barbarously torture innocent Iraqis (18). The US hired Blackwaters contractors to instill fear and execute terrorism against the people of Iraq, of course it didnt reprimand them. Erik Princes private army of terror was only doing what it was told to by the US government.

The concept of Hezbollah training foreign militias to meddle in state affairs is absolute lunacy; Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah himself has stated on numerous occasions that if Hezbollah wanted to overthrow the Lebanese government, they wouldve done so already (19). Their objectives (as evidenced by their actions), are to protect the Lebanese people, provide them with security and uphold their dignity. Hezbollah hasnt undermined its own government, it is asinine to think it would undermine the government of another nation. The propaganda targeting Iran is pathetic; there are enough guns in Iraq thanks to American support of Saddam Hussein to last lifetimes (20), there was no need for Iran to provide weapons to Iraqi militias through smuggling. The only drones that were flying in Iraqs skies belonged to the repulsive Zionist entity, not Iran (21). The other accusations sound like concoctions dug up from the dungeons of Zionist think tanks and lobby organizations salivating for the destruction of the Islamic Republic, not the work of whistle-blowers attempting to expose corruption and disseminate truth. These accusations further the Zionist case for striking Iran militarily. These accusations are promoting more war, not peace.

Wikileaks must not have gotten the memo about civilian casualties in occupied Iraq. They are nowhere near 66,081. They have eclipsed the 1.5 million mark. Anything less than this, especially a number as low as the one presented by Wikileaks, is classic misreporting aimed at protecting the United States government and its collaborators. That is an insult to the 5 million Iraqi orphans and the 5 million Iraqi refugees. It is a slap in the face to the dead Iraqis whose names will never be known because they were incinerated by US and Israeli weaponry. And the notion that US soldiers found WMDs in Iraq, after the Iraq has WMDs myth has been debunked as Zionist-designed propaganda over and over again, is frankly, infuriating. The only WMDs that exist in Iraq are the mark-77, white phosphorus, and thousands of tons of depleted uranium used in Basra, Baghdad, and Fallujah by the terrorist army of the US and strategically placed Mossad agents of Israel (22).

Targeted On Behalf Of Israel

Where are the leaks on the 55 Zionist companies profiting from Iraqi blood being spilled (23)? Where are the leaks on Iraqs artifacts being stolen by Zionist agents (24)? Where are the leaks on hundreds of Mossad agents operating in Mosul (25)? Where are the leaks on the Mossad bomb-making facility in Kirkuk (26)? Where are the leaks on the Mossad murderers stationed in several villages around the devastated area of Fallujah (27)? Where are the leaks on the depleted-uranium- tipped IEDs of Zionist-owned Zapata Engineering that have massacred thousands in Najaf, Karbala and Tal Afar, just to name a few (28)? Where are the leaks on the Israeli arms dealers supplying weapons to CIA-trained death squads (29)? Where are the leaks on Zionist war criminal Paul Wolfowitz importing Shin Bet torture experts to train the US military (30)? Where are the leaks on Mossad conducting interrogations and torture in Iraq jails, including Abu Ghraib (31)? Where are the leaks that will actually tie the illegal war, which was exclusively designed by Zionists, to Israel? They dont exist because Wikileaks isnt concerned with uncovering the truth regarding the real criminals; theyre concerned with leading the public away from the truth to keep them under control. Its COINTELPRO all over again.

The target of Wikileaks first release was the Islamic Republic of Pakistan. The objectives of the operation were to give credibility to war criminal Obamas illegal drone strikes that have murdered over 1,000 civilians (32), raise the possibility of a future overt occupation, and cover up the meddling of Israel in occupied Afghanistan. It is vital to note that the de-stablization of Pakistan has been a Zionist objective since the declaration of al-Nakbah architect, David Ben-Gurion (33). The target of Wikileaks second release was the Islamic Republic of Iran. The objective of this operation was to slander two of the very few entities on earth resisting Israel, Hezbollah and Iran; as well as cover up the Zionist fingerprints all over the mutilation of Iraq. The IAEA has already inadvertently foiled the Zionist plan to attack Iran based on the nuclear premise, confirming that the Iranian nuclear program is peaceful in nature and has nothing to do with weaponization (34). The Zionist hasbara experts needed to try something new; through Wikileaks, the accusations of the Zionist Bush administration against Iran have resurfaced under the guise of whistle-blowing. What a sham.


A final note needs to be made about Julian Assange, the man who has been praised as a freedom fighter, a revolutionary and a friend of the oppressed people. In a recent interview, he stated, "I'm constantly annoyed that people are distracted by false conspiracies such as 9/11, when all around we provide evidence of real conspiracies, for war or mass financial fraud (35)." Its shameful that Assange is annoyed by those seeking truth regarding the reason 1.5 million innocents are dead in occupied Iraq, 1.2 million innocents are dead in occupied Afghanistan, and thousands of more innocent men, women and children are dead in occupied Palestine, Lebanon, Pakistan, Yemen and Somalia. 9/11 is anything but a false conspiracy; there is overwhelming evidence that American and Israeli officials didnt just have foreknowledge of the event, but planned the attack and carried it out. It was a Mossad-CIA false flag used to protect the Zionist entity from any future military threat and expand the parasitic hegemony of the US and the illegitimate Tel Aviv regime throughout the world via the Zionist-inspired war on terror (36). Someone insulting the seekers of 9/11 truth, slandering the righteous movement of Hezbollah, spreading propaganda about Iran which adds to the demonization campaign levied against the Islamic Republic by the Zionist lobby and the Zionist media, and deliberately leaving out Israeli crimes in occupied Afghanistan and Iraq is no freedom fighter; such a person is a liar and a propagandist.

Wikileaks most recent leak about occupied Iraq was delivered to several mainstream news outlets including Al-Jazeerah, the Zionist New York Times, Der Spiegel of Germany, which has smeared Hezbollah in the past by despicably accusing the Resistance of selling narcotics (37), Zionist-controlled Le Monde of France which has also smeared Hezbollah recently (38) and The Guardian of the UK, in packages, as if it was some sort of gift for a holiday. This isnt a leak. This isnt an expose. This is a press release. This is a media spectacle. This is a circus to cover up real crimes. Those interested in seeing a real leak, in addition to real courage, should read the story of Mordechai Vanunu, who blew the whistle on Israels nuclear program and has spent the last 26 years in and out of Israels inhumane prisons, including 18 years consecutively with 11 of those years in solitary confinement (39).

Iraq was annihilated for the Zionist regime, as was Afghanistan. When discussing the destruction of these nations, and the murder of millions of their people, it is integral to the understanding of the crimes committed to discuss the Israeli role in these crimes. Any person or institution failing to do so is ignorant, a coward or a collaborationist. None of these persons have any place in the movement to restore the occupied lands to the indigenous people and bring their tormentors to justice. By supporting Wikileaks, you are not fighting the occupier. You are not honoring the martyrs. You are not combating imperialism. And you are not striking back at the oppressor. You are supporting Israel and the cover-up of the activities of its criminal network. Wikileaks is Zionist poison. Wake up.

~ The End ~


(1) Wikileaks Reports Could Halt Irans Nuclear Drive by Yaakov Katz, Jerusalem Post

(2) Wikileaks, Afghanistan and Pakistan by Muhammad Abdullah Gul

(3) Framing Pakistan: How The Pro-Israel Media Enables Indias Surrogate Warfare by Maidhc O Cathhail

(4) Intel Expert Says 9/11 Looks Like A Hollywood Show by Christopher Bollyn

(5) The Spoils Of War: Afghanistans Multibillion Dollar Heroin Trade by Michel Chossudovsky

(6) Wikileaks Is Israel, Like We All Didnt Know by Gordon Duff, Veterans Today

(7) Profile: Unocal by History Commons

(8) The Great Game: The War For Caspian Oil And Gas by Christopher Bollyn

(9) Drugs For Guns: How The Afghan Heroin Trade Is Fueling The Taliban Insurgency by Jerome Starkey, The Independent; Red Mafiya: How The Russian Mob Has Invaded America by Robert Friedman (rip)

(10) Iraq War Documents Shed Light On Civilian Deaths, Prisoner Abuse by David Wood

(11) Iraq War Logs: Private Militarization Run Amok by Pratap Chatterjee, The Guardian

(12) US Shot Down Iranian Drone In Iraq, Wikileaks Confirms by Adam Weinstein

(13) Iraq War Logs Detail Irans Aid For Militias by Michael R. Gordon and Andrew W. Lehren, The New York Times

(14) Wikileaks Tip Irans Hand In Iraq by Samuel Segev, Winnipeg Free Press

(15) Iraq War Leaks: No US Investigation Of Many Abuses by Al-Masry Al- Youm

(16) Wikileaks Show WMD Hunt Continued In Iraq With Surprising Results by Noah Shachtman

(17) Iraq Today: Afflicted By Violence, Devastation, Corruption And Desperation by Stephen Lendman

(18) Lawless Arrests, Detentions And Torture In Iraq by Stephen Lendman

(19) Sayyed Nasrallah: Bellemare, UN Protecting False Witnesses by Al- Manar

(20) Ho Hum, More Wikileaks Chickenfeed by Gordon Duff, Veterans Today

(21) Israeli Drones Said Operating Over Iraq And Afghanistan by Yossi Melman, Haaretz

(22) The Zionist Murderers Of Iraq by Jonathan Azaziah

(23) 55 Zionist Companies Working In Iraq Under Assumed Names by Yaqen News Agency, translated by Muhammad Abu Nasr

(24) Israel Hopes To Colonize Parts of Iraq as Greater Israel by Wayne Madsen

(25) Facts Vs. Beliefs Todays Ancient Warfare by Jeff Gates

(26) Resistance Kills Mossad Agents In Iraq by The Egyptian Gazette

(27) Israels Battle In Fallujah by Rashid Khashana, Al-Hayat

(28) Iraq IEDs: Mossad/Zapata Engineering Conspiracy? by Cloak and Dagger; Israeli Made IEDs and US Zapata Engineering made IED Triggers Are Killing US, Canadian And NATO Soldiers by NB Gazette

(29) Israeli Officer Sells Weapons To Terrorists In Iraq by Press TV; CIA Death Squads Operating In Iraq by Henry Michaels

(30) Seymour Hersh And The Missing Zionist-Israeli Connection by James Petras

(31) Mossad Does Interrogations in Iraqi Jails: Human Rights Group by China Radio International English; What Were Mossad Agents With Fraudulent New Zealand Passports Doing In Iraq? by Jerry Mazza

(32) US Drone Strikes Kill 18 In Pakistan by Press TV

(33) Mossad And India Spy Agency Team Up, Target Pakistan by Tariq Saeedi

(34) IAEA Report: Zero Evidence Of Iran Nukes. US Orwellian Corporate Media: Iran Building Nukes? by Carl Herman, The Los Angeles Examiner

(35) Wanted By The CIA: The Man Who Keeps No Secrets by Matthew Bell, The Independent

(36) 9/11: Israels Grand Deception by Jonathan Azaziah

(37) Hezbollah Denies Der Spiegels Cheap Fabrications by Al-Manar

(38) Le Monde: A Group Affiliated With Hezbollah Takes Photos Of The Hague by NOW Lebanon

(39) The Woman From Mossad: The Story Of Mordechai Vanunu And The Israeli Nuclear Program by Peter Hounam
Just heard on the news that the US gov contacted Canadian officials to inform them WL will be releasing a massive batch of documents this weekend that contain diplomatic cables, some of which will hurt US relations with its allies.

While some are guessing what could be in the soon-to-be-released documents, the US appears to be moving to mitigate damage.

This is interesting. Perhaps we will see how much pressure the US put on Canada to join the war in Iraq, to stay in Afghanistan, etc.)

I have to wonder who would benefit from strained relations between the US and its allies.

CBC News - Canada - U.S. nervously awaits next WikiLeaks (_http://www.cbc.ca/canada/story/2010/11/25/wikileaks-us025.html)



by Gordon Duff
Veterans Today
November 27, 2010

“recent admissions that the Israeli lobby, AIPAC, routinely receives masses of classified information makes them suspect #1 for being the source of Wikileaks”

Wikileaks is like a TV show that never gets off the ground. We started with a “shoot ‘em up” in Iraq, the helicopter slaughter soon forgotten and move on to, well, what? We got a deluge of material from Afghanistan, carefully gleaned to point fingers at Pakistan. When it came down to backing any of it up, it went nowhere.

Considering the massive corruption and drug scandals, even the revelations that President Karzai has been in negotiations with pranksters pretending to be the Talbian, all the really juicy stuff from Afghanistan must have been in another drawer. Then we got Iraq. Ah, Iraq. There, we could check. We know the people who wrote the leaked material. They told us Wikileaks edited it, altered it, redacted it more than the Pentagon.

The “Iraq War Log” was, well…phony. There is one thing that has been consistent about Wikileaks and our prediction is that this next batch, reputed to be millions of highly sensitive documents, will prove our point. Wikileaks is Israel.

Wikileaks is an intelligence operation to weaken and undermine the American government, orchestrated from Tel Aviv, using dozens of operatives, dual citizens, some at the highest authority levels, spies for Israel. Through leaking carefully selected intelligence along with proven falsified documents, all fed to a controlled press, fully complicit, Wikileaks is, in fact, an act of war against the United States.


This last week, in a lawsuit over an AIPAC, (Israel’s lobby) employee reputedly fired for being caught spying against the US, news stories across the United States reported that, as part of that $20 million civil case, evidence will be presented that masses of classified material come to AIPAC and Israel continually. Is AIPAC Wikileaks? The only evidence of any massive leak discovered in the Pentagon is AIPAC. Last week’s Washington Post story was buried quicker than a carp in a playground: Jeff Stein, at the Washinton Post, reports the following:

Rosen says his actions were common practice at the organization. He said his next move is to show that AIPAC, Washington’s major pro-Israeli lobbying group by far, regularly traffics in sensitive U.S. government information, especially material related to the Middle East. “I will introduce documentary evidence that AIPAC approved of the receipt of classified information,” he said by e-mail. “Most instances of actual receipt are hard to document, because orally received information rarely comes with classified stamps on it nor record’s alerts that the information is classified.”

But Rosen said he would produce “statements of AIPAC employees to the FBI, internal documents, deposition statements, public statements and other evidence showing that [the] receipt of classified information by employees other than [himself] … was condoned … for months prior to being condemned in March 2005 after threats from the prosecutors.”

How does this apply to Wikileaks? The answer, if we bother to put the pieces together, is staring us in the face. The proof, the ultimate proof, however, will be in the current batch of documents that have already been prepared, weeks of work by dozens with access to classified documents, and only one group has that access and can operate with impunity, as was shown in a recent story in Veterans Today:

AIPAC is a sham. The group has, over the years, destroyed anyone who has tried to have it named what it really is, a dangerous foreign lobby and nest of spies. AIPAC is the most feared organization in Washington and most powerful, above any law. A former employee of AIPAC, Steve Rosen, who AIPAC claims was a spy, more appropriately a “caught” spy, now claims his former employer does nothing but spy. Rosen stands to get $20 million in his defamation lawsuit against AIPAC.

He isn’t without motive but we have also learned that Rosen has considerable documentation of AIPAC receiving and disseminating classified information, received from, well, we have to call them traitors, inside the US government. We know that a vast spy ring operates in Washington and that Israel is the center of it.

We also know that Israel, Turkey, India, Pakistan, China and Russia trade American secrets back and forth like baseball cards. We know that AIPAC is deeply involved in this spying. We know that AIPAC claims to hold signed letters of unconditional support from 80% of the members of congress, all of whom received campaign contributions arranged by AIPAC, with many elections financed almost entirely by AIPAC, a group involved, according to the Washington Post and Steve Rosen, in spying on the United States with seeming complicity by the FBI itself.


Were we to ask author Jeff Gates, he would point to the “storytelling” aspect of Wikileaks, Assange and his “on again-off again” rape charges or that someone that manages to make it to continual television interviews can’t be found by police or security services. We call this “storytelling” and Jeff Gates tells us that Israel, the power behind Hollywood and the American press, is the “storyteller” of all time.

There are better ways to “prove,” a word as subjective as any of the storytelling around the Wikileaks myth itself. The proof, always depending on who accepts the proof, and as is almost always the case, dependent on whether the press itself chooses to report it, which if Israel is involved, is more than a bit predictable itself. Lack of reporting potential Israeli complicity in Wikileaks, knowing AIPAC and Israel have the longest history of accessing classified information and, by far, the strongest agenda for leaking information, could be seen as conclusive proof itself.


If dual citizens who make up much of the Pentagon’s leadership are working with Israel or AIPAC to formulate Wikileaks, as seems to be the case, then the upcoming leak will serve a pro-Israeli agenda, even if it damages the United States, as other Wikileaks have. These are Israeli agenda items:

* Discrediting Obama foreign policy in order to weaken the president’s influence with congress to push for a halt on new settlements in Palestine and the forced removal of Islamic property owners.
* Accusations involving Turkey, now feuding with Israel over the killing of Turkish citizens on the Mavi Marmara, now recognized as a purely humanitarian mission. These accusations against Turkey may include weapons being supplied to terrorists in Iraq, a fanciful abuse of reality. What will not be reported, if this story is “leaked” either through Wikileaks or the other Israeli sources, “Debka”..”Stratfor”..”FamilySecurityMatters.org”..or the infamous “IsraelNationalNews.com” is Israel’s 40 years of complicity in the very acts they now accuse Turkey of.
* More importantly, is the issue of blaming Turkey for the actions of the terrorist group, PKK, long funded by Israel and now claimed to be allied to Al Qaeda, is vital to Israel’s strategy against Turkey.
* Expect Pakistan to be hit, as usual. An Islamic nuclear power with a top rate million man army that outclasses Israel hands down, Pakistan, primary competitor for US aid dollars, a country that actually has agreements with the United States and real troops fighting alongside Americans, will get their usual Wikileaks bashing.


Is it a coincidence that documents regarding Israel, their spying, influence peddling, suspicions of complicity in terrorism, Yemen, Iraq, Pakistan, Somalia, across Europe and even the Detroit bombing, those reports are there, they are classified but you will never see one on Wikileaks. In fact, they are the only classified information that never gets out to the news. Is that because, as we have learned, the borders of Israel extend well into Washington DC, well into the Pentagon? What won’t we see in Wikileaks:

* Nothing in Wikileaks will accuse anyone, even Pakistan or Afghanistan, or complicity in narcotics trafficking nor mention the huge new narcotics industry operating in Iraq. Ask yourself why.
* One of the biggest areas of complaint in the Pentagon, more classified White Papers have been written on this than anything else: “How Israel is Endangering the United States“
* In fact, the biggest “classified” debate in America is what supporting Israel, a nation with incredible wealth and utterly obnoxious leaders costs the United States. Rumors of such issues aren’t rumors at all. When General Petraeus presented his now famous power-point presentation to Admiral Mullen, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, outlining how Israel is undermining American foreign policy, he wasn’t operating without tens of thousands of pages of intelligence behind him. Not one page, not one word of these studies will be in Wikileaks.
* When Vice President Joe Biden said the following to Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu:

“This is starting to get dangerous for us, what you’re doing here undermines the security of our troops who are fighting in Iraq, Afghanistan and Pakistan. That endangers us and it endangers regional peace.”

Are we to believe these statements were taken out of thin air? In fact, Petraeus, Mullen and Biden are only the tip of the iceberg. Admiral Mullen, America’s top military leader under the Commander in Chief, has repeatedly cited Israel and America’s relationship, as, not only a liability but something far worse, so much worse that:

As public statements by Admiral Mullen, Vice President Biden, General Petraeus and others, citing America’s relationship with Israel as a military disaster, are obviously “watered down” for public consumption, can you imagine what classified reports are saying?


The greatest fear any president has, even more than impeachment, is the fate of Jimmie Carter. Carter, now pegged as an “Antisemite” and “enemy of the state” in Israel, is still being sold to Americans as something quite the opposite of reality. Friends in Israel, if they want to start a row, something not too difficult in Israel as you might guess, will walk around carrying one of Jimmie Carter’s books under their arm. A Yasser Arafat t-shirt and suicide vest are considered only marginally worse. Carter left office under mysterious circumstances. Several disasters, high interest rates, the hostage crisis and the failed rescue attempt showed signs of conspiratorial meddling. His real crimes were:

* Pushing Israel for a durable and lasting Middle East peace
* Monetary policies that kept America out of debt…
* Support of Social Security and Medicare/Medicaid
* Unwillingness to engage in military adventure

When the defense and oil lobby joined with Israel and Wall Street to crush the Carter presidency, the writing was on the wall. Interest rates, the “October surprise” and the military sabotaging the hostage rescue attempt, these things destroyed President Carter who might, otherwise, have suffered an “accident” like the Kennedy brothers. Today, millions of Americans who should be praying to return to Carters foreign policy and fiscal conservatism, are taught to look on him as a failure. However, more and more, historians are seeing Carter as the last American president. Every leader since has been dictated to by Israel.

source: Veterans Today
Ohhhh... life will never be the same... can we get over it??? All this hoopla for crap like this???

US condemns Wikileaks diplomatic cables release


US condemns Wikileaks diplomatic cables release


Among the revelations is a report Saudi Arabia's King Abdullah urged the US to destroy Iran's nuclear facilities.

The leaked cables by US diplomats posted overseas contain blunt appraisals of their host governments, and unflattering pen portraits of world leaders.

US officials are said to have described Italian Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi as feckless, vain and ineffective, sharing a close relationship with "alpha dog" Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin.

President Nicolas Sarkozy of France is said to be thin-skinned and authoritarian, while German Chancellor Angela Merkel is described as risk-averse.

Afghan President Hamid Karzai is referred to as "extremely weak" and susceptible to conspiracy theories.

One US diplomat was said to be shocked at the "rude behaviour" of the British queen's second son, Prince Andrew, when abroad.

Meanwhile, Colonel Muammar Gaddafi of Libya always travels with a "voluptuous blonde" Ukrainian nurse, according to one of the cables.

But the White House said the release was "reckless" and put the lives of diplomats and others at risk.


:rotfl: :lol2:
Just a few of the BIG, BIG, BIG mainstream coverage of Wikileaks items:

New York Times: Cables Obtained by WikiLeaks Shine Light Into Secret Diplomatic Channels

Iran Fortifies Its Arsenal With the Aid of North Korea

A Note to Readers: The Decision to Publish Diplomatic Documents

Financial Times: US tries to limit WikiLeaks damage

State Department warning to WikiLeaks

Der Spiegel: US Diplomats Told to Spy on Other Countries at United Nations

UK Guardian: US embassy cables leak sparks global diplomatic crisis

Saudi Arabia urges US attack on Iran to stop nuclear programme

How 250,000 US embassy cables were leaked

NY Daily News: WikiLeaks website hit with 'mass distributed denial of service attack'

Politico: WikiLeaks reveals U.S. diplomatic secrets

Senators: Prosecute the WikiLeakers

Reuters: RPT-UPDATE 1-"Cut off the head of the snake" Saudis told US on I

UK Telegraph: Julian Assange is teasing Barack Obama over drip, drip Wikileaks releases

And I'm sure there is more.

Now, we have been documenting the behavior of the Mass Media on this planet for the past 8 years and we KNOW that they can bury ANYTHING they want. They can not only bury it, they can disappear any uncomfortable people - Julian Assange being no exception - and they create fake news day in and day out.

So, figure it out.
Truth is, this business is looking more and more like MOSSAD trying to get a World War going. And they just may do it and billions will die.
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