Just Weird Videos!

Apologies if this has been posted before. It was a video taken some time ago by a man exploring an extremely long tunnel (he followed it for 10 miles...Alone. Can you believe that??? He found the entrance in a forest. It seems to be connected to some water system as there are floods of water everywhere. Others have been there before attested to by the grafitti on the walls. The main action in the vid is at 18.00 where the grey pyramid is displayed. It shows two sets of very bright eyes popping around the corner of the tunnel. Eventually the smaller one moves into view. He seems to have very long arms and appears apelike. They both disappear. This amazingly brave (or crazy) man follows them but cannot find anything. I found it credible anyway.

Apologies if this has been posted before. It was a video taken some time ago by a man exploring an extremely long tunnel (he followed it for 10 miles...Alone. Can you believe that??? He found the entrance in a forest. It seems to be connected to some water system as there are floods of water everywhere. Others have been there before attested to by the grafitti on the walls. The main action in the vid is at 18.00 where the grey pyramid is displayed. It shows two sets of very bright eyes popping around the corner of the tunnel. Eventually the smaller one moves into view. He seems to have very long arms and appears apelike. They both disappear. This amazingly brave (or crazy) man follows them but cannot find anything. I found it credible anyway.

Yikes, that was creepy! I'm glad I had a heads-up about the 'things' round the corner. Like a horror film (especially with the graffiti, "they are coming" just before that corner - almost too much like a film to be real). Who knows if it's special effects, but the cameraman remains remarkably calm if he really saw that.
but the cameraman remains remarkably calm if he really saw that.
I agree. He seems to be completely without nerves. I would be hysterical by that point but then I am a scaredy baby sometimes. It seems unbelievable that he would traverse 10 miles to get to this point. 10 miles is an incredible journey in such conditions. Why would you not take a friend, or even better, surround yourself with companions just for some company? It is an odd video but I felt the actual creatures could be authentic cryptids. Who knows??
I agree. He seems to be completely without nerves. I would be hysterical by that point but then I am a scaredy baby sometimes. It seems unbelievable that he would traverse 10 miles to get to this point. 10 miles is an incredible journey in such conditions. Why would you not take a friend, or even better, surround yourself with companions just for some company? It is an odd video but I felt the actual creatures could be authentic cryptids. Who knows??
It is interesting to say the least. At least it didn’t have a dorky sound track overlaid on it.
This is a network of storm drains-extremely dangerous to go into such a place, if there is a storm while in there, the water levels could rise rapidly and you risk getting trapped and possibly swept away by the water.
A pair of tiny beings were captured by some young people who, from several meters away, used their cell phones to document the sighting of the figures walking in the street and were seen when they crossed the sidewalk, and since it was early in the morning, there were no people near the strange walkers.

"Look, look, look!" said a woman who was recording the tiny beings and who was accompanied by another person who asked her to give more "zoom" to the cell phone. One of the witnesses emphasized that it was 3:00 in the morning. This was supposedly captured on March 14, 2024 in Mexico City.

A pair of tiny beings were captured by some young people who, from several meters away, used their cell phones to document the sighting of the figures walking in the street and were seen when they crossed the sidewalk, and since it was early in the morning, there were no people near the strange walkers.

"Look, look, look!" said a woman who was recording the tiny beings and who was accompanied by another person who asked her to give more "zoom" to the cell phone. One of the witnesses emphasized that it was 3:00 in the morning. This was supposedly captured on March 14, 2024 in Mexico City.

Wow, when I saw this video I remembered something that happened to me about six or seven years ago on the island of Gran Canaria (Canary Islands) where I lived at that time.

I was driving at night through an urban area, but it was an industrial estate and there was no lighting, so my lighting was from the car lights.

My speed was about fifty kilometers per hour and suddenly the car light illuminates an animal that is right where the left wheels of my car will pass, so it is inevitable that I will crush it and kill it with my car.

So I slam the steering wheel to the right and I manage to avoid it, but by centimeters.

I immediately looked in the rearview mirror, but in the darkness I didn't see anything.

I avoided the accident so I didn't stop and I kept driving.

The animal was the size of a raccoon or similar, but the strange thing is this.

The "animal" (I put it in quotes because of the doubts I have about this) was upright on legs (standing like a human) facing me and with one of its paws (or small hands) in the universal gesture of "stand up." ".

I saw it for a second or less before reacting and dodging it so I can't be sure what kind of animal it was.

What was strange and what I saw perfectly was his upright position like a person and his gesture with one of his "arms."

So when I saw that video in which these supposed beings are next to a curb of the road, and their heads barely reach the bumper of the cars in the video, I remembered this and the size of what I saw is the same as what was recorded in the video.
I stumble on a TikTok site with weird videos. The comments are in French.

Abduction? Windows faller? UFO?

The first video is crazy. The guy’s instinctual reaction to just run away is what I would expect. The girl’s disorientation too. But doesn’t it seem a bit conspicuous for an abduction? Could also be a ‘window-falling’ of some sort. Assuming it’s real, I’d be curious to hear her anecdote.
The first video is crazy. The guy’s instinctual reaction to just run away is what I would expect. The girl’s disorientation too. But doesn’t it seem a bit conspicuous for an abduction? Could also be a ‘window-falling’ of some sort. Assuming it’s real, I’d be curious to hear her anecdote.
Yeah, the suspicious part is the camera being just at the right place.
Yeah, the suspicious part is the camera being just at the right place.

Yeah, we could use more context.

I like to believe I have an open mind, but because of the nature of this phenomena and everything that surrounds it, a subconscious part of me will always be inclined to discard any level of authenticity.

I think it’s going to be a long time before we get any kind of real disclosure and normalization of things on this subject. And somehow I feel that by the time that happens, we won’t care anymore.
I like to believe I have an open mind, but because of the nature of this phenomena and everything that surrounds it, a subconscious part of me will always be inclined to discard any level of authenticity.
I know what you mean. There's that saying, "It's good to have an open mind but not so open your brains fall out." Also, with all of the CGI and AI stuff that is coming out now, how does one know what is genuine and what is not? It's quite confusing.
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