Julian Assange Discussion

That's even more cryptic than Pepe! His release didn't save face for the US, it sort of saved face for the Oz govt. that was under increasing pressure from public opinion. But it was a cynical geopolitical play. It "saved AUKUS" in that the condition imposed on the Oz govt. for his release was new US controlled submarine bases in Oz, designed to "contain China". At least, I think that is what Escobar is getting at.

This last year interview with Bob Carr seems to be pointing in the same direction

Phillip Adams: I’m glad you raised AUKUS. Because in this context, Julian looks like a very, very small chess piece.
Bob Carr: In this context, it’s worth less than 5 minutes of the President’s time. Here you’ve got an American ally that makes itself a nuclear target by hosting several American communication facilities. We’ve committed ourselves it seems implicitly, if this is the real meaning of AUKUS, to entering war against China on day 1 of any conflict. We better pray, pray, fervently to the goddess of fortune that that conflict, that war does not come about. It would be a disaster for us, we’d be a surrogate target. In that context, if we haven’t got the confident character that enables us to say to the Yanks, ‘You’ve got to trust our judgement on this. You must, you must drop this’.

Then, what confidence are we going to have in talking to the Americans should a conflict with China come about?
That's even more cryptic than Pepe! His release didn't save face for the US, it sort of saved face for the Oz govt. that was under increasing pressure from public opinion. But it was a cynical geopolitical play. It "saved AUKUS" in that the condition imposed on the Oz govt. for his release was new US controlled submarine bases in Oz, designed to "contain China". At least, I think that is what Escobar is getting at.
Wow, this just keeps unpacking more and more.

Note Albanese's comment starting here at 54:00 - "We'll have meetings about AUKUS..."

Question is: did the UK govt allow Julian's appeal in order to tip the game theory in favour of the Aus government allowing the submarine bases as a 'quid pro quo' with the US, or did the US govt simply react to the result by going to what was likely a pre-designed "Plan B" to leverage as much as they could out of a failing scenario?
Here's an article asking about the fact if the assange thing is a real one or a psyop.

As the author says:

I believe it imperative to question absolutely everything, especially anything coming from questionable (all) ‘news’ sources, governments, politicians, most ‘alternative’ media, and all mainstream reporting services
So is Assange a CIA asset, is he a hero, or has this entire ordeal been a staged screenplay meant to achieve a plotted outcome beneficial only to the deep state ruling cabal, its pawns in government, its enforcement gangs, and its controlled media?

Question is: did the UK govt allow Julian's appeal in order to tip the game theory in favour of the Aus government allowing the submarine bases as a 'quid pro quo' with the US, or did the US govt simply react to the result by going to what was likely a pre-designed "Plan B" to leverage as much as they could out of a failing scenario?

Or both.
I have to say that when I saw Assange "free" I thought he was too fat. How come a man in a high prison living in a small cell all day can be so fat? I was really surprised.
Well, it’s very synchronistic that you shared that response, it’s a topic that my GNM study group has just been observing, and commenting on.
Having personally experienced sudden onset “fluid retention”, and extreme “weight gain” due to my own perceived shocking “abandonment/isolation/refugee/existence” experience, in my opinion, he’s NOT fat.

In his subconscious, the Psyche program that has been running is one of survival, and his body is literally hoarding fluid in his tissues, as a survival program.
Based on what I have learned studying GNM and the natural Biological functions, his kidneys are probably functioning at a very low output level, and he is probably full of kidney stones as well.
His psyche is running a very old “survival at all costs” program.
Like a “fish out of water” conserving fluid, until the next wave washes it back to sea, old brain program.

One of the first comments made on one of my GNM groups was:
“I bet there’ll be some black pilled ‘truthers’ suspiciously wondering why he isn’t emaciated.. I might wonder too, if I didn’t know GNM and the Syndrome/KCT (abandonment/isolation/refugee/existence) conflict.
Makes perfect biological sense. So happy for him and his family. 🙏🏻💛💥

Anyways, that my 2 cents.
I have to say that when I saw Assange "free" I thought he was too fat. How come a man in a high prison living in a small cell all day can be so fat? I was really surprised.
It appears he’s inflamed, not just fat. I imagine the food at the prison was highly processed and lacking in nutrients. Not to mention the enormous stress he’s been under for years.

Hopefully he can regain his health and enjoy raising his children and some stress free living!
Does the author give any credible evidence to support that claim?
Actually, there's a lot of material in this huge forum thread that backs up many allegations of the article Jacques linked to. Unfortunately a lot of the links in the early pages now seem to be broken, but I remembered much of the material here from my own studies over a decade ago. And yes, I'm still going through this thread again, but there's a wealth of interesting information there even with the now broken links:

After I read the article Jacques posted I did my own internet search based on what I learned a long time ago and one of the few articles I could find with any of the information (I think) I remembered in it was this one, which was written in 2019. It is interesting with its many mentions of Zionism given the current world situation; at the time I would have blown it off as the meanderings of an insane anti-Semite. It explains some of his "encounters" with "The Family", which is interesting in it's own right. Was Julian Assange "Greenbaumed" as a child?

This article gives a little more detail about "The Family":

There's a lot of "There" there if you really dig, and most of that was done on this very forum a long time ago. I guess the questions now are, is any of this currently relevant? Does any of his past history mean that nothing Assange has done has ever been beneficial to humanity? Should we all be looking at his "freedom" as no more than a psy-op and turn ourselves away from him if he is actually an agent of the CIA? I'd say no to all of those questions.

We have all collectively learned much about how this world works from the MIC standpoint because of his revelations, and even more so from his wrongful incarceration. He has done the world a service, indeed. But I do think we could glean much more about how this world really works by digging even deeper into the machinations behind all of this. Maybe - just maybe - there has always been a force of goodness working to expose the evil in this world, and it sometimes chooses agents within the system itself to act as "angels" of revelation.

We currently live in a 3D world. It's good vs. evil here. My only caution would be to be fully cognizant of this fact and be open to higher possibilities and ways of being, and don't let ourselves become imprisoned on either side of this issue. Sometimes it just is what it is, and it really is good to side with good, and Assange being free really is a good thing...just don't identify with it too hard because even "good" can prove to be subjective, and imprisoning. IMHO.
Well like Stella Assange said it’s not just Julian’s freedom people have fought for but what he represents.
Maybe - just maybe - there has always been a force of goodness working to expose the evil in this world, and it sometimes chooses agents within the system itself to act as "angels" of revelation.
The catch is that the good guys—from any hyper dimensional space—don’t interfere. This means the force of good is the individual themselves which means that Julian Assange potentially decided to do what he did before he incarnated. He either did or didn’t achieve his life’s goals. And more to come yet. Angels of revelation incarnate themselves.
There's a lot of "There" there if you really dig, and most of that was done on this very forum a long time ago.
From what I've read, including discussion from that thread itself, it seems that the "Is Julian Assange a Psyop?" evidence is what is itself the psyop. By their fruits ye shall know them: Assange probably played a significant role in helping Trump get elected via the DNC emails and CIA Vault 7 leaks. And what did he get for it? Trump let him hang out to dry.

But I do think we could glean much more about how this world really works by digging even deeper into the machinations behind all of this.
The problem when digging into psyops is that often there's no way to disprove the 'best' ones. They're "not even wrong".

Sometimes it just is what it is, and it really is good to side with good, and Assange being free really is a good thing...just don't identify with it too hard because even "good" can prove to be subjective, and imprisoning.
I see your point, and would also say that it can be inherently counterproductive to that worldview to spread disinformation that cannot be disproved, under the assumed rationale that it would 'help' people not to identify in that way.
I have to say that when I saw Assange "free" I thought he was too fat. How come a man in a high prison living in a small cell all day can be so fat? I was really surprised.

It appears he’s inflamed, not just fat. I imagine the food at the prison was highly processed and lacking in nutrients. Not to mention the enormous stress he’s been under for years.

Hopefully he can regain his health and enjoy raising his children and some stress free living!

Exactly. People can also become “fat“ when they get crappie food and/or when they are medicated and/or stressed. And that is especially true if you are confined to a prison cell most of the day for years. Aka: little to no physical workout for years.
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In case you missed it, Julian just gave is first public speech after his release:

Interesting details on what happened. Some of the interesting and sobering things are his comments about the state of society and the world and how much it has changed (to the negative) since his arrest and isolation from it:

- spooky sounds of electric cars. "They are spooky".
- how videos of horrible atrocities are now normalized and commonplace. As examples, he gives Ukraine and Gaza and mentions how rightfully shocking and impactful his release of similar videos committed by the US in Iraq were back then.
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