Julian Assange Discussion

http://www.sott.net/articles/show/219199-The-Baby-and-the-Bathwater-Wiki-Leaks-and-the-Principle-of-Truth said:
Yes, it's possible that the whole thing was set up with no single way out for anyone or maybe it just happened that way because different people have different cognitive styles. Either way, we cannot allow it to further divide those who seek truth and Truth. It's a certainty that no one else has stepped up to the plate and put themselves on the line as Julian Assange has. Maybe he's mad, and maybe it takes somebody who is a little mad to demonstrate that kind of courage. That doesn't matter right now. The world is rapidly descending into a different, more dangerous madness and if it takes a Vendetta to start the pendulum swinging in the other direction, so be it.

Because, in the end, it is the principle that the people are entitled to the Truth that matters and that is what is at stake here.

Elites control humanity by creating mythologies. The narative of the lone HERO fighting the good fight against the forces of evil ever
captures the mind of mankind. Subconciously, humanity becomes Julian Assange, the trickster, stealing the secrets of the evil nation-state. People imagine they make effort and sacrifice to resist their comfortable slavery.

The subjects are calmed and suggestable for the "limited hangout operation" of a new mythology delivered from the carefully edited secrets dropped by accident into Julian Assange's harddrive. The operators have achieved their objective as even the Enlightened Rational Fundamentalists are convinced by the prejudice of their thinking mind center of gravity, that Wikileaks mythology and its hero is the truth of our master-slave reality.

What is the motive of the hypnotist creating this new mythology for humanity? The hypnotist has access to the MSM. The alternative media is groomed as well. I think war, financial fraud, torture, and mass surveillence are enough data to call the current elites malevolent. The entire narrative and its expert creation must be carefully considered using all three brains. This doesn't feel right. Truth must be understood and is the result of effort. Who makes an effort when truth is on the evening news.
Various websites are now coming under attack by hackers, as retribution for Assange's arrest.


The cynical and suspicious in me makes note that this sets the stage for any number of malicious deeds which can now be attributed to 'hackers' responding to the 'hero' Assange's plight. A perfect cover for behind-the-scenes manipulation.
Re: I smell a rat

Well, I feel bad for anyone who doesn't look before they leap, even though the outcome is part of their learning path.

When I was first involved in IT security way back when, the only hackers where those with a complete understanding of networking and computer programming.

Then, as if overnight, tools and scripts became available to the broader public, where the only skill required was the ability to edit a script and type in the name or address of the target. This was the birth of the script kiddies, uninformed vandals who could take down targeted networks by simply customizing the tools available on the 'net.

Now, I see it is even easier. Sure makes you wonder what is behind the drive to facilitate such things.

Now, of course, such methods take advantage of flaws in server applications and budgeted capacity. So, if software vendors and their clients were staying on top of vulnerabilities as soon as they become known, the majority of the vulnerabilities wouldn't exist for any significant amount of time.

Most organizations I have encountered do not invest sufficient resources in mitigating such risks and they only start increasing their investments after they've suffered - akin to closing the gate after the horses have already escaped, in farm parlance. This is in large part, a result of two decades worth of corporate downsizing, where staffing levels are sufficient only for status quo, not surge capacity.

In this era of crisis planning, we still haven't connected the dots that risk mitigation required resources sufficient to weather a storm, not to clean up afterwards.

So, I am left wondering, if governments and corporations have reduced their staffing levels and infrastructure robustness to bare minimums, the weaknesses inherent in such systems seem obvious to me.

Could the whole downsizing movement of the mid-80s to present have been merely to maximize profits or could there have been a bigger, more nefarious design behind it? Placing this question in the context of the movement to migrate applications, including mission critical systems, to the online environment, we see that global reliance on the vehicle, the Internet, only increases the weaknesses. Entire economies can now fail it the Internet goes down.

How could something like this happen by accident?

The rat is bigger, depending how far down the rabbit hole one wants to crawl, OSIT.

Re: I smell a rat

I'm going to merge this with the Wikileaks discussion.
Perceval said:
PopHistorian said:
The cover of Time magazine with Assange being gagged by an American flag seems to be an apt conveyance of public opinion.

That has sold it for me. If Time magazine is supporting Assange then Assange is pure evil. Time mag has always been my reference for unashamed government lies and propaganda
I'm sure a lot of us feel same about Time displaying that.

It's quite a rub for Sott to go through, have to support free speech, even when Wikileaks seems to be a tool of the PTB to push their agendas.
Gonzo said:
Could the whole downsizing movement of the mid-80s to present have been merely to maximize profits or could there have been a bigger, more nefarious design behind it? Placing this question in the context of the movement to migrate applications, including mission critical systems, to the online environment, we see that global reliance on the vehicle, the Internet, only increases the weaknesses. Entire economies can now fail it the Internet goes down.
Absolutely! We've been essentially groomed to become reliant on the internet for most services. It would place the ptb in a good position to place people under their heels. It makes me think about data centers such as Camp Williams being built in relative secrecy and wonder what's really in the works?

edit: clarity
Is it possible that this whole affair might be somekind of the beginning rounds of something that will spiral wildly out of control. Is it possible that it is more divide and conquer?

I dont think the truth will ever come out, not in an STS world controlled by STS forces that are powerful beyond what we can imagine. The governments and PTB are puppets and julian and wikileaks and his whole movement must be also puppets. They are being played against each other for whose benefit? On the one hand you have people being driven by passion to secure and safeguard there secrets and security and integrity of the state, of the corporation etc etc and on the other you have people being driven by a passion for freedom and truth... But what truth? What freedom? We live in an STS world - fact. Can you have truth and freedom in an STS world?? At the end of the day, I know that before any conflict, you need to get peoples passions going and this passion is the fuel that drives the conflict. When the smoke dies down, the world has changed but is still surprisingly the same fundamentally but in the process, alot of people suffer and die. I say job done for our 4D STS friends.

Maybe in this way, that is how something good, this desire for truth and free speech that wikileaks seem to be trying to push through can be subverted and used for nefarious needs where no one here gains objectively but maybe subjectively after all is said and done, but someone up there gains objectively from all the juice from the chaos.

I personally think this wikileaks affair has 'danger' written all over it..

Maybe that's what part of the harvest will be all about? the PTB vs the citizens of the world... they want to maintain there power, whilst the rest want a part of the action and have an underlying anger on all the damage that has been caused by the PTB... People are rallying behind wikileaks because they smell blood, the PTB have to move in to defend there lines, before you know it, battle lines are forming and at an opportune time, with a certain trigger, everything goes to chaos and the 2 sides mindlessly charge at each other.

That's what I think of this whole fiasco. Thought i'd share my thoughts..
[quote author=luke wilson]But what truth? What freedom? We live in an STS world - fact. Can you have truth and freedom in an STS world??[/quote]

If not for freedom STS wouldn't exist.

If not for truth lies wouldn't exist.

The shadow of the prison wall is cast by the light of freedom.
Divide By Zero said:
It's quite a rub for Sott to go through, have to support free speech, even when Wikileaks seems to be a tool of the PTB to push their agendas.

You can say that again;. It has forced to us into a lot of 'agonizing' over what the best approach to take is. But I think we've found middle road, for now, and I don't doubt that there is more to come from this wikileaks business. The truth will out, eventually, and when that happens, all bets are off!
Did some research Anna Ardin.

One of Assange's accusers.

Turns out she's an academic feminist. Read radical feminist, look it up, her friend is the other accuser, her name is Sofia Wileks

Whatever Wikileaks is or are.

Feminism is one of the handmaidens of Totalitarianism.

Do the research

Knowledge protects.
Jerry said:
[quote author=luke wilson]But what truth? What freedom? We live in an STS world - fact. Can you have truth and freedom in an STS world??

If not for freedom STS wouldn't exist.

If not for truth lies wouldn't exist.

The shadow of the prison wall is cast by the light of freedom.

Sorry Jerry but I dont know what you meant here. What do you mean by if not for freedom STS wouldnt exist? Do you mean like in a cosmic way, like freedom being STO and because STO exists then STS has to exist to balance out the universe or do you mean it in a different more terrestrial way??

What about if not for truth lies wouldnt exist?? Do you mean that things essentially come in pairs?? I am sorry if I am coming across abit dense, I just couldnt figure this out.

The shadow of the prison wall is cast by the light of freedom?? I think I understand what this means... I am guessing you mean the light of freedom is the STO light shining on the prison wall and the prison itself is STS?

So essentially there cannot be freedom within an STS framework which is our world?? Do you agree? I think this is true because, STS doesnt happen to us, we happen to it. We make the world STS because we are the STS beings here and 4D STS beings can only eat us because we are STS according to the Cs and so whatever form of freedom we think we get whilst still being STS is just another layer of illusion. However, I think that the path to freedom means having freedom of speech and talking about the way the world is without sugar coating it or excusing it so in that way wikileaks is doing a good job or atleast is trying to but in a way after reading abit of castenado, I think it's also taking away the focus from what is important. Don juan talks about taking responsibilty for ones action and not having self-pity as an adviser i.e. not always thinking that the world is doing stuff to you because that is a form of self-importance. Essentially the focus should be, what about us makes all this possible. After all, the people in the PTB are humans(psychopaths, OPs, and adamics) and the faces keep changing. So, essentially without tackling the root problem, which is 'us' as individuals then the situation will never change. Instead wikileaks and the drama going on might just be a form of making people blame something else, other than themselves or ourselves. So by thnking, if we change something out there, we'll change something within us and the world will be as we want it to be, because we as individuals are benevolant and the world is the malevolent thing. Maybe that is another dynamic to it?? If everyone is pointing a finger to each other and nobody is pointing the finger to themselves, then who wins?

: I think my reply might have been abit to extreme on one side. What I meant to say by wikileaks takes away the focus from what is important is that, there isnt balance in the view. Yes, the PTB is abit to blame but so are we also. From the wikileaks angle, the 'we' is missing but then again that is not the aim of the organisation but nonetheless the effect is that there is no balance.
Hi Luke,

It's my understanding that the way the Universe expresses itself includes all possibilities, hence free will. That's why STS exists, it's no less nor more legitimate than STO.

Lies and disinformation are used to counter the truth, using enough of it to make the spin plausible.

Recognizing what characterizes being imprisoned comes from knowing there is such a thing as freedom.

There may not be much freedom on the Big Blue Marble in 3D, but the freedom we do have available is the same as everywhere.


cf Jesus: "...and the truth shall set you free."
Will reading WikiLeaks Cost Students Jobs with the Government?


Smell a psyop in the "Land of the Free and Home of the Brave"?
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