Julian Assange Discussion

Notice that there was only ONE camera crew at the arrest of Assange - Russia Today - Every other major mainstream media news outlet in the UK (and USA) undoubtedly also knew about the impending arrest, but ALL of them neglected to send camera crews and reporters to cover it.

If that doesn't confirm that ALL major mainstream press outlets are fully aligned with Western government's agenda, then nothing does. As a result, no one should ever be in doubt that, on all major issues, EVERYTHING you read from a major Western media outlet is, effectively, government propaganda.
So it seems that western media are now using RT's footage of the event in their reporting of the event, so I don't get it...
As of Assange being arrested the rape investigation here in Sweden against Assange maybe will be resumed.

Update in the Assange case
After media reports that Julian Assange has been arrested in London, the counsel for the injured party has requested the Swedish preliminary investigation concerning rape be resumed. The case will be handled by the Swedish Prosecution Authority’s Development Centre in Gothenburg.

Director of Public Prosecution and Head of the Development Centre, Mikael Björk, has decided that Deputy Director of Public Prosecution Eva-Marie Persson will lead the work regarding the request from the counsel for the injured party.

- We will now examine the case in order to determine how to proceed. The investigation has not yet been resumed, and we do not know today whether it will be. Furthermore, we cannot set a timetable for when any such decision will be made, says Deputy Director of Public Prosecution, Eva-Marie Persson.

A preliminary investigation can be resumed as long as the suspected crime is not subject to statute of limitation. In this case, the suspected crime of rape would be subject to statute of limitation in mid-August 2020.

The prosecutor cannot give further information for the time being. When information becomes available, this will be provided via a press release.

Press releases
So it seems that western media are now using RT's footage of the event in their reporting of the event, so I don't get it...

They're not called presstitutes for nothing. They were told, in on uncertain terms, to keep coverage to a minimum, but it's a big story and they can't not report it at all for financial/readership reasons, so they use RT's video.
Surely they are seeing via Facebook and Twiter that this is a very hot subject... and they, being a bunch of hypocrites, they want to be part of the trend. News are money.
Jesus said, "Woe to the pharisees, for they are like a dog sleeping in the manger of oxen, for neither does he eat nor does he let the oxen eat."
Notice also how hypocrite Trump now declares that he knows nothing of Wikileaks, and cares even less.

It could be, though there is also another possibility, pointed out by SOTT editors today:

President Trump, who owes Wikileaks, big time, has apparently told reporters today that: "I know nothing about WikiLeaks. It's not my thing." That probably means he's distancing himself from the arrest because he doesn't want any heat from it, but it could also mean that he's saying he had nothing to do with pushing for Assange's arrest, which means it came from the One Worlders upstairs...
It could be, though there is also another possibility, pointed out by SOTT editors today:

Ah, that makes sense, I missed that.
Rafael Correa (former president of Ecuador) exposes Moreno (the current president) as a US puppet here (video from April 5th this year):

Maybe they were just waiting for a good moment to arrest Assange? Correa is a very intelligent and honest man, I think, super difficult to buy, and hostile to the US and its allies. But Moreno was most likely bought from the beginning (2017), so perhaps Assange's days in Ecuador were already numbered then?
A few things to consider. First, the UK bail charge is relatively minor, so no big deal there. As for the possible extradition, traditionally such cases take a long time to process, so the speediness of the UK govt will be telling, if that's what happens. As for the US charges, unless there are more, hidden charges, or new ones that come up, it's interesting that they're not charging him with espionage or anything like that, but conspiracy to "try" to break into a classified computer. That sounds pretty weak, especially given that Manning has already been pardoned. So there's probably more to it.

As for Trump's "don't know this guy"-type response today, there's also the possibility that Assange still has what he claimed he had a while ago: information that Trump would very much like to know. So either Assange gets thrown to the wolves, or he makes a deal.
Maybe they were just waiting for a good moment to arrest Assange? Correa is a very intelligent and honest man, I think, super difficult to buy, and hostile to the US and its allies. But Moreno was most likely bought from the beginning (2017), so perhaps Assange's days in Ecuador were already numbered then?
There's a week ago:
Expulsion of Julian Assange: are the rumours true?
(Can have the english subtitles in the parameters)

WikiLeaks editor Kristinn Hrafnsson and UK lawyer for Assange Jennifer Robinson made a statement outside Westminster Magistrate's Court after embattled Wikileaks founder Julian Assange's hearing concluded.
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