Julian Assange Discussion

I just browsed the articles on some techie sites I check out every now and then, and all the stories about Assange and WikiLeaks had lots of comments. Any comments like, "he should be sent to Gitmo and waterboarded 100 times" were voted WAAAAAY down. Comments supporting him/WikiLeaks were very popular.

Dunno if that's good or bad, but these are sites with people who never really think about anything at all, and suddenly they love this guy/organization.
Tigersoap said:
Deedlet said:
I think the new SOTT article is an excellent analysis of the WikiLeaks drama. Everyone should read it!


Yes it is really interesting !
Thank you for the article Sott team.

I am wondering anxiously on which side this will end up.
As far as I noticed many governments are working fast to be able to censor the net at will but I really don't know, it's all really confusing to me and understandably so.

It makes sense to stand up for the truth whatever what really wikileaks is.

Just finished the article which is an excellent break down of the situation surrounding this whole mess.

There is talk of Wikileaks leading to further clamp down on internet, guess we'll have to wait and see.
Mr. Scott wrote:
Dunno if that's good or bad, but these are sites with people who never really think about anything at all, and suddenly they love this guy/organization.

The cover of Time magazine with Assange being gagged by an American flag seems to be an apt conveyance of public opinion.


Note the Fareed Zakaria article basically just says that the leak proves that American foreign policy is what they say it is, and that Iran really is very bad indeed.

And what's in this encrypted "doomsday" Wikileaks file that 100,000 have downloaded, to be sent the key if Assange _____ [fill in the blank] -- at first I heard "if he is arrested or killed," but apparently that's not true! Is he so smart that he really has something substantial on the PTB or is it a bluff?
I was watching Indian news about a few hours ago and heard that Julian Assange has been denied bail by British authorities. Heres a article from the Guardian.

[quote author=guardian.co.uk]
WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange was today refused bail and remanded in custody until 14 December over claims he committed sex offences in Sweden.

Assange told City of Westminster magistrates court today that he intended to fight his extradition, setting up what could be a long legal battle.

The 39-year-old Australian turned himself in to Scotland Yard this morning to face a European arrest warrant.

He was asked by the court whether he understood that he could consent to be extradited to Sweden, where he faces allegations of rape, molestation and unlawful coercion, involving two women.

Assange said: "I understand that and I do not consent."

Assange denies the allegations, which stem from a visit to Sweden in August. He and his lawyers claim the accusations stem from a "dispute over consensual but unprotected sex", and have said the case has taken on political overtones.

Swedish prosecutor Marianne Ny has rejected those claims.

Journalist John Pilger, filmmaker Ken Loach, and socialite Jemima Khan were among six people in court willing to offer surety. They all offered at least £20,000 each. An anonymous individual offered £60,000.

But District Judge Howard Riddle refused the WikiLeaks founder bail on the grounds that he had access to financial means and might fail to surrender.

The judge said these were "serious allegations against someone who has comparatively weak community ties in this country and the means and ability to abscond". But he rejected the prosecution claim that bail should be rejected on the grounds of Assange's safety.

Assange appeared in court in blue suit with a white shirt. Asked to give an address he replied: "PO Box 4080." When the question was asked again, he said: "Do you want it for correspondence or for some other reason?" Later, the WikiLeaks founder, who was accompanied by officials from the Australian high commission, gave an address in his native Australia.

Gemma Lindfield, for the Swedish authorities, told the court Assange was wanted in connection with four allegations.

She said the first complainant, Miss A, said she was victim of "unlawful coercion" on the night of 14 August in Stockholm.

The court heard Assange is accused of using his body weight to hold her down in a sexual manner.

The second charge alleged Assange "sexually molested" Miss A by having sex with her without a condom when it was her "express wish" one should be used.

The third charge claimed Assange "deliberately molested" Miss A on 18 August "in a way designed to violate her sexual integrity".

The fourth charge accused Assange of having sex with a second woman, Miss W, on 17 August without a condom while she was asleep at her Stockholm home.

Full article here: http://www.guardian.co.uk/media/2010/dec/07/julian-assange-refused-bail-over-rape-allegations

Edit: Fix quotes.
PopHistorian said:
The cover of Time magazine with Assange being gagged by an American flag seems to be an apt conveyance of public opinion.

That has sold it for me. If Time magazine is supporting Assange then Assange is pure evil. Time mag has always been my reference for unashamed government lies and propaganda
I have followed the discussion about Assange and Wikileaks but for some reason I just cannot get enthused about it. However when I hear about the Icelandic government not selling their people out by bailing out the banks, now that is something that gets me going. That is making a stand I think.
Fresh news: the french court say to OVH (the french hosting service of Wikileak), no, you don't have to shut down the server.

OVH have just post the legal document (french) : http://demo.ovh.net/download/7e1647860d72946722a307804ad7936e/ordonnance_paris.pdf
I think there might be a problem with the "Baby and the Bathwater" story on SOTT at http://www.sott.net/articles/show/219199-The-Baby-and-the-Bathwater-Wiki-Leaks-and-the-Principle-of-Truth . Portions of the story seem to be repeated.

Mod's note: The link has been activated since it is a great link. ;)
I think it's fixed. Check and let me know. My browser may be deceiving me.
What comes to mind when thinking about Wiki-leaks, PTB is aware of disclosure threat, and there is no better way to contain it by staging a disclosure movement, aka setting up a certain "disclosure protocol" along with planting seeds of other lies that suits their purpose. This way it's all in their hands of control.

Second thought comes to mind, that Wiki-leaks deal is step-by-step attempt of normalization / programing / dehumanization of humanity, where atrocities are slowly introduced that people normalize it, and further discovered atrocities would be not that shocking, thus lowering the chance of society rising against PTB.

It looks the same to me. I cleared my browser's cache and checked it in a second browser to be sure. I will check on another computer as well. Perhaps someone else could take a look as well?
Seamas said:
It looks the same to me. I cleared my browser's cache and checked it in a second browser to be sure. I will check on another computer as well. Perhaps someone else could take a look as well?

It is ok for me.
I smell a rat

With regards to the current cyber-attack carried out by Anonymous, I went to the pandasecurity.com website and looked at the blow-by-blow events of the attacks, and I noticed that it was possible to join the DDoS attack, voluntarily, by loading up the Low Orbital Ion Cannon (LOIC) software, and that Panda was tracking the number of volunteers joining the DDoS attacks.

This seems more like the FBI providing an opportunity to be a terrorist, and some poor yokel taking them up on it. If it's easy for Panda to see how many volunteers there are, you know darn tootin' well they know the IP of those computers. Maybe I'm wrong, but this looks like a setup. A huge fishing trip that, as of current count, could net up to 1700 "cyber-terrorists", and probably a lot more when all's said and done.
Re: I smell a rat

you know, this kinda reminds me of Wikileaks use of volunteers for "mirror sites".

p.s. I wonder if the administrators of all of those sites will be labeled as terrorists and prosecuted for espionage.
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