Nuts, beans, lentils and cheese are in the category of the most offenders to gut health. Have you tried a Carnivore-ish?I'm better on strict carnivore diet but it doesn't last within the minute I succumb to chocolate or nuts or beans, lentils, or cheese. Also hypersomnia, chronic fatigue, irritability still remain. So I think that maybe kinesio would guide me.
Paul saladino in his book, The Carnivore Code, describes the Carnivore-ish as follows:
If we do decide to include some plants while making animal foods the majority of our diet, which would be least toxic and less likely to trigger our immune system? In the following graphic, you’ll find what I consider to be a spectrum of plant toxicity. I generally think of the least offensive plant foods as non-sweet fruits, including things like winter/summer squash, avocados, cucumbers (without skin or seeds), and olives, as well as seasonal berries. Squash, in particular, contains higher amounts of carbohydrates and will impede efforts toward ketosis if that’s a goal. On the flip side, for those interested in incorporating carbohydrates into their diets prior to long, intense athletic efforts, squash might be a good option. Removal of skin and seeds from both squash and cucumbers decreases lectins significantly.